Tuesday, July 3, 2012


A little of poetry,  3shan agheyir shway. :p I wrote this ages ago but it always has been my favourite from my collection, I feel like it's more relate-able. x

Do hearts like being hurt?
Since they fall for types that treat them like dirt.
Do eyes like to tear?
They seem to be living in their worst fear.
Do lives like to have a scar?
Even more noticeable than a bright star.
Do minds like to memorize?
So every pain would be easy to recognize?
Do hurtful memories like to last?
To remind you of every past.

Is there a word to say,
To describe our pain in every way?


  1. mashallah you wrote this?:o

  2. MASHALLAH, jed you are gonna be famous one day, I believe in that o:)


  3. So deep (y) keep it up girl <3 #MuchLove ~


  4. Aw thank you so much!:D I hope so. :'D

  5. Ur writing is simply amazing it's relateable and I love it :) x keep going ;)

  6. Amazing! You're so creative and smart! You definitely have a bright future, I can see that! I love your blogs! You're so wonderful! Big Fan! xx
