Saturday, September 29, 2012

Problems with chapters.

Chapter 20&21 ARE available, look down and you'll find them, problem is that they're not in order. I can't seem to find a solution yet, unless I delete all my chapters and re-post them, I might do that tomorrow or after tomorrow if I don't find a better solution.

Chapter 20:

Chapter 21:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 21

Okay second chapter now, and it's now 4:03 am. Running out of ideas already, yalla I'll make up stuff as I go. \o/

Chapter 20:


Was this girl serious? She was going to threaten me?

I knew exactly how to deal with her.

"@******: 7beebty asif walla;* kent mista3eel w nafseety kanet kh*ra, sam7eeny?:$"

"@BdourAlX: Ooooh:$ la la 3ade 7beeby:$ awal mara etnadeeny 7beebty hehe."

Ghabeya. I snickered to myself as I typed up the next message, I was now on 3abbas's comfortable couch in the diwaneya, sleepiness threatening to overtake me.

"@*******: Ya 7alat'ha tisti7y;*"

"@BdourAlX: Hehe:$ yalla enshallah next time enrou7 starbucks mu lazem tiyee elyoum, and next time we'll be alone, oki?:$"

"@*******: As you wish babe;*"

"@BdourAlX: Hehe:$"

Her 'hehe's' were starting to annoy me, I didn't realise how much a girl would use one expression so many times before. I knew she would threaten me again in the future if I stopped sugar coating my messages for her, I needed something on her, so she would keep her mouth shut.

"@*******: 7beebtyy mu 3ndch 9oura w entay eb bikini?;*"

I was definitely not going to see that picture, I just needed to keep one for safety measures.

"@BdourAlX: Naughty:$ I'll send it to you on whatsapp, what's your number?"

Well that was easy, I thought she would at least say that we had to be closer or we had to have known each other better before she'd send such a picture. This just made my judgement about her even more true, I sent her my second number, the one I didn't usually used and it was in my blackberry phone. I didn't want her to have my permanent number.

In a few minutes, she sent me a bikini photo on Whatsapp, I saw it from the outside but I didn't click on it, it took a lot of will not to. I kept it in my blackberry picture folder, I was going to threaten her with it if she ever threatened me again with the blog. I wasn't an idiot to fall for a girl's evil plan, she was the idiot to fall for mine.

"@BdourAlX: What do you think of the picture?:$"

"@*******: Wai3. Next time you threaten me, think about that picture being sent to every guy in Kuwait "baby". ;*"

And with that, I blocked her and unfollowed her. I wish I could have seen her expression when she read my message, I bet it was priceless. This was just too easy, too freaking easy. I decided to follow request Layal on my personal twitter, if she accepted then that would mean she wasn't mad or anything, right?

That afternoon, I fell asleep for 8 lovely hours. 3abbas forced me awake afterwards for our football match. We both changed into our sports clothes (which consisted of shorts and a Barca shirt) and headed out, my body felt untrained and weak but after tonight, it'll be tired and sweaty from all the exercise. It was a feeling that I loved.

Once we were at the field, there already were guys surrounded everywhere, stretching or on their phones, or just talking to their friends. I dumped my bag which held a towel, 3 water bottles and extra clothes if I needed to change.

The game lasted 2 hours, we would usually play for ages and take a break in between, the rush and the sudden heat in the winter felt great. My muscles were sore and throbbing after the long match.

"Benrou7 jam3eyat Al Zahra, yalla bitiyee?" Ghanim, a tall rugged and muscled friend of mine patted my back as I was trying to look for my water bottle in my grey sports bag. The water had stayed cold because of the chilly weather, even though my skin felt lava hot.

"Ma feeh shay." I said with a confused expression.

"Offh kela gaz, min 9ijik? El'9aher wela mara ri7t'la at 11pm." Ghanim grinned. I didn't feel like going there to hook up with girls, they gave me a headache, especially that Bdour.

"I'll pass." I slipped off my shirt that was soaked in sweat and threw the rest of the water from the bottle over my hair, letting the water dribble over my heated skin. The wind rushed into me, cooling me off, causing me to shiver. I felt refreshed again.

"Yalla 3ad." Ghanim nagged at me, 3abbas walked over to us to continue the nagging contest.

"Shnu bitsawe? Etrid el diwaneya? Maku a7ad a9lan." 3abbas tried changing my mind.

"Waray jam3a bacher." I gave an excuse.

"W etha?" Ghanim laughed mockingly, he was in his twenties and he was on a break from everything, so he had no job, he only had time to waste.

"Hff okay okay." I surrendered, the guys were stubborn as heck and I knew they didn't mind nagging at me all night. I pulled a Abercrombie hoodie from my bag and pulled it over the naked first half of my body before following the guys.

3abbas and I used my car, the other guys drove in their own. 3abbas kept turning up the volume of various songs on the radio, he was definitely in a party mood whereas I, just wanted to sleep some more. I was pretty sure I was going to be tired as hell tomorrow morning and grouchy too.

"Hey, ley meta bitiktab 7ag el blog?" 3abbas asked me as I drove towards the road that led us to Al Zahra.

"Madre, laish?" I shrugged.

"Tara yifashel." 3abbad bluntly said.

"W laish yifashel?" I snapped.

"Ryal shkubrik takteb 3an qi9at 7ayatik?" 3abbas chuckled, clearly mocking me.

"A9lan gareita?" I challenged him.

"L-la2..." 3abbas answered in a quiet tone. I didn't bother saying anything else, 3abbas was starting to piss me off recently, I wanted to get out of his property already so I didn't have to stay quiet with my comebacks. He had no idea what I put myself through so just he wouldn't get in trouble with his own parents.

I parked the car in front of the super market, about three other cars followed me, holding most of the other guys. The rest of them decided to go home, some of them already were married and had kids so I didn't blame them.

We entered the large building, in front of us it took us towards the actual super market but to our left, it held stores for 3abayas or cakes, to our right were other stores, and most importantly, the cafe Starbucks, where all the "gaz" (gaz = flirting in slang) happened.

The cafe was packed with guys and girls, all of them probably had an early morning to get up to tomorrow but they didn't seem to care as they gazed at any other good looking person with longing.
The guys poured into the cafe to order but 3abbas and Ghanim stole the table that was right next to about 5 teenage girls who had their face caked with make up and their manicured hands holding onto their steaming hot coffees.

"Thari, t3al." Ghanim waved me over. I sat besides him and the girls ignored our presence but 3abbas didn't take this as a warning to back off, he simply stared at the girl with the long hair, her body thin but elegant. She was the only one in the group that didn't have so much make up on and she was definitely 3abbas's type.

"Shal sha3ar el 7lu." 3abbas whispered in a husky voice, the girl that sat nearest to him shot him a dirty look. I gave them a helpless expression.

"Yalla 3ad, tara they're young." I said to 3abbas, who was still trying to get the long haired girl to notice him.

"Ush." 3abbas hissed over to me in annoyance.

 "3abbas shouf hathee ga3da etkhizik." Ghanim smirked, pointing over to a girl that didn't look good looking at all and her clothes were too tight, too revealing and it cried out "desperate" and "easy". 3abbas's two favourite words.

"Offhh, shlabsa hathee?" 3abbas laughed, making sure the girl heard him.

"I bet you can't get her number now." Ghanim smacked 3abbas's arm, laughing at him ocne he noticed that 3abbas pissed the girl off.

"Watch me." 3abbas winked at both of us, he left the table and made his way behind the girl. She was standing in the line for her turn to order and 3abbas made it seem like he was waiting too but I saw his lips mouth. He was whispering to the girl and she was listening alright, she was trying her best not to smile.

The next thing I knew, 3abbas got out his blackberry and then it was the girl's turn to start whispering, the words that I could read from her lips were numbers, she was giving 3abbas her number and 3abbas was recording them into his Porsche blackberry.

In a few minutes, he came back to our table with a satisfied smile on his face. He dialed the number in front of us and kept it on speaker. A ringtone jingled out loud, we turned around and it was the girl's phone ringing. She answered it and at the same time, we heard her deep voice through 3abbas's phone:

"Aloo?" She tried to deepen her voice in a seductive way.

"Walla enik rayal!" Ghanim let out a deep laugh and slapped 3abbas's back. 3abbas didn't bother replying to the girl, he hung up on her and looked proud of himself.

"Tawik etla7i'9?" 3abbas replied in a confident voice which only gained him another proud smack on the back from Ghanim.

"Offh offh 6a3 hathee, bsr3a." Ghanim's eyes nearly widened and his gaze was on someone in front of us. I quickly turned around and found a girl, maybe 163cm tall, her slender body was clothed in a comfortable looking and loose sweater, she wore denim leggings and slender boots, a dark veil framed her familiar face.


"Hmm shekilha thgeela." Ghanim inspected her. "Now watch me get her number."

Le Chase Chapter 29

“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” 
― Albert Einstein

*Note: my stories aren't true, they are all purely fiction. I had to say it again because one of my readers thought this story was true. I'm not anonymous. And I am also not 18, I turned 16 recently (24/07/1996) and yes I go to a university, British system allows you to graduate in Year 11, plus I went to high school earlier than everyone, hence why I am so young and already in my first year at uni. This is so I don't need to answer this question again and again.

Thank you @DanahAO & @ReemaAlSheikh for the help!:*


"She uses an iPhone right?" 3abbas asked me, as his leg lazily drooped over under him, on his canopy bed. I stood right besides him, my eyes looming over his laptop and gadgets. 3abbas was always the tech nerd in the group, even though his appearance always gave him the stereotypical jock title, the one who looks all buff and big yet has no brain, 3abbas was the exact opposite of that stereotype.

"Yeah but it's switched off, how can you track her?" I scratched the back of my head nervously, scared that 3abbas would tell me he couldn't do it. He tracked down his sister Hessa last year when she supposedly "ran away" to create some statement to her parents. That was when she was 16 years old, she was reckless, still is and always made sure she got what she wanted. If her parents said no, she'd do something crazy, which for her, was running away last year. Too bad her brother was a tech freak, he tracked her down in the next hour. She was in the local supermarket, shopping to waste time.

"I have my ways, be patient." 3abbas grinned, his hands effortlessly typing in such a fast pace over his Mac laptop keyboard. He had another HP laptop next to it, already open and running. I couldn't understand what he was doing, he had loads of browsers open at once, as well as the Appstore on his Mac laptop.

"Shnu ra8amha?" He asked whilst biting his bottom lip, too engrossed into his plan.

"99231***," I answered. He typed the number in, the tick tacking of the keyboards filling my ears. I pulled 3abbas's black sponge-y chair, sitting right onto it, watching 3abbas work. His room squarely shaped with a hang on TV screen, a ps3 laying around on the dark maroon carpet, the curtains were drawn apart and we had the view of the deserted street in front of his house.

"Found her." 3abbas's grin grew wider.

"What?! Where?!" I jolted out of my seat, standing over him once again.

"Here's the address, uhm.." 3abbas looked hesitant to give me the address.

"Shnu ohwa?" I impatiently asked. He turned his laptop around so I could see the screen. I squinted at the bright blare for a second before my eyes adjusted to the brightness. I read the following address, of a house in Surra (a 'man6aqa'/'city' in Kuwait). A house I didn't know.

"Yalla khan rou7!" I suddenly exclaimed, ready to find my mom.

"Hey hey, ma ra7 negder enrou7 al7een." 3abbas killed my excitement.

"Laish?" I huffed.

"It's nearly 11pm, it's too late. Ma en3arif mnu sakin bel bait, 3aib. Enrou7 bacher el'9uher." 3abbas was more realistic than I was.

"Lazem?" I sighed. "It's my mom."

"We can track again tomorrow to check if she left, be patient." 3abbas shook his head.

"Okay okay." I agreed. "Mashkour 3abbas, walla ta3abtik."

"Shd3wa Bo Zaid," 3abbas gave me another one of his wide easy grins.

"Yalla ana bamshy, tamr 3la shay?" I felt more at peace now, at least I knew where Mom was. There was still the fact that I'm probably going to have a little sister or a little brother who was half related to me in 8 months but it wasn't all that bad, right? I was trying to be positive, but the fact that my Dad just became a bigger a**hole lately and his wife has been pestering my sister, trying to replace my mother, wasn't going to change. Positivity wasn't exactly going to change that fact.

El7amdellah 3la kl 7al, I thought to myself. At least I still had clothes on me and a home I could sleep in. If Dad didn't kick me out again, that is.

"Salamtk yal 7beeb." 3abbas said before I left his room. 3abbas's house only had one floor but they had a wide spread of land that the house and diwaneya were built on, so they didn't need an extra floor. There were vases that held different kinds of 3abbas's mother's hand picked flowers everywhere, it gave the whole house a very rosy scent. I was walking down the hallway, past the doors of the rooms in the house, at the end of the hallway, was there entrance door, near it was a another hallway leading you to the large living room. I was holding onto my car keys whilst I left the house, walking past the garden and to where the parking area was.

"Mohammed, I'm standing outside right now, you can't see me? I gave you the address, you brought me to this house more than two times already. No no, I'm telling you, you're at the wrong house because I can't see you or the car anywhere. Mohammed I didn't go to a different house, it's the same house, Hessa Al-X's house!" It was a familiar voice. I stared right in front of me. It was Layal's back, standing a few feet away. I could see her more clearly now, she had a dark denim jeans that were being hugged by a pair of long brown boots, a loosely tied red scarf was flowing around in the wind behind her. She was too busy on the phone, probably talking to her driver, to notice me or notice that her scarf was about to fly away.

"Mohammed, the house is wide with a garden and a diwaneya, it's house number 32." Layal sighed impatiently, her boot tapping over the concrete floor. Soon enough, her scarf swirled around once more before leaving her covered neck, flying towards me and the next thing I knew, all I could see or feel was a huge red see through material, trying to stuff itself into my face.

I grabbed the scarf, taking it off of my face. I was expecting Layal to notice me standing behind her by now but she was still on the phone.

"No no, it is not a pink house Mohammed, and it does not have flags of Spain and Lebanon on the roof. Where the hell did you drive to?" Layal kept on talking into the phone, her beige turtle neck that was accompanied by a puffy vest now naked of a scarf.

"E7m." I coughed, my deep voice startling her. She turned around quickly, her face fearful for a second, but then her expression turned to recognition once she saw me and my grin.

"Oh Thari, khara3tny." She sighed and suddenly turned her attention back to her phone. "No no Mohammad, I know you don't understand Arabic, I wasn't talking to you."

"Layal," I tried to hold back a laugh, watching her being so annoyed amused me.

"What do you mean Mahboub? It's Layal on the phone, hello? Mohammed? Hello?" Layal continued on, staring at her phone in shock. I was guessing her driver hung up on her.

"Layal." I said again, but this time I was chuckling, I couldn't keep the laugh in any longer.

"Thari ma yi'9a7ik," Layal sighed but she had a smile playing on her lips.

"Mahboub? Mnu Mahboub?" I laughed even harder.

"Madre 3ana, faj2a ga3d yisolif bil Hindi w ga3d yigouly 'Mahboub'," Layal laughed along, her laugh was enjoyable to listen to.

"Al7een Layal, your scarf?" I was holding her scarf behind my back.

"Umbay my scarf, weina?!" Layal suddenly started looking around her, her hands grasping her neck, finally noticing that her scarf was gone. I got a good look of her face this time, she had more make up on than last time, thicker eyeliner and nude lips that showed off how plump they were.

"This?" I finally pulled her scarf from my back and let it wave around with the movement of the wind, but I was grasping the material to stop it from flying away again.

"Enta makhtha?" Layal crossed her arms over her chest, her alerted face melting away once she saw my mischievous smile and her scarf in my hand.

"It flew away when you were on the phone," I chuckled again.

"How long were you standing there?" Layal cocked an arched eyebrow. She didn't seem so shy anymore and I liked the confident Layal, even though the shy awkward one was cute too, but she didn't manage to talk that much or carry a conversation when she was shy.

"Not that long yal Mahboub," I took a step forward, seeing her smile close-up. I stretched my arms over her shoulders, wrapping the scarf around her neck, careful to make sure I didn't touch her, only the scarf did. She watched me silently, she seemed surprised and I was too fast, I knotted the scarf and quickly took a step back before she could word a protest. I caught a whiff of her vanilla scented perfume, making me want to take a step closer once again but I fought the urge to, I knew if I did it again she'd probably stop me or take a step back.

At the same time, Layal's iPhone started to ring. She answered it without hesitation, taking the sudden interruption with wide open arms.

"Mohammed? You're here? Great! Oh, the backdoor? Okay I'm coming." Layal said, her face full of relief. She hung up and looked up at me once again, I suddenly noticed how short she was compared to my tall height.

"Wi9al?" I asked, trying to break the silence between us. Layal's cheeks, as well as her nose, were turning a bit red. I knew the nose redness was because of the cold weather but the cheeks? Hmm, was it the scarf thing? I knew for a fact she was shy again, she seemed more quiet and closed off from before. I always wonder what goes through her mind.

"Eee." She quietly answered, making this a cue for her to leave.

"Layal, bas2lch so2al bas abeech etjawbeeny." I honestly said.

"It depends on the question," She replied hesitantly.

"So you won't answer?"

"Giltlk, it depends." She shrugged, lowering her light eyes to the ground, unable to meet my gaze.

"Are you hiding something from me?" I teased.

"Is that the question?" Layal bit the inside of her cheek.

"La2, there's another one too, bas ma jawabtay." I grinned.

"Everyone has secrets," Layal stated, avoiding my question.

"I told you mine when I was just an anonymous blogger to you," I reminded her.

"Al7een shnu el su2al?" Layal finally looked up and met my gaze, her cool eyes staring into my dull dark ones.

"When we were messaging on twitter, you told me someone was a jerk to you in work," her face quickly flushed deep red, she probably knew where I was going with this. "And... you told me you liked him too, was it really me? Do you actually like me in that way?"

Layal's iPhone began to ring again. Her phone started to annoy me, it had the worst timings. Honestly.

"Mohammed? Yes yes I'm coming walla, I just er, forgot something and had to go back." She lied, she quickly passed me and didn't look back. I watched her walk off, without answering my question. I was astonished.

My shoulders slumped a bit as I walked to my car, not having an answer to a question that was really important to me. I wasn't stupid, there were hints here and there but I still wanted to hear it from her. No more hints, just the plain truth.

I pushed the my car keys into the ignition once I was in the sleek Range Rover, before I twisted the key to start the engine, I heard the familiar "beep!" that told me I had a new notification on Twitter. I puleld my Galaxy out of my pocket, clicked over Twitter and clicked over the "direct message" button.

I read the following new message, that also caused my smile from ear to ear.

"@LayalAlX: Yeah, it was you. I mean, yeah you seemed like a jerk at first but then I was wrong. I was talking about you all along when we were messaging. I like you Thari. Please la etfashilny aw shay whenever we see each other next, okay?:p I answered your question, happy?" 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 28

Second chapter today, it's short though. :p Yes I'm on a roll, I'm home all alone and I'm in quite the writing mood today. (I haven't written in ages ugh:c always have no time, finally I have time!) Oh and for the people who ask me where I get my ideas from, I actually have no source. Whenever I write a post, the ideas just come as I write, I usually don't plan but sometimes if I do, something always has to change in my plan. If that makes any sense. Anyways, that's also kind of why I take ages when I write.


"Thari en6ir!" I heard 3abbas call out after me once I left the diwaneya. The girls looked startled by me, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

"Oh my God, Layal that's him." Hessa hissed to Layal, her fresh light features not as attention grabbing as Layal's in the dark. Layal's coloured eyes stared right at me, her lips pursed, unable to mouth a word.

"Thari?" Layal blurted out before she could stop herself. Hessa gaped at Layal, her eyes turning from Layal and I, trying to understand what's going on.

"Et3arfeena?!" Hessa hissed at Layal venomously in a jealous tone.

"Hey yal 7*meer wein r7taw?" A new squeaky voice joins the conversation. I look to find a girl, tall and quite chubby, her curves shown off by her Moschino belt that hugged her dress against her. She had her curls down to her waist, her oval face looking from me, to Hessa and Layal in confusion.

"Lujaino," Hessa grunted in annoyance, feeling embarrassed that the girl, so called "Lujain", had freely used such language in front of me.

"Shlounkom, shakhbarkom banat?" I tried to hide my clenched angry fists by digging them into my pockets. Amused by the girl's sudden awkwardness and shyness.

"We're go-" Hessa's flirty voice was cut off by another more deeper voice.

"Thari fahemt ghala6, shfeek 3a9e- Oh." 3abbas huffed out in annoyance at first but then noticed the crowd of girls in front of us. Now he grew awkward and rather stiff.

Since when was 3abbas awkward?

"Hessa shfeech ga3da bara bel 7adeeqa? Dishay dakhel yalla," 3abbas turned into the big brother and ignored the sudden awkwardness.

"Uhm, 3abbas." Hessa gave him an annoyed glance, her bangs tickling her long eyelashes. I turned to look at 3abbas, his eyes were on Lujain. She had her largely shaped eyes down at the ground, her cheeks suddenly rosy.

Was I missing out on something? 

"Uhm, e7na zeineen el7amdellah." Layal answered my question, her honey toned voice grabbing my attention once again. I noticed Hessa's arm jabbing Layal's waist in annoyance, Layal yelped a small "ow!"

"Hessa!" 3abbas regained his maturity and turned back into the big brother once again. I was guessing he was done with staring at Lujain, but isn't he supposed to be staring at Layal? My anger melted away and I was now simply curious.

"Okay okay benamshy, ffh 7aram atmasha?" Hessa complained in a snobbish tone, ushering her friends towards the house. Layal kept her eyes away from mine, looking confused herself.

"7asesetny we're on a beach in Maldives al7een," 3abbas shook his head at his sister, but his eyes followed Lujain's tall frame as it disappeared into the shadows.

"Thari, enta fahem el salfa ghala6." 3abbas finally said once we both knew the girls were gone.

"Fee salfa b3ad?" The jealousy in me got the best of me.

"Ana mo3jib eb Lujain, mu Layal." 3abbas said in a quiet tone. His words sounded genuine but why would his sister say that he had a crush on Layal then?

"3yal laish Hessa 3abalha enik t7b Layal?" I questioned him, my eyes probing him for an answer.

"That day, Hessa had Layal and Lujain over at our house for lunch. I got Lujain's and Layal's names mixed up, I thought Lujain was Layal. I wasn't having lunch with them, I was just observing them for a few minutes and I must have misheard their names." 3abbas sighed, "So when I asked Hessa about Lujain, I said Layal belghala6 and I only knew that Layal was the girl you liked after I saw you and her. La tifham ghala6, Layal 7lwa bas el9ara7a Lujain a7la, in my eyes."

"W laish tawik etgouly?!" I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Enta ma giltly salfetik wya Layal 3shan agoulk 3an Lujain!" 3abbas started at me annoyingly. "Kent ga3d a7in foug rasek because I wanted to tell you about her too, but you wouldn't open up to me at all w kela emnafis."

"Asif." I sighed, shivering in the cold. "I thought you were trying to be nosy, or trying to flirt with Layal like Ghanim."

"Tadry shnu mishkiltk? Ma titkalam!" 3abbas shook his head at me.

"Gelna asfeen yuba," I grinned, causing 3abbas to pat me on the back, chuckling along.

"Ee 9a7, laish yeit 3ndena elyoum? You're always welcome bas after the conversation at uni, ma hageitik bitzourna elyoum." 3abbas crossed his muscled arms over his large chest.

I knew for sure that 3abbas was the only one who could help me with this, so I took a large gulp of breath before pushing the following words out of my mouth.

"I need you to find my Mom."

Le Chase Chapter 27

Hellooo. FINALLY, it's weekend! And what's best than knowing you'll also have a new post to read when you come back from 6al3atkom or wake up from a nap or maybe there's someone out there studying for a quiz and needs a break (good boys/girls, studying in the weekend, I hope to be like you one day:p). I'm finally done with my maths quiz, yes I might have a Philosophy of Art one coming up this week but hey, it sounds much easier/interesting than numbers. 

W 3la fekrah, I'm a blogger, not someone you can randomly DM and ask them to do your English homework or some exam essay, whatever, okay?:p Do your own work, or how else are you going to learn? 

Now who's up for some action this time? 


Previously in Chapter 26:

"Shfeek ma seme3t?" He continued on, I spaced out for a second there and he ignored my sudden silence.

"Shnu?" My voice sounded a bit wobbly, I tried to strengthen it against his. His steel gaze hardened as his next words flew easily out of his lips.

"Murty 7amil."


"Mabrouk." I spat at him, letting him see the pure disgust on my facial expression. I walked past him, not bothering to look at his face because I was pretty sure my father had a meek smile on his face, finding it amusing that he seemed to infuriate me off once again.

"Wath7a!" I shouted once I was upstairs, I banged over her door countless times. She had her door locked and I could hear her muffled sobs, she was still crying and I was pretty sure my dad made sure Wath7a knew about the news too, yet I always thought Wath7a would be happy to have a younger sibling. There was something else going on, but I didn't know what.

As usual, I was the last to know.

"Sh9ar?" Wath7a asked nervously as soon as she unlocked her door and pulled it open, her face had a few wet tears daring to slip further down her cheeks but I could see the harsh marks over her skin where she was rushingly pushing her tears away with the not too soft looking tissues. There was Rihanna's new single playing in the background in her room, probably to drown out the sound of Wath7a sobbing.

"You tell me," I rushed into her room, she stepped to the side so I could shut the door behind us silently, not wanting to grab our father's attention.

"Bizifny etha giltlk," she hiccuped, drawing her wispy fingers through her dark black hair, pulling it up into a weak bun. She was avoiding my eyes, she was embarrassed about her bloodshot eyes, embarrassed that a 13 year old still cried when I was proud of her not losing her emotions like I once did in the past. 

"Wath7a, tell me." I urged, taking a few steps forward so I stood in front of her. I was much taller but her eyes finally looked up, catching mine.

"Mom left the h-house a-a-nd h-his second wife is making me call her 'm-mama', i-it's like she's replacing Mom," Wath7a hiccuped in between her words, her eyes filling up with a new rush of tears, daring to mount over.

"S-shnu?! Wainha omi?!" I dug my hand into the pockets of my trousers to grab my Samsung Galaxy, my fingers fidgeted for a second before they regained control. 

"M-madry Thari! Baba won't tell me, I don't think... I don't think he knows either," Wath7a's voice slowly grew quiet as her words escaped from her lips, causing reality to strike. It seemed to terrify her even more. I was too busy dialling my mother's number, waiting impatiently for the service to kick in so I can get connected to the call.

"Her mobile's switched off," I stared at my Galaxy strangely once I heard the familiar voice of the machine telling me that the contact's mobile is switched off.

"What?!" Wath7a's eyes nearly flew out of her sockets. I tried calling again, and again, and yet again. I had a small flickr of hope ignited inside of me, hoping that she might have changed her mind and switched her phone off last minute, but that hope was soon blown away after the same machine voice, telling me again and again that the contact had her mobile switched off.

"Great, our mom's missing." I sarcastically stated.

"Can't you do something?" Wath7a's eyes were still hopeful once they were on me.

"Madre shasawe," I huffed in defeat, sitting back onto Wath7a's fluffy bed. I rushed my fingertips through my hair, it was growing longer and my headache was growing stronger. I was hoping I could come back home to some peace, yet I was pushed into more problems.

I only knew one person who could help me.


"3abbas-" I was in a rush, I drove all the way to 3abbas's place and made sure Wath7a wasn't alone at home with Dad, so I dropped her off at one of her friend's houses. I was now in 3abbas's familiar cigarette scented diwaneya, knowing 3abbas, his diwaneya was only full of our friends or any other guys who had joined us, on Wednesdays.

"Bo Zaid," 3abbas looked surprised that I showed up, most likely because of our strained conversation earlier today. Next to him was Ghanim, 3abbas's obnoxious friend, that didn't mind flirting with Layal in Starbucks. I hated that jacka**. 

"Fee shay esma etdig gabel ma tiyee, hatha mu baitik etdish w ti6la3 3la kaifik," Ghanim spat at me, clearly remembering our near physical fight in Starbucks.

"Shtabe? A7ad kalimik?" I clenched my fingers into fists.

"Hadaw hadaw!" 3abbas stood up and stood in between us before we decided to lunge at each other. There wasn't anyone else in the diwaneya, just the three of us and Ghanim clearly didn't know how long 3abbas and I knew each other. 

"Madre shfeeh hal walad, 3a9abe. 9ej yahel, laish tig3ad wyah?" Ghanim hissed under his breath, his icy glare staring right at me.

And that was the last straw. The next thing I knew, I pushed 3abbas to the side (he might have been more muscled but he wasn't as quick as me), my strength empowering his and I crushed the hood of my fist into Ghanim's boney jaw. The hard bone structure of his face dug into my knuckles, a pain shooting right through me. 

"Ofhh," Ghanim groaned out in pain but he quickly regained his posture. With me too slow to get out of the way, he pushed his shoulder against mine, forcing my knees to buckle, my body falling down to the ground. Ghanim's heavy weight grinds into me once he climbs on top of my body on the ground, is knuckles smashing into my cheek bones. The pain was unbearable, his blows were much more stronger than mine was since his hands were a lot more thicker and meatier. 

"Ghanim!" 3abbas shouted, his hands on Ghanim's shoulders, trying to pull him off of me, but Ghanim was twice the size as 3abbas. It had to take at least two men to carry him off of me. My legs were much skinnier than his, I wedged one of them in between Ghanim's legs and dug my knee up to his crotch, hitting him hard on his weak spot.

Ghanim let out a yelp of pain, his arms weakening and his blows suddenly stopping, my face was throbbing yet it felt numb, the punches were hard but the pain was bearable. I made sure to dig in my knee into his crotch one more time, just so his face twists in pain and another yelp rolls of his tongue. Watching him go through pain amused me, I was smirking to myself for a second but then I felt a splash of fresh blood on my tongue. I hadn't noticed my lip was bleeding.

Ghanim was finally pulled off of me by 3abbas. Even 3abbas looked pained, did Ghanim punch him or hurt him by accident? I hadn't noticed, I had my eyes closed, trying to avoid Ghanim's fingers from clawing my eyeballs out when he was attacking my face.

"Entow yahal!?" 3abbas shouted at us, a wash of disapproval on his face. I pushed myself up from the ground, ignoring the nagging pain from my jaw. Ghanim finally also recovered from his crotch pain and stood up from the ground, but instead of standing as I was, he simply walked out of the diwaneya without another word, clearly pissed off at 3abbas for not putting all the blame on me.

"Entow shfeekom? Kel hatha 3la bent?" 3abbas continued on, he looked tired and sick of this situation. I didn't blame him.

"3abbas la etgouly ely sawaah eb Starbucks mu ghala6!" I snapped at him, rubbing off the blood on my lips with my hoodie.

"W enta la etgouly enta ma saweit nefs el 7araka men gabel Thari," 3abbas's word shut me up. 

The sound of two girls giggling in 3abbas's garden silenced us both. 3abbas had a sister who attended AUK, she was attractive but not my type. She took after 3abbas's mother's British features, the light hair and light skin. But what grabbed my attention was that the second female's giggles sounded familiar, I looked to the right where there was a window that showed us a view of 3abbas's mother's beautiful garden. The window was tinted, we could see what was outside but people from the outside couldn't see what was going on inside, so the girls, of course, didn't even know we were watching them, or hearing them...

"Layal shoufay how Mom's so obsessed with her lilies," 3abbas's short sister's voice was hearable. Especially when she said "Layal".

"Hessa you so didn't bring me here for the flowers," Layal pointed out, it was too dark to catch a good glimpse of her but their voices were too loud and the walls of this cream painted diwaneya were too thin.

"3abbas's friends are hot, okay? There's one, he's always around here, sleeping over at our house, madre shisma." Hessa giggled once again.

"Ushh yal ghabeya, tara yismi3oun!" Layal hissed.

"Shaku, the walls aren't that thin. A9lan ever since you visited us two weeks ago, 3abbas kept asking about you. I think he likes you," Hessa grinned in the dark, her words caused my fists to clench once again. I turned to look at 3abbas in horror.

3abbas looked like a naughty little child, who just got caught stealing a piece of candy from the supermarket. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 26

How's everyone doing? I know I haven't posted in a while, I didn't think university would be this hectic/tiring. Boy was I wrong! Sure, it's different than high school in so many ways, more freedom and all that but it's way more tiring too, a lot less fun when you have to say goodbye to half of your other friends since they're in either other universities or going to study abroad in Ireland or the UK. Allah yiwafighom kelehom, and to all of you readers who have either started a new year in school or a new year in university. I have a maths quiz tomorrow and a dentist appointment soon for this throbbing pain I'm getting from my growing wisdom teeth (ugh). So yes, I'm trying to write whenever I can.

I WILL continue blogging even though university will delay my posts. Thank you all to who didn't pressure me and have been so understanding, I love you guys, you've helped me from day one and I haven't forgotten, I also promise I won't forget it. x

I also got SO MANY new ideas, usually for new stories. Would you like me to start a new one after this one? I might write in advance and only post them once I have at least 3 chapters written, so I won't drive all of you crazy for waiting for the second or third chapter. It's just a thought, contact me on @vieblogue to tell me what you think.


Previously in Chapter 25:

Even after the "shhh" trick, Bdour didn't budge. After a few minutes, she leaned closer to me so I could catch a whiff of her perfume. It smelt of something intense and strong, it caused me to wince. It wasn't a pleasant smell at all.

Her next words creeped me out even more.

"3ndech 9oura w entay mu labsa 7jabich?"



Her question startled me. It was beyond creepy in a way, even though it was a girl asking, not a guy. However, she didn't even personally know me. What was it to her? A thought about her trying to compare both of us, appearance wise, crept into my head. Was that was she was interested in? Who was the prettier girl?

Well isn't that shallow.

"La2 ma 3nde." I lied, of course I had over 100 pictures of me without my veil (veil=hijab) in my iPhone's gallery. 

"Mu men 9ijech," Bdour's thin yet overly red tinted lips formed a small "o". 

"Girls, now if you would stop gossiping and pay attention." The professor's voice was aimed right at us, his eyes torching us with disappointment and disapproval. Bdour nodded in agreement, giving me a look that said "yeah Layal, listen to the professor for God's sakes."

That look just annoyed me even further.

Next time, I'm going to the lecture late so I'd make sure I didn't get a seat next to this tight cloths obsessed snake.



"Hey, khatheit aghra'9ik men el diwaneya?" 3abbas asked me as he walked up to our table in Starbucks, I was lounging in one of the seats alone, with my Macbook in front of me, trying to do my research paper for a class. I had left it till last minute, as usual.

"Eee," I shrugged, my fingers typing over the sleek keyboard.

"Shnu, bitrid baitkom?" He continued, he pushed one of the free chairs besides me back to sit.

"Eee, mashkour bas khala9 elyoum barid." I politely said.

"Don't mention it, you're always welcome." He patted a strong hand over my back, I paused and looked at him to offer a smile.

"Ma ga9ert wyay, mashkour." I said again.

"Agoulk don't mention it, shnu ma tifham engleizi?" 3abbas let out a deep laugh.

"7aram ashkirik?" I couldn't help but smile again. 3abbas might be a bit dangerous with his actions but it was very easy to get along with him, he was always the most social in our group of friends.

"Eee, kho ana okhouk mu wa7d ghareeb," 3abbas's grin widened, his light teeth flashing at me. At the same time, an image straight ahead caught my eye. I found Layal walking in front of us, Bdour trying to walk as fast as she was.

Shfeeha hathe ga3da titlazag eb Layal?

It was obvious that Layal didn't want anything to do with her, even though I thought they were friends. Layal had a pained expression on her face as Bdour's lips kept smacking about, probably talking about a subject Layal wanted nothing to do with.

"Ooohhh Bo Zaid," 3abbas hooted, teasing me once he caught me staring at Layal. I quickly turned away, taking my eyes off of her. It was hard to, take my eyes off of her I mean.

"Giltleha?" He pressured on once I had my eyes on my laptop screen.

"Shagouleha?" I acted dumb, avoiding his question.

"Enik t7bha, shnu b3ad?" 3abbas chuckled, the veins in his neck moving around as his eyes squinted in joy.

"Mmm." I groaned in response.

"Thari yikhish 3ane?" 3abbas's dark eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Ensa el salfa." I sighed.

"Fee salfa b3ad?" 3abbas was listening toe every word that escaped my lips, annoying me a bit.

"Maku salfa, el bent metrabya," I shot him a glare.

"Metrabya wela she just isn't interested in Thari Al-X?" 3abbas shot back at me.

"3abbas shfeek? Mu qa9eb agoulk kelshay." I tried to calm myself internally, he was starting to really get on my nerves. 

"Y3ne t7bik?" He continued on.

"What's it to you? Basik legafa." I snapped at him, the fury evolving inside me showing.

"Teghayart wayed Thari," 3abbas suddenly said in a serious tone. I snapped my Macbook shut, tucked it under my arm, stood up from my seat and simply stalked off before my anger caused me to do anything else.

I kept replaying back 3abbas's words in my head when I was in the car, already driving towards my house. Our conversation started off well, it started off more than well actually. And suddenly once he brought up Layal's name, lava erupted out of me.

Was it jealousy or did I actually change?

And if I did change, what was it that changed me? 


"Thari!" My name was exclaimed by a young female teen's voice once I pushed the heavy door of our house open. I found a short Wath7a standing in front of me in her crinkly school uniform, her large dark eyes squinted at me as a long smile stretched along her lips.

"Missed me?" I grinned, she forgot herself and her "13 year olds were too mature" saying, she ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me by force.

"Woaah." I laughed, I couldn't remember the last time I got a hug from her. Her arms felt warm and secure, her face was covered, it was dug into my hoodie as she softly sobbed.

"Wath7a?" I whispered softly and realised that she was crying. Her tears stained the cloth material of my hoodie.

"Shfeech?!" I pushed her away so I could get a look at her face. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face weary and her tears hugging against her wet eyelashes. She had hints of her black mascara running down her cheeks.

I ignored the thought about how she was too young to even wear mascara to school and tried to concentrate on why she was crying in the first place.

"Wath7a jawbay," I could feel the frown lines over my face as I watched hertry to rub off her wet tears with the back of her hand.

"Wath7a." A stern voice scared the both of us, I could feel my little sister's body jolt in fright once she heard the voice. I let go of my sister, pushed my head upwards and found my father a few feet away from us with his wrinkled yet fearful eyes staring right at us in mere disapproval.

"Yahel? Kibartay 9irtay mara, shfeech tabcheen?" He spat at Wath7a in disgust.

"A-asfa," she stuttered, her shoulders shaking as yet again, she tried to force the tears away but it was as if her emotions neglected her. Numerous tears slipped out of her tear ducts, clouding her vision, forcing her to hiccup when she was trying to mask a sob.

What was he doing here? My mother said he was in another country with his second wife, why the heck was he still here?

"9i3day foug yalla," He commanded my shaken sister, she obeyed and hurried upstairs, her bare feet daring to slip over the cold slippery floors of our house.

"Shitsawe ehny? Akeed omik galetlik tiyee, mu 9a7?" My father aimed his disgusted glance on me, he looked lean and tall in his dish dasha. He had his beard shaven, his light skin much similar to mine and his steady thick eyebrows which looked just like mine. I hated how much we resembled each other.

"Shnu? Ma ra7 etsafir?" I avoided his own question.

"Shal legafa?" A slow grin was placed over his lips as if he was amused by why I was interested in him travelling. I rarely ever asked, scratch that, I never asked him about his traveling because I made it obvious that I didn't give a sh*t about it. His words reminded me of mine, when I snapped those familiar words at 3abbas and probably wounded our friendship. 

"Shfeek ma seme3t?" He continued on, I spaced out for a second there and he ignored my sudden silence.

"Shnu?" My voice sounded a bit wobbly, I tried to strengthen it against his. His steel gaze hardened as his next words flew easily out of his lips.

"Murty 7amil."

Friday, September 14, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 25

Thank God I got to post 5 chapters before I got super busy, finally found time to post the next chapter. I'm getting new ideas out of nowhere for new stories but I'm afraid of starting a new story while I'm in university, I won't be able to post, it would probably be one post a week and the posts wouldn't be short of course, they'd be much longer probably. I'm not sure about it, or I might just stick to posting short stories which aren't that short, it would be a long post and it would maybe have more than one part to it? Maybe? 'Cus I have all of these new ideas for new stories that I wanna write down, they'll be fully in English but the names might be in Arabic. I'll change up my characters this time so they might not be from Kuwait, or there would be other nationalities and different backgrounds, what do you all think? It would definitely be a lot more different than my "blog" stories, more detail and everything.

Tell me here: @vieblogue

Dedicated to my gorgeoussss, oh so very gorgeous, Basma. Much love! (@BasmaAlJ)

Previously in Chapter 24:

"And Jarra7 won't be the last of your friends that I'll mess with. You're going to regret rejecting me pretty boy, enta wayed em9adg nefsik enk a7la wa7d bel jam3a." Bdour continued hissing, not bothering to stop to let me speak. I clenched my hands into fists, wanting to punch her overly plastic face.

"Bdour if you-" My nostrils were flaring with fury.

"You have two choices Thari Al-X." Bdour turned around to face me, making it obvious that we were talking, her next words froze me in my place and showed me evil that I've never witnessed before.

"One, you talk to me now in a much nicer way with a smile on your face so your little pretty girl Layal can see us. Or two, I'll make sure I send a picture of Layal mighair e7jabha to all the guys in this university."


-Layal's POV-

I stared right at Thari's tall figure, his eyes seemed astounded for a few seconds as he was watching Bdour's burgundy painted lips speak in a hushed tone. I longed to take a step forward so I could listen to her words and why Thari looked so stricken. As soon as I become even more suspicious, I noticed his eyes were on his phone as he held his astounded expression.

Oh, was someone just calling him, was that why he looked so surprised?

"Layal, hello?" The girl sitting in front of me waved her delicate hand in front of me, I hadn't noticed that my college advisor was sitting with my friend and I. I guess I got too engrossed into trying to find out why Bdour was talking to Thari.

Snap out of it Layal, it's a mixed university, it's not a crime to talk to the opposite sex.

"Are you finding your classes okay? Everything okay?" My advisor was a young woman in her early twenties, her squinted eyes were looking right at mine, her hair was pressed back into a neat bun that framed light skinned angular face.

"Uhm yeah." I nodded in response to her British accent. As an, a friend of mine that also attended AUM, sat besides me looking at me strangely. I peeked sideways to look at Thari again and I found him standing by the counter, ordering himself a drink and Bdour was already long gone. 


"Sh9ayer?" Asan hissed towards me once the advisor walked off, she was holding onto her steaming Vanilla Latte. I was guessing she bumped into us once she was getting her morning hot drink.

"Wela shay, laish?" I answered with a shrug. 

"Mtdoudha elyoum, el'9aher mu nayma 3adl,"Asan shrugged as well, obviously ignoring how obvious I was when I was staring at Thari. Her fingers gripped her flaming hot chocolate as she pulled it up to her coral coloured lips, drawing in a long soothing sip.


The long day stretched out over the endless hours, every class seemed to be boring today. Usually teachers were just giving an introduction to their subject or they were already in the middle of it since I attended late. Asan was kind enough to hand me her notes or back me up with the info I missed out on, I personally was impatient about tomorrow's English class. I kept day dreaming about what I'd say to Thari, or how I'd act. I kept replaying the scene, especially when he suddenly said my eyes were beautiful, out of nowhere.

Or maybe he said that to all the girls he's met, he sure looked quite friendly with Bdour this morning and he is a quite famous guy blogger, especially with the girls. They're all over him.

"Layal!" Asan's clear voice crushed my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I lightheartedly replied.

"The lecture's over, yalla I have a free hour with nothing to do before my Maths lecture." Asan brushed back her mid-length caramel coloured hair, she was naturally tanned and had an eye for fashion.

"Digeega." I thrust a hand into my purse to look for my class schedule. I was still a newbie and I had no track of where or when my classes started. I squinted at the blank sheet with the complicated looking  squares that held the names and timings to each class. 

"I have Biology in 10 minutes." I groaned, staring back at Asan in frustration. As an didn't take Biology or any of my other friends, the thought of sitting in a class with strangers and not knowing any of them frightened me. I wasn't an outgoing type, I'd take my comfort only around people I knew.

"Wai3, 6i7say." Asan laughed as she took out her text book, tucking it under her arm.

"You're such a kind friend." I sarcastically stated.

"Tara ma giltay shay yideed." Asan fluttered her dark thick eyelashes at me, her confidence oozing out of her. I laughed as well, she was her own character and had the quirkiest comebacks. She was the exact opposite of me.

"Khala9 3yal ashoufich bacher? L2ena lema etkhal9een, I'll have class," she continued on.

"And I'll be home, in bed," I fired back at her. It was her turn now to groan in annoyance. We parted ways and I walked the opposite side of where she walked to, looking for the Biology room. I was still holding onto my now cold white hazelnut mocha from Starbucks. My other arm held the stack of notebooks I had to get today, I cursed myself mentally for not getting a bigger bag than my Celine purse, it was already holding my Macbook Air.

I dumped my drink into the nearest trash can so I can peak at my class schedule. It said "Class B1" but I couldn't find a class that held the same number and letter. I kept walking, getting frustrated for not asking Asan before I rushed off.

"Layal?" A male voice spoke out behind me. I turned around and found Thari with a boyish grin on his face, he looked at me with sympathy, clearly knowing I'm lost.

"Ahlain." I squeaked out but I quickly adjusted my voice last minute.

"'9i3tay?" He asked me, trying to mask his growing grin.

"Uhm, la2," I lied.

"3yal laish ga3da 3nd el gym? The guy's gym?" Thari coughed and restated his last few words, causing my face to flush in embarrassment. I looked to my right and saw a sign that said "MEN'S GYM" and clearly the rest of the space was for the gym and dressing rooms, there weren't any classes around here.

"Okay '9i3t." I confessed which caused him to laugh, a deep short laugh that forced my eyes down to the floor. I was suddenly shy for some reason, I was never shy when we worked together...

"3a6eeny your schedule," Thari gave me the "I know" look before he stretched out one of his big hands, his dark eyes were watching me as I handed the paper over. Our wrists brushed over accidentally for a second, I quickly pulled my arm back. I expected him to notice but he seemed unaware, he was too busy looking at my class schedule.

"Class B1? Ma shifteeh? Kan yem 9afich, ely tawa 6l3tay mena. You were in B3 10 minutes ago." Thari looked at me strangely, trying not to laugh again.

I. Am. So. Stupid.

"I was taking a tour around the university, 7aram?" I huffed.

"Next time let me give you the tour instead before you walk in the guy's dressing room." Thari's deep laugh echoed around the hall, we were alone and I could hear the faint noises of the guys rummaging around in the dressing room, clearly getting ready for a sport activity.

"We'll see, oh w mashkour." I pointed towards the schedule, he handed it back to me and gave me a slight nod. I was about to walk by him, he had a gym bag over his shoulder and by the looks of it, he was on his way to the dressing room.

"Oh Layal." Thari called out and took a step back to face me again. "The starbucks thing with Bdour.."

"What starbucks thing with Bdour?" I asked, confused on why he'd even bring it up. He seemed as confused as I was once I cut him off, he suddenly looked like he understood something I didn't.

"Oh you didn't see us-I mean, never mind I just thought you got the wrong idea about me because Bdour talked to me." He quickly changed his words as his expression adjusted, changing to a more emotionless and a more confident one.

"Oh uhm, I didn't even notice you two talking," I lied, keeping my own expression emotionless as well. He gave me a "I don't believe you" look but then quickly changed it to a content one.

"Enzain, good luck with Biology with your friend Bdour." Thari simply said before passing me, not letting me question what he said or answer.

Was I missing something? And why'd he assume Bdour was a friend of mine? I don't even know her.

Huh, weird.

Once I was in the right class, I was seated by a girl I didn't pay attention too, I kept my focus on the lecture. I was already confused with the other ones, I couldn't slip in Biology too.

"Hey, pssttt." A girly voice hissed into my ear, next to the seat I was seated in. I tilted my head to the left and found Bdour sitting right next to me.

"Na3am?" I answered in a quiet tone, my eyes were glued on the slideshow in front of us. I was clearly not in the mood to start a conversation with her.

"Layal Al-X, mu 9a7?" Bdour asked in a sweet tone.

"Eee," I was forced to make eye contact with her, I noticed the clunks of dry mascara that was all over her eyelashes.

"Mashallah te7ejbtay?" She looked at me as if she had known me for a while. How did she even guess that I recently wore the 7jab?

"Eee.. asfa bas a3arfich?" I bluntly asked.

"La2 bas ome kanet eta3rif omich," Bdour had a hint of evilness in her eyes, once she mentioned my mother, my fingers started to tremble.

Why was Kuwait such a small country?

"Aha." I replied, trying to end the subject.

"Wainha omich?" Bdour forced the conversation to continue.

"Shhh." I hissed, giving her the look that said "can't talk, the professor's staring at us." Who was she to ask such a question? And why the hell would she even know about our mothers knowing each other when we never even met properly before? I had a feeling she did her own Kuwaiti version of the FBI search over my family, it creeped the hell out of me.

Even after the "shhh" trick, she didn't budge. After a few minutes, she leaned closer to me so I could catch a whiff of her perfume. It smelt of something intense and strong, it caused me to wince. It wasn't a pleasant smell at all.

Her next words creeped me out even more.

"3ndech 9oura w entay mu labsa 7jabich?"

Monday, September 3, 2012

Le Chase Chapter 20

This took me ages.. literally AGES.. this is my apology for all my readers for not being as fast at posting as I used to, yes I've grown old and my fingers are all wrinkly now, so I have to take an hour to write up a sentence.. okay I'm exaggerating it now LOL. Anyways.. for my old readers, who were there when I posted 3 chapters, that HUGE surprise that took me hours.. guess what?

This time..

This time..



Enjoy beauties, this is a little gift before university starts for me and it's a gift for all my amazing readers who have supported me from day one, who haven't pressured me and have let me write on my own time.

THANK YOU MY LOVELIES, MY HUGE SUPPORTERS *I'm not forgetting my other ones too* > @Ba6ah_ and Dalal Al S, my gorgeoussss friend! Much much love. xx

Time started writing: 3:15 am.


Previously in Chapter 19:

"Do you really want me to prove you wrong Layal?" I looked into her eyes, searching for the Layal I saw with her friends, the one with the smile, the one who didn't sound so cruel because the anger she had about me talking to Bdour.

I was pretty sure she was angry because of that, was it jealousy? Could Layal really be jealous though?

"Yeah, go on." Layal drummed her fingers over her desk, anxious for an answer.

"Do you know the blogger ********?" I asked her, her mouth formed a little 'o' but she nodded for a 'yes'.

"I'm him."




That word seemed to have been running and skipping around in my head for hours now. I couldn't utter a single word in front of Thari's chiseled features, I was beyond shocked. No scratch that, I was MORTIFIED.

I told him, HIM, that I liked him. How could I have been so idiotic?! I told the guy I liked, that I liked him, indirectly but directly at the same time! Did that even make any sense? No it didn't but still, this was embarrassing. Really embarrassing.

"Layal? Shfeech siketay?" Thari's deep voice startled me. Didn't I just say I was thinking for hours? I must have spaced out, that usually happens when a super cute guy I've been crushing on tells me he's been that sensitive blogger I've been messaging for days now.

"Madre shagoul..." I sttutered, my voice barely audible. But that also meant Thari was the guy who got his heart broken, he had the family issues, he was the guy who saved his own friend's stupid mistakes and had to become homeless because of it.

The Thari I always thought that was a huge player, a guy who would use a girl and then treat her like trash afterwards, was nothing like the Thari I expected. And he had some major writing skills, a guy like that could write? Seriously?

Yeah, this made me like him more.

This was not good, not good at all.. Oh no Layal don't fall for him, just don't.

"ENGLISH!" The professor wiggled his eyebrows at us, his hands on his hips whilst his eyes were aimed right at Thari and I.

"Sorry sir." Thari grunted, his masculine body was seated in front of me and he was way taller than I was, I looked down at my flats and regretted not wearing heels to my first day.

"So you're... him? And he's... you?" I stuttered once again.

"Yes Layal, yes." Thari sighed, he looked as if he regretted telling me, he nervously ran his fingers through his already messed up hair, the good messed up kind. I wondered if his hair was as soft as it looked.

What the heck Layal? Few days ago you hated his guts, what the heck happened? Stop thinking about his hair.

"Sorry." I forced it out, I was wrong by judging him and I wasn't afraid to admit it but I was still in shock. I couldn't believe it, I felt as if I met a celebrity for some reason. Everyone talks about this guy, my friends practically spam his ask account with "I love yous" and wish every man was like him, I just couldn't believe that the "perfect" Thari turned out to be the guy who's so imperfect.

Imperfectly good.

"For what?" Thari looked surprised, his mouth gaped open for a few seconds and I got a peek at his straight teeth.

"For judging you when I didn't even know anything about you. Well I kind of knew everything but I never knew that those things were about you exactly, I'm sorry." I was blabbing again and I couldn't control it, I was feeling shy around him, it felt awkward, just too awkward.

"I'm sorry too, I wasn't judging you actually, I said those mean things just to have something to say, I got pissed off quickly but honestly I lied about the things I said about you." Thari gave me a cheeky grin and shrugged.

"Oh?" I couldn't help but smile.

"Eee, it's true, the Kuwaiti girl working at a cafe thing but the others were all made up." He continued, his eyes watching me.

"You're forgiven." I regained my confident posture and forced my smile to vanish. He knew I liked him, and he knew I knew that he knew. So many words in my head, I'm not making any sense, okay Layal stop thinking, he's looking at you and waiting for you to say something else.

"Well, what do you think?" Thari continued on, obviously trying to push the conversation along.

"About you being the blogger?" I asked.

"Yeah." Thari kept his eyes on me, his gaze was too strong, I was forced to look away for a second.

"I don't know." I honestly answered.

"Are you mad?" Thari asked, his eyes full of worry.

"N-no." But I am feeling quite awkward after finding out that you know about my silly crush.

"You sure?" Thari peeked at me through his thick eyelashes, his eyes were the dark colour I wanted, I honestly hated the eye colour I had to get from my Mom's side.

"Mashallah your eyes." Thari blurted out before I could answer him.

"What?" I hesitantly touched my left eye with a finger, just the skin around it, feeling insecure about them.

"They're beautiful." Thari stared at me, mouthing the words quietly. His words sounded sincere, open and honest. "Like you."

"Class, split up! Discussion's over, you can get to go over them next time we have English, which is in about 2 days. Make sure you have notes on your discussions so you don't end up forgetting anything, the essay will be due Monday next week." The professor's voice startled us both, I could feel my cheeks heat up and I felt like I lost myself for a minute there Thari had a disappointed expression on his face, as if he wanted the partner thing to go on longer. Did he?

He gave me a half smile before standing up, going to where his stuff was to gather it, getting ready to leave class.

Did that just happen?

I was still in shock.

Very much in shock.



I was mulling over the whole conversation I just had with Layal. I didn't know if she was happy or not with me being the blogger but I felt like I saw a whole different side of her. A part that wasn't closed off or protected, she was wide open and easy to read. I even caught her blushing, it was denitely worth it, calling her beautiful to her face.

She left class before I could see another one of her expressions, all I saw was the fuzzy image of her Juicy jacket disappearing into the crowds of people in the hall way of the university.

"Bu Zaid!" A male voice exclaimed and a strong shoulder bumped into my muscled one. I turned around and Jarra7 with a smile on his face, he didn't have his glasses on today, I was guessing he switched to contact lenses.

"Halla bl 7abeeb." I grinned and patted his back once we both kissed each other's cheeks for a quick second.

"Bitiyee el l3b elyoum, mu 9a7?" Jarra7 asked once we were done greeting each other.

"Offh akeed, enta?"

"Eee, 9pm mu 9a7?" Jarra7 had a few textbooks hooked under his arm, his white polo shirt bringing out his tanned skin.

"Eee, hey t3al." I said before Jarra7 could turn around to walk off.

"Halla?" He asked.

"Sh9ar wya Noura?" I gave him a little wink, I was a bit on the happy train because of my little success with Layal.

"Wela shay." Jarra7 shrugged carelessly but I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Weeh, ma 3aleih." I gave him a smile before I left him to walk off. I headed towards the parking area, I wanted to get back to 3abbas's place to take a long nap before the football match tonight. Once I was out of the air conditioned halls of the university and out on the exposed and chilly tree scented parking area, I heard a seductive voice behind me.

"Tharouyyyy." A girl purred behind me. I was in the midst of throwing my textbooks over to the passenger's seat. I turned around and found Bdour.

No surprise.

That girl was stickier than wax, seriously.

"Hmm." I didn't bother saying 'halla'.

"Wein raye7?" Bdour looked at my books in the car and then back at me, realising that I was going to leave.

"Barid baitna." I lied, I didn't need to tell her the details of being homeless.

"Haw, laish? Neseit bitiyee starbucks elyoum wyana?" Bdour looked skeptical and annoyed.

"Ma ra7 ayee." I shrugged, trying to end the conversation. "Yalla-"

"Shnu?!" She cut me off.

"Gltlch ma ra7 ayee, qa9eb yuba?" She pissed me off easily.

"Bas.." Bdour jutted out her bottom lip, looking all depressed and pouty.

"Yalla bye." I cut her off this time and climbed into the Range Rover, silencing her by shutting the driver's seat. She watched me drive out of the parking area, her face full of two emotions: anger and astonishment. I guessed that no guy usually rejected her, especially with that tight fitting shirt she always wore.

Before I could enter 3abbas's diwaneya, my Samsung vibrated in my pocket.

I pulled it out of my pocket and the screen indicated that I had a new notification from Twitter. I swiped a finger across, unlocking the Samsung and clicked over the Twitter app.

I had a new direct message.

And who was it from?


I was about to exit the application after seeing her username but her message was obvious and I could read the first few words, they grabbed my attention and I was forced to read the rest of the message.

"@BdourAlX: Treat me better or else I'll tell the whole university about your little blog baby;*"