Friday, August 3, 2012



Black surrounded me. Behind me, in front of me, hugging and embracing me in the darkness. The harsh iron chains eat at my skin, trapping me in the little room. All I could feel is the thin mattress under me, securing me in my place as it creaked every once in a while whenever I moved, screaming in agony because of my weight.


My head shoots up immediately but I can't see anything. A soft piece of fabric is wrapped around my fearful eyes, blinding me of the images that were standing in front of me. A ray of light cascades over me, I can feel the soft touch, the hints of my escape, calling out to me, trying to save me.

"Here he is." A rumbling deep voice called out. The smell of dirty yet fresh tobacco slither up my nostrils, tickling my lungs, causing a cough to echo around the room.

"Ah good, he looks fit and ready." There was another voice. This male voice, it caused a horrid sense of fear to vibrate along my body. My legs tensed up, my callouses were sweating and my heart's cries fill my ears. "Get him dressed."

And with that, the loud clang! flew into my ears, indicating the door was shut in a hurry.

Tap, tap, tap.

A pair of shoes tip toed closer to where I was, I could sense the change of atmosphere, it felt heavier. Warmer. Someone was getting closer. I held my fear in, I had to keep my dignity, I was a man. I could withstand anything that was coming. I inched my fingers closer, to anything, anything sharp, anything that resembled an object.

My fingers flailed around, touching the wet ground, my finger nails scraping over the hard floor. Nothing, nothing was close to my reach. The solid wall behind me was the only thing that kept me up straight, kept me from laying back down in defeat.

A huff of smoke was slapped against my face, the deadly chemicals filling up my lungs, causing me to cough once again. An evil chuckle was heard, telling me this person was male. Chubby fingers full of fat tore away the clothes off of my body, the fabric of my clothes screeching out as it was being ripped.

Every wave of coldness hits my naked skin, goosebumps sprouted out of my shivering skin as I sat on the floor, half naked. Those hands, they were harsh. They pulled a softer fabric around me, it felt like silicone, it glided easily over my freezing bare skin. I groaned in response, I was being pushed around, turned around, being dressed in a strange fabric, as if I was a doll to play with.

"Heavy kid, you are." His accent had hints of a Texan accent that reminded me of cowboys and spicy chicken wings, it made my mouth water and my stomach growl with hungriness. I was starving.

"H-hey what are you going boy?!" The voice sounded in full alert, full of fright and his body was backing away from mine, his hands dropping, letting go of the fabric.

What was going on?

I was about to ask where I was, why the man was so scared but a pain filled my mouth, back and bare legs. I couldn't see, I was still in the deep dark illusion that the blind fold gave me but every part of me felt as if it was growing, growing bigger by the second, growing stronger.

"Dakota! Open the door!" Two locks jiggled around, hitting the metal door as nervous fingers tried to slide the key in and turn it around. "Faster!"

Pounds of pain hit my head, punching it every few seconds, causing me to yell out in fury. Deep inside my head, I was confused on what was going on but the effect was taking over me, clouding my brain and causing my body to take action.

I felt my hands grab the back of the person's hair, his hair was oily and slick, easy to pull out. His skin, felt like clay in my fingers, my finger nails slicing inside, swirling around before tearing it off of his body. A hot liquid was oozing out of him as his yells muted the sounds of my actions, drenching me in his own blood.

What was I doing? Michael stop it.

"Perry, he killed Dakota!" A new voice introduced itself, a higher pitched one. My mouth hung open, ready to ask what was wrong, why I couldn't control myself but I started to feel dizzy.

A wave of nausea trickled over me for the first few seconds before it really hit me. The voices drowned out, all I heard were screams and all I felt were a pair of hands, trying to trap me in my place before I became numb.

 The next time I felt something, was when my body was touching every cold bit of the hard floor. My wrists weren't sore anymore, they felt free and there wasn't any piece of metal grinding against my skin anymore.

My eyelids slowly fluttered before fully opening, my eyelashes feeling wet and weak. My limbs were shaking, tiredness and exhaustion was all I could feel. The bright lights blinded me for a moment, the room surprised me. It was the opposite of dark, blue bulbs surrounded me, shooting it's rays of light right at me and what astonished me even further, were laying right besides me.

Numerous bodies were laying next to me, each one drenched in their own blood, their skin torn off and a few of their limbs were de-attached, lying next to them, just as lifeless as their bodies. The image horrified me, I quickly got off of the ground, checking for wounds or scars on my skin. The eery silence was everywhere, with only my own healthy beating heart that kept me company.

I was clean, dressed in a silicone bodysuit that was half way zipped and was smeared with wine coloured blood. I wreaked of death, the stench of it disgusted me. The mirror in front of me gave me an image of myself, one 6'1 regular looking guy with shaggy brown hair, plain hazel eyes and was stained with blood.

But that wasn't what stole my attention.

It was what was written on the mirror, it was a messy handwriting, that resembled my own. The words were swiped with a finger, with blood. And it said:


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