Monday, July 30, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 10

Heellooo! How are you all? :D I've activated my ask again, I won't enable comments just yet. It's still disabled for now, mabe sab on my posts, I have my young readers to think about. xx

I've also started putting "previously.." just to remind you guys of what happened, I'll stop adding it on once I start posting daily again *enshallah this happens, I miss the old days too when I could post 2 chapters to 4 chapters a day*.


I censored all the swear words, trying to be more manly since I'm a guy in this story. :::

This won't be a long story by the way.


Previously in Chapter 9.

"Thari?" The man's nervous voice was too familiar, it caused my head to shoot up from my phone and my eyes landed on the two customers standing in front of me.

The woman in her thirties had dark auburn hair, showing off her Lebanese beauty. Her eyes were rimmed with eyeliner and her lips pasted with dark red lipstick. She was holding onto a tall man with salt and pepper hair, with wrinkled dark eyes.

The same wrinkled eyes that I happened to look into for 18 years.

My father.


"Yuba?" My voice croaked out in disbelief. Who the hell was the woman who was with him? And why the f*ck is she holding onto him like that?

"Uhm, ent tishtighl ehni?" My father's eyes filled with stress, he slowly moved away from the gingered hair woman, ignoring her confused expression.

"Shnu, neseit?" I challenged him, my fury building up inside.

"Yalla guys, see you tomorrow!" Layal's voice chirped behind me, she stopped once she noticed the tension in the atmosphere between my Dad and I.

"Um." Layal tensed up behind me. Fffh, shtabe hathe b3ad?

"Na3am?" I replied to Layal in a harsh tone.

"You're blocking the way, ma agder a6ouf." Layal said in a polite tone, her eyes widening for a second, surprised at my sudden behaviour.

"Oh. Asif." I sighed and took a step the left so Layal could pass and leave the counter.

6ale3t 7aritik eb Layal, ehya shsawat? Obouk ely ga3d yikhoun omik, Layal malha sheghl!

I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't, my anger was taking over me and the tiny voice in my head was fading slowly. I couldn't believe it, how could he betray my own mother? This explained the late nights at work, this explained his cold behaviour with my mom. It explained everything.

And it made me hate him even more.

"Mnu hathe?" I shot my eyes towards the woman with the ginger hair. My father looked rigid, unable to find an answer.

"Ha yuba?" I challenged him even more, I pressed my fingers against the cool counter in front of me, my knuckles turning white.

"Heba, digeega shway." My dad nudged the woman besides him, she understood what he meant and swiftly left the cafe in a hurry, her heels click clacking over the cafe's marble floors.

"Thari.." My dad began, his deep voice full of confidence. I knew what was coming, a bunch of excuses. A bunch of lies. A bunch of bullsh*t that I didn't want to hear.

"La2 mabe a3arif." I snapped at my father, leaving the counter and grabbing my stuff, ready to leave. I couldn't take his sh*t.

"Thari!" My father bellowed, his voice nearly close to yelling. A bunch of the workers started staring at us.

Legafa, shyaboun hathoula b3ad? Fffh.

"Wai3, wakher 3ane bas." I pushed my father to the side, not caring about my inappropriate attitude and actions. He didn't bother saying anything else, he let me leave the cafe without another word.

I bet all he wanted was to me to leave so he could go back to his date with his wh*re.

I climbed into my car and drove off as fast as I could. I loved speed and the adrenaline rush that hit me whenever I went past the speed limit. I was furious, hurt and shocked. It was a bad combo. A really bad one.

I forced myself to go slower, I couldn't risk into getting a car accident. I wasn't that stupid. Once I was back home, I noticed that my Mom's car was gone.

Phew, I didn't have to face her now.

I didn't know what to do. Should I even tell Mom about what I saw today? Or keep quiet and not hurt her? I trudged into the house, throwing the car keys over one of the tables in the living rooms before hurrying upstairs.

"La2, Thari lal7een ma rad. Laish? La2 ma y9eer!" My sister's voice was so loud, I heard every word as I stood outside of my room. Her room was right next to mine and the walls in this house was thin. I became suspicious, who the hell was she talking to?

"B3dain ra7 yi3a9ib, umbay digeega a3ti8id tawa rad el bait, bye bye bye, ush bas bye!" Wath7a's voice was full of panic and fear.

She couldn't be speaking to a guy, could she? She's just 13, or was she 14? Madry, I keep forgetting her age, she looks 11 to me with her puny body.

I pushed her oak door open, entering her white furnished bedroom. There were dozens of flower decorations everywhere, one huge canopy bed was in the middle and there was a window, letting the sun fill up the bright room.

"Wath7a, laish sakaitay el telephone faj2a chithe?" I asked in a suspicious tone. Wath7a was on her white sheeted bed, wearing pj trousers and a comfy looking grey shirt. Her hair was let loose, her curls wild, framing her baby face.

"Uhm-m.. ma kent 3la el telephone." Wath7a lied, her words stuttering. The mobile wasn't in her hand, it was besides her but it was obvious that she was lying.

"La etchathbeen 3lay! 3a6eene telephonech al7een." My curiosity was causing me to think the worst of her.  Did she have a boyfriend now? Was this a new trend with these girls these days?

Y3ne as if you're innocent Thari.

I ignored the petty little voice in my head. I charged over to where Wath7a was and grabbed her blackberry before she could hide it or delete anything.

I was going to check her bbm chats later, first I wanted to check who she called.

"Shnu el pass code?" I asked Wath7a in a stern voice, her face full of fright.

"Uhm." Wath7a stuttered, her fingers drumming over her legs nervously.

"Wath7a, what's the pass code?!" I nearly yelled at her. Her eyes were full of tears, seeing her this way made my heart broke. This was because of me but I only cared so much for her. I didn't want anyone to break the innocence of my little sister.

"3201." Wath7a murmured, keeping her eyes in front of her. I pressed my fingers over the buttons and typed the number. I clicked on "Last Calls" and looked for the a**hole's number. The a**hole who bothered to call my sister and ruin her, brainwash her childish mind.

But what I found shocked me. Made me speechless.

There was no guy.

No a**hole to shout or yell at.

Wath7a's blackberry slipped out of my fingers, dropping down to her fluffy bed once I was gobsmacked with what I just read.

Last Call: Manal Al-X.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 9

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay.

I decided to bring back my old 50 chapter story, it was my favourite. If you'd like to read it first before reading Le Chase, here's the link to the first chapter (this is the original Masquerade story): *But do not read this story if you're not 13 years old and up, you have been warned.

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THIS BEAUTIFUL BIRTHDAY GIRL RIGHT HERE: @Lalboulayan , enjoy your birthday to the fullest gorgeous!:*

Send me your feedback: @vieblogue.


Previously in Chapter 8:

 "Oh.. uhm, 3yal Layal makh6ouba?" Thari's sudden question startled me. 

Shtabe eb Layal?! Mu ga3d tis2alny hal as2la 3shan tabeeny ana? Lal7een ga3d tfakr feeha?! 

"Layal?" I replied, my eyebrows knitting in confusion.  

"Uhm, eee.." Thari looked uncomfortable. 

Ehya mu makh6ouba bas if I say that... Farah stop thinking!

"Eee makh6ouba!"



It's official. The girls here are crazy.

It's been 9 days now, working in Chocolate Bar. I managed to fit in work with uni at the same time, I backed off, not giving Layal the time of day after Farah told me that she was engaged.

And apparently, Farah had also told me that one of Layal's friends is already pregnant.

"Shift Heba? Hathee refeejat Layal, she's totally pregnant and she isn't even married yet!" Farah gossiped, her winged eyes full of alert.

"Aha." I said remotely as I was staring off to space, it was too early in the morning to expect any customers. The cafe was filled with Kuwait's blazing sunlight and the winter's chilly breeze.

"Aha? Bas?" Farah looked at me in a ludicrous way.

Hathee shfeeha? Shayfetny ghabe ba9adig ena wa7da Kuwateya 7amel w lal7een ma tizawejet? W el mshkela el bent 3a9la w Farah etgoul she's in her 4th month of pregnancy.

Girls. Are. Crazy.

"Eee, aha. Shasaweeleha? Kaifha el bent." I shrugged, looking at the grey cashier in front of me. I never figured out how to play with the buttons yet, I didn't get to take a customer's order in my 9 days of work since Layal always got the cashier before I could.

"Okay Tharouy." Farah said in a spoiled tone that made me cringe a bit. She was wearing another one of her tight shirts, I couldn't control my eyes, they would move to her body for a second and then my mind would realize how inappropriate I was being. Farah was hot, I had to admit but she only had her looks, nothing else.

Maybe if one of my other friends, like 3abbas, he'd like a girl like her. Stupid and reckless.

I prefer a girl with a good head on her shoulders. I've changed my taste, I needed a woman I'd be able to bring back to my mother. Not a woman to show off to my friends.

I needed a change.

"Na3am?" I replied, she kept sticking her arms against mine, trying to make body contact. It's seductive but it's getting annoying now.

"Shfeek elyoum em3a9ib?" Farah asked in a sweet tone.

"Mu em3a9ib." I lied. I was still mad at the fact that Layal was engaged, I had no right to be mad or even jealous but I was stubborn like that.

"Weeh, lal7een fa'9y el mukan?" A new voice entered into the conversation. I turned around and found Layal, wearing a light coloured veil that complimented her light skin and brought our her multicoloured eyes. Behind Layal, was one of her friends. There were too many girls in this job, there were only maybe 4 Kuwaiti guys and they didn't show up much.

"Eee." Farah answered Layal with a glare.

"Shfeeha hathe?" Layal's tall friend with the light hair hissed.

"Madry." Layal shrugged, ignoring Farah's mean attitude.

"Uhm, Layal." I cleared my throat, stopping Layal from turning back around to go back into the kitchen.

"Na3am?" Layal looked a bit surprised by me, she faced me and kept her tone polite.

"Mabrouk." I forced a smile. "Entay w.. uhm, Abdulra7man."

"Oh akeed Ebrahim galik ena 7amani rad, allah yibarik feek mashkour." Layal looked a bit confused which confused me even further. Farah kept fidgeting besides me, looking nervous.

"Thari t3al dige-" Farah started to say but I cut her off.

"Rad? La2 8a9di mabrouk 3la el khe6ba." I scratched the back of my neck, my eyebrows furrowing with curiosity.

"Ey khe6ba?" Layal's face twisted in surprise. Her friend burst out laughing, her eyes bulging out of her eye sockets.

"Umbay enta mu min 9ijik, 3balik Layal makh6ouba? TO HER OWN BROTHER?" Layal's friend held back her stomach, her laughs growing wild.

What? Her brother?!

I turned to look at Farah but she wasn't by my side anymore, she practically ran away.

How could I have believed such a liar? Who made up gossip about others? Thari enta ghaby!

"Abdulra7man okhouch?" I asked, my voice cracking in embarrassment. 

"Eee Thari.." Layal looked at me in bewilderment. "Etha enta rafeej okhouy, shloun ma t3arif hal shay?"

"Uhm.. I-I." I stuttered, trying to muster up an excuse.



Thari hasn't been speaking to me in days, he even avoided asking me for lessons on how to work the cashier when the manager told him to ask me for help. I also felt like he was acting super weird lately, giving me strange looks and hanging around Farah a lot.

I couldn't believe my ears when he assumed I was engaged to my own brother, it was crazy.

But my suspicions were growing. He was standing right in front of me with a blank expression on his face, unable to answer my question.

"Ha?" I urged him to answer. How can he not know that 7amany is my brother too? Did Ibrahim act like 3boud didn't exist or was Thari creating lies?

"Ana rafeej Ibrahim ee bas we're not close, bas 6ile3na chem mara w bas." Thari quickly said, keeping his face emotionless. It made me question my own suspicions. I didn't know much about my brother's friends or what they did together, it was non of my business so I couldn't prove if Thari was telling me the truth or not.

But I had one way to see if he was lying or not.

"Ahh okay." I dismissed the subject and left with Deema behind me, still laughing at Thari and his accusations.



That was so close. SO CLOSE.

But all I was thinking about was how Layal was single now, no ties attached to her. I was humming all day, my spirits all cheered up. I tried looking for Farah to confront her but she vanished, she probably went back home to avoid me.

The only crazy girl here was Farah.

The day passed on quickly, I didn't avoid Layal anymore and freely spoke to her whenever I had the chance to, but I felt like she put some distance between us after our conversation this morning. Her suspicious eyes would watch me every few minutes, inspecting me.

Was she on to me?

I didn't know.

Work ended quickly today, I was ecstatic on going back home to taste my mother's zubaidy cooked fish. She only cooked once a week and let the housekeepers do the cooking all week. I grabbed my Hackett jacket and zipped it up to my neck, warming up my skin.

I crouched down the counter to grab my Samsung, which was in a little basket in one of the drawers. The manager would take our phones before work and hand it to us afterwards, it was lame but it was one of the rules.

A little jingle rang in the cafe, letting us know new customers just came in.

"Welcome to Chocolate Bar sir!" Jarra7, one of the guy workers here, bellowed at the customers who just walked into the cafe. I felt sorry for the guy, his shift started when mine ended, so he'd always give me a little frown when I told him it was time for me to go.

I stood up, keeping my eyes on my Samsung, replying to all my Whatsapp messages, Twitter mentions and texts. My eyes weren't on the customers in front of me.

"Zaid, khala9." A woman, probably in her early thirties, giggled flirtatiously.

"Thari?" The man's nervous voice was too familiar, it caused my head to shoot up from my phone and my eyes landed on the two customers standing in front of me.

The woman in her thirties had dark auburn hair, showing off her Lebanese beauty. Her eyes were rimmed with eyeliner and her lips pasted with dark red lipstick. She was holding onto a tall man with salt and pepper hair, with wrinkled dark eyes.

The same wrinkled eyes that I happened to look into for 18 years.

My father.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 8

Heey guys! How are you all? Yes I'm officially back now. :D Thank you all for being so nice, sending me the early birthday wishes and being so considerate. :') I love you guys! xx

This also might be my last story once summer ends. (I might come back next summer to start a new story, who knows?)

Tell me what you think about the whole thing on my twitter, @vieblogue.


"No no, not like that Thari, move the icing in elegant spirals." Ferro, the manager said in an annoyed voice. It's been a few days and I've gotten used to waking up extra early.

"What?" I asked, trying to hold in my laugh. We were in the grey kitchen of Chocolate Bar and Ferro was teaching me how to place the icing over the cake. I thought my messy icing on the cake looked alright, it looked even a bit artistic if I say so myself.

"IN ELEGANT SPIRALS THARI, ELEGANT SPIRALS!" Ferro snapped, his patience cracking.

"Okay okay!" I hid my grin, turning around to try to move my fingers in an "elegant" way over the cakes whilst the scent of vanilla and caramel slithered up my nostrils.

"Ugh, kids!" Ferro shook his head in disappointment and walked off.

"Young adult*." I murmured to myself, correcting him. I hummed to myself, my arms aching after icing so many cakes and having to throw them away when they weren't perfect enough for Ferro. I hid the cakes in a plastic bag and gave them to the workers instead, not letting Ferro know I never actually threw them into the trash.

"Thari, that's messed up." Layal said behind me, she startled me for a second, causing the icing to smear all over the plate instead of on the cake.

"That's the look I'm going for." I replied stubbornly, I was still mad at her. Yeah, I was being childish.

"Kaifik bas Ferro birid bizifik." Layal shrugged, her honey scent filling up the kitchen. The Chef was behind us, giving both of us a little look that said "I know you have a crush on her, I know, tralalalalala."

"LAYAL WHERE ARE YOU?" A familiar voice shouted through the kitchen, startling all of us. Denny rushed in, her bun high up and her expression stern.

"YALLA BABA SAY COME BACK HOME." Denny gave me a glare before going to grab Layal's arm. Layal looked embarrassed since everybody started to stare at her and gave her this look that said "An 18 year old with a nanny? Seriously?"

"Denny." Layal grunted, trying to free her arm.

"BABA CALL NOW ANY SECOND AND HE WILL BE ANGRY, YALLA." Denny tried to pull Layal but Denny was so tiny, Layal wasn't tall but next to Denny's miniature height, she was a giant.

"Denny I finish work in 7 hours. Not now." Layal hissed.

"Oh.." Denny looked confused for a second and let go of Layal.

"I knew it, Baba didn't tell you to get me." Layal rolled her eyes at Denny.

"Okay I come back in 7 hours then." Denny turned to leave but then, she turned back around once more and gave me a dirty look.

"Stay away." Denny mouthed, her words and her glare aimed right at me. I would have laughed but her eyebrows was arched in an evil way and her teeth bared right at me, ready to attack me if I ever tried to pull a move on Layal.

"Enshallah 3amity." I bowed, keeping a hand over my chest before Denny left the kitchen, her words not seen or heard by the other workers.

"Sorry." Layal kept hissing to the workers, looking embarrassed. Her eyes drifted to mine for a second but I quickly broke off the eye contact. I was stubborn.

Layal turned to leave the kitchen and walked off to the cashier section where her friends were. I decided to stick as close as possible to the wall so I could pick up on their conversation whilst adding the icing over the cakes. I couldn't help but be nosy.

"Banaaat!" Layal excitedly said.

"Shfeech mistansa?" One of her friends laughed.

"Abdulrahman biyee elyoum!" Layal said in a more excited tone.

"Umbayy wanasa!" Another one of her friends replied.


"You're gonna pick him up from the airport, mu 9a7?" Her friend, Fatima I think, said.

"Akeed!" Layal answered.

Mu men 9ejha, 9a7? Wein ga3deen?

Thari as if you never went out with a girl before, you're not one to talk!

Okay bas ehya bent.. ana 9bay, fee farg..

You're so sexist, at the end of the day, both of you are doing something wrong.

I ignored my conscience, the little voice kept nagging at me at the back of my head, annoying me.

"Kalemta elyoum 3la telephone w hal mara obouy biyee wyay." Layal continued.

Wait, what? Obouha biyee wyaha? Thari, hatha yemkin mu 7beebha, can it be possible that she's engaged already? La2 ma y9eer, she's too young..

"Hey, entay." I hissed to one of the female workers, she had long dark hair and she has been eying me ever since I joined the crew. "Uhm.. Farah."

"Eta3rif esmy?" Her eyes lit up, I acted as if I didn't read her name on the name tag on her striped shirt.

"Eee akeed! Uhm, 3nde su2al." I tried to act as casual as possible.

"Ee?" Farah took a step closer, enjoying the sudden attention I was giving her. I knew I had to ask a few random questions before I started asking about Layal, I didn't want to be too obvious.



This was unbelievable.. The new guy was finally speaking to me. I couldn't help but notice that he had been eying Layal, watching her every second when Layal wasn't looking. It was so obvious that he had a crush on her and that pissed me off, what did he see in her?

She barely wore anything that showed off her figure, all she wore was baggy clothes to work and had little make up on. Okay we get it you wear a veil (*veil means 7jab), but seriously, can you wear something a little more attractive?

I was proud of my outfit today, I wore a tight Tommy Hilfiger striped shirt that accented my curves and a pencil skirt. I even straightened my long hair today and added extra mascara.

Finally, it paid off. Thari was speaking to me, ha!

"You girls.. when do you think is a right age to get engaged at?" Thari's smoldering eyes gaped into mine.

Y3ne naghza tabe tekh6ibny? Thari Al-X yabeeny? Ashkara yabeeny.

"Any age." I gave Thari a seductive grin.

"Any?!" Thari looked alarmed and fearful of my answer.

"Eee akeed! B3ad the younger the better." I continued, trying to give him the hint that I'm ready to get married now. With his family money and his looks, think of all the good looking kids we'd have.

"Bas aren't you girls a bit.. uhm, young to get married now?" Thari continued questioning me, his fingers running through his jet black wavy hair.

"Nope, like I said, the younger the better Thari." I repeated again as my fingers toyed with my necklace.

"Oh.. uhm, 3yal Layal makh6ouba?" Thari's sudden question startled me.

Shtabe eb Layal?! Mu ga3d tis2alny hal as2la 3shan tabeeny ana? Lal7een ga3d tfakr feeha?!

"Layal?" I replied, my eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"Uhm, eee.." Thari looked uncomfortable.

Ehya mu makh6ouba bas if I say that... Farah stop thinking!

"Eee makh6ouba!"

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 7

HELLOOOOO! :D Ramadhan kareem w mbarik 3leikom elshahar! I've missed you guys, I'm not back yet but I found a way to post, if you read one of my tweets you'd know how. :o)

*IMPORTANT* READ PLEASE: Just a reminder, my stories are for entertainment and not for influencing. Etha taboun tetraboun, la tetraboun men stories w musalsalat w b3dain tiyoun etgolounly (ow to other bloggers) "shfeech tiktibeen/tektib love stories?!" I don't see people complaining about Twilight and how Bella got into a relationship or how from the Hunger Games, how the main character kissed a boy without marriage, adry hathola fiction stories w ajnebeyeen w e7na muslimeen bas think about it, why does our society question us Arabs but don't question stories or movies by the West? And why is it okay for them to write fictional erotic or romantic stories without you guys complaining but when we Arabs write fictional stories, suddenly everyone is questioning us and our principles? So it's okay for you to watch a romance movie (that can have scenes with kissing, things that our eyes shouldn't see at all) but it isn't okay for an Arab to write a love story that is purely fiction and in my sake, appropriate for most age groups? These things are for entertainment purposes, stop using it as if it's a way to get raised by. Want to get raised properly? Go to your family or parents, NOT to the TV, or to the books or whatever else there is to get "influenced" by. 

I ALWAYS remind my readers not to copy any of the characters, I do not encourage dating and love isn't 7aram if it's done in the right way, through marriage. Thank you to all who have been patient with me, understanding I have a life outside the blog and have been supporting me nonetheless. I love all of you. :D

I brought back an old character but changed her name, remember Lisa-Anne? (For the people whor read my old 50 chapter story). She's back, in a new form!

Previously on chapter 6:

 I parked outside a white painted house with a huge garden that had a little fountain in the front of it, a few cars were parked outside such as Porsche Cayenne and a Ferrari but the house seemed dead quiet. I didn't park too close to the house, I didn't want Layal to get into trouble because of my stupid lie of knowing her brother Ibrahim.

"Mashkour." Layal murmured coldly before getting out of the car.

"Layal digeega!" I called out before she could shut the car door, she was in a hurry to leave.

"Shnu?" Layal said, distracted.

"Aklich?" I laughed, grabbing her take away bag out of the back of the Rolls Royce, handing it over to her.

"Oh." Layal bit her bottom lip, grabbing her food hesitantly.

"Layal mnu hatha?" A new voice entered into the picture, startling both Layal and I.


"Layal?!" The voice demanded. I looked up and was surprised to find a Filipino lady with wrinkles that shaped her feminine features. She wore a crisp beige uniform, her hair was up in a tight neat bun but her Arabic was broken, yet she continued to speak in Kuwaiti.

"Denny it's Ibrahim's friend, don't worry." Layal tried to reassure the nanny but Layal's face looked fearful, as if she was speaking to her mother rather than a housekeeper.

"Layal enti shnu sawi al7een!" Denny barked, crossing her arms over her tiny frail body.

"Uhm, sorry but Layal didn't do anything, so you don't need to tell her parents or anything." I chipped in, trying to defend Layal. Denny's small Asian eyes drifted to mine, glaring at me.

"Enta mnu?! T3al ana wadi enta 7ag baba!" Denny continued trying to speak in Kuwaiti but I was shocked to find Layal laughing in the midst of Denny being angry.

"Umbay Denny, stop it with the Arabic, it won't scare off guys." Layal gasped in between laughs.

"Layal this is not funny, oki? What is dat boy doin' here? Wait I get my bag and I will hit him!" Denny replied angrily, turning around to walk back into the house.

"Denny wait no!" Layal ran after her, her feet swiping over the concrete floor outside their large house.

I ran my fingers through my hair nervously, waiting for Layal to come back. I waited for around 20 minutes? I took this as cue to leave the house, I didn't want any of Layal's siblings or even her parents catching me waiting around outside their house.

 I pushed hard on the pedal, whizzing off. While I was on the way back to our house, completely dismissing the idea of going back to the shaleih since I didn't want to run into the guys again, I heard a weird ringtone. It wasn't my ringtone, it was too jingly. 

I flipped my head around and found an iPhone 4S laying on the back seats of my Rolls Royce.

The best and sexiest Abdulrahman ever!:**** is calling.

My nosiness got the best of me, I extended a free arm back and grabbed the iPhone, keeping my left hand over the steering wheel. I pressed on "accept" and muted myself so the guy wouldn't hear my voice.

"Layoulaa 7beebty weinch? Waleht 3leich!" The guy's voice boomed into the phone, full of excitement.

Layoula? And what the hell, "waleht 3leich"?

I hung up on him and turned off Layal's iPhone. It had a passkey so I couldn't check her text messages to know more about this Abdulrahman guy.

Shfeek em3a9ib? Enta shaku bil bent? Kaifha if she has a boyfriend, it's not as if you were purely innocent. You just met her today, you have no right to be angry or jealous.

I ignored the little voice and the word "jealous". I am NOT jealous.

I wasn't.

I can't be.

I parked besides our other cars once I reached home. I raced upstairs, trying to avoid seeing anyone. Jenny, our housekeeper, caught me, she was about to call my name but I was safe in my bedroom, the door closed behind me before her voice could be heard.

That night, my head was filled with endless thoughts about Layal, my father and especially this Abdulrahman guy. As hard as I tried falling asleep, I failed. Even the brisk coolness of my pillow and spread sheets weren't seductive enough. I checked my blog twitter again and the followers numbers were increasing.

I also got a new DM. It was from that blogger, that made up the whole story, aiming the fault of Manal and I's relationship on me. She practically turned the story around, making me the bad guy.

"@forever****: You like to play dirty, don't you? ;) Check out my latest chapter babe!"

She can't be serious, can she? She doesn't sound intimidated or scared, not at all..

I clicked on her blog and read her latest chapter.

"Hello my beautiful readersss:* all of you are asking who the Thari is in my story;)

I'll give you a clue.. he's from a very famous family, I'm sure all of you know the family.

And they sure love the sports cars.

And of course, their eldest son Thari, is the biggest player in Kuwait.

I won't be surprised if any of you girls have been with him in the past or are with him right now, to the girls who are dating him right now, he has more than one girlfriend, he is a very hard man to please this Thari. :(

Don't make the same mistake as Manal."

This girl is ruthless but I 'll find out who she is, a man's reputation isn't as breakable as a woman's. I'll show her.

I grabbed my Macbook, placing it over my lap before opening Blogspot to write a new chapter. My readers were hungry for a new post and I knew exactly what to write.

"Hope you like this new chapter, this story is ALLLLLL true.. even the names and appearances of the characters are true. :)"

I made sure I wrote all of the embarrassing facts of Manal that I knew about. I wasn't ready yet to bomb the readers with Manal's cruelty. I knew that if Manal read the story, she would be shocked. Especially when I described her as the Manal I once knew, she was going to be easy to spot. And not every Manal in Kuwait had a scar on her right cheek and bikini photos of herself on public sites.

That night, I slept like a baby after throwing my anger all into the chapter I wrote for my readers.


"Thari, wake up, you have work." Jenny's rough hands were dug into my back, trying to shake me around to wake me up. My body build was too heavy and muscular for her to shake well enough.

"Mmm Jenny no." I roared, stuffing my head back into my pillow.

"YOU HAVE WORK WAKE UP THARI!" Jenny's screeched, causing me to wince.

"OKAY OKAY JENNY!" I shouted back, forcing myself out of bed. Jenny snickered and left my bedroom, leaving me to shower and change into my Armani shirt and Hollister sweatpants.

I grabbed a hoodie and was ready to leave the house. The Rolls Royce was gone, my father probably took it and so, I used the Range Rover.

I had a day off in university so I could use it as a work day. I drove through the crowded streets of Kuwait, many of the cars were rushing, trying to race to work or school. I passed the familiar buildings before I finally reached Chocolate Bar.

 "You're late." The Chocolate Bar manager named Ferro said in a stern voice once I entered. He had light sandy skin and his accent was dipped in Italian.

"Really? I thought I was early." I yawned, the bright sun rays blinding my eyes momentarily. The smell of fresh luscious chocolate cake and crisp chicken salads caused my stomach to growl in response.

"It's 8:00 am, you were supposed to be here an hour ago." Ferro's forehead furrowed in disappointment, he pushed the Chocolate Bar apron to my chest and walked off with a "Don't be late next time."

I made my way behind the Chocolate Bar counter, finding Layal and a couple of her girl friends chatting since the restaurant wasn't filled with people.

"Layal." I said in a polite tone. Layal turned around, her colourful eyes were rimmed with light eyeliner and nothing else, she looked fresh and wide awake.

"Na3am?" Layal replied, her girl friends weren't nosy and continued their conversation, not giving Layal and I attention.

"Telephonich." I pulled out her iPhone out of the pockets of my Hollister sweats and handed it to Layal.

"Mashkour." Layal looked at me, looking confused. I couldn't figure out why she was so confused.

But the name Abdulrahman was still stuck deep in my head, hardening my expression and causing my anger to arise once again.



When Thari walked into the restaurant, his hair a mess but his grin lazily placed on his face, he looked effortlessly good. I was expecting him to throw a few jokes at me or try to start up a conversation like yesterday but he seemed cold, his grin melted away once he was in front of me, his hand extended, handing me over my iPhone.

"El3afu." Thari replied cold heartlessly, turning around to walk into the kitchen where the manager was. I had a tiny bit of hope that he only took this job for me but after today, I thought wrong.

He seemed so different, was it because of our nanny Denny? How she embarrassed me?

I don't get boys at all.

I wrote my iPhone pass code which was 6591 and unlocked it. I scanned through my text messages and checked my missed calls afterwards.

I found something peculiar. I had a few missed calls from my friends but I found one from Abdulrahman.

I smiled to myself once I read the funny nickname.

*A year ago*

"Sim3ay 3adil, bas 3shan ana barou7 London 3shan adris that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. You better take care of yourself Layal, now you're the eldest one in the family, you are the woman of the house, our mother might be gone but don't forget about how much Dad had gone through because he had to raise us alone." Abdulrahman's voice was serious, it echoed a bit in the deserted airport in Kuwait. I was clutching onto him after our hug, my eyes were rimmed with tears. 

"Enshallah." I hiccuped. I felt lost without a big brother, now I had to take care of Yasmine, the youngest in our family alone. I didn't count my other big brother Ebrahim as a "big brother", he was reckless and all he did was either date or go to the diwaneya. Abdulrahman was the only brother who was there for all of us.

 "And don't forget, if any guy gets close to you, you better punch him." Abdulrahman tried to joke around with me to push off my tears. We were alone in the airport since it was so early, I decided to go with him since my sister was asleep, Ebrahim was too lazy and my Dad was ill, he didn't have the strength to drive with us.

"I will." I laughed weakly.

"3a6eene telephonich." Abdulrahman demanded. I handed him my phone quickly, not afraid of him seeing my chats or anything. I didn't have a guy on my phone, all of them were girls.

After a few fingers being swiped here and there, Abdulrahman handed me my phone back.

"Egray esmi." He said with a smile, his hair gelled back in a polished way.

"The best and sexiest Abdulrahman ever!:****"

I laughed in response, it was silly, it was Abdulrahman all over.

"Shoufay? 3shan kel ma adig 3leich, ti'97keen, okay? W enshallah I'll visit whenever I can." He continued, letting go of me. I looked into his dark eyes, they didn't resemble mine. I was the only girl in the family with the eyes of my mother's and I hated it.

"Enshallah." I repeated obediently. We hugged one more time before saying our final goodbye, I watched his bare back disappear off into the crowds of people. He was a blurry image for a second and then in the next second, he was gone.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 6

I got this question a lot: Layal mt7jba?
Answer: Yep she is, in Chapter 4 I mentioned that she wore a veil and some of her mahogany hair was coming out of it. I like to keep my characters different in every story, nothing similar to my old one.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. :D And if you ever find a mistake, tell me about it, I honestly don't find it annoying, it's very helpful. x


My eyes would avert from the road and sneak a glance at Layal's face once the Rolls Royce was gliding over the grey bulky roads of Kuwait. She kept her eyes on the road in front of us more than I did, her simple manicured fingers were tapping against her iPhone every few seconds, she seemed nervous. Did I make her nervous?

"So." I murmured over the sounds of traffic, trying to start a conversation. Layal didn't continue, she practically ignored me.

"Ma gilteely wein beitkom?" I said again, breaking the awkward silence once more.

"Ma t3arif? Ma yeit 3ndena 7ag el dwaneya night ams?" Layal finally moved her eyes from the road and placed them on me, I caught the hints of green hues around her dark pupils once again, it was mesmerizing, even in the dark, the colours in her eyes were visible.

"H-ha?" I stuttered, getting caught up with her eyes. "Oh uhm, la2. Mnzaman ma yeit 3ndekom fa neseit wein beitkom, dayman ana w Ibrahim ne6la3.."

"Wein trou7oun?" Layal questioned me further. Oh man, I was going to get caught.

"Siwalif shabab, al7een wein beitkom?" I quickly said, changing the subject.

"Jabriya..." Layal said the address quickly, the words gliding off of her tongue.

"Shway shway, ma seme3t shay." I chuckled. "Mara thanya?"

"Jabriya..." Layal repeated in a slower pace, her sweet toned voice filling my ears.

"Ahh okay, ma tabeen 3asha? Take away?" I took the road that took me to Jabriya, keeping my eyes on the cars driving in front of me. I couldn't help but catch a honey kind of scent from Layal, it was addictive.

"Uhm, la2." Layal awkwardly answered but I heard the growling of her stomach, her stomach said yes but her mind said no. I decided to take another road that led us to Mcdonalds.

"Wein rayi7?" Layal said, her voice sounding alarmed.

"Cheese burger wla chicken burger?" I grinned to myself. The drive-thru where you can order in your car was packed so I picked a parking space to park the Rolls Royce and stopped the engine.

"Big Mac." Layal murmured, surrendering. She licked over her full lips, staring off at the Mcdonalds building.

"Okay bitiyeen wla bitig3deen bil sayara?" I said with my hand over the car door, ready to push it open.

"La2 bag3ad." Layal stubbornly answered.

"Okay, your choice." I shrugged before pushing the car door open to step out of the car, before I shut the car door behind me, I heard Layal call out my name.

"Thari, wait." Layal said fearfully, I smiled to myself once I heard my name on her lips.

Offh shd3wa, et7asisny awal mara etkalim bent.

I ignored the little annoying voice in my head.

"Halla?" I crouched down and dipped my head back into the car. Layal was looking at her surroundings, there were numerous cars parked out besides us that were filled with other guys and her eyes were full of fear.

"Uhm, bitkhaleeny brou7y y3ne?" Layal stuttered, her curled eyelashes shielding her large eyes.

"Mu entay giltay ma tabeen tiyeen?" I replied in an emotionless tone, trying to stop myself from smiling.

"Uhm, digeega." Layal stretched her body to the back seats of the car so she could grab her duffel bag, she unzipped it and her hands were dug deep into it, looking for something. She finally grabbed a large hoodie out of the bag and pulled it over her black shirt. I turned my head away, knowing that her veil was going to get pulled down and show off her hair.

"Okay." Layal breathed out after a few minutes, she got out of the car and I held back a laugh. She looked silly, she was wearing her Free City sweats with a large Hollister hoodie that covered up her figure. Her veil was wrapped properly around her face, covering up any hair that crept out of it earlier.

We put some distance between us as we walked up to the stairs to Mcdonalds, she stood next to me in line and she kept her eyes glued onto the menu that was over the walls. I checked my Galaxy, looking at the blog account. Aziz had given me a shout out and so I now had about 990 followers, even more than the girl blogger's twitter.


"Hi sir, welcome to Mcdonalds," the Filipino worker with the mustache greeted me.

"Oh hey, uhm, can I have two Big Macs for take away?" I grinned up at the Filipino worker, feeling giddy of getting more followers than that secret blogger.

"Drinks?" His fingers typed over the cashier.

"Drinks?" I repeated, looking over to Layal. She had her fingers dug deep into her hoodie pockets, her cheeks seemed bronzed in the light and her eyes were more colourful under the light. The guys behind me gave her a few flirtatious looks but she was too blind to notice.

"Cola please." Layal said.

"You heard the lady." I nodded off to the worker. "I'll have the same."

I grabbed my wallet out of my pocket, ready to pay but I felt a pair of soft cool fingers over my wrist. They were Layal's.

"La2, ana badfa3." Layal quickly took off her fingers off of my wrist, suddenly noticing how awkward it had become once she touched me.

"Mu men 9ijech, akeed ma ra7 tidfi3een." I laughed mockingly, handing the worker the money before Layal could bring out her Hermes wallet out of her pockets.

"Thari." Layal said in an angry tone.

"Layal." I repeated, looking at her seriously. For some reason, she quickly looked away, breaking the eye contact. Hm.

 For the next few minutes, we remained silent, waiting for the order. Everytime I'd try to start up a conversation, she would ignore or just shut me off completely by making herself busy by staring at the Mcdonalds menu or stare outside the fast food restaurant.

"Here's your order, thank you for ordering." The kind worker said in a heavy accented English, I smiled at him and grabbed the take away bags. I was about to tell Layal it was time to go but I found her sitting by one of the tables next to a little girl.

The little girl was crying, her dark hair a mess and her dress filled with ketchup stains. Layal was whispering to her and the girl smiled in response, calming down.

"Sh9ayer?" I asked once I walked up to Layal.

"Ma t3arif wein omha." Layal replied in a worried tone. "7beebty ma tithkireen wein omich ra7at?"

"L-la2." The little girl sobbed, a waterfall of tears streamed back onto her cheeks, her smile fading away.

"La tabcheen 7beebty, akeed ra7at el 7amam ow shay." Layal stood up from her seat and walked over to the little girl, she knelt down to the ground and brushed the girl's tears away with her gentle fingers.

While Layal was trying to calm the little girl down, I went over to the Mcdonalds counter to order an ice cream for the girl. I came back and handed the little girl the ice cream. At first, the little girl's wide eyes looked at me in fear but they quickly softened with kindness once she noticed the ice cream cone in my hand.

"Mashkour." The little girl murmured, taking the ice cream from my hand. She quickly stopped crying and got busy with licking her vanilla ice cream. Layal looked up at me, her eyes widening a bit at me. And for the first time ever, she gave me a heart warming smile, I gave her a grin, feeling content.

"Samaher!" A worried woman in her early 30's called out.

"Mamaa!" The little girl's face broke out in a huge smile, she jumped out of her seat and ran over to her mother.

"El7amdellah." Layal murmured to herself, watching the little girl with her mother.

"Yalla khan rou7." Layal quickly said, trying to leave the Mcdonalds restaurant before me.

"Enta ely legeit benty?" The mother walked up to me before I could walk out with Layal.

"Uhm, l-la2, Layal." I called out her name but she was already outside.

"Mashkour!" The woman gushed, holding tightly onto her daughter's hand.

"Mu ana-" I started to explain but the mother kept thanking me, leaving without letting me explain.

"Layal shfeech 6l3tay?" I finally caught up with Layal, she was waiting outside, her eyes staring off to the distance.

"Bas, yalla khan rou7." Layal avoided my question, her eyes held a secret I couldn't understand. I didn't question her again and remained silent as I drove her back to their house once we were back in the Rolls Royce.

Layal didn't say a word during the whole car ride, she had her eyes staring out of her window. I wished I could dip into her head and find out what she was thinking about. She was strange in a way, I hadn't met a girl like her before, she preferred silence over words.

I parked outside a white painted house with a huge garden that had a little fountain in the front of it, a few cars were parked outside such as Porsche Cayenne and a Ferrari but the house seemed dead quiet. I didn't park too close to the house, I didn't want Layal to get into trouble because of my stupid lie of knowing her brother Ibrahim.

"Mashkour." Layal murmured coldly before getting out of the car.

"Layal digeega!" I called out before she could shut the car door, she was in a hurry to leave.

"Shnu?" Layal said, distracted.

"Aklich?" I laughed, grabbing her take away bag out of the back of the Rolls Royce, handing it over to her.

"Oh." Layal bit her bottom lip, grabbing her food hesitantly.

"Layal mnu hatha?" A new voice entered into the picture, startling both Layal and I.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 5

Reminder: These stories are all FICTION, out of my head. They are STORIES, not REALITY. There may be a few wrong things the characters may have done, that does NOT mean I'm encouraging people to copy them, it's a story for all of you to enjoy, not to be influenced by.

Thank you for all the support, I love you guys! x


This was horrendous, this blogger can't truly be serious, can she?

I'll show her, she can't mess with me.

I hobbled over to my desk where my sleek Macbook pro was. The cushion of the leather chair felt relaxing as I logged out of my twitter and went to "sign up" on twitter.

I decided to make my own blog with the username "@GuyBlogger***"

I set up my own blog on blogspot and I was ready to go. I posted the first chapter, it was pretty simple, my writing wasn't the best but I made sure the beginning of my story was spicy enough for readers to get intrigued by.

Next, I made sure I followed ALL the Kuwaitis I knew who loved blogs. I didn't forget to follow the blogger too, I wanted her to read the chapter.

And now, all I had to do was wait.

A knock startled me as my eyes were staring at the eye piercing bright screen of my laptop.

"Thari, dinner is ready." Jenny, our housekeeper entered my room. Her young face had a few wrinkles around her gentle eyes, her ginger hair was up in a tight bun and she was wearing a crisp uniform.

"I won't stay for dinner, I'm going out." I looked away from my screen, giving her a half smile.

"Baba will be angry." Jenny said, her mouth forming an 'o'.

"Baba? He's here?" My face twisted a bit.

"Ya', he is downstairs with Mama, Zaid and Wath'ha." Jenny scratched her left ear, looking a bit nervous.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute." I reassured her, watching her shut the door behind her.

My father didn't usually come home this early, he was the type to come just to sleep and then leave before we ever woke up. I pulled off my shirt, replacing it with a cleaner nylon Barcelona one. I hurried downstairs, my Toms sliding over the marble stairs effortlessly.

"Thari." I heard my Father's deep voice once I entered the grand dining room. We rarely used it, it was a wide room with beige wallpapers and a wooden floor. The long mahogany table was stretched out over the floor with at least a dozen matching chairs. Wath'ha was sitting by Mom and Zaid was sitting by Dad.

"Bas yeit ta7at 3shan agoulekom ana rayi7 el shaleih." I went over to Mom to press my lips over her forehead, kissing it gently. I purposely ignored Dad.

"Ma ra7 tit3asha?" Mom looked up at me.

"La2, mu you3an." I lied.

"Thari, en6ir." Dad's voice stopped me in my tracks, stopping me from walking out of the dining room. I felt 3 pairs of eyes on me, Mom's, my sister's and brother's.

"Ma ra7 etsalim 3la obouk?" Dad asked in a cool tone, his eyes were surrounded with wrinkles, his light skin looked paler than usual and his hair was greying. He didn't look anything like me.

"Neseit." I mumbled and forced myself to press a light kiss over my father's forehead. After that, I made sure I left the room as quickly as possible. My Louis Vuitton wallet was dug deep into my sweats, I gave Jenny an easy grin as I passed her, walking over to the entrance of the house.

There was a little table next to the doors of our house, it held the keys of our different cars. I grabbed the Rolls Royce car keys, knowing that Dad usually uses it and it was finally my chance to steal it before he could say anything.

Once I was in the car, I dialed Aziz's number as my left hand was gripping the steering wheel of the Rolls Royce. My Toms covered foot was pressed up against the pedal, trying to drive as fast as I can.

"Aloo." Aziz groaned into the phone.

"Shfeek?" I asked, my eyes on the road in front of me.

"G3dtny." Aziz chuckled sleepily.

"Nayem embacher elyoum." I laughed.

"Eee kent mwa9l, ha laish dageit?" I could hear Aziz's voice echo. He was in the shaleih.

"Ana al7een bil6ireej yay, ga3d bil shaleih? Ma tabe etnam 3nd sheleihna?" I asked. I knew Aziz preferred our shaleih, we had an indoors pool and gates that towered over us, keeping the shaleih secure and protected.

"Allaah, yalla al7een bagoum, shaleihkom yemna fa dig 3lay lema taw9al. Agoul 7ag elshabab eyoun?" Aziz's voice was suddenly more alert.

"Eee goulehom, yalla bye." I hung up on him after I began to reach the familiar road that took me to the shaleih areas of Kuwait. I twisted the knob of the radio around, blasting the music through the speakers as my free hand scrolled over on my Galaxy, looking for the twitter icon.

@GuyBlogger**** followers: 40 following: 1023

Oh man, 40 isn't enough. 

I dialed Aziz's number again.

"Shfeek dageit mara thanya?" Aziz asked once he answered me.

"I need a favor, mu 3ndek 32,032 followers on your tweets account?" I licked my lips.

"Eee, laish?" Aziz asked curiously.

"Abeek etsawy shout out for this blog, I'll DM you the username." I took a turn, the Rolls Royce gliding over the road.

"Blog? Weeh shfeekum habeen bel blogs?" Aziz smirked mockingly.

"It's for a good purpose." I grinned to myself.

"Yalla okay, bas dizly el username." Aziz agreed.

"Mashkour, yalla ashoufik lema ou9al." I hung up for the second time.

I parked the Rolls Royce outside Aziz's shaleih once I arrived, I hit the horn two times, it was our signal. In a few minutes, Aziz hurried out of his white painted shaleih with a grin on his face. I couldn't help but notice the numerous cars parked outside of it.

"Hey, elshabab biyoun 3nd el shaleih bacher, Abdulrahman w 3abbas biyoun m3ana al7een." Aziz said once he had his head dipped into the Rolls Royce, through the window.

"Ee okay, 3ade." I shrugged.

"Thari shouf." Aziz gestured to the shaleih near his, it was in clear view since Aziz's shaleih didn't have a gate blocking the view of the whole road and the shaleihs next to it.

I caught the view of four girls sitting outside on the garden of their shaleih, the smell of barbecued hotdogs made its way into my nostrils. One of the girls wore a short white dress, her hair up in a bun, she was barbecuing the food while the others were sprawled over the grass, doing God knows what.

"Meyaneen?" Aziz laughed, staring at the girls who were laying on their grass, their shorts getting dirty. I was trying to figure out how the girls were wearing such summer-y clothes in the winter while Aziz was staring at their naked legs.

"7mdellah w elshkr." I muttered, not giving the anymore attention.

"Bas mu 7lween?" Aziz asked me, his eyes growing hungry.

"Aziz besik, al7een yalla bitiyee wla la2?" I tried to remind Aziz about getting in the car.

"Why in a hurry? Tara el banat brou7hom." Aziz winked at me, giving me the hint to go over to the girls with him.

"Okay w etha? Kaifhom." I huffed in annoyance, running my fingers through my hair. The chilly wind hit my bare arms, causing me to shiver. I forgot to bring my jacket.

"What's up with you?" Aziz finally turned to look at me, his dark eyes staring into mine.

"Nothing, mu 8a9eb aghazil." I looked away, getting pissed off easily.

"Weeh, 3abbas awnas menik." Aziz muttered, his words sparked my anger even further. I pushed the door open from my Rolls Royce once I took the keys out of the ignition.

"Awnas? Yalla 3yal t3al." I shut the car door and practically hiked up the little hills of sand in front of me to walk over to where the girls were. The girl in the white dress turned to look at me, a bit startled by Aziz and I.

Aziz had a silly grin over his face.

"Hi?" One of the girls said awkwardly but her eyes were flirtatiously glazing over Aziz's muscles. With that one look, I knew the girls were easy. Too easy.

"Halla walla," Aziz replied back with a wider grin.

"Banat taboun ayeeb ketchu-" I heard a new voice, a very familiar sweet toned one. I turned back around and found Layal in a pair of  Free City sweats and a tight fitting black long sleeved shirt. Her veil was wrapped around her face loosely so spritz of her light hair creeped out of her veil. (*veil means 7jab.)

"You." Layal breathed out in surprise, her eyes staring into mine.

"You." I replied back, just as surprised as she was.

No, Layal couldn't be easy too. She couldn't. 

"Layal, t3rfeena?" A wispy voice behind me called out, it was one of the girls in the shorts who was laying down on the grass.

"Uhm, la2." Layal shot back, her face turning cold.

"Ohhhh Thari." Aziz chuckled, nudging my shoulder.

"Shitsawoun?" Aziz continued, trying to work his charm.

"Hot dogs, tabe?" The white dressed girl gave Aziz a warm smile.

"Hebba shfeech?!" Layal hissed, her eyes looking at Hebba in disappointment.

"Shd3wa Layal, ma saweina shay ghala6." Hebba hissed back in annoyance.

"Ana barid el bait." Layal hissed back, trying to cover up any hair that got out of her veil. She rushed back into the house, I could see her faint shadow, she was trying to look for a jacket and probably her purse.

Hebba didn't follow Layal back into the shaleih, she stayed outside, placing hot dogs over a plate to hand it over to Aziz.

"Enta shsmik?" One of the girls on the grass, she had dark hair and light skin, asked me.

I ignored her question and tried to walk back out of the shaleih.

"Thari wein rayi7?" Aziz called our, stopping me.

"Barou7 shaleihna, bitiyee wela la2?" I replied, regretting walking into the girl's shaleih. Aziz was trying to intimidate me and it worked.

"Omi ma etsheela w el sayig mshgoul, Danah tigdireen etwadeeny el bait?" Layal's voice distracted me, I was staring at her again, she had less make up on and her lips were even more crimson than usual.

"Male khelg asoug." Danah pouted, her eyes were on me but I ignored her gaze.

"Ana awadeech." I suddenly said, surprising myself.

What the hell did you just say Thari? El bent ma t3rfik!

"Uhm, no thank you." Layal's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Suit yourself." I shrugged, making my voice as cold as hers.

"Danah yalla allah yikhaleech." Layal continued begging.

"Offh shfeech? G3day w riday bacher." Danah snapped.

"Ma ra7 ag3ad! Entow ma giltouly bityuboun 9bayan. My mom is going to kill me because of you." Layal snapped back angrily.

"Mu mishkelty that you don't have guy friends." Danah rolled her eyes and then placed her eyes back on me.

"Esmik Thari?" Danah averted her attention on me, it disgusted me.

"Layal t3alay, a3arif okhouch w ohwa y3rfny." I lied.

"Et3arif Ibrahim?" Layal widened her eyes at me, suddenly trusting me a bit.

"Eee, yalla ana bawadeech el bait." I bit the inside of my cheek, I knew it was wrong but I just wanted to prove myself wrong about her being an easy girl.

"Uhm.. digeega adig 3la okhouy awal." Layal took out her iPhone but frowned once she saw that it was shut off because of low battery.

"Haman ana telephoni low battery." I lied again before she could ask to use my phone, Layal looked at the girls for help but they ignored her, they were too interested on us guys and our guy friends in the shaleih next to us.

"Hmm, okay." Layal surrendered. "Bas bag3ad wara."

"Maku mukan, it's a Rolls Royce." I grinned to myself, happy that I won.

"There's seats behind you, shnu maku mukan?" Layal argued but once she walked up to the car behind me, she realized how tight it was behind the front seats and she was carrying a large duffel bag.

"Oh." Layal pouted, crossing her arms over her black shirt.

"Yalla." I nodded towards the car, sliding into the driver's seat. Layal took a hesitant step back, trying to rethink her decision.

"Bitig3deen wya refejatich? They invited more guys." I pointed towards the other shaleih's garden, there were a couple of my guy friends and Aziz's friends with the flirty looking girls. Layal shot a dirty look at the girls before taking a more confident step towards the Rolls Royce before sliding into the passenger's seat.

I won.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A friend.

Wrote this pretty quickly, 15 minutes maybe. :p Another bedtime story for one of my readers.


The piano's notes flowed easily into my ears, causing my eardrums to vibrate in excitement at the sounds that cascaded in and out of the blaring speakers. The tiny tips of my toes brushed against the marble stage, causing a hum to travel across the crowd. My legs were pointed straight before they flailed around, turning in smooth movements, my arms dangling before me. 

"It's her. It's her!" They whispered, their hungry eyes yearning for more.

I listened to their chants. Pink, luminous pink flashed before me. My tutu was wrapped around me, hugging my tiny waist as I swiveled around, my feet effortlessly sliding over the stage. My arms were stretched out towards the sky, my hands trying to reach for the bright cardboard stars that were hanging over me. 

The lights were to sharp, the light bulbs pierced my eyes viciously, screaming at me to stop but I willed myself to move on. The chants grew louder, the voices urged for more, my legs moved faster, the beautiful melodies became harsh and horrendous.

The objects in front of started to swivel around with me, I began to lose my balance as I kept turning round and round, never stopping for a second for relief. The world turned with me, causing my sight to blur. A toe was misplaces, a slight mistake occurred, causing the beautiful dance to erupt and become suddenly destroyed.

I was nearing to the end, my body failing me, ready to collapse helplessly but two warm hands steadied me. I looked down, finding two tanned hands perched over my waist, keeping me in my place. A whiff of his cool masculine fragrance calmed me, caused my toes to aim straight once again so I could regain my balance and posture. I was moving again, I was dancing, on the tip of my toes. My legs angled perfectly, my fingers pointed upwards and my eyes staring back into the chanting crowd.

His fingers were feathering over my sides, along my waist, never letting go.

"You won't fall." He whispered, his breath tickling my neck. Beads of sweat covered my forehead, covering over my powdered makeup but I still went on, his hands motivating me to end the dance perfectly.

One more turn, I told myself.

I angled my legs straight before balancing my weight on one foot, his strong fingers were letting go of me, as if I was a young bird, learning to fly, escaping her guardian's protection. The beating of my heart sang with the beautiful melody as I pushed myself around, my body curling for a few seconds before becoming as straight as a sword as it turned and turned, not stopping for a millisecond. 

The cold air whipped and slapped against my cheek, my hair untangling itself from my neat bun. My long chestnut hair cascaded around me, flowing with my round movements, framing my heart shaped face. I halted to a pause.

I took a lungful of breath, a smile was painted along my coral covered lips as the crowd roared. I turned to look for the steady fingers that held me, all I found was the darkness staring right at me.

"You did it!" A gentle voice whispered behind me, I looked around once more and felt the rush of a sudden wind slap against me, causing me to shiver.

"Who are you?" I whispered fearfully to the darkness, ignoring the chants and applause from the audience.

"A friend." A voice whispered back, the warmness from the kind voice overwhelmed me. 

I stared at the dark, my eyes becoming suddenly blind. The audience's cheers were muted as they watched me eagerly, hoping for a second dance.

But I stood there, frozen in place. A little object glittered in the dark, catching my eye. I bent down to retrieve it, my fingers brushed along the object, suddenly noticing that it was a beautiful golden necklace.

A glittering silver necklace that had a pair pearly white of wings. I automatically clasped it around my bare neck, my fingers touching over my sharp collarbones.

"A friend." I whispered hopefully to myself, my fingers shaping out the beautiful structure of the wings on the necklace.

I turned back around, welcoming the audience into another applause but my eyes were aimed at the painted ceiling above me, a little smile playing over my lips that held a secret message only I and the sky knew.

Le Chase Chapter 4

Hey I'm sorry I'm keeping you guys hanging, not knowing when to post or whatever. I'm just as confused too, I didn't plan the story AT ALL so every time I start a chapter, I have to think of an idea and start writing. It's pretty hard when you have writer's block 24/7, but I'll cope.

Honestly I don't know when the next post is, it'll be when I get an idea or get inspired, sorry guys. Thanks for all your support and comments, you guys sure make me happy! x



I heard a loud cry from a car behind me. I suddenly realised that I parked the Bentley in the middle of the road and the traffic light switched from lava red to Eco green. I swiveled the steering wheel, hitting the pedal with my Toms covered foot to take a turn and continue driving.

My head was still overwhelmed with thoughts about the blog and the DM I just received on twitter.

What the hell was that?

Screw this.

It felt like my past was out to get me. I checked my Galaxy again, staring at the DM, trying to figure out who it was. Manal? Was it her?

Thari she's in the past, don't bring your past into your present.

I listened to my conscience and blocked the blogger, but I reluctantly saved the blogger's site. Just in case.   

I ended up driving to Bidi3. I was here anyway so I decided to go into chocolate bar to grab a snack. The different kinds of cars were swarming around each restaurant, parking in front of it. People were sitting outside in their boots and fluffy jackets, enjoying the cool wind that occasionally whipped across their faces, brushing off of their warm Arabian skin.

The black round tables were packed, I didn't bother looking for a table to sit at. I went to one of the waiters, asking to order. The kind Indian waiter ushered me towards a counter. I faced a woman's back, my eyes couldn't help it but notice her curves from behind. She wore a Chocolate Bar shirt, her hair was covered in a dark veil that hugged her neck along with her face, and under her black trousers, I noticed a pair of charcoal Toms that matched mine.

"Hi, can I help you?" The woman turned around, causing my eyes to widen once I caught a glimpse of her young face. Her eyes were the shapes of saucers that were surrounded with thick long eyelashes, her eyebrows were arched perfectly and her full lips had a cool pink winter colour to it.

She was definitely a Kuwait, even her skin was illuminating, showing off a tan she got from her recent Maldives vacation. Hints of her mahogany hair crept out of her veil (veil means 7jab), giving me a hint of how she would look like without it. I quickly looked away from her hair, my eyes had betrayed me.

I read the little name tag, it said "INTERN: LAYAL."

Intern job at Chocolate Bar? Hmm. 

I noticed a few other Kuwaiti girls giggling behind her, their dark hair put up in a tight clean bun. 

"Excuse me sir?" Her voice was dripped with professionalism but I caught the sweet melody behind her voice that she was trying to cover up.

"Oh, uhm asif." I grinned easily, she ignored my grin, repeating her question.

"Can I help you?" She said cool-y, her straight nose pointed right at me.

"Uhm yeah, can I have one Night and Day slice of cake?" I looked at her dark eyes, noticing the hues of brown and scratches of dark green that framed her pupils. It was surreal, I hadn't seen such eyes before.

"Okay that will be 1.250KD." (Making up prices:p) She ignored my gaze, keeping her eyes down on the counter. I handed the money over, expecting her to take it from my fingers but instead, she waited till the money was on the marble counter before taking it, avoiding skin contact.

I eagerly waited for my chocolate cake, my eyes following the girl. For some reason, I found her interesting. When she turned around, a sudden smile filled her face, I caught a tiny dimple by her left cheek, barely noticeable. She was chatting to her other Kuwaiti friends, I heard a few words.

"Offh ley meta intern job? Akeed it'll look good when I apply for universities in Ireland?" Her voice was more casual and sweet toned with her friends, it didn't have a hint of professionalism anymore.

"Layal, shfeech? Lazem intern job! Do you know how competitive it is?" Her chubby friend, with the beautiful long caramel hair laughed at Layal. Her name tag said "Hind".

"Oh digeega, el cake khala9." Layal suddenly said, ending the conversation and hurrying into the kitchens inside to grab my cake. Her manicured hands handled the cake carefully, slipping it into the paper bag. It was obvious that she was new to this job. My nostrils caught a whiff of the sweet chocolate smell of my cake.

"There." She handed me the paper bag, not making eye contact. Her English was fluent, I was guessing she was from a private school and she was going to a university this year, even though she was late. It was already December.

"Sorry but I couldn't help overhearing, bitrou7een Ireland?" My nosiness got the best of me, my grin was still intact but Layal didn't reply with a smile.

"Uhm, maybe. I'm transferring from AUK." Layal looked weird-ed out.

"Refeeji eb Ireland, he worked two summer jobs and had full As as his grades but he had to stay for a foundation year, it's pretty hard." I lost my grin, trying to be cool.

"No way." Layal's face grew pale. I couldn't help but notice how her eyeliner was shaped, it was strange, it has a little wing that made her eyes seem more cat shaped than round.

"Eee.. laish, chem yebtay bel GPA?" Layal wasn't so tense anymore and I took it as a chance to continue speaking.

"Not high enough." Layal frowned, her mini dimple forming at her left cheek again.

"Shnu nawya tedriseen?" I casually asked before Layal could notice she was talking to a total stranger. There wasn't anyone behind me waiting to order for takeaway so I saw this as a chance to take.

"Art." Layal murmured with a hint of a smile in her voice.


"AUM has art, you don't need to go to Ireland." AUM also has me.

Thari offh shfeek, you just saw the girl. And remember Taiba? Besik!

I ignored the voice, Layal intrigued me. I couldn't explain why.

"Laish, enta makhith Art?" Layal's friend Hind shot me a dirty glare, telling me to stop trying to flirt.

"Eee makhith Art and communication, double major." I shot right back, her face turning a bit shocked. I was just starting my second year at AUM.

"Is it any good?" Layal lit up once she heard me say I took Art.

"It's loads of fun, you should try it." I gave her another one of my grins. Layal tensed up at last minute, noticing we were having an actual conversation in public.

"Oh uhm, okay mashkour." Layal awkwardly said once she heard a man call out her name. Probably the manager.

"El3afu." I replied politely but she didn't hear me, she was already gone.

I suddenly had an idea. A crazy one.


"Thari shfeek t2akhart?" I heard my mother call out from the living room as I walked back into the house after a long afternoon. Looks like she isn't giving me the silent treatment anymore.

I shook off my grey beanie, throwing the Bentley car keys over the kitchen counter before entering the vast living room of our house. There was a chandelier in the middle of the living room, giving the living more more light and radiance. The light shot through our vases that held lilies, it complimented the peachy colour of the furniture.

My mom was sprawled on one of the couches, her feet dangling as she had a newspaper over her stomach. Her hair was in a bun and she had her reading glasses on.

In the corner, my sister Wath7a had her short dark hair in a ponytail, her eyes were dug deep into her book. The TV was on, filling the living room with the faint noise of the news man speaking about the Syrian problems.

"I got a job." I suddenly said. Mom lifted her head out of her newspaper, her faintly eyeliner-ed eyes widening in shock.

"Job? Wein?!" She asked in astonishment.

"Chocolate bar." I grinned, enjoying the reaction I was getting. Even Wath7a paused from reading her Jacqueline Wilson book and gave me an "OMG" look.

"Laish job? Tara 3ndena khair el7amdellah." Mom wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Mu 3an el flous, it's just a part time job."I shrugged, laying back on one of the couches near Mom.

"Sh7aga?" Mom questioned me further.

"It'll look good when I apply for jobs when I graduate." I muttered, flipping the channels on TV with the touch of my fingers over the remote control.

"Bas enta bitishtighil wya obouk, shfeek neseit?" Mom crushed reality back onto me.

"Giltlich mabe ashtighil wyaah." I mumbled.

"3yal shnu bitsawy? Bitarsim? Wein ga3deen?" Mom mocked me.

"Offh yuma khala9, kaify." I dropped the remote back onto the table, sitting up from my seat and exiting the living room.

When I was back in my room, I dumped my vest over my maroon chair that was by my wooden desk. I grabbed my smooth Galaxy and checked the blog site again, I wanted to see if she posted a second chapter. It was still annoying me that the story was too much like my past, I was trying to tell myself that it was just a coincidence.

"Chapter 2: He lies.

Manal was innocent, she hoped for love, she hoped for a good husband. She thought her secret long term boyfriend would have given her that, he had promised.

She had received a call from him one day, his voice was trembling with fear as he said two words:

"I'm dying."

How could he lie? Yes, he wasn't actually dying. The liar just chose the worst excuse to break up with the most beautiful girl. And he's reading the chapter right now.  He blocked my twitter account.

Thari, I know you're reading this, unblock me on twitter or my now 700 followers (yes, see how much I've gained in so little time?) will know who this evil prince is. They'll know your full name, they way you look like and your past with breaking hearts of innocent girls."

I had to do something.

This was no coincidence.

This was done deliberately.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 3

Thanks for all the great feedback! I love you guys, seriously. :D Hows your summer so far? Hope everything's going well!


"Kha6eebta?" Mom's face twisted in shock, her kind chocolate eyes suddenly turned venomous and they were aimed straight at me.

"Ga3da titghashmar el bent, shfeech 9adagtay yuma?" I laughed nervously, my eyes averting away from Mom's and to Taiba's, giving her the hint to leave.

"La2 men 9ijy." Taiba continued, her voice as hard as steel.

"Wela mara kha6ebtich, entay shfeech etkharbe6een?" My voice suddenly grew angry. Hal bent ma tisti7y?

"This is what you get when you mess with my heart Thari Al-X." Taiba hissed into my ear, letting only my ears catch her words.

"Taiba Al-X? Omch AlZahra Al-X?" Mom butted in, her eyes dug into Taiba's dark ones.

"Eee Khaltii." Taiba stuttered nervously.

"Omch m3ay bel dawam, ma galetly bent'ha makh6ouba bas galetly bent'ha ma 3ndeha siwalif 9bayan w 7ail mndeyna. W ana ely a3arif, ehya bas 3ndeha bent wa7da." Mom held a poker face but Taiba's face was full of shame.

"Oh, lazem arou7 awadii Ghazal el mustaw9ef, bas yeina ensalim 3leikom. Ee kent ga3da atghashmar by the way." Taiba's words were fast paced, her friend Ghazal gave Taiba a weird look that said "Seriously? Mustaw9ef? The best you could come up with?"

The girls scurried along, leaving our table without another word but I still felt my Mom's eyes on me. I couldn't face her, I couldn't see the disappointment on her face that was directed at me, but eventually I had to tilt my head to face her.

Yep, she was disappointed.

It crushed my heart.

"3a6ny telephonik Thari." Mom said in a steady voice, her cold eyes looking into mine.

I obeyed, handing her my Galaxy, not making a move to delete any of the chats with the other girls. Mom's eyes didn't seem like it was reading anything, she was moving her fingers easily over the touch screen, doing something very fast.

Finally, after a few minutes, she handed my Galaxy back to me.

"Ma abeek et3eedha, etha shiftik wya bent nefs Taiba mara thanya, ra7 ayeeb obouk bilsalfa." Mom said. Once I got my Galaxy back, I noticed that there wasn't a girl on my contact list, they were all my guy friends or family members.

"Yuma ana 18, mu yahel." I argued, the anger rising out of me.

"Eee mu yahel! Y3ne b3ad chem sena bititzawaj, fa men al7een dawirlk wa7da san3a mu wa7da hailegeya!" Mom snapped at me.

"Ehya mu 7abeebty! Ana shaku feeha a9lan? Ehya ely yet 3ndena, kan mu eb eedi yuma." I continued arguing.

"Y3ne tir'9a ekhtik tikbar w t9eer mithlik? 3ndeha foug el 10 9bayan on her phone? W chena 3adii, titkalam kilehom?" Mom's words were like knives digging into my skin.

"They're just friends!" I defended myself.

"Friends? La etchathib, tara ma fita7t el chats, enta rayal, ma ra7 a6ale3 el kalam ga3d etdiz 7ag el banat bas I know for a fact that your conversations aren't what friends say to each other. Shloun bititzawaj chithe?" Mom's voice was dripped with disappointment and shame.

"A9lan ana mabe atzawaj." I murmured the words, keeping my eyes down at the table, unable to look at my mother.

"Shnu?" Mom whispered in shock.

"Mabe atzawaj! Laish abe atzawaj lema entay w obouy ma etkalmoun b3a'9? Chinkom you're divorced! Maku 7ub, maku thi8a, maku shay!" I repeated in a more harsher tone but I regretted it after the words escaped my lips. Mom was shocked at my behaviour.

"Kalemny 3adil, ana omik." Mom's voice was furious but her eyes were hurt, my words hurt her. I knew how much she loved my father and that it wasn't her fault that their relationship is in ruins. "Thari enta teghayert.. bas khala9 saker el maw'9ou3, khan nakil w b3dain enrid elbait."

"Ma tabeen titsawagein?" I weakly suggested, trying to cheer her up.

"Mazaji teghayar mara thanya." Mom kept her eyes on her menu. During the meal, we kept quiet, unable to speak to each other after the fight. The steak tasted like iron, usually I'd enjoy the mouth watering meat chewing and grinding against my teeth but this time, my mood felt horrible and so did the food.

"Yuma, asif.. I didn't mean it." I tried apologizing a dozen times but all Mom did was give me a slight nod as we walked past a few people in 360 mall after we were done with our brunch.

"Abeek etrid el bait brou7ik, ana bag3ad brou7y shway w arou7 el jam3eya Al-Geant ta7t 360 mall." Mom said suddenly once we reached the parking area.

"La2 yuma, barou7 wyach w asa3dich wya el aghra'9." I turned around to walk back into the mall but Mom stopped me by grabbing my elbow.

"La2, enta rou7 e6la3 wya Thamer ow wa7d men your friends. Khaltik ElNoun bitiyee w bitig3ad wyay shway." Mom's voice was strained.

"Okay.." I sighed and surrendered, watching her leave my side and walk back into the mall.

I ruined the only good relationship I had with a woman. An amazing woman. My mother.

I had to change.

My Galaxy vibrated against my hand, I looked down and read the following:

3ziz Al-X calling.

3ziz was a friend I met from AUM. He was bald, had dark tanned skin and wasn't as muscled as Thamer or 3abbas. He had a few handsome features but he was mostly known for cracking good jokes that could make anyone laugh.

"Thari!" 3ziz chuckled through the phone, sounding like he was already out with a pair of other guys.

"Hallaa, shlounik?" I leaned my back against my father's Bentley, keeping my eyes on the ground.

"Tamam el7amdellah, hey t3al abeek tiyee shaleihna. 3abbas biyee b3ad sa3a w el 9bayan mawjoudeen m3ay." I could hear the guys' laughter in the background.

"Hmm, madry." I was still in a horrible mood after the fight with my mother. I wasn't the type to go to my friends and talk about my problems, that didn't happen with us. I usually kept it bottled in.

"Yalla 3ad! Banat yerana 7ilween., shaleihom yemna bil'9ab6." 3ziz chuckled naughtily.

"Ekhh, male khelg banat al7een." The event with Taiba flooded back into my mind, making me cringe.

"Etha ghayert rayik, dig 3lay." 3ziz said before hanging up on me.

"Waiii3 g6ee3a!" I heard a young girl's voice snap. I tilted my head around and found two girls who looked about 14, both wearing tight jeans and tucked in shirts. Behind them were two 13 year old immature boys, trying to follow them to their car. There weren't any other people in the mall and so these boys must have found it pretty easy to follow them around all day.

"Hey." I barked at the boys, their eyes staring at the girls' bodies. Their eyes shifted to mine.

"Leave them alone." I said in a louder and a more manlier voice.

"Abdullah shouf, 3bala ohwa obouna." The boy in the green shirt smirked to the white shirt-ed boy.

"9ej enkom yahal." I shook my head in disappointment. I grabbed their attention, giving the girls a chance to walk off to their car where their driver was.

"Kalim 3adil!" The white shirt boy yelled at me angrily.

"Enta mu men 9ijik, 9a7? Enta 13, shloun tir'9a etgoul hal kalam 7ag wa7id akbar menik?" I laughed sarcastically, not becoming angry or anything. I found it funny, the new generation was becoming worse and worse.

"Ana 16!" The white shirt boy yelled out, taking a step closer to me.

"Sure doesn't look like it." I gave him a grin before turning around, ready to climb into the Bentley.

While I had my back to the boys, I heard a loud thump! I turned back around, catching the white shirt-ed boy kicking the Bentley with his Adidas covered foot.

"A7san." He huffed, but when I looked back at the car, there wasn't a scratch since his Adidas shoes were made out of rubber and other soft looking materials. I laughed again, not bothering to do anything about it, which caused the boys to flush in embarrassment, growing even angrier.

I climbed into the car, forcing the boys to get out of my way as I drove. I had a way to calm my anger, I wouldn't let myself become as angry as my Dad, I was nothing like him and I never wanted to be him.

I was driving aimlessly around, not wanting to go to any certain place. I'd hear the engines of the other numerous cars passing me by, their eager eyes leaning out of their windows, trying to get a glimpse of my father's new Bentley. I got used to the stares, the gasps once they heard our family's name. I'd also gotten used to expecting people to use me.

I took the right lane, driving to where the sea was. I'd take quick glances to the left, looking at the stretched out glittering sea that reminded me of the long nights I'd stay outside, staring at it. The sea never betrayed me, used me or lied to me. All it did was stare back at me, listening to my sorrows, accepting the pain I'd hidden. The sun shone in the sky, the rays piercing my eyes, causing me to look away and lay my eyes back onto the dull grey road of Kuwait.

I'd check twitter every now and then to kill my bored-ness whenever I had to pause at the traffic lights. I had this weird habit of checking my followers every one hour or so. I noticed I'd gained a few followers.

Following: 90 | Followers: 194

I brushed my finger over the followers button and looked at my recent followers. One of them was a blog, it was under the name "@foreverb****". (P.S: THIS BLOG DOES NOT EXIST.) The name caught my attention.

I clicked over the profile, reading the following:

"A Kuwaiti blogger, a true story about a teenager under the spell of love, not knowing which path is the right one. Secrets kept, betrayals confessed and feelings hurt. All for one boy."

Followers: 560 | Following: 632

 Hm, a blog? Shfeehum hal ayam habeen bel blogs? Khan ashouf shnu 8i9at'ha.

"Chapter 1: An evil price in disguise.

Before you read my story, beware that the truth hurts. This is reality, love isn't perfect, it has it's flaws, it has it's beauties but most of all, it can hurt more than one person. 

His name was Thari, tall, handsome, dark eyes and a good build. Her name was Manal, an innocent girl with a pure heart, long luscious hair, short height, light skinned and hair that resembled the colour of dark gold. He was no prince charming, he was the opposite. He was an evil prince in disguise, ready to shed out Manal's heart."

What the hell? This sounded too familiar, it had to be a coincidence, it couldn't be true.

*Ding dong!* 

One twitter notification.

I clicked on my DMs, my fingers shaking uncontrollably. I read the following words, my eyes widening in horror, the words answered my thoughts.

@foreverb***:  Hi! You should read my blog, I think you'll REALLY like it. The male character looks a lot like you. ;)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 2

Sorry for the long wait, I've honestly been busy and I won't be able to post every single day, hope you understand. :/ Thanks for all the support and patience, jad I love you guys! I can't ask for better readers, hope you enjoy this chapter. :D x

And sorry if it's not that long, honestly worn out from today's long day and I couldn't think much, if I wrote more then it wouldn't have been one of my best chapters, it would be a bad one. Sam7ouny, I'll make it up to you guys soon enshallah, I can't think of anything right now. :/  (Writer's block.)

** Note: I do not pronounce the '9a or '6a as THA, it's just that I'm too lazy to put in the apostrophes and numbers together.


-Current day, 2 years after chapter 1, 2 years after the Manal incident.-

"Thari, yalla goum." My mother's fingers dug deep into my back, trying to force me awake.

"Mhmm, yumaa." I groaned, my voice sounding deeper than usual.

"Yalla 7abeebi, abeek etwadeeny el jam3eya, el sayig emsafir, neseit?" Mom's honey toned voice filled my ears. My father was always at his office, his presence didn't exist much at home. I was the eldest of the family, I only had a younger sister, Wath7a, who was 14. I suddenly became the man of the house and that meant no more summer days sleeping till 6pm.

"Enshallah yuma." I sighed into my salty Lays chips smelling pillows, hearing my mother snicker happily to herself before shutting the door with a click. I pushed the covers off of me, staring up at my dark wallpapered ceiling. There was a paper on my lap, I looked down to grab it and I suddenly remembered that I found the note last night in my drawer.

"9a7alt w ana mlt'hif lajel a7akeeha,
9a7alt ana shaker raby 3leha fe 7ayate,
Jatne bkhabar 9damne feeha,
Janinatne hazaty kayany,
Galatle ensany w kanat mn 7ayate tabeene am7eeha,
Ma darat ena dnya bdounha ma 3ad abeeha,
Khthalny e7sasy ou hal edam3 mn 3youne,
Ou kaif Manal titrkny ketha?
Tb3d wela tfaker feene ana?
Sa2altaha, 3atabtaha,
Laih ou kaif hanet el3shra?
Galatle ana khla9 mshwary,
Ra7la w fe akher ayame,
Jalast w tkhayelt dounaha ednya kaif btkoun?
Bdoun 7obee laha wiljnoun?
Blaya 3younaha w 9outaha il7anoun?
"Laa mnty ib ra7la 3anee" 
"Wela 7ata elmout byakhthch mne!"
"Njara7 9outee wana a9ee7 w edmou3y tzeed w t6ee7.
Ma ligait il9outaha 9adaah,
Ikhtfat mne w ra7at akhr mada,
7aset bain il3alam akhfe alamy,
Lajel ma9dmhoum fkhtyary,
Kaif khalatnew tarakne l7aly..
Jany youm w 3areft,
3alamnee rabt wktasheft,
Enha mahy Manal ely knt at9wrha,
Ma 7abatne wela knt a3nee laha,
Sma3taha w shift'ha tkhoun e7sasy,
La ya rabyy mu aghla nasssy!
Shkarta eny 3araft,
9idgg mt2akhr lakny t7amdt w shkart,
Mathartaha akher mara w 6ala3taha mn kha6re,
Drt thahre w r7dt asawer ely ystahlne w astahela,
Manal 9af7a mn 7ayate wn6wat,
Ma3adne raj3laha 7ata lw bghat."

(THIS AMAZING POEM WAS WRITTEN BY @MMUTAIRY, SHE WROTE IT AFTER SHE READ CHAPTER 1. THANK YOU FOR THE BEAUTIFUL WORDS! Sorry if the poem isn't full, full. I had to cut it off since when I saved it on my blackberry, kan mu wa'9i7. :/)

The words brought too many painful memories back, I hadn't remembered writing this until yesterday night when I found it in between my books, when I was trying to look for my essay paper for AUM (American University of the Middle East). I crumpled the paper into a messy knot before dumping it into the trash and hurrying into the walk in shower, letting the hot drizzling water slap my face, forcing me to forget about Manal and the horrible relationship I was in 2 years ago.

It was chilly outside, the wind occasionally visiting every now and then, causing me to shiver. I grabbed a wool grey beanie, covering my dark black hair as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My jaw had sharpened, showing off a more masculine version of my 18 year old self. I had a light stubble over my not too tan skin, my eye lashed dark eyes looking lifeless.

I pulled on a navy vest over my grey Abercrombie shirt that hugged my broad muscled shoulders, hurrying out of my room, finding my Mom still in her bedroom, too busy applying one of her colourful eyeliners around her wrinkled eyes.

"Yuma, yalla 3ad." I knocked on my mother's bedroom door, chuckling to myself.

"Digeega Thouthou!" Mom said in a sweet voice. I heard a few perfume bottles being moved around inside the bedroom, she was probably finishing off. I cringed at the nickname she named me. It was an old nickname from when I was 2 years old.

My Samsung Galaxy was vibrating in my hand. I looked down and found I had 8 Whatsapp chats open. I replied to my friends Thamer and 3abbas who I've known for more three years before sliding down to the chats I had with my girls.

Yes, my girls.

DaloulAlX: Tharii love weinik?;( I miss u.

TaibaAlX: Heey:$ t3al 360 today?

FayAlX: Tharoo, ee kaifee that's your new nickname. :::  Weinikk 7ubi? Shfeek kela nayem?:p

I clicked on each chat, not bothering to reply to any of them. They kept me busy but a part of me was ashamed of myself, I didn't want to be the Thari those girls knew when I was around my mother. A part of me regretted of how I'd become but it was me, I didn't how to change, I'd grown used to it.

Also, there was no girl that could ever become half as great as my mother.

"Yalla?" Mom gave me a wide smile, her pearl white teeth shining at me against her light skin. Her dark knotted hair had hints of white, showing off the years she had lived.

"Yuma, shfeech kashkha?" I laughed, looking at the loose dark jeans and Burberry cardigan she was wearing, which was paired with her Louis Vuitton limited edition purse.

"Bitwadeeny 360 3shan netrayag." Mom gave me a devilish smile as we both approached Dad's sky blue Bentley. He rarely used it, he left it for us. He was the kind of father that would spoil you with presents but you would never see him around, it didn't even feel like I had a father. And I didn't really mind, whenever he was around, all he did was yell.

"360? Mu tawich etgouleen btrou7een el jam3eya?" A deep laugh escaped from my lungs once we were both perched in the leather-ed Bentley. It smelled like cigarettes, my father's scent. I checked the time on my Galaxy before starting the engine of the Bentley. 10:43 am. My sister Wath7a and brother Zaid were still asleep.

"Mazaji teghayar." Mom smacked her favourite nude Mac lipstick against her thin lips as she stared at her reflection in her gold compact mirror. Mom's mood seemed good, she was usually in a bad mood these days, keeping herself busy around the house after Dad began to never show up at home.

We arrived at the 360 mall, passing the large parking areas and parking the Bentley in a secure parking space inside the parking building. I took my mother to Meat Company, her favourite restaurant. (She wasn't the eggs breakfast type.)

We found a table that was near the entrance of the restaurant, giving us a view of the mall and the cafe' Coffee Republic' in front of us. A few couples and families were scattered around, not much people were in the small mall, it felt deserted.

Once we were seated, my Galaxy wouldn't stop vibrating against my leg, annoying me. I peaked down at my phone sneakily, when Mom had her face dug deep into the Meat Company menu, knowing my mother took table manners seriously, so that meant no phones while we're heaving a meal.

Taiba Al-X calling. 

Hathee meynouna? 7ana.

I answered the call, keeping my eyes averted away from my mother's.

"Aloooh." Taiba flirtatiously said into the phone.

"Ana al7een wya ome, tabe shay?" I said casually, not making it obvious that a girl just called me. My mom knew I had girls as friends, it was normal but she never approved of me having too many of them. She always warned me that my girlfriend should be the girl I marry, not a girl to play with. After thinking Manal was 'the one' 2 years ago and being shattered, I didn't think any other girl was going to be 'the one' for me.

"Allaah cuuute! Weinik?" Taiba didn't get the hint.

"Akelmik b3dain, I'm busy." I grunted, trying to end the call as casually as possible.

"7upee digeega! Ohh shiftik, enta in Meat Company ely labes beanie?" Taiba giggled. I heard the same giggle not too far away, I looked up and found Taiba. She looked different, she had a more chubbier face than in her pictures and her overly dyed hair was up in a bun. Her feet was covered with elephant sized Ugg shoes that I hated.

"Hmm." I nodded, tearing my eyes away from Taiba's dark ones. Honestly, I felt bad for playing around with the girls I had on my phone but I never did officially state that I was with any of them. I was honestly not interested in any of them or interested into commitment. The cold marriage between my parents didn't encourage me into wanting to get married anytime soon anyway.

"T3aal digeega, khal omik teg3ad brou7ha shway." Taiba continued, she was trying to honey coat her voice. Her girl friend was a tall lanky girl with long dark hair that framed her oval face, both of them had mischievous smiles on their faces.

But what pissed me off was that Taiba would ever think I'd ditch my mother for her.

"I'll pass." I gave Taiba a far away grin. Mom was still staring at her menu, not noticing anything.

 "Tharourii." Taiba pouted, her voice sounding childish.

"Tara ana bakel, akelmich b3ad shway." I hung up before she could reply. Taiba's face twisted a bit in disbelief.

One thing I knew for a fact, those 3 girls who were on my Whatsapp had at least 10 other guys they spoke to everyday, so I didn't find any harm in the whole thing until today. 

I had been doing this for months, getting the hang of it after 3abbas and Thamer taught me how.

"Thari." I heard my Mom's stern voice. I looked up from my Galaxy and her eyes held a hidden message.

"Halla yuma?" I replied casually.

"Khalti shlounich?" I heard another voice suddenly interrupt us. I looked up to find Taiba and her lanky friend standing next to her with stupid grins painted on their faces.

"Thari mnu hathoul? Asfa bas a3arifch?" Mom gave the girls a sudden glare but her voice was polite, she was observing the girls and how they were dressed inappropriately.

"Thari ma galich? Ana kha6eebta." Taiba gushed.