Wednesday, August 8, 2012


 Perfect example of "don't judge a book by it's cover">

This isn't a story post or a poem or any of my other writing projects, it's just words I hope EVERYONE would read. Even if you're a saint, even if you're a jerk, or someone who simply doesn't care, you still should read this. It may be boring to some of you but after seeing actions from certain people, I knew I had to write this and send this message. This blog isn't just a place where I can write my stories, it's where I can express myself and if you can't handle my opinions then don't read them.

Okay, first, I am NOT perfect, I have my own mistakes and I'm still learning how to become a better person, so when you read my words, I am not telling anyone I'm the perfect saint who never did anything wrong. We humans, are not perfect.

I'm still young but 16 years is enough to see the behaviours of people, especially when you're around them all the time. People don't realise the power of words until they see the after effect. Calling someone fat? Yeah okay, they might not be a size 0 but do you realise how much you've hurt the person? How much the ONE word "fat" can affect them? How about, "you're ugly, you think people like you but no one actually does." Do you realise how these simple words could send someone into depression? It's that serious, don't think "no way, that's just over exaggerating it." Because depression starts at one point and anything small as this may trigger it, especially when these words come from one of your own friends.

People (not saying ALL of you think this way) think it's okay to throw around these words, never thinking about what they're doing to others. Maybe these people deserve the mean comments, maybe they're not nice themselves but would you stoop down to their levels and bully them back?  And then, making fun of what they don't have? So what if they don't have the latest bag or the latest jewels, all of these materialistic things are NOTHING. We are stripped of EVERYTHING on judgement day, riches doesn't define a person, their morals do. One day you could have all the riches in the world but remember, the next day, God can take all of those riches away from you.

I'm not writing this because someone bullied or was mean to me, I was just a person who watched this happen and I was beyond shocked. I realised how many times this had happened, how many times I've watched it happen and tried stopping it, yet it doesn't ever stop, its this never ending cycle, people hurting others, misusing their words. I'm the type of person who can't stay quiet when someone is mistreating another or is doing something wrong, I just can't ignore it and move on, because ignoring it won't solve this.

Our own religion doesn't allow this, how can you? As I said, I am not the perfect saint, I've had my own mistakes but I don't regret them, I believe our mistakes make us who we are today, mistakes happen to teach us lessons. But doing the same mistake over and over again? Where's the lesson taught if you keep continuing doing wrong and hurting people?

That person who you may be calling ugly, anorexic, fat or unwanted (and these are just a FEW examples of the words I hear these days), may be going on diets, using different kinds of pills to become thinner or even fatter, trying to think of plastic surgery, even thinking of suicide. You never know what a person's going through until you TRY to put yourselves in their shoes, do people choose to be this way? God created them this way and I believe God created them beautifully, it's not about how we look on the outside, our looks wither away in time, wrinkles will replace our flawless skins and all we'll have left in the end is our personality, actions and souls. And that's what God judges all of us on, our actions.

So before you go to a person, throwing your hateful words at them, I don't care if you two fought, I don't care if you two hate each other to bits, NO ONE deserves to feel worthless or unwanted in this world, you have been created to live and enjoy the life God gave you, you weren't created to be treated like trash by others and accept this as a way of life.

And by the way, celebrities are people too, they have feelings, they get hurt just like us, would you want to be treated that way? Ask yourself that question whenever you speak to someone, would YOU want someone to call you worthless and disgusting behind your back? Speak about someone how you want be spoken about, put yourselves in their shoes, don't judge them. It's hard not to judge, you can judge a person even when you're not doing it on purpose but try your best not to. Just because others may have different beliefs or different kinds of lives, does not give you the right to not accept them as humans and disrespect them. We were raised better than is.

I apologise to anyone who has felt this way because of me at one time, I may have done my own mistakes when I was younger but I believe you have to be the change you want to see in this world. And to this day, I am still shocked of the words I read/hear everyday, hateful ones that are being sent to the people I love and care about.

Again, sorry for anything I've done. I don't believe I've hurt a person this way but who knows? Like I said, I'm not a perfect saint and anything's possible, people hide their feelings so well these days, you just don't know who you're affecting or hurting anymore.

I'm sorry, to every person I may have hurt in the past.

And for the people who feel this way everyday.

You're not alone, you are one of a kind and don't ever think you're worthless. You were created the way you are for a reason, don't ever change yourself for others. Society will never be pleased and you shouldn't try pleasing them, they're not the people who will be judging you on judgement day. God's opinion is the only opinion you should care about.

Thanks for reading this, I had to write this and I had to get a point across, this wasn't written to offend anyone, and if it did, then I apologise but everyone's entitled to their own opinions.

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