Monday, July 9, 2012

A friend.

Wrote this pretty quickly, 15 minutes maybe. :p Another bedtime story for one of my readers.


The piano's notes flowed easily into my ears, causing my eardrums to vibrate in excitement at the sounds that cascaded in and out of the blaring speakers. The tiny tips of my toes brushed against the marble stage, causing a hum to travel across the crowd. My legs were pointed straight before they flailed around, turning in smooth movements, my arms dangling before me. 

"It's her. It's her!" They whispered, their hungry eyes yearning for more.

I listened to their chants. Pink, luminous pink flashed before me. My tutu was wrapped around me, hugging my tiny waist as I swiveled around, my feet effortlessly sliding over the stage. My arms were stretched out towards the sky, my hands trying to reach for the bright cardboard stars that were hanging over me. 

The lights were to sharp, the light bulbs pierced my eyes viciously, screaming at me to stop but I willed myself to move on. The chants grew louder, the voices urged for more, my legs moved faster, the beautiful melodies became harsh and horrendous.

The objects in front of started to swivel around with me, I began to lose my balance as I kept turning round and round, never stopping for a second for relief. The world turned with me, causing my sight to blur. A toe was misplaces, a slight mistake occurred, causing the beautiful dance to erupt and become suddenly destroyed.

I was nearing to the end, my body failing me, ready to collapse helplessly but two warm hands steadied me. I looked down, finding two tanned hands perched over my waist, keeping me in my place. A whiff of his cool masculine fragrance calmed me, caused my toes to aim straight once again so I could regain my balance and posture. I was moving again, I was dancing, on the tip of my toes. My legs angled perfectly, my fingers pointed upwards and my eyes staring back into the chanting crowd.

His fingers were feathering over my sides, along my waist, never letting go.

"You won't fall." He whispered, his breath tickling my neck. Beads of sweat covered my forehead, covering over my powdered makeup but I still went on, his hands motivating me to end the dance perfectly.

One more turn, I told myself.

I angled my legs straight before balancing my weight on one foot, his strong fingers were letting go of me, as if I was a young bird, learning to fly, escaping her guardian's protection. The beating of my heart sang with the beautiful melody as I pushed myself around, my body curling for a few seconds before becoming as straight as a sword as it turned and turned, not stopping for a millisecond. 

The cold air whipped and slapped against my cheek, my hair untangling itself from my neat bun. My long chestnut hair cascaded around me, flowing with my round movements, framing my heart shaped face. I halted to a pause.

I took a lungful of breath, a smile was painted along my coral covered lips as the crowd roared. I turned to look for the steady fingers that held me, all I found was the darkness staring right at me.

"You did it!" A gentle voice whispered behind me, I looked around once more and felt the rush of a sudden wind slap against me, causing me to shiver.

"Who are you?" I whispered fearfully to the darkness, ignoring the chants and applause from the audience.

"A friend." A voice whispered back, the warmness from the kind voice overwhelmed me. 

I stared at the dark, my eyes becoming suddenly blind. The audience's cheers were muted as they watched me eagerly, hoping for a second dance.

But I stood there, frozen in place. A little object glittered in the dark, catching my eye. I bent down to retrieve it, my fingers brushed along the object, suddenly noticing that it was a beautiful golden necklace.

A glittering silver necklace that had a pair pearly white of wings. I automatically clasped it around my bare neck, my fingers touching over my sharp collarbones.

"A friend." I whispered hopefully to myself, my fingers shaping out the beautiful structure of the wings on the necklace.

I turned back around, welcoming the audience into another applause but my eyes were aimed at the painted ceiling above me, a little smile playing over my lips that held a secret message only I and the sky knew.


  1. Continue it make it another blog plz plz

  2. That's just amazing *.*

  3. Loved the short story and babe take your time writing le chase :*
