Friday, July 13, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 6

I got this question a lot: Layal mt7jba?
Answer: Yep she is, in Chapter 4 I mentioned that she wore a veil and some of her mahogany hair was coming out of it. I like to keep my characters different in every story, nothing similar to my old one.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. :D And if you ever find a mistake, tell me about it, I honestly don't find it annoying, it's very helpful. x


My eyes would avert from the road and sneak a glance at Layal's face once the Rolls Royce was gliding over the grey bulky roads of Kuwait. She kept her eyes on the road in front of us more than I did, her simple manicured fingers were tapping against her iPhone every few seconds, she seemed nervous. Did I make her nervous?

"So." I murmured over the sounds of traffic, trying to start a conversation. Layal didn't continue, she practically ignored me.

"Ma gilteely wein beitkom?" I said again, breaking the awkward silence once more.

"Ma t3arif? Ma yeit 3ndena 7ag el dwaneya night ams?" Layal finally moved her eyes from the road and placed them on me, I caught the hints of green hues around her dark pupils once again, it was mesmerizing, even in the dark, the colours in her eyes were visible.

"H-ha?" I stuttered, getting caught up with her eyes. "Oh uhm, la2. Mnzaman ma yeit 3ndekom fa neseit wein beitkom, dayman ana w Ibrahim ne6la3.."

"Wein trou7oun?" Layal questioned me further. Oh man, I was going to get caught.

"Siwalif shabab, al7een wein beitkom?" I quickly said, changing the subject.

"Jabriya..." Layal said the address quickly, the words gliding off of her tongue.

"Shway shway, ma seme3t shay." I chuckled. "Mara thanya?"

"Jabriya..." Layal repeated in a slower pace, her sweet toned voice filling my ears.

"Ahh okay, ma tabeen 3asha? Take away?" I took the road that took me to Jabriya, keeping my eyes on the cars driving in front of me. I couldn't help but catch a honey kind of scent from Layal, it was addictive.

"Uhm, la2." Layal awkwardly answered but I heard the growling of her stomach, her stomach said yes but her mind said no. I decided to take another road that led us to Mcdonalds.

"Wein rayi7?" Layal said, her voice sounding alarmed.

"Cheese burger wla chicken burger?" I grinned to myself. The drive-thru where you can order in your car was packed so I picked a parking space to park the Rolls Royce and stopped the engine.

"Big Mac." Layal murmured, surrendering. She licked over her full lips, staring off at the Mcdonalds building.

"Okay bitiyeen wla bitig3deen bil sayara?" I said with my hand over the car door, ready to push it open.

"La2 bag3ad." Layal stubbornly answered.

"Okay, your choice." I shrugged before pushing the car door open to step out of the car, before I shut the car door behind me, I heard Layal call out my name.

"Thari, wait." Layal said fearfully, I smiled to myself once I heard my name on her lips.

Offh shd3wa, et7asisny awal mara etkalim bent.

I ignored the little annoying voice in my head.

"Halla?" I crouched down and dipped my head back into the car. Layal was looking at her surroundings, there were numerous cars parked out besides us that were filled with other guys and her eyes were full of fear.

"Uhm, bitkhaleeny brou7y y3ne?" Layal stuttered, her curled eyelashes shielding her large eyes.

"Mu entay giltay ma tabeen tiyeen?" I replied in an emotionless tone, trying to stop myself from smiling.

"Uhm, digeega." Layal stretched her body to the back seats of the car so she could grab her duffel bag, she unzipped it and her hands were dug deep into it, looking for something. She finally grabbed a large hoodie out of the bag and pulled it over her black shirt. I turned my head away, knowing that her veil was going to get pulled down and show off her hair.

"Okay." Layal breathed out after a few minutes, she got out of the car and I held back a laugh. She looked silly, she was wearing her Free City sweats with a large Hollister hoodie that covered up her figure. Her veil was wrapped properly around her face, covering up any hair that crept out of it earlier.

We put some distance between us as we walked up to the stairs to Mcdonalds, she stood next to me in line and she kept her eyes glued onto the menu that was over the walls. I checked my Galaxy, looking at the blog account. Aziz had given me a shout out and so I now had about 990 followers, even more than the girl blogger's twitter.


"Hi sir, welcome to Mcdonalds," the Filipino worker with the mustache greeted me.

"Oh hey, uhm, can I have two Big Macs for take away?" I grinned up at the Filipino worker, feeling giddy of getting more followers than that secret blogger.

"Drinks?" His fingers typed over the cashier.

"Drinks?" I repeated, looking over to Layal. She had her fingers dug deep into her hoodie pockets, her cheeks seemed bronzed in the light and her eyes were more colourful under the light. The guys behind me gave her a few flirtatious looks but she was too blind to notice.

"Cola please." Layal said.

"You heard the lady." I nodded off to the worker. "I'll have the same."

I grabbed my wallet out of my pocket, ready to pay but I felt a pair of soft cool fingers over my wrist. They were Layal's.

"La2, ana badfa3." Layal quickly took off her fingers off of my wrist, suddenly noticing how awkward it had become once she touched me.

"Mu men 9ijech, akeed ma ra7 tidfi3een." I laughed mockingly, handing the worker the money before Layal could bring out her Hermes wallet out of her pockets.

"Thari." Layal said in an angry tone.

"Layal." I repeated, looking at her seriously. For some reason, she quickly looked away, breaking the eye contact. Hm.

 For the next few minutes, we remained silent, waiting for the order. Everytime I'd try to start up a conversation, she would ignore or just shut me off completely by making herself busy by staring at the Mcdonalds menu or stare outside the fast food restaurant.

"Here's your order, thank you for ordering." The kind worker said in a heavy accented English, I smiled at him and grabbed the take away bags. I was about to tell Layal it was time to go but I found her sitting by one of the tables next to a little girl.

The little girl was crying, her dark hair a mess and her dress filled with ketchup stains. Layal was whispering to her and the girl smiled in response, calming down.

"Sh9ayer?" I asked once I walked up to Layal.

"Ma t3arif wein omha." Layal replied in a worried tone. "7beebty ma tithkireen wein omich ra7at?"

"L-la2." The little girl sobbed, a waterfall of tears streamed back onto her cheeks, her smile fading away.

"La tabcheen 7beebty, akeed ra7at el 7amam ow shay." Layal stood up from her seat and walked over to the little girl, she knelt down to the ground and brushed the girl's tears away with her gentle fingers.

While Layal was trying to calm the little girl down, I went over to the Mcdonalds counter to order an ice cream for the girl. I came back and handed the little girl the ice cream. At first, the little girl's wide eyes looked at me in fear but they quickly softened with kindness once she noticed the ice cream cone in my hand.

"Mashkour." The little girl murmured, taking the ice cream from my hand. She quickly stopped crying and got busy with licking her vanilla ice cream. Layal looked up at me, her eyes widening a bit at me. And for the first time ever, she gave me a heart warming smile, I gave her a grin, feeling content.

"Samaher!" A worried woman in her early 30's called out.

"Mamaa!" The little girl's face broke out in a huge smile, she jumped out of her seat and ran over to her mother.

"El7amdellah." Layal murmured to herself, watching the little girl with her mother.

"Yalla khan rou7." Layal quickly said, trying to leave the Mcdonalds restaurant before me.

"Enta ely legeit benty?" The mother walked up to me before I could walk out with Layal.

"Uhm, l-la2, Layal." I called out her name but she was already outside.

"Mashkour!" The woman gushed, holding tightly onto her daughter's hand.

"Mu ana-" I started to explain but the mother kept thanking me, leaving without letting me explain.

"Layal shfeech 6l3tay?" I finally caught up with Layal, she was waiting outside, her eyes staring off to the distance.

"Bas, yalla khan rou7." Layal avoided my question, her eyes held a secret I couldn't understand. I didn't question her again and remained silent as I drove her back to their house once we were back in the Rolls Royce.

Layal didn't say a word during the whole car ride, she had her eyes staring out of her window. I wished I could dip into her head and find out what she was thinking about. She was strange in a way, I hadn't met a girl like her before, she preferred silence over words.

I parked outside a white painted house with a huge garden that had a little fountain in the front of it, a few cars were parked outside such as Porsche Cayenne and a Ferrari but the house seemed dead quiet. I didn't park too close to the house, I didn't want Layal to get into trouble because of my stupid lie of knowing her brother Ibrahim.

"Mashkour." Layal murmured coldly before getting out of the car.

"Layal digeega!" I called out before she could shut the car door, she was in a hurry to leave.

"Shnu?" Layal said, distracted.

"Aklich?" I laughed, grabbing her take away bag out of the back of the Rolls Royce, handing it over to her.

"Oh." Layal bit her bottom lip, grabbing her food hesitantly.

"Layal mnu hatha?" A new voice entered into the picture, startling both Layal and I.


  1. A7lla bel ma3rb 3lshan en7s bel 8i9a akthr enha igreba mena
    o loving the story

  2. Her cheeks seemed bronzed in the light and her YES were more colourful under the light.
    Its eyes :p
    I loved this chapter looking forward for the new post x

  3. A7san shay ena lema ysoufloon ykoon m3arab 3ashan n7iss it's real;p,,Great story btw


  4. I really like ur stories mashallah 3alaich you have a way with using words! I just wanted to say ina itha bit5aleen layal mit7ajba tra there are rules!! ;D May9eer itjees rayal mo mo7ram 3aleeha ya3ni may9eer tamsik eeda oo chithy oo may9eer talbees tight clothes that define her figure bs intay kafeech ya3ni its ur story ;D bs la2na mayshfeehom il mit7ajbeen kila 3adi 3indihom ejeesoon reyayeel wohma mit7ajbeen! Bs bil nehaya intay kafich hathy mojarad wijhat nathar wa7da mit7ajba ;DD ooo i LoVED ur post!! Keep it up!

    -umyousef ;D

    1. Mashkouraa! W walla adryy bas Layal touched him accidentally, she didn't think about it, y3ne you know when you do something without thinking and then regret it? W ehya kanet labsa '9ayij becase kanet ga3da shaleih wya el banat, she didn't think she'd see guys. W it's just a fictional story, mu ga3da agoul kel el mt7jbat chithe or anything so don't misunderstand. xxx

    2. Thara 7ata el mub met7ajbaat 3eib yemsekoon rayal mub ma7ram mub bes el mut7ajbaat. Bs thara its just a story a FICTION story so its ok to write things like that :D

  5. Thank you everyone!:D I'll fix the mistake now. :*

  6. Hello..
    So I've been reading your blog from the start! I read Shoug and Saud, I read Amal and Saif. And I must say your blog is one of my favorites<3
    You have a great talent mashallah:*
    Keep up the good work

  7. Eee la don't worry i TOTALLY understand bs madre ya3ni gilt mafrooth inha itkoon out of bounds XD... Ya3ni mafrooth ina y7trm nafsa la2nha mit7ajba LOOOoL (galabt 3alih ;pp) XD bs wallah i know ina mo ga9dich ina kila il mt7ajbat chithy ;D bs infa3alt shway la2na 7a6eet nafsi eb mokanha XD!!! Bs tra wallah i realllllllly LOVE your stories! Oo mo ga9di ina mo3ajibny tra walllah 3ajeeba 8i9itch bs ina awal mara taktibeen wa7da mit7ajba fa eshta6eet winfa3alat xDDD!!

    -Umyousef ;D

  8. I'm loving this storyyy<3 I hope Thari and Layal don't get caught :( can't wait fro the next chapter :D

  9. Endless love for your blogs <3

