Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Old days.

 I felt like writing, not a story, but just another poem.


Take me back to the old days,
When things used to be so much simpler than today,
The word "hurt" only meant when a knee was harshly scraped,
The only way to get healed was using a protective bandaid,
A painful goodbye only lasted a day or two,
The only terrifying thing we'd face was the word "boo",
Looks or opinions didn't matter, smiles were everywhere,
Wearing short skirts and bright swimsuits without a care,
The only brand names we knew were Power Rangers or Barbie,
No one thought about or cared about money,
The toughest fight was over a toy or a silly dare,
Skin colours, views or family backgrounds weren't a part of the story,
What mattered was who had on a smile and looked friendly.

So take me back to the old days.
When things used to be so much simpler than today.

What happened to friends forever and forever?
All I see now in front of me is a stranger,
A familiar old face I used to know,
A person who used to pull me back up when I felt low,
Is just another body filled with an old memory,
A memory that seems so cruel and dreary.

Take me back to the times where we used to keep promises,
Secrets weren't thrown around like poisoned water,
The only game we played were knots and crosses,
And you'd still be here, making me feel better.

I beg of you, take me back to the old days,
When your name wasn't the only thing I knew,
And the expiration date of our friendship wasn't due.

Take me back to the old days,
When things used to be so much simpler than today.

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