Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 18

Hey, how is everyone? :D Sorry everyone for being super slow. I'm so thankful to people who have been patient, I know it's been 5 days, woah right? I've been busy with university papers, it's hell I swear and it's so freaking confusing. I can't wait to be done with it, my deadline's September 2 so enshallah once I'm done with that, I can organise my time for the blog and my life better. And as you know, this is my last story, university is so soon and I can't always blog long stories, I'll probably still blog short stories or poetry, anything that's small or short, I won't close my blog. x

If you find any mistakes, don't be afraid to tell me, I'll correct them. 

Thank you for helping me with the guy details: @BasmahB @kwtblogger

HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO THIS BEAUTIFUL GIRL RIGHT HERE: @SondosKhattab I hope you enjoy your day my lovely Egyptian reader, you deserve the best, especially on YOUR day. Much love! xx


Previously in Chapter 17:

"@BdourAlX: whatsapp?:p dms kela y3alig.."

Her looks won me over, he old Thari came back and I sent her my number. We switched to Whatsapp, I was trying to get my mind off of Layal in a way, Bdour was a great distraction for that. As I was in the middle of the conversation with her, I got another alert, it was another message from my blog's twitter. I switched from Whatsapp to Twitter in a hurry. The following words made me regret adding Bdour, so bad.

"@LayalAlX: Yeah.. I think I do like him. And you're right, he might be different, maybe I was wrong about him being a player."



"Bo Zaid? Weinik?" 3abbas waved his meaty hands around in front of me, trying to bring me back to reality. The smell of huffed out nicotine and expired cheesy Doritos wafted around me.

"Ha, kane." I shook my head around a bit, rubbing my tired eyes. It's been 3 days exactly and I'm still pretty much homeless. 3abbas had a cigarette that was being hugged by his colourless lips, it didn't smell like the marijuana, it was the regular stuff. He hasn't said a word about what happened that day and neither did I, he was kind enough to provide me a couch to sleep on till things were okay again back home.

"Shabab, shtaboun men KFC?" 3abbas called out to the guys, there were about ten, sitting around on the rugged floor with cards in front of them, their eyes lazy but determined to win the game.

"Keleshay!" One of the guys called out, his name was Khalid. He had a rough looking beard and he was known for his famous father, who was a great stage actor.

"Spicy, 9a7?" 3abbas held a hand over his Porsche blackberry and asked the guys again.

"Eeee." They all grunted, getting annoyed that we disturbed their game. I wasn't up for playing, usually I'd kick their a**es and win the game in the mere of minutes but my head was pretty much messed up, especially about the call I got yesterday.

I was about to fall asleep that night but my Samsung had vibrated up against my stubble, I forced my eyes open, trying to concentrate on the call whilst being half asleep on 3abbas's couch. The guys were sprawled around the couches, the floor, you name it, they could fall asleep on anything.

"Hmm, aloo?" I didn't check the caller ID.

"Thari? 7beeby?" My mom's voice was soft, she was whispering through the phone.

"Yuma?" I suddenly jolted up, I was startled by her call. I thought she wanted nothing to do with me.

"Weinik Thari? Ga3da a7ateek!" Her voice was full of fear and worry for her son.

"Nayem 3nd diwaneyat Al X." I answered.

"El7amdellah.. obouk lal7een em3a9b bas la t7aty, b3ad chem youm bisam7ik w bidig 3leik, et3rfa. Thari etdakhn marijuana?" My mother's voice began to seem more wobbly when she said the word "marijuana".

"Yuma walla la2, a9lan mu ga3d adakhin cigarettes el 3adyeen." I honestly replied.

"3yal mnu Thari? Shameit el ree7a.." My mother kept her voice quiet, she sounded like she was alone in her bedroom. Another night alone. That made the anger in me sprout out again, I tried to calm back down, I couldn't believe the hatred I had for my own father.

"Ma7ad yuma, ensay el maw'9ou3." I tried to avoid her answer, fortunately she had to end the call after hearing my father's footsteps creep around the house.

"Thari? Ga3da akelmik." 3abbas's voice, yet again, caused my thoughts to whisk away.

"Offh ithlif enzain?!" One of the guys shouted at the others, completely pissed off because he just lost in the cards game. In the next second, he sat back down on the desert coloured carpeted floor and laughed, watching the game even though he was out of it.

"Asif, shgilt?" I pulled off my dark jacket, the diwaneya was getting warmer now and so I remained in my grey Abercrombie sweatpants and white v-neck shirt.

"Bitiyee bacher el l3b wla la2?" I smacked my forehead with my palm in response to 3abbas's words. I totally forgot about our football match tomorrow and my knees have felt so lazy and weak lately, I haven't exercised or tested my muscles for a month now.

"Eee akeed bayee." I made myself sound like I totally remembered.

"Yalla zain." 3abbas stood up from his seat, pushed the butt of his cigarette on the steel ashtray, letting the light ignite for a few more seconds before the smoke withered away, the light darkening slowly before it fully died away.

It resembled my energy perfectly.


"Goum, yalla 3ad." 3abbas nudged my shoulder, I didn't notice that I fell asleep. Usually I stayed up all night with the guys, this time sleep had won over the battle. Using my fingers, I brushed them over my eyes, my eyelashes feeling thick and sticky against my callouses.

"El sa3a cham?" I grunted, pushing the beanie off of my messed up hair.

"5:45 am." 3abbas replied, the other guys were still asleep, the others were already back home, nestled into their own warm cushions and bed.

"Offhh, shfeek ga3edtny embacher?!" I groaned, trying to go back to sleep.

"Goum, shfeeek neseit? Warak jam3a." 3abbas was already in his clean clothes that smelt like his new heavy Abercrombie collogne.

"Shd3wa jam3a 5:45 am?!" I didn't feel tired anymore, the sleepiness slipped away and hated that when it happened. My stomach vibrated, literally, and screamed out in hunger. 3abbas looked at me weirdly, he must have heard it too. The after scent of KFC still lingered around me and I started to crave every type of chicken imagineable.

"Ma yamdeena netrayag etha g3dna 7 am." 3abbas gave me a well known look that meant he understood my sudden hunger.

I changed into a new pair of clothes, I was grateful to find that my mother sent over a bag of my stuff to 3abbas's house with the driver. I wore my clean pair of navy shorts and just pulled a grey hoodie over my v-neck, not bothering to change out of it. I slipped on my grey Toms and beanie, not checking if my hair was in place. I was too hungry to care.

I chose to drive, I now had the Range Rover and that gave me more access to  locations. 3abbas was too busy checking himself out in the mirror of the leather smelling car, he had an obsession with checking himself out.

It was currently 6:20am and the only place that we knew would be awake and open was Mcdonalds. (*If I'm wrong about this then ignore it, 3ade.) We ordered our usual pancakes, I ordered two plates of them and asked for extra syrup. My mouth was filled with scrumptious syrup covered pancakes when 3abbas asked a question that caused me to nearly choke.

"Men meta emsawe el blog?" 3abbas was blunt, he was chewing over his pancakes noisily.

"Blog?" I swallowed my food and asked.

"Eee, tara ashkara enta." 3abbas laughed.

"Walla?" My eyebrows knitted together.

"Eee, lazem etgahyer chem shaghla." 3abbas didn't seem that interested in why I never told him about the blog but I was surprised that he even noticed the trend for blogs these days.

"Mu ela." I replied lazily.

"Shfeek, enta anonymous, ma tigder etjawib 3la as2ela 3an ey jam3a etrou7la." 3abbas lectured me, some of the syrup from the pancakes rubbed against his cheek. Mcdonalds was quiet, the only two people were 3abbas and I, crunching on our early breakfast.

"W etha? 3ade." I shrugged. I honestly didn't care if anyone figured out if the blog was me or not, I still didn't even start the new story and I didn't feel like starting it any time soon. Maybe I'll close the blog. Or no wait, how else was I going to talk to Layal then?

"You suck at being anonymous." 3abbas shook his head in a disapproving way.

"Shnu bi9eer etha e3rifaw ena hatha ana?" I laughed mockingly. The girls from my blog already were throwing themselves at me on my ask, sending me "I love you" and "oh you must be so handsome". It was hilarious, I should have started the blog earlier in my preteens when I was looking for a girlfriend.

"Ma cheyekt your followers? 9araw foug el alf, w kela banat, shnu bitgoul 7ag 7beebtk lema et3arif?" 3abbas's eyebrow flew up.

"7beebty?" I asked in confusion.

"Eee, hathe shisimha, Layla? Layan?" 3abbas asked.

"Layal," I corrected him. "Ehya mu 7beebty."

"Lema yeit 3ndk, kent ga3da etkhiz'ha khaz mu 6abee3y. Walla zain el bent ma la7e'9at," 3abbas laughed, he sounded as if he was talking to a kid instead of his friend, it was starting to piss me off.

"Al7een shtabe bl'9ab6?" I snapped at him, my anger was too hard to control. Once it was triggered, it spilled out of me as fast as an open bottle being tipped over, the liquid running out of the plastic holder.

"Shal nefseya, kent ga3d atghashmar," 3abbas's grin faded.

"Yalla khale9t?" I pretty much licked my plate clean, it was empty now and it was now 6:40am, my first class was 7:15am and I didn't want to miss it. I've missed too many classes already.

3abbas didn't utter another word, I waited till he was done from his meal and I drove both of us to the university. It's a huge campus filled with buildings, I got lost numerous times on my first day here. Now? I pretty much memorised every little corner in that university.

"Thari!" A female voice called out and the sound of heels clitt-a-clacking over the ceramic floors of the university followed me. I turned around and was met by Bdour. She was much shorter in person, even though her heels were probably 8 inches high. What were those called again? Lobishon? Lobiton? Letbiton? I have no idea but the girls are addicted to it, to me it looks like a disco ball attached to a heel.

"Ahlain." I greeted her coolly, 3abbas gave me this look I couldn't understand and walked off to his class. I noticed a few eyes on us, especially on Bdour and her body hugging wine red sweater.

"Shlounik?" Bdour asked in a shy voice, her thin lips covered with the same coloured lipstick as her sweater.

"Tamam, entay shlounch?" I tried my hardest not to lower my gaze down to her neck, her sweater was too tight on her and it was distracting. I don't get girls, they blame us for staring when they're the ones wearing such alluring clothes.

"Zaina." She giggled to herself. "Sh3ndik al7een?"

"Art." I aimed my eyes at what was behind her, it was another girl, she was dressed in lazy Juicy sweat pants, her body was curvy and it seemed familiar from the back. Her veil was ash grey and her sweat pants were tucked into her rain shiny looking boots. Once she turned around, I was startled by her colourful looking eyes.

Layal? Here? Huh?

"Thari?" Bdour nagged at me, her voice was getting annoying now. She blocked my view of Layal and I only got a peek at her flawless face, it had some make up on it but it wasn't that visible, especially from far away. She had a friend next to her, was it someone just giving her a tour?

I wanted to be the one giving her the tour.

"Hm, ha?" I looked back at Bdour.

"Si2altk so2al," Bdour looked quite annoyed by how distracted I was. I couldn't help it, her tight sweater wasn't that alluring anymore when Layal was standing a few feet away from me, in her comfy looking sweats, she looked comfortable altogether and easy to hug. Her colourful scarf was hidden under her Juicy jacket and it kept flying around her, the wind catching on. In winter, the doors to the university kept opening and closing, welcoming the chilly winds of winter.

"Shnu ohwa?" My eyes were still on Layal, she was busy talking to the other girl with the long hair and she held her Chanel purse, her other hand holding a piece of paper.

"Ana awal bent t3arif 3ank w 3an el blog?" Bdour fluttered her heavy mascara-ed eyelashes at me.

"Hmm." I nodded just to please her, I was too busy trying to figure out why Layal was in my university.

WAIT, she asked about universities the first day I met her. Did she actually take my advice seriously? She's enrolling into AUM (American University of the Middle East.)

"Aww!" Bdour squealed with happiness. "You can trust me."

"Uh huh." I nodded again.

 "Hey, bitkhale9 embacher elyoum mu 9a7? T3al Jabriya, benrou7 Starbucks with a few other people, rafeejik yigder eyee." Bdour shyly asked, she kept her voice low, she didn't want any other Kuwaitis to hear her.

"Hmm okay." I nodded for the third time. What did she say again? I saw her lips coloured moving but I wasn't paying attention to her words.

"Can't wait to see you!" Bdour gave me a big smile before walking past me, strutting in her heels.

At the same exact moment, Layal turned her head to face me. She looked tanned today, was she wearing different kind of make up? Her large eyes gaped at me for a few seconds, in a disapproving way, she must have heard Bdour. She didn't look happy at all.

Wait wait wait.

Rewind please.

Can't wait to see you?

Layal heard it.

Oh no, she heard it.

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