Thursday, August 23, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 17

Thanks to so many helpful readers for helping me with Thari's character, apparently he seems too girly and I have to agree, it's my first time trying to act like a guy, I've adjusted his personality a bit more but I made him sensitive on the inside on purpose, I want him to have that tough exterior but he's actually caring/sensitive on the inside *yes, I have seen guys like this, they do exist girls*.

HUUUUUGE thanks to this girl who helped me out A LOT with this post, with the guy talks and the ideas! @alajeelmariam

Also thanks to the following people (awesome people) for using their own time to help me with this post too: @nabilaals  @3aziz506 @blogger_kuwait @MAK_64

This post goes out to you Fajer and Shoojy, crazy girl I swear. Also to this beautiful girl, S_AlBinali x

I'm sorry this post isn't as long as I liked it to be, I swear it took me 2 hours and I tried my best to find better ideas but I'm really running out of them. Forgive me, enshallah next time it will be longer.


Previously in Chapter 16.. 

"Jarra7 yersim? W laish yigouly sorry?" Layal asked, sounding confused.

Was she talking about the notes I left in her locker?

No no no, she thinks it was Jarra7?!

"Eee shefta bel locker room, akeed Jarra7! Kela yikhizich, akeed it must be him saying sorry for being so obvious." Noura continued on.

"I always thought it was..." Layal murmured quietly.

"Thought it was who?" Noura questioned.

"No one, never mind."

Can this day get any worse?



For some reason, I kind of had this feeling about Thari sending me those notes, I know, it sounds stupid. He was being a jerk to me all this time, why would he even send me such notes? Jarra7 is so sweet, it would probably more his style to send me such notes and I can't help but notice the way he stares sometimes, but I always thought that his eyes were on Noura, not on me...

"Eeee it's Jarra7!" A new voice entered the conversation, I turned around and found Farah standing in front of me with a grin on her make up covered face.

"Shdarach?" I snapped at her, I didn't like her much and I couldn't help that my attitude got the best of me whenever she was around.

"Cus I overheard him talking about his crush on you, he was telling Thari about it in the kitchen and I heard every word." Farah's grin widened, her incisors now visible, they were as sharp as knives.

"Really?" My attitude melted away, I saw them the other day in the kitchen engrossed into a conversation, Farah wasn't exactly lying about this one, was she?

"What did they say?" Noura suddenly got closer to Farah and her ears were yearning for gossip.

"Offh what didn't they say?" Farah smirked, giving me a look that held a secret.

This was too weird. Jarra7, crush on me? He's such a sweetheart, in a brotherly way, I couldn't imagine him liking me in that way.

I smelled something fishy going on.

"I don't believe you." I suddenly stated bluntly.

"Huh?" Farah stopped whispering to Noura and turned to look at me. I looked up and I found Thari through the door window, he was staring at us and he had some kind of expression on his face that I couldn't understand. I brushed past the girls and pushed the door open, I stood in front of him and he stared back at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Ent ely 7a6 el notes?" I asked him, my voice shaking a bit.

Boy was I going to get totally embarrassed if he answered with a "no".


 It amused me seeing Layal all nervous and jittery in front of me, I forced myself to keep an emotionless mask on as I stared at her, smiling or laughing would have given it away too fast.

"Yep." I finally said, her face shifted from nervous to shocked then to that look that said "I knew it!"

"W-walla?!" Her eyes nearly fell out of her eye sockets.

"Eee, shfeech?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"But.. why?" She continued to stutter, unable to form her words properly. I didn't think this would be such a big deal.

"Wayed kabertay elsalfa tara." I wanted to avoid making the subject longer, it felt a bit awkward talking to her about this.

"Okay fine, sorry." Layal said in an annoyed tone, turning around to walk off in the opposite direction, making me regret what I just said. I honestly did not understand girls, wasn't she just acting cute and shy, now she was mad?

I wonder if she's on her period.

The day went along well, I'd get a few stares from Layal or her friends and then they'd whisper, I wasn't oblivious and I clearly noticed the sudden tension around me. I wonder if I even did the right thing or what I did was even good.

"Halla bl 7abeeb." I grinned once I noticed Jarra7 just come in for his shift at work, he looked a bit dazzled and distracted.

"Ahlain." He said, keeping his eyes on the floor.

"Yuba shfeek?" I asked, my smile evaporating.

"Wela shay." He frowned.

"Khif 3aleina yal dalou3, yalla goul sh9ayer?" I bumped his shoulder with mine, trying to make the conversation more lighthearted than serious.

"Shfeeha Noura gamet etkhizny kel digeega?" Jarra7 smoothed out his hair with his fingers, adjusting his circle shaped glasses over his eyes.

Oh, he didn't know yet. Poor guy.

"Farah galetleha ena enta t7b Layal." I said it out of curiosity, I wanted to make sure it was 100% fake.

"Shaku! Layal 7sbat ekhty!" Jarra7's reaction was genuine. I felt relieved.

Etghar Thari?

I ignored the little voice in my head.

"Eee la t7aty, Layal will probably tell Noura that. You know how girls gossip." I shrugged it off.

"Mmm." Jarra7 mumbled, he was deep in though. He took things seriously, I seemed to be more lighthearted at the moment, which was weird, even for me. "Hey, sh9ayer wya Layal?"

"Ma 9ar shay." I replied bluntly.

"Yalla 3ad, embayen t7bha." Jarra7's frown was replaced with a smile.

"Bakhaleeha t7bny." I said with sheer confidence.

"You say it as if she's so easy." Jarra7's eyebrow shot up for a second.

"Girls are easy."

"Not all of them." Jarra7 turned around and his eyes were on Noura.

I didn't bother putting my phone in the basket when I came to work today, it was hidden in my pocket and Ferro, the manager, forgot to do the cellphone check today.

And I guess Layal had her phone too since she had apparently messaged my blog's twitter, even after I didn't bother replying to her "Wow". It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the Samsung.

"@LayalAlX: Remember that jerk I told you about?"

"@*******: Shfeeh?"

"@LayalAlX: He sent me notes in my locker and a really beautiful drawing of my eyes.. what does that mean? He's so confusing, it's like one second he's a complete jerk then he becomes this sweet person out of nowhere, I really don't get it, you're a guy, can't you tell me?"

"@********: He likes you."

 "@LayalAlX: And how are you so sure?;s"

"@******: Cus I'm a guy."

And I'm also him.

"@LayalAlX: Are you sure..? I don't think he like me in that way, it feels as if he hates me sometimes. And he's kind of mysterious, I don't trust him."

"@*******: Why not give him a chance?"

"@LayalAlX: A chance with what?"

"@*********: Try being friends with him? He might be a different person on the inside.."

"@LayalAlX: Hmm madre."

"@********: Try it."

"@LayalAlX: He's texting right now, a7es it's a girl, I feel like he's that type, that's always texting five different girls everyday.."

I quickly let go of my phone and looked around to find Layal by the cashier, her eyes on me but she looked away once I caught her staring. I decided to go into the locker room to text her.

"@********: You might be wrong. :p"

"@LayalAlX: Why are you so sure? You don't even know him.."

"@********: You asked for my opinion. :p"

"@LayalAlX: Yeah sorry, thanks anyway."

"@********: Hey, ma gilteely."

"@LayalAlX: Shnu? :o"

"@********: Do you like him?"

Layal didn't answer quickly, I tried to peek around to see what she was doing, I caught her staring at her iPhone screen, her fingers itching to reply but she was frozen in her place. She then dug her phone into the pocket of her floral trousers, deliberately not answering me.

I wanted an answer. Really bad.

My curiosity got the best of me.

@********: Layal weinch;p?"

I saw her see the message but again, she ignored my message. Weird. A new message alerted me, I thought it was from Layal but I was disappointed to find that it was just Bdour, the girl from my university that wanted to know who I was.

"@BdourAlX: hey mnzaman 3ank;p"

"@*******: Mm. :p"

"@BdourAlX: lal7een ma giltly mnu enta.."

"@********: Wa7d."

"@BdourAlX: yalla 3ad. -.-"

Man, she was getting annoying. Baftak menha.

"@*******: Thari Al X. -.-"

"@BdourAlX: umbeihhh:$ walla!?"

"@********: Eee."

"@BdourAlX: ma twa8a3tk chithe!"

"@********: What do you mean?:s"

"@BdourAlX: 3bale enta jaikr haha. ::"

"@*******: Oh y3ne ana mu jaikr al7een;p?"

"@BdourAlX: akeed mu jaikr:p! hey add me on my bbm.."

"@********: I have a samsung:p."

She was too easy. She changed her avatar, I clicked on it and it was another picture of her. She had her long hair loose, her waves all over her shoulders, her tan was vibrant and her face wasn't the prettiest but her body made up for it, she wore a black fitted dress that reached down to her knees. She wore a pout over her red coloured lips, looking seductive.

"@BdourAlX: whatsapp?:p dms kela y3alig.."

Her looks won me over, he old Thari came back and I sent her my number. We switched to Whatsapp, I was trying to get my mind off of Layal in a way, Bdour was a great distraction for that. As I was in the middle of the conversation with her, I got another alert, it was another message from my blog's twitter. I switched from Whatsapp to Twitter in a hurry. The following words made me regret adding Bdour, so bad.

"@LayalAlX: Yeah.. I think I do like him. And you're right, he might be different, maybe I was wrong about him being a player."

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