Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 1

Most of my stories will be on this link. So pretty much it's all under the same Masquerade theme I guess but each story is different in it's own way. I hope you'll enjoy this new story. <3  Le Chase means: the chase. Oh and skinny love will be deleted, both of us don't have time to talk over each chapter and then write it together, it's time consuming and the other blogger has a blog that she didn't finish writing yet, so gilna a7san we close it for now.

A little preview of the new story, comment me your feedback?x

Tim Bowler's novel "Frozen Fire" inspired the beginning of the story. <3 


-2 years ago-

"I'm dying." Her voice was trembling, it shot shivers down my spine, hearing her voice so cracked up and vulnerable.

I had my forehead pressed against the cool rubber steering wheel of my father's silver Range Rover. 3abas and Bander were already in Chili's, waiting for me to join them. I couldn't join them when Manal had whatsapp-ed me, telling me she was at the hospital and she had to call me right away.

"W-what do you mean you're d-dying?" My voice began to quiver.

"Thari, ma agder ashra7lik.. we need to break up, you can't be with a dying girl, you need someone who'll be in your future." Manal's voice was cracking, I knew she was about to cry and that broke a piece of my heart, I couldn't stand hearing her this depressed. I couldn't stand knowing that I was going to lose her, literally.

This put my love to the test. This made me realize how much I love her. I willed my tears away, I couldn't cry, not when my friends were in Chillis, waiting for me. I could be a man about this. I had to be.

"Manal, I'm not leaving you. I'll be there for you, until you.." I couldn't say the word, I couldn't say "die".

"Thari, et7ibny?" Manal asked out of the blue.

"Akeed a7bich Manal! Shal su2al?" The question fumed my insides, I had done everything in my power to prove my love for her. I looked up from my steering wheel and stared off at the distance, catching the sight of the glimmering sea in front of me.

"Then let me go." Manal whispered.

"Ma agder." I murmured back, my voice cracking, the tears beginning to cloud my vision.

Thari shfeek ent? Yahil tabchy? Tabchy 3la bent?

Bas hathi mu ay bent, a7ebha, abeeha. I can't believe that she's going to die, mu ra'9ya etgouly shfeeha.. was she trying to protect me? Trying to cut me off before she became weaker? Closer to death?

"Thari, gabel ma amout, abeek et'hidny. A7biik Thari, delete me men kelashay.. forget the year we spent together." Manal's words felt like knives digging into my chest.

"Manal-" I began to speak but she hung on me. The only thing I could hear was the 6oo6 6oo6 that told me the call had ended, that told me the one year relationship I had with Manal ended. I tried calling her again but it told me her phone was shut off.

I tried whatsapp-ing her, but the messages wouldn't get sent. Did she block me? I clicked on the twitter icon over my Porsche blackberry, looking for her on my followers list, she wasn't there. Once I searched her username, it said that she wasn't following me.

She blocked me out of her life. Entirely.

I even looked for Manal's best friend, Minwa. Her twitter account was still following mine, I furiously typed a DM to her before she blocked me next.

@ThariAlX: Minwa!! Manal blocked me, please talk to her, please tell her I need to see her again. Please Minwa, I can't believe that she's dying, I can't let go her go yet.

I waited impatiently in the Range Rover, not willing to go into Chili's. I ignored the few flirtatious glances I got from a few good looking girls who passed the car.

Da ding!

@MinwaAlX: Heey Thari:( Manal is already depressed about everything, she doesn't need any more trouble, just let go of her, live your life, don't ruin it because her life is ending :( okay? I'll be here for you love if you ever need ANYTHING. :**

I read Minwa's words, my face twisting when I read that she called me "love".  I ignored her DM, not wanting any of her help. Minwa and I had a bad past, she would try to ruin my relationship with Manal. I was still shocked that both of them were still really close, even after Minwa tried flirting with me once when she saw me in Bidi3 by coincidence.

I heard fingers knock on the Range Rover window, I turned my head around and looked out to find 3abbas. He had a cap over his usually long hair, his muscles were taking most of the space inside his fitting shirt and his skin was tanned from our shaleih hangout a few days ago.

I rolled the window down, looking out at 3abbas with an emotionless expression.

"Shfeek 6awelt Thari? Yalla bena6lib." 3abbas gave me an easy smile.

"Al7een badish, bas digeega." I wanted to get myself together. The guys knew I had a girlfriend but I never told them Manal's name, I didn't want her name to be on any other man's tongue. I wanted to keep her to myself. The guys respected my decision.

"Yalla la t6awil bas." 3abbas half waved at me with his hand before walking back into Chili's.

I honestly felt numb. The news of Manal dying hadn't dawned on me yet, it was unbelievable. Suddenly out of the blue, "Oh hey Thari, I'm dying, so we have to break up." It wasn't exactly a break up excuse I was used to, but most of all, I couldn't believe the fact that I was actually going to lose Manal, I wasn't going to see her smile anymore, or smell her Chloe perfume ever again.

"Shfeek 6awelt?" 16 year old Thamer asked me once I was in Chili's, seated by him and 3abbas. Thamer's bushy eyes brows wiggled a bit over his dark eyes.

"Obouy dag 3lay." I lied, looking at Chili's menu.

That shut the guys up. After dinner, the guys wanted to go to 360 to walk around. This was their usual gaz time. I usually hated and skipped this part of the outing with them, I usually would prefer calling Manal and staying at home but this time, I didn't have the luxury of doing that so I was forced to go with them.

We were standing by B+F, 3abbas went to Caribou to grab his usual coffee and Thamer was standing next to me, his eyes glazing over the different girls that kept passing us. A 5'2 girl with short black hair, milky skin, hazel eyes and a tight fitting Hollister shirt passed us, giving Thamer a little glance.

"Hey, shoufha ga3da etkhizik." Thamer hissed, nudging his muscled arm against mine. I turned around and found the short black haired girl's eyes were staring right into mine. I turned again, ignoring her gaze.

"Offh shfeek 7igert'ha?" Thamer looked at me, his expression disappointed.

"Shdakhalny feeha?" The girls' gaze was burning into my back and it disgusted every inch of me. All I wanted was Manal.

"Shfeek nefseya?" Thamer questioned, his eyes suddenly looking annoyed.  

Y3ne tabeeni a'97ak w aghazil bent ma 3arifha when my girlfriend just left me because she's dying?

But of course, I didn't say that. I left my thoughts in my head, not letting them roll off my tongue.

"Wela shay, yalla khan ne6la3. Ley meta binig3ad 360? Men 7alata? Kela hailag at this time." I shot a dirty look at a girl who was wearing a short skirt that framed her overly big bottom when I said the word "hailag".

But something about the girl caught my attention, I quickly turned around to look at her again.

It was Minwa.

Her hair was up in a tight bun, her clothes sticking against her body. Next to her was Manal, in a tight summer dress that reached over her knees, the dresses I told her I hated her wearing. Her dark hair was curled and her light skin was illuminating. She didn't catch me glancing at her, she was busy standing by B+F with a smile on her face. Minwa's and Manal's voice was loud, I couldn't help but catch a few words from their conversation. Manal's addictive smile was directed at a short tanned guy, standing behind her, his eyes staring at Manal's naked shoulders.

"Abaay Manal." Minwa's stuck up voice was loud. "Entay mu men 9ijech etgouleen 7ag el walad bitmouteen? 7adich drama queen! 3ad ohwa eyenin, why did you dump him?"

Wait, what?

"Offh men 9ijech, kel digeega yighar 3lay, ma7ib chithe. W 7adaa lazga, yi7asisny awal mara he had a girlfriend." Manal rolled her beautiful eyes, no scratch that, her eyes weren't beautiful anymore in my eyes, they were venomous.

"Shfeech neseitay? You are his first love, ana a7is it's so cute! Wodii ana 3nde wa7d yighar 3lay, 9ij enich ghabeya." Minwa crossed her arms at Manal.

 "3ad entay menzaman et7ibeena 3shan his looks, hff khala9 drop the subject." Manal snapped at Minwa.

"You can't deny it, ohwa zouqa! Shfeech lal7een etghareen 3la Thari? He's single now, he DMed me an hour ago." Minwa fluttered her eyelashes at Manal, her smile devilish.

"Entay khebla you didn't block him?! Al7een bi3arif eni ana chathebt 3an the dying thing, kitebtay entay eb 360 3la twitter? Ohwa 3bala ana bel mustashfaa!" Manal grabbed Minwa's iPhone out of her hands, trying to control Minwa's twitter.

I was disgusted, but most of all, my insides were erupting with anger. I ignored the pain I felt in my heart, I aimed my anger at Manal.

I couldn't believe it, all of her words were lies. Stupid lies, the time I spent with her was nothing to her. Did she think it was a game? Telling someone who loves you that you were dying? Hathee shnu shayfetny? 

"Yalla, enrid?" I heard 3abbas behind me. He was holding his coffee in his hands, the scent of of the coffee beans made its way into my nostrils, calming me a bit.

"La2." I snapped.

"Shfeek?" 3abbas sensed my rigidness.

"Ma feene shay al7een." I gave Thamer and 3abbas a tooth baring smile. "Mu e7na yayeen 7ag el banat?"

"Bas mu ent tawik etgoul bitrid? En3arif ma et7ib etghazil." 3abbas looked at me strangely.

"Embala, a7ib." I lied. I turned back around, shooting the black haired girl who was eying me a few minutes ago a flirty smile. She returned the smile, her cheeks blushing instantly. She turned back around to giggle with her other girl friends, all of them giving us guys a flirty look.

I felt another pair of eyes on me. I tilted my head to the left and found Manal staring at me, her eyes shocked. She caught me flirting with the other girls and I was enjoying every second of the attention I got from her.

I shot Manal a dirty glare before ignoring her existence. I pulled out the Gucci wallet Manal had given me as a birthday present last year, I took out all my cards and money out of it before dumping it in the trash that was closest to Manal.

I made sure Manal watched me as I was throwing away her expensive gift.

"Abaaay Manal, shiftay Thari yighazil el g*7ba?" I heard Minwa stutter in surprise.

"Abaaay, Minwa, there's something called clothes. Wear them." I snapped at Minwa, imitating her annoying voice, making sure she heard every word, my eyes on her super short skirt and skin baring shirt.

Before I walked off, I saw one emotion on Manal's and Minwa's face.

Disbelief. Disbelief of what I've become.


  1. Daaaaayum:o I LOVE THIIIIS

  2. First!
    I loved the story! Its a bit different, but ofcourse in a good way. Looking forwad to the next chapter. x x

  3. Mashala!xxx I love the big change , now the main character is a male :D very creative ideas! Keep up the great story!!! Inshala it will be a success! <3 lots of love!

  4. Nice start :p I like itt


  6. 7adha 3ajeeebaaa the new stroy's gonna be can feel it!! <3_<3 #MuchLove ~ @saraD_94

  7. omg this the first i read and the girl is a player looool omg i like it very very much ur work is so amazing :D

  8. Lovee ur stories! Amazing!;)x
    But please post chapter 2 earlry cuz I'm traveling tomorrow and I want to read it before I doo!:(
    (Before 8 maybe? :$)

  9. Gorgeous Story! <3 I Can Relate!

  10. A great beginning can't wait for the next post!

  11. Great beginning, amazing post, perfect«3! POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST soon :D :*

  12. YAAY! LOVE IT!<3 I like how its from a guy's point of view.



  15. You're really creative mashallah! I like that about you, and you don't take forever to post a chapter unlike other bloggers. You're going to be something big in the future enshallah!


  16. Allaayy its different than all the others, post soon<3

  17. I was listening to Somebody i used to know by Gotye while reading this chapter, It suited it perfectly!

  18. Great beginning !!! keep the chapters coming!

  19. Love that it comes from a guys perspective!!♡♡
