Wednesday, August 22, 2012


This goes out to you @CashmeresBlog.

You can pretty much tell what this post will be about. It's about bloggers. This is my blog, I won't just post stories for entertainment, it's also a way for me to send out a message aw etha ba6ale3 7arety, I go write, it makes me feel better. It's what all of us bloggers have in common, our love for writing.

So of course, I'm going to stand up for each one of them, even if I might not know them personally, I will be their biggest supporter because I understand the effort they put in every post they write, I understand how many times they declined an offer to go out or do something else just so they could post for their readers.

What angered me is when Cashmere closed her blog, and what was her reason? It was because of this atmosphere, blogging has changed, now some readers pressure bloggers into posting, they nag and if they don't post, they receive hate. *I am NOT saying all of our readers are like this, bil3ex el7amdellah we have a LOT of great readers who are VERY understanding, most of my readers have been so kind to me, I love them, I honestly do and I'm always grateful but there are still people who do this.

So what if a blogger doesn't post today? Or tomorrow? I understand the impatience readers get, they always ask "Why do you even blog if you aren't committed?"

Before you ask us that, try to put yourselves in our shoes, just try to.

We ARE committed but it doesn't mean we have to post everyday or post every 5 hours, blogging ISN'T our lives, we have lives out of this blogger world, just because we decided to start a hobby in writing, does not mean we are expected to write everyday. We chose to start this hobby as a way to escape our personal world, to go into a new one where we could be ourselves without getting judged, but of course, judgements follow us everywhere, readers have to blame us for our imaginations, on how "wrong" it is, is it wrong for a woman to write a love story but acceptable for a man to write one? That's just sexist, we are equal in God's eyes so why can't we both be equal in people's?

Do you know how long it takes to write ONE post that may seem "short" to you?

Personally, it takes me between 2-3 hours for one chapter. Planning takes even more time, having to find original ideas when there are so many cliche ones is also hard, ideas don't just come everyday, we can stay days, not being able to write because of writer's block, yet readers question our devotion and doubt us because we didn't post for a few days, when all we wanted was the best ideas so we would offer all of you an amazing post, rather than writing a quick bad one.

Your life won't end if we don't post for a few days, believe me it won't. Patience is a virtue, learn to wait, if the blog is worth it then it is worth the wait. This is our hobby, it is NOT our job or our homework, so stop making it feel that way. I've stopped answering hate because of posting late, I used to post a lot, but guess what? My ideas are gone, my love for writing is slipping away because of this but I will not end this blog, I will not end something I haven't finished and I will not hate something that I used to love because of hateful readers or judgmental people.

Yes, I'm a woman, yes I wear a 7ijab, yes I write love stories, so what? Should I care about your opinion of myself? No, because only God's opinion matters to me, I am not a Sheikh, I am a teenager who has a big imagination, I am not expected to be gone to when someone needs to find a way to get closer to God, you should go read the Qura'an instead of blogs if you want a way to get closer to God.

Don't go to bloggers or their stories for a guide to live your life, we don't write love stories or stories in general to try to make people copy our characters, we do it to provide entertainment, no one should expect bloggers to become parental figures when we ourselves, are children, we are teenagers, we are young adults, we have not grown up fully yet but we have decided to let go of people's stupid close minded judgments to take action with something we love. We ourselves know what's right or wrong, this is why we warn our readers about this before we write our stories, we do it because we don't want to influence any of you, we do care about our young readers, it's also why I disabled my comments, I got so much swear words, people hating on me for traveling and because I had a life. I do not want my young readers reading any of that, I didn't even say these kinds of words when I was younger and I try to limit my swear words at 16, I'm surprised at people's tongues these days, throwing these words everywhere and not thinking who would read it. I censor my swear words for a reason, I add them to create for emotions for my characters but I myself, try not to use them.

Sending hate to bloggers on ask? Well sorry but we're not robots, we do have feelings. You're entitled to your opinion but that doesn't give you the right to say something in a rude way. If you hate a blog, then easy, press the X button, press UNFOLLOW and go on with your life, who forced you to read the blog? No one, it was your decision and you were the one who wasted your time, not us, it isn't our fault that you don't like the blog, elnas a'9wa8, everyone has their own style.

I don't have to agree with your opinion with my blog, I respect it but I won't agree to it. Just because people read our tweets or ask answers, does not mean you know us. Before telling us our flaws, don't you think we already know them enough? We don't need others to spot them, we have spotted them ourselves because we are not perfect, no one is, except God. Don't act as if you know a blogger when you never gave them a chance, when you never talked to them personally or tried to get closer to them.

If you want society to change, you have to be the change in society, we bloggers chose for a change, we tried to provide a better environment for ourselves, we wanted this place as a way to just do something we love. I do not regret starting this blog at all, there was a lot more good in it than bad. We all met wonderful people, they supported us from the very first day and still do today, they've become our greatest friends, even our bestest friends in our personal life (this goes out to you Maha S, Lulu, Maha A).

I wanted to write this post for Cashmere, and all the other bloggers who closed their blogs because of feeling suffocated by hate and people who kept judging them. Use your words wisely, treat others the way you want to be treated because I honestly know non of my readers would like to receive hate everyday on ask when all they did was write a post and used 3 hours of their own time, when it only took people a few minutes to read the post.

This is my opinion, you do not need to agree with any of it but it won't mean you can hate on me for defending other bloggers, if you don't agree then just leave, you shouldn't even be reading this till the end anyway. I am not hating on anyone, I am just stating the things I have seen myself and these things happen but it doesn't mean all our readers are like this, most of them aren't and el7amdellah we all have great supporters, we can't stop thanking all of you, you all are the reason why we keep blogging, even after all this hate and disadvantages.

We miss you Cashmere, we hope you'd come back to blogging one day, you were truly and still are an amazing writer with such a pure personality. Believe me when I say you or your stories will never be forgotten. x

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