Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 15

I don't know what to write so I'ma write random stuff. Here's the post:

Food chocolate pepsi diet books Lasse Hansen coke mocha.


I'm joking, this was for you Maha, the girl who sent me this silly introduction LOL, so now here's the REAL post.

Oh and this is my last post till after 3id, I have a LOT to do, I also need to sort out university papers unfortunately. Wish me luck! x

Previously in Chapter 14:

Once I was done, I ripped the paper and looked at the drawing.

I successfully drew Layal's eyes, it was the same almond shape and you could clearly see the different splashes of colour and tones in her eyes. I folded the image up into little squares and walked up to Layal's locker.

I was slipping the paper in between the spaces of the locker, my back facing the door of the locker room.

A voice startled me, as if it came out of nowhere.

"What are you doing?" 


"W-what?!" I stuttered and turned around in a swift movement, my heart hammering inside my chest. I breathed out a sigh in relief once I found Jarra7 standing in front of me with a grin on his face.

"Shitsawe Thari?" Jarra7's grin widened.

"W-wla shay." I shrugged, the note had slipped inside of Layal's locker smoothly but I didn't know how long Jarra7 was there for, I wasn't sure if he even saw me slip the note inside or not, I couldn't say anything.

"Aha." Jarra7 gave me another one of his suspicious smiles, he didn't bother turning around to leave so I was forced to leave the room myself, acting like nothing happened but inside, the drumming of my heart took over my ear drums.

I avoided Jarra7 as much as possible and he didn't bother asking me for anything else that day, which I greatly appreciated. I was about to grab my stuff, ready to leave but I was surprised by 3abbas, he walked into the cafe with his confidence strut and made his way to the cashier, giving one of the girls his famous grin that made them drool.

"Wein Thari?" I heard his loud voice all the way from the kitchen.

"3abbas!" I waved around, calling out his name from the kitchen. At first he couldn't find me, he looked startled but then he finally saw me through the little window that was on one of the doors, separating the kitchen from the cafe.

"Shitsawe ehni?" I asked 3abbas once I left the kitchen and made my way to the front of the cafe, ignoring the few stares I got from the Kuwaitis seated in, enjoying their molten dark cakes.

"Khan ne6la3." 3abbas gave me a slight frown, trying to give me his best imitation of puppy eyes. It didn't work, he was a grown man with bulging muscles daring to rip from his Hollister shirt with sharp features.

"Wein tabe?" I said whilst pulling off the stinky Chocolate Bar apron off of my jumper.

"Enta bas t3al." 3abbas said in a stern voice which indicated that he was hiding something. Farah was standing next to me, her ears on high alert, listening to our conversation.

"Okaaaay." I gave 3abbas a strange look before leaving the cafe with him. He assured me we'd be back to get my car, he wanted to drive me to this "place" himself. He would avoid my questions when we were on our way, he wouldn't give me any hints and he took a route I never took before, making it harder on me figuring out where we were on our way to.

I impatiently watched the trees that passed 3abbas's Audi tinted windows, my fingers tapping nervously over my knee. The AC hit my cheek every once in a while, making my cheeks shiver in the already chilly weather.

"3abbas yalla, wein ray7een?" I turned my head to face him, he hasn't said a word for ten agonizing minutes now.

"Bitshouf." 3abbas kept his face emotionless.

"Hff," I grunted, running my fingers through my wavy hair.

After another ten long minutes, 3abbas parked the Audi around an alleyway that was surrounded with buildings that had chipped paintings. Were we in Salmiya? The neighborhood looked dark and quiet, not the usual places I'd go with my friends.

"Uhm, where are we?" I scratched my earlobe and looked over to 3abbas in confusion.

"3abbas!" I called out, 3abbas had already pulled the handle of the driver's door open and had climbed out of the car. I did the same, leaving the car myself. We were surrounded by buildings, there was a highway road next to us with beeping cars whizzing past us. I caught a whiff of the icky smell of petrol and gasoline that surrounded me, making me stop in my tracks.

"Shfeek wagif chithe? T3al!" 3abbas gestured to what was in front of him, which was a two story building with black tinted windows, hiding the insides of the chipped building.

"Wein ray7een?" I finally surrendered and forced myself to follow him into the building, the floors creaked under our heavy weights, showing how many years the building had to withstand.

"You'll see." I watched 3abbas climb the stairs, his foot stomping over the withered structure of them as I silently followed. We finally reach a door on the first floor, it had a rusted number over the door that said "104". 3abbas punched his fist into the wooden door, knocking heavily over it, his knuckles looking painfully strong.

"Gee Man!" 3abbas bellowed, after a few seconds, I heard locks crickle crackle around before the door was successfully opened. A man with ivory like skin and big gaping eyes stood in front of us, he wore a regular plaid shirt with a shaggy looking beanie over his messy hair.

"Welcome welcome." He gave us a toothy smile, his voice sounding shaky, I noticed one of his teeth was missing. 3abbas pulled me from my arm, forcing me to enter the beat up apartment.

It was a tiny, not cosy, room that held a few couches and a bed cramped in the corner of the room. It reeked of pizzas and smelly unwashed clothes.

"You have it?" 3abbas bumped his shoulder with the man. The man's eyebrows shot up in excitement.

"Yes, do you have the money?" The man asked back, his hands twitching, ready to grab at any paper that resembled money.

What the heck was going on?

3abbas thrusted what looked like several notes of 10KDs into the man's wrinkled hands, the man gave him a little plastic bag filled with substance, as well as some kind of paper.

It looked like cigarettes. The kinds that weren't sold in public... because they were illegal.

I had to get out of here.

"3abbas shitsawe?!" I hissed to 3abbas once the man turned around, giving us his back so he could silently count his money.

"Ushh, shfeek?" 3abbas gave me an annoyed glance.

"Shnu hatha?!" I extended my hand to thrust a finger towards his hands that was clutching the little plastic bag.

"Kela zegeyar, shd3wa." 3abbas gave me an easy grin, he opened the little plastic bag with his meaty fingers, there was a little cigarette that was already rolled up and ready. He glided two fingers in and grabbed it, his other hand held a lighter.

"3abbas la2." I tried stopping him by trying to steal the cigarette away from his reach but he was too quick. He lit the cigarette and an addictive smell hissed out of the little butt of the cigarette. I tried not to inhale any of the chemicals but they were already sneaking up and slithering into my nostrils, making me feel a bit dizzy.

3abbas tucked in the cigarette in between his lips before sucking in a lungful of the deadly substance, I couldn't stop him but I had to get away from him, the smell stuck to every fiber of my clothes and it was addictive, the smell was that strong, it had already affected me.

I was already hurrying down the stairs, leaving 3abbas on his own. I wasn't going to get myself into this messed up situation, I hailed myself a taxi and texted 3abbas, telling him I was going home alone. He didn't bother stopping me and he didn't bother replying to my text either.

I was beyond shocked by his behaviour. I kept trying to rack my brain for some kind of answer on why 3abbas even asked me to go with him in the first place. The taxi smelled of Indian old perfume and corn dogs, it wasn't the best smell but it was far better than the dizzying one I inhaled back in that apartment.

To pass by time, I checked my blog twitter. I had that feeling where I just needed to speak to someone, someone I could trust, someone who wouldn't doubt me or get the wrong idea about me. I wasn't used to the talking thing but I wanted it, so bad. Just for a few minutes and then I'll go back to being myself, keeping everything inside.

Someone like Layal.

I messaged her from my blog twitter account with a simple "Hi" and waited patiently for her to reply. This time, it only took her two minutes.

"@LayalAlX: Hey."

"@********: I know we haven't known each other for long, but can I just talk to you?"

"@LayalAlX: Yeah of course.. you alright?:/"

She sounded like she cared. Was it an act? I didn't know, was I still the jerk? Maybe she saw the note?

"@*******: I guess I'm going into a few difficulties at the moment.. haha."

"@LayalAlX: Like..?"

"@********: Like my father marrying a second wife and that's not the worst part, the worst part is my mother knew all along.."

"@LayalAlX: Ouchhh! I'm so sorry.. maybe you can try being nice to the second wife, maybe she isn't that bad.."

"@*******: Et9adgeen I never thought of it in that way.."

"@LayalAlX: Well.. positivity helps. What else is wrong?"

"@********: A very good friend of mine disappointed me today."

"@LayalAlX: You shouldn't depend on people, they're imperfect, they're bound to do mistakes."

"@********: You know, you should be psychiatrist."

"@LayalAlX: Haha I get that a lot!c:"

"@********: I can see why lol. ;p"

"@LayalAlX: I know you're anonymous.. but where are you?"

"@********: In a taxi. No I'm not some hailag dude who doesn't have a car or some kind of better transportation, I just don't have a car right now."

"@LayalAlX: Just because you use a taxi doesn't mean you're hailag you know.. lots of people use taxis, nothing wrong with that."

"@********: Oh sorry.. sorry I didn't mean it in that way."

You jerk, sound a bit more mature.

"@LayalAlX: It's okay, it's the typical Kuwaiti mind."

"@*********: 3yal entay mu Kuwaitya..?"

Her eyes weren't dark brown, I haven't seen such eyes before on a Kuwaiti girl.

"@LayalAlX: My great great great grandmother is half Brazilian. :p"

"@********: That's a lot of greats.. looool. ;p"

"@LayalAlX: Mm yep, are you okay?"

"@********: Are you asking to make sure so you can end the chat or are you asking out of sincerity?"

Woah Thari, what the heck did you just send? You sound more girly than Layal does.

"@LayalAlX: Out of sincerity."

"@********: I'll be fine."

"@LayalAlX: You know, my friends tell me I'm a good listener. So, if you ever feel like talking about this more, I'll be here, as a friend."

As a friend? I hated that word, "friend".

"@*******: Mashkoura Layal.."

"@LayalAlX: Anytime Thari."

Wait what? Thari? How did she know my name?!

"@*******: Thari..?;s"

"@LayalAlX: Eee shfeek, that's your character's name.. :p"

"@********: Oh right hahahah."

I sighed in relief.

Once I was back home, I tipped the taxi driver and left the car. Nothing happened, I didn't do anything wrong, nothing to worry about. 3abbas was a big boy, he could take care of himself. And Layal was there for me now, even though she wasn't really there for me, more like for my blogger personality.. but that was better than nothing, right?

I barged into the house, the door was unlocked today for some reason. I was planning to go straight up to my room but of course, something stopped me.

My father was seated in the living room with his second wife, my mother and sister. It looked like a horrifying image of a not so picture perfect family.

"Thari, t3al." My father called out, not allowing me to escape to my room. I obeyed and walked over to the lavender smelling living room, letting the bright lights hit me. I walked up to my father to lightly kiss his forehead, my face was scrunched up in disgust but he didn't notice it.

"Shal ree7a?" My father snapped at me, his head shooting up in response once I was cinches away from him.

"Ey ree7a?" I nervously replied.

No no no, did I smell like smoke? How could I be so stupid?

"La etchathib!" My father stood up, the veins in his neck were now visible, showing off his sudden anger. He grabbed my jumped, pulling me closer so his oversized nose could sniff at my clothes.

"Marijuana?!" His nostrils flared in fury, his eyes nearly bulging out of his eye sockets.

(*Marijuana is a drug, it's like a cigarette but it has leaves, they wrap it up in a cigarette and smoke from it, it's illegal and of course, 7aram. It makes you dizzy and causes diseases, google for more info.)

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