Thursday, July 12, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 5

Reminder: These stories are all FICTION, out of my head. They are STORIES, not REALITY. There may be a few wrong things the characters may have done, that does NOT mean I'm encouraging people to copy them, it's a story for all of you to enjoy, not to be influenced by.

Thank you for all the support, I love you guys! x


This was horrendous, this blogger can't truly be serious, can she?

I'll show her, she can't mess with me.

I hobbled over to my desk where my sleek Macbook pro was. The cushion of the leather chair felt relaxing as I logged out of my twitter and went to "sign up" on twitter.

I decided to make my own blog with the username "@GuyBlogger***"

I set up my own blog on blogspot and I was ready to go. I posted the first chapter, it was pretty simple, my writing wasn't the best but I made sure the beginning of my story was spicy enough for readers to get intrigued by.

Next, I made sure I followed ALL the Kuwaitis I knew who loved blogs. I didn't forget to follow the blogger too, I wanted her to read the chapter.

And now, all I had to do was wait.

A knock startled me as my eyes were staring at the eye piercing bright screen of my laptop.

"Thari, dinner is ready." Jenny, our housekeeper entered my room. Her young face had a few wrinkles around her gentle eyes, her ginger hair was up in a tight bun and she was wearing a crisp uniform.

"I won't stay for dinner, I'm going out." I looked away from my screen, giving her a half smile.

"Baba will be angry." Jenny said, her mouth forming an 'o'.

"Baba? He's here?" My face twisted a bit.

"Ya', he is downstairs with Mama, Zaid and Wath'ha." Jenny scratched her left ear, looking a bit nervous.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute." I reassured her, watching her shut the door behind her.

My father didn't usually come home this early, he was the type to come just to sleep and then leave before we ever woke up. I pulled off my shirt, replacing it with a cleaner nylon Barcelona one. I hurried downstairs, my Toms sliding over the marble stairs effortlessly.

"Thari." I heard my Father's deep voice once I entered the grand dining room. We rarely used it, it was a wide room with beige wallpapers and a wooden floor. The long mahogany table was stretched out over the floor with at least a dozen matching chairs. Wath'ha was sitting by Mom and Zaid was sitting by Dad.

"Bas yeit ta7at 3shan agoulekom ana rayi7 el shaleih." I went over to Mom to press my lips over her forehead, kissing it gently. I purposely ignored Dad.

"Ma ra7 tit3asha?" Mom looked up at me.

"La2, mu you3an." I lied.

"Thari, en6ir." Dad's voice stopped me in my tracks, stopping me from walking out of the dining room. I felt 3 pairs of eyes on me, Mom's, my sister's and brother's.

"Ma ra7 etsalim 3la obouk?" Dad asked in a cool tone, his eyes were surrounded with wrinkles, his light skin looked paler than usual and his hair was greying. He didn't look anything like me.

"Neseit." I mumbled and forced myself to press a light kiss over my father's forehead. After that, I made sure I left the room as quickly as possible. My Louis Vuitton wallet was dug deep into my sweats, I gave Jenny an easy grin as I passed her, walking over to the entrance of the house.

There was a little table next to the doors of our house, it held the keys of our different cars. I grabbed the Rolls Royce car keys, knowing that Dad usually uses it and it was finally my chance to steal it before he could say anything.

Once I was in the car, I dialed Aziz's number as my left hand was gripping the steering wheel of the Rolls Royce. My Toms covered foot was pressed up against the pedal, trying to drive as fast as I can.

"Aloo." Aziz groaned into the phone.

"Shfeek?" I asked, my eyes on the road in front of me.

"G3dtny." Aziz chuckled sleepily.

"Nayem embacher elyoum." I laughed.

"Eee kent mwa9l, ha laish dageit?" I could hear Aziz's voice echo. He was in the shaleih.

"Ana al7een bil6ireej yay, ga3d bil shaleih? Ma tabe etnam 3nd sheleihna?" I asked. I knew Aziz preferred our shaleih, we had an indoors pool and gates that towered over us, keeping the shaleih secure and protected.

"Allaah, yalla al7een bagoum, shaleihkom yemna fa dig 3lay lema taw9al. Agoul 7ag elshabab eyoun?" Aziz's voice was suddenly more alert.

"Eee goulehom, yalla bye." I hung up on him after I began to reach the familiar road that took me to the shaleih areas of Kuwait. I twisted the knob of the radio around, blasting the music through the speakers as my free hand scrolled over on my Galaxy, looking for the twitter icon.

@GuyBlogger**** followers: 40 following: 1023

Oh man, 40 isn't enough. 

I dialed Aziz's number again.

"Shfeek dageit mara thanya?" Aziz asked once he answered me.

"I need a favor, mu 3ndek 32,032 followers on your tweets account?" I licked my lips.

"Eee, laish?" Aziz asked curiously.

"Abeek etsawy shout out for this blog, I'll DM you the username." I took a turn, the Rolls Royce gliding over the road.

"Blog? Weeh shfeekum habeen bel blogs?" Aziz smirked mockingly.

"It's for a good purpose." I grinned to myself.

"Yalla okay, bas dizly el username." Aziz agreed.

"Mashkour, yalla ashoufik lema ou9al." I hung up for the second time.

I parked the Rolls Royce outside Aziz's shaleih once I arrived, I hit the horn two times, it was our signal. In a few minutes, Aziz hurried out of his white painted shaleih with a grin on his face. I couldn't help but notice the numerous cars parked outside of it.

"Hey, elshabab biyoun 3nd el shaleih bacher, Abdulrahman w 3abbas biyoun m3ana al7een." Aziz said once he had his head dipped into the Rolls Royce, through the window.

"Ee okay, 3ade." I shrugged.

"Thari shouf." Aziz gestured to the shaleih near his, it was in clear view since Aziz's shaleih didn't have a gate blocking the view of the whole road and the shaleihs next to it.

I caught the view of four girls sitting outside on the garden of their shaleih, the smell of barbecued hotdogs made its way into my nostrils. One of the girls wore a short white dress, her hair up in a bun, she was barbecuing the food while the others were sprawled over the grass, doing God knows what.

"Meyaneen?" Aziz laughed, staring at the girls who were laying on their grass, their shorts getting dirty. I was trying to figure out how the girls were wearing such summer-y clothes in the winter while Aziz was staring at their naked legs.

"7mdellah w elshkr." I muttered, not giving the anymore attention.

"Bas mu 7lween?" Aziz asked me, his eyes growing hungry.

"Aziz besik, al7een yalla bitiyee wla la2?" I tried to remind Aziz about getting in the car.

"Why in a hurry? Tara el banat brou7hom." Aziz winked at me, giving me the hint to go over to the girls with him.

"Okay w etha? Kaifhom." I huffed in annoyance, running my fingers through my hair. The chilly wind hit my bare arms, causing me to shiver. I forgot to bring my jacket.

"What's up with you?" Aziz finally turned to look at me, his dark eyes staring into mine.

"Nothing, mu 8a9eb aghazil." I looked away, getting pissed off easily.

"Weeh, 3abbas awnas menik." Aziz muttered, his words sparked my anger even further. I pushed the door open from my Rolls Royce once I took the keys out of the ignition.

"Awnas? Yalla 3yal t3al." I shut the car door and practically hiked up the little hills of sand in front of me to walk over to where the girls were. The girl in the white dress turned to look at me, a bit startled by Aziz and I.

Aziz had a silly grin over his face.

"Hi?" One of the girls said awkwardly but her eyes were flirtatiously glazing over Aziz's muscles. With that one look, I knew the girls were easy. Too easy.

"Halla walla," Aziz replied back with a wider grin.

"Banat taboun ayeeb ketchu-" I heard a new voice, a very familiar sweet toned one. I turned back around and found Layal in a pair of  Free City sweats and a tight fitting black long sleeved shirt. Her veil was wrapped around her face loosely so spritz of her light hair creeped out of her veil. (*veil means 7jab.)

"You." Layal breathed out in surprise, her eyes staring into mine.

"You." I replied back, just as surprised as she was.

No, Layal couldn't be easy too. She couldn't. 

"Layal, t3rfeena?" A wispy voice behind me called out, it was one of the girls in the shorts who was laying down on the grass.

"Uhm, la2." Layal shot back, her face turning cold.

"Ohhhh Thari." Aziz chuckled, nudging my shoulder.

"Shitsawoun?" Aziz continued, trying to work his charm.

"Hot dogs, tabe?" The white dressed girl gave Aziz a warm smile.

"Hebba shfeech?!" Layal hissed, her eyes looking at Hebba in disappointment.

"Shd3wa Layal, ma saweina shay ghala6." Hebba hissed back in annoyance.

"Ana barid el bait." Layal hissed back, trying to cover up any hair that got out of her veil. She rushed back into the house, I could see her faint shadow, she was trying to look for a jacket and probably her purse.

Hebba didn't follow Layal back into the shaleih, she stayed outside, placing hot dogs over a plate to hand it over to Aziz.

"Enta shsmik?" One of the girls on the grass, she had dark hair and light skin, asked me.

I ignored her question and tried to walk back out of the shaleih.

"Thari wein rayi7?" Aziz called our, stopping me.

"Barou7 shaleihna, bitiyee wela la2?" I replied, regretting walking into the girl's shaleih. Aziz was trying to intimidate me and it worked.

"Omi ma etsheela w el sayig mshgoul, Danah tigdireen etwadeeny el bait?" Layal's voice distracted me, I was staring at her again, she had less make up on and her lips were even more crimson than usual.

"Male khelg asoug." Danah pouted, her eyes were on me but I ignored her gaze.

"Ana awadeech." I suddenly said, surprising myself.

What the hell did you just say Thari? El bent ma t3rfik!

"Uhm, no thank you." Layal's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Suit yourself." I shrugged, making my voice as cold as hers.

"Danah yalla allah yikhaleech." Layal continued begging.

"Offh shfeech? G3day w riday bacher." Danah snapped.

"Ma ra7 ag3ad! Entow ma giltouly bityuboun 9bayan. My mom is going to kill me because of you." Layal snapped back angrily.

"Mu mishkelty that you don't have guy friends." Danah rolled her eyes and then placed her eyes back on me.

"Esmik Thari?" Danah averted her attention on me, it disgusted me.

"Layal t3alay, a3arif okhouch w ohwa y3rfny." I lied.

"Et3arif Ibrahim?" Layal widened her eyes at me, suddenly trusting me a bit.

"Eee, yalla ana bawadeech el bait." I bit the inside of my cheek, I knew it was wrong but I just wanted to prove myself wrong about her being an easy girl.

"Uhm.. digeega adig 3la okhouy awal." Layal took out her iPhone but frowned once she saw that it was shut off because of low battery.

"Haman ana telephoni low battery." I lied again before she could ask to use my phone, Layal looked at the girls for help but they ignored her, they were too interested on us guys and our guy friends in the shaleih next to us.

"Hmm, okay." Layal surrendered. "Bas bag3ad wara."

"Maku mukan, it's a Rolls Royce." I grinned to myself, happy that I won.

"There's seats behind you, shnu maku mukan?" Layal argued but once she walked up to the car behind me, she realized how tight it was behind the front seats and she was carrying a large duffel bag.

"Oh." Layal pouted, crossing her arms over her black shirt.

"Yalla." I nodded towards the car, sliding into the driver's seat. Layal took a hesitant step back, trying to rethink her decision.

"Bitig3deen wya refejatich? They invited more guys." I pointed towards the other shaleih's garden, there were a couple of my guy friends and Aziz's friends with the flirty looking girls. Layal shot a dirty look at the girls before taking a more confident step towards the Rolls Royce before sliding into the passenger's seat.

I won.


  1. First comment!!!!! LOVE YOUR BLOG! You're a great writer mashallaaah<3 btw I'm a silent reader it's the first time I comment:$ -dalal

  2. Amazing Blog !! Keep on the great job !!

  3. Ok , I know that you are starting to feel like this is becoming homework. But that's how life works. When you get a job and become a writer (inshallah) you really just can't write whenever you feel like it, you have an AUDIENCE now. Sometimes you feel sick & tired of writing, but life isn't always fair. I mean no one is going to tell you what to do with your life, it's your choice.

    From what I see you're an amazing writer ( mashallah) , that will go far in life, any person could see that. When you become successful you will realize that sometimes doing what you love as a job will come with strings attached.

    Please don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you what to do. It's just I'm saying what's on my mind (I have a bad habit of going that). But it is ALWAYS your choice.

    Wishing you the best of luck


    1. I understand and totally agree but this story's pretty hard to write since I don't have the ideas in my head, I have to come up with the ideas after every chapter's done, it's not like my older stories when I just knew what I was going to write.

      Thank you so much! xx

  4. I love your blog so much<33 keep it up :*

    Check out my blog

  5. Layal mt7ajba :O ??


    1. Yesss, I said she wore a veil in chapter 4. :p

  6. Thank you everyone! I love you guys. x
