Sunday, July 8, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 3

Thanks for all the great feedback! I love you guys, seriously. :D Hows your summer so far? Hope everything's going well!


"Kha6eebta?" Mom's face twisted in shock, her kind chocolate eyes suddenly turned venomous and they were aimed straight at me.

"Ga3da titghashmar el bent, shfeech 9adagtay yuma?" I laughed nervously, my eyes averting away from Mom's and to Taiba's, giving her the hint to leave.

"La2 men 9ijy." Taiba continued, her voice as hard as steel.

"Wela mara kha6ebtich, entay shfeech etkharbe6een?" My voice suddenly grew angry. Hal bent ma tisti7y?

"This is what you get when you mess with my heart Thari Al-X." Taiba hissed into my ear, letting only my ears catch her words.

"Taiba Al-X? Omch AlZahra Al-X?" Mom butted in, her eyes dug into Taiba's dark ones.

"Eee Khaltii." Taiba stuttered nervously.

"Omch m3ay bel dawam, ma galetly bent'ha makh6ouba bas galetly bent'ha ma 3ndeha siwalif 9bayan w 7ail mndeyna. W ana ely a3arif, ehya bas 3ndeha bent wa7da." Mom held a poker face but Taiba's face was full of shame.

"Oh, lazem arou7 awadii Ghazal el mustaw9ef, bas yeina ensalim 3leikom. Ee kent ga3da atghashmar by the way." Taiba's words were fast paced, her friend Ghazal gave Taiba a weird look that said "Seriously? Mustaw9ef? The best you could come up with?"

The girls scurried along, leaving our table without another word but I still felt my Mom's eyes on me. I couldn't face her, I couldn't see the disappointment on her face that was directed at me, but eventually I had to tilt my head to face her.

Yep, she was disappointed.

It crushed my heart.

"3a6ny telephonik Thari." Mom said in a steady voice, her cold eyes looking into mine.

I obeyed, handing her my Galaxy, not making a move to delete any of the chats with the other girls. Mom's eyes didn't seem like it was reading anything, she was moving her fingers easily over the touch screen, doing something very fast.

Finally, after a few minutes, she handed my Galaxy back to me.

"Ma abeek et3eedha, etha shiftik wya bent nefs Taiba mara thanya, ra7 ayeeb obouk bilsalfa." Mom said. Once I got my Galaxy back, I noticed that there wasn't a girl on my contact list, they were all my guy friends or family members.

"Yuma ana 18, mu yahel." I argued, the anger rising out of me.

"Eee mu yahel! Y3ne b3ad chem sena bititzawaj, fa men al7een dawirlk wa7da san3a mu wa7da hailegeya!" Mom snapped at me.

"Ehya mu 7abeebty! Ana shaku feeha a9lan? Ehya ely yet 3ndena, kan mu eb eedi yuma." I continued arguing.

"Y3ne tir'9a ekhtik tikbar w t9eer mithlik? 3ndeha foug el 10 9bayan on her phone? W chena 3adii, titkalam kilehom?" Mom's words were like knives digging into my skin.

"They're just friends!" I defended myself.

"Friends? La etchathib, tara ma fita7t el chats, enta rayal, ma ra7 a6ale3 el kalam ga3d etdiz 7ag el banat bas I know for a fact that your conversations aren't what friends say to each other. Shloun bititzawaj chithe?" Mom's voice was dripped with disappointment and shame.

"A9lan ana mabe atzawaj." I murmured the words, keeping my eyes down at the table, unable to look at my mother.

"Shnu?" Mom whispered in shock.

"Mabe atzawaj! Laish abe atzawaj lema entay w obouy ma etkalmoun b3a'9? Chinkom you're divorced! Maku 7ub, maku thi8a, maku shay!" I repeated in a more harsher tone but I regretted it after the words escaped my lips. Mom was shocked at my behaviour.

"Kalemny 3adil, ana omik." Mom's voice was furious but her eyes were hurt, my words hurt her. I knew how much she loved my father and that it wasn't her fault that their relationship is in ruins. "Thari enta teghayert.. bas khala9 saker el maw'9ou3, khan nakil w b3dain enrid elbait."

"Ma tabeen titsawagein?" I weakly suggested, trying to cheer her up.

"Mazaji teghayar mara thanya." Mom kept her eyes on her menu. During the meal, we kept quiet, unable to speak to each other after the fight. The steak tasted like iron, usually I'd enjoy the mouth watering meat chewing and grinding against my teeth but this time, my mood felt horrible and so did the food.

"Yuma, asif.. I didn't mean it." I tried apologizing a dozen times but all Mom did was give me a slight nod as we walked past a few people in 360 mall after we were done with our brunch.

"Abeek etrid el bait brou7ik, ana bag3ad brou7y shway w arou7 el jam3eya Al-Geant ta7t 360 mall." Mom said suddenly once we reached the parking area.

"La2 yuma, barou7 wyach w asa3dich wya el aghra'9." I turned around to walk back into the mall but Mom stopped me by grabbing my elbow.

"La2, enta rou7 e6la3 wya Thamer ow wa7d men your friends. Khaltik ElNoun bitiyee w bitig3ad wyay shway." Mom's voice was strained.

"Okay.." I sighed and surrendered, watching her leave my side and walk back into the mall.

I ruined the only good relationship I had with a woman. An amazing woman. My mother.

I had to change.

My Galaxy vibrated against my hand, I looked down and read the following:

3ziz Al-X calling.

3ziz was a friend I met from AUM. He was bald, had dark tanned skin and wasn't as muscled as Thamer or 3abbas. He had a few handsome features but he was mostly known for cracking good jokes that could make anyone laugh.

"Thari!" 3ziz chuckled through the phone, sounding like he was already out with a pair of other guys.

"Hallaa, shlounik?" I leaned my back against my father's Bentley, keeping my eyes on the ground.

"Tamam el7amdellah, hey t3al abeek tiyee shaleihna. 3abbas biyee b3ad sa3a w el 9bayan mawjoudeen m3ay." I could hear the guys' laughter in the background.

"Hmm, madry." I was still in a horrible mood after the fight with my mother. I wasn't the type to go to my friends and talk about my problems, that didn't happen with us. I usually kept it bottled in.

"Yalla 3ad! Banat yerana 7ilween., shaleihom yemna bil'9ab6." 3ziz chuckled naughtily.

"Ekhh, male khelg banat al7een." The event with Taiba flooded back into my mind, making me cringe.

"Etha ghayert rayik, dig 3lay." 3ziz said before hanging up on me.

"Waiii3 g6ee3a!" I heard a young girl's voice snap. I tilted my head around and found two girls who looked about 14, both wearing tight jeans and tucked in shirts. Behind them were two 13 year old immature boys, trying to follow them to their car. There weren't any other people in the mall and so these boys must have found it pretty easy to follow them around all day.

"Hey." I barked at the boys, their eyes staring at the girls' bodies. Their eyes shifted to mine.

"Leave them alone." I said in a louder and a more manlier voice.

"Abdullah shouf, 3bala ohwa obouna." The boy in the green shirt smirked to the white shirt-ed boy.

"9ej enkom yahal." I shook my head in disappointment. I grabbed their attention, giving the girls a chance to walk off to their car where their driver was.

"Kalim 3adil!" The white shirt boy yelled at me angrily.

"Enta mu men 9ijik, 9a7? Enta 13, shloun tir'9a etgoul hal kalam 7ag wa7id akbar menik?" I laughed sarcastically, not becoming angry or anything. I found it funny, the new generation was becoming worse and worse.

"Ana 16!" The white shirt boy yelled out, taking a step closer to me.

"Sure doesn't look like it." I gave him a grin before turning around, ready to climb into the Bentley.

While I had my back to the boys, I heard a loud thump! I turned back around, catching the white shirt-ed boy kicking the Bentley with his Adidas covered foot.

"A7san." He huffed, but when I looked back at the car, there wasn't a scratch since his Adidas shoes were made out of rubber and other soft looking materials. I laughed again, not bothering to do anything about it, which caused the boys to flush in embarrassment, growing even angrier.

I climbed into the car, forcing the boys to get out of my way as I drove. I had a way to calm my anger, I wouldn't let myself become as angry as my Dad, I was nothing like him and I never wanted to be him.

I was driving aimlessly around, not wanting to go to any certain place. I'd hear the engines of the other numerous cars passing me by, their eager eyes leaning out of their windows, trying to get a glimpse of my father's new Bentley. I got used to the stares, the gasps once they heard our family's name. I'd also gotten used to expecting people to use me.

I took the right lane, driving to where the sea was. I'd take quick glances to the left, looking at the stretched out glittering sea that reminded me of the long nights I'd stay outside, staring at it. The sea never betrayed me, used me or lied to me. All it did was stare back at me, listening to my sorrows, accepting the pain I'd hidden. The sun shone in the sky, the rays piercing my eyes, causing me to look away and lay my eyes back onto the dull grey road of Kuwait.

I'd check twitter every now and then to kill my bored-ness whenever I had to pause at the traffic lights. I had this weird habit of checking my followers every one hour or so. I noticed I'd gained a few followers.

Following: 90 | Followers: 194

I brushed my finger over the followers button and looked at my recent followers. One of them was a blog, it was under the name "@foreverb****". (P.S: THIS BLOG DOES NOT EXIST.) The name caught my attention.

I clicked over the profile, reading the following:

"A Kuwaiti blogger, a true story about a teenager under the spell of love, not knowing which path is the right one. Secrets kept, betrayals confessed and feelings hurt. All for one boy."

Followers: 560 | Following: 632

 Hm, a blog? Shfeehum hal ayam habeen bel blogs? Khan ashouf shnu 8i9at'ha.

"Chapter 1: An evil price in disguise.

Before you read my story, beware that the truth hurts. This is reality, love isn't perfect, it has it's flaws, it has it's beauties but most of all, it can hurt more than one person. 

His name was Thari, tall, handsome, dark eyes and a good build. Her name was Manal, an innocent girl with a pure heart, long luscious hair, short height, light skinned and hair that resembled the colour of dark gold. He was no prince charming, he was the opposite. He was an evil prince in disguise, ready to shed out Manal's heart."

What the hell? This sounded too familiar, it had to be a coincidence, it couldn't be true.

*Ding dong!* 

One twitter notification.

I clicked on my DMs, my fingers shaking uncontrollably. I read the following words, my eyes widening in horror, the words answered my thoughts.

@foreverb***:  Hi! You should read my blog, I think you'll REALLY like it. The male character looks a lot like you. ;)



    Post soon please :$


  2. 2nnd *
    MASHALLAH 3LIECH , sooo talented
    Ii lovvedd the blooog x
    Don't keep us hanging for so long post soon
    Much love x

  3. So Manals @foreverb**** ? Wow. Thari maskeeen!amazing post! Yallah ch4!!! :D ;;*

  4. @@ da hell?! shklha manal is the blogger! ;c
    :( ksar 5a6ri bl.mwa8ef with his mom
    and i laughed on the boys x"D

    cant wait for chpt4

  5. im a silent reader i read all of your storeis, wallah 3ajeeba il 8i9a9'oo hal new story 7ilwa le2na a5eeran theres a guy whos telling his story;p i like it

  6. I've read all of your stories o mashalla klhom 3jeebeen, but this one is different in a good way. It shows that guys do have feelings and could get hurt just like any other person
    Keep it up!

  7. 1. amazing blog huuuuuge fan! love you;*
    2. all i have to say about what happened is "oh my god, shit!" that stuff is just tooooo scary:o

  8. I truly loved your blog,it's amazing.x
