Monday, July 2, 2012


 I wrote this ages ago. A little bedtime story for @xFgo.

WARNING: You must listen to music while reading this.

Sudden inspiration: November 22 9:07pm 2011.

I slip my body beneath the cashmere blanket letting it wrap around me like a newborn cocoon, resting the back of my head into the pillow filled with feathers, I let out a small sigh. My fingers spread out looking for the play button on my disc player, feeling the familiar shape of a triangle under my fingertips, I put pressure on it letting the full blast of music take over me. My eyelids shut tightly, the beats and melodies are dragged into my ear drums pulsing through my vibrating veins. I let my body lose itself to the music, shots of colour fill my mind. Pink, blue, yellow, orange, blobs of paint are thrown into my mind swiftly mixing to create an image. I let my mind wander, I’m no longer in my bed but I’m flying towards Cloud 9, my arms outstretched trying to hold the warm sun in my hands. I could see sheets of music paper flying around me whilst I was being spun around, I stretch out my arms back to the skies letting my legs dangle under me whilst I soar into the sky. A whirl of wind wraps around me in an embrace making my toes shiver in anticipation once I soar higher and higher. Dark shades of blue and grey paint are squirted over the light shimmering sky creating a darker sky, white small delicate drops of paint have created stars before me. I stretch out my fingers touching the point of one of the stars, I wince in pain once the sharp edge bites into my finger causing a trickle of blood run down my finger. The skies grow darker once the music roars more forcefully into my eardrums causing my blood to boil under my skin. Warning signals are sent from my brain to my body causing it to spasm and my body suddenly loses it’s graceful balance. My body weight suddenly becomes heavy as if a large heavy car was put on top of me, pushing me back down spiraling through the sharp stars and clouds, I can feel myself suffocate and my hands hold onto my neck my fingers pressing against my slowing pulse. I arch backwards letting a scream escape through my open lips and a sudden familiar atmosphere takes a hold of me pulling me back to reality. I sit up abruptly feeling the earphones vibrate in my ear, I breathe heavily planting a hand over my quickening heart beat trying to steady it. I look around and notice myself back in my dark lit room and I brush away the trickles of sweat that formed on my forehead. I smile letting out a breath of relief and crash back into bed stretching out my legs forward arching my back a little once I relax myself back onto the comfortable bed, I pause the loud music shouting into my ears and let myself slip into a dreamless and blissful sleep.


  1. after reading this i know for SURE that you're going to be a writer! you're blessed! the way you describe just wonderful! <3333

    1. Wow thank you so much! :'D I can't thank you enough!

  2. .... I don't know what to say... I thought I was a good writer... I feel really ashamed of my work right now.. This is beautiful.. Now words. Just, no words...

  3. Wow! I was listening to Free falling - john mayer <3_<3 ! Suited it perfectly lol . You're an insperation I swear! Right there now you inspired me big time girl, cuz I write poems every now and then and so I'll probably write something today ;D ! Amazing a usual <3 #MuchLove . @SaraD_94

  4. Dashayt feeling! Mashallah ur so talented xx

  5. as i told you before on twitter your writing is filled with imagery and i love it <3

  6. Wow thank you so much! I didn't think this would have a good effect on you guys, thank you again, really. <3 :D
