Sunday, July 22, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 8

Heey guys! How are you all? Yes I'm officially back now. :D Thank you all for being so nice, sending me the early birthday wishes and being so considerate. :') I love you guys! xx

This also might be my last story once summer ends. (I might come back next summer to start a new story, who knows?)

Tell me what you think about the whole thing on my twitter, @vieblogue.


"No no, not like that Thari, move the icing in elegant spirals." Ferro, the manager said in an annoyed voice. It's been a few days and I've gotten used to waking up extra early.

"What?" I asked, trying to hold in my laugh. We were in the grey kitchen of Chocolate Bar and Ferro was teaching me how to place the icing over the cake. I thought my messy icing on the cake looked alright, it looked even a bit artistic if I say so myself.

"IN ELEGANT SPIRALS THARI, ELEGANT SPIRALS!" Ferro snapped, his patience cracking.

"Okay okay!" I hid my grin, turning around to try to move my fingers in an "elegant" way over the cakes whilst the scent of vanilla and caramel slithered up my nostrils.

"Ugh, kids!" Ferro shook his head in disappointment and walked off.

"Young adult*." I murmured to myself, correcting him. I hummed to myself, my arms aching after icing so many cakes and having to throw them away when they weren't perfect enough for Ferro. I hid the cakes in a plastic bag and gave them to the workers instead, not letting Ferro know I never actually threw them into the trash.

"Thari, that's messed up." Layal said behind me, she startled me for a second, causing the icing to smear all over the plate instead of on the cake.

"That's the look I'm going for." I replied stubbornly, I was still mad at her. Yeah, I was being childish.

"Kaifik bas Ferro birid bizifik." Layal shrugged, her honey scent filling up the kitchen. The Chef was behind us, giving both of us a little look that said "I know you have a crush on her, I know, tralalalalala."

"LAYAL WHERE ARE YOU?" A familiar voice shouted through the kitchen, startling all of us. Denny rushed in, her bun high up and her expression stern.

"YALLA BABA SAY COME BACK HOME." Denny gave me a glare before going to grab Layal's arm. Layal looked embarrassed since everybody started to stare at her and gave her this look that said "An 18 year old with a nanny? Seriously?"

"Denny." Layal grunted, trying to free her arm.

"BABA CALL NOW ANY SECOND AND HE WILL BE ANGRY, YALLA." Denny tried to pull Layal but Denny was so tiny, Layal wasn't tall but next to Denny's miniature height, she was a giant.

"Denny I finish work in 7 hours. Not now." Layal hissed.

"Oh.." Denny looked confused for a second and let go of Layal.

"I knew it, Baba didn't tell you to get me." Layal rolled her eyes at Denny.

"Okay I come back in 7 hours then." Denny turned to leave but then, she turned back around once more and gave me a dirty look.

"Stay away." Denny mouthed, her words and her glare aimed right at me. I would have laughed but her eyebrows was arched in an evil way and her teeth bared right at me, ready to attack me if I ever tried to pull a move on Layal.

"Enshallah 3amity." I bowed, keeping a hand over my chest before Denny left the kitchen, her words not seen or heard by the other workers.

"Sorry." Layal kept hissing to the workers, looking embarrassed. Her eyes drifted to mine for a second but I quickly broke off the eye contact. I was stubborn.

Layal turned to leave the kitchen and walked off to the cashier section where her friends were. I decided to stick as close as possible to the wall so I could pick up on their conversation whilst adding the icing over the cakes. I couldn't help but be nosy.

"Banaaat!" Layal excitedly said.

"Shfeech mistansa?" One of her friends laughed.

"Abdulrahman biyee elyoum!" Layal said in a more excited tone.

"Umbayy wanasa!" Another one of her friends replied.


"You're gonna pick him up from the airport, mu 9a7?" Her friend, Fatima I think, said.

"Akeed!" Layal answered.

Mu men 9ejha, 9a7? Wein ga3deen?

Thari as if you never went out with a girl before, you're not one to talk!

Okay bas ehya bent.. ana 9bay, fee farg..

You're so sexist, at the end of the day, both of you are doing something wrong.

I ignored my conscience, the little voice kept nagging at me at the back of my head, annoying me.

"Kalemta elyoum 3la telephone w hal mara obouy biyee wyay." Layal continued.

Wait, what? Obouha biyee wyaha? Thari, hatha yemkin mu 7beebha, can it be possible that she's engaged already? La2 ma y9eer, she's too young..

"Hey, entay." I hissed to one of the female workers, she had long dark hair and she has been eying me ever since I joined the crew. "Uhm.. Farah."

"Eta3rif esmy?" Her eyes lit up, I acted as if I didn't read her name on the name tag on her striped shirt.

"Eee akeed! Uhm, 3nde su2al." I tried to act as casual as possible.

"Ee?" Farah took a step closer, enjoying the sudden attention I was giving her. I knew I had to ask a few random questions before I started asking about Layal, I didn't want to be too obvious.



This was unbelievable.. The new guy was finally speaking to me. I couldn't help but notice that he had been eying Layal, watching her every second when Layal wasn't looking. It was so obvious that he had a crush on her and that pissed me off, what did he see in her?

She barely wore anything that showed off her figure, all she wore was baggy clothes to work and had little make up on. Okay we get it you wear a veil (*veil means 7jab), but seriously, can you wear something a little more attractive?

I was proud of my outfit today, I wore a tight Tommy Hilfiger striped shirt that accented my curves and a pencil skirt. I even straightened my long hair today and added extra mascara.

Finally, it paid off. Thari was speaking to me, ha!

"You girls.. when do you think is a right age to get engaged at?" Thari's smoldering eyes gaped into mine.

Y3ne naghza tabe tekh6ibny? Thari Al-X yabeeny? Ashkara yabeeny.

"Any age." I gave Thari a seductive grin.

"Any?!" Thari looked alarmed and fearful of my answer.

"Eee akeed! B3ad the younger the better." I continued, trying to give him the hint that I'm ready to get married now. With his family money and his looks, think of all the good looking kids we'd have.

"Bas aren't you girls a bit.. uhm, young to get married now?" Thari continued questioning me, his fingers running through his jet black wavy hair.

"Nope, like I said, the younger the better Thari." I repeated again as my fingers toyed with my necklace.

"Oh.. uhm, 3yal Layal makh6ouba?" Thari's sudden question startled me.

Shtabe eb Layal?! Mu ga3d tis2alny hal as2la 3shan tabeeny ana? Lal7een ga3d tfakr feeha?!

"Layal?" I replied, my eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"Uhm, eee.." Thari looked uncomfortable.

Ehya mu makh6ouba bas if I say that... Farah stop thinking!

"Eee makh6ouba!"

1 comment:

  1. So Epic! go to my blog! :)
