Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chapter 29

Enjoy! :D


"Laish khasheitay telephonich?" Khalid looked suspicious, he kept looking at my pocket on my dress, where my blackberry was hiding. I suddenly became super nervous, my heart began to race again and this time, it wasn't out of love or happiness. It was out of fear.

"3a6eeni telephonich, al7een!" Khalid ordered.

I pulled out my blackberry out of my pocket and handed it over to Khalid. Khalid grabbed my phone hastily and hurried to his room, not wanting to check my phone in front of me.

Sh*t, Sh*t, SH*T!!! Nice going Shoug.

It's like whenever a bad day turns into a good one, something bad has to ruin it again. If Khalid found S3ood on my bbm, he would have probably taken my laptop too. So I hurried upstairs to my bedroom to erase all of my messages with any males on my twitter, making sure I signed out of my account once I was done. My twitter was open on my blackberry so Khalid would have checked that after he was done with bbm. Now, if he clicked on my twitter, he would only see the messages I sent to numerous girls on twitter.

If I had 0 DMs, he would have known that I deleted all of my conversations. I was terrified, I didn't know what to expect. Would he tell Mom and Dad? M7md would kill me if he found out! M7md and Khalid would also then think I had some secret boyfriend I was planning to see at the mixed party yesterday. I hated it when they started to assume other things that I might have done that weren't even true.

Enshallah ma yilga shay, enshallah! 

I kept mentally praying inside my head till I heard a loud knock on my bedroom door. Khalid entered my room and I couldn't see anger or disappointment on his face.

"You know, you could have told me you were having a girly conversation and that was why you hid your phone.." Khalid handed me my blackberry back, I was confused. What girly conversation? He didn't see S3ood on my bbm list?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to read it.." Khalid looked guilty. Oh my god, wait! He read Fajer's conversation about her period pains! 7MDELLAH. 

"Uhm, la2 3adi.. " I stared at his guilty expression in disbelief, he gave me a small smile before leaving my room.

I quickly checked bbm and looked for S3ood. He wasn't on my list! Did Khalid delete S3ood? No.  If he did, then Khalid would have been mad at me for having a boy on my list.

Wait wait.. I started to remember what I did exactly before hiding my blackberry into my pocket. I deleted the conversation with S3ood, right? Or did I delete S3ood off of my list instead without knowing?

Oh my god, I deleted S3ood instead of deleting our conversation! I sighed in relief. S3ood was the only guy on my list and so Khalid didn't find anything on my phone. 7mdellah!

I suddenly felt guilty, but the happiness of not getting caught overpowered the guilt. I DM'd S3ood on twitter and asked for his pin again, explaining why I deleted him in the first place.

S3ood Al-X:
Shoug.. maybe you should delete me for good? :/ I don't want to get you into trouble.

Shoug Al-X:
La2 S3ood! :(

S3ood Al-X:

Shoug Al-X:
Akeed akeed! -.-

S3ood Al-X:
Lol, okay. ;* I'd miss you if you deleted me anyway. ;p

Shoug Al-X:

S3ood Al-X:
Este7at Shoug!:o Did you turn into a tomato again?

Shoug Al-X:
Stop enjoying this idiot -.- or I'll make sure you never see my tomato face again. ;p

S3ood Al-X:
Afaa;( okay okay, khala9. ;p I can't go a day without seeing you 3ad.

Shoug Al-X:
Flirt. ;p

S3ood Al-X:
3shanch bs. x_x Shoug?

Shoug Al-X:
x_x Halla?

S3ood Al-X:
Wein bitrou7oun bacher?;p

Shoug Al-X:
Maybe avenues, lunch with the family then grandmother's house. Laish?

S3ood Al-X:
Bas.. ;p

I knew there was something behind that smiley face, I had a feeling that I'd be seeing S3ood tomorrow. I didn't question him any further, even though I knew that this was wrong, it felt so right at the same time.

I woke up around 11 am the next day, I was expecting my Mom to shout at me from outside my room, trying to wake me up for lunch, but there was nothing. It was so quiet that I could even hear the chirping of the birds and the rustling of the trees outside my room. And then it hit me, why would my Mom be home if my Dad was still ill at the hospital?

The house was probably vacant again and there probably was going to be no zwara or 6al3a with the family. I sighed into my pillow, stuffing my face into it.

"Shoug, what do you want to do today? Mama say you can go out, Hussain is here." I heard Lisa-Anne ask me once she entered my room. She probably heard my groaning from the living room. Oh man, was I that loud?

"Lisa-Anne, isn't it your day off today?" I looked up from my pillow, combing my kesha hair back with my fingers.

"Mama ask me to stay with you today," Lisa-Anne grabbed the curtains, pulling them away to let the sun in.

"NOOOOOOOO!" I hissed once the sun rays filled up my room, I stuffed my face back into my pillow, not wanting the light to disturb my relaxed eyes.

"Walla Shoug, sumtime I think you are vampire."

"Lisa-Anne, go out with your husband. Tell Hussain to go on holiday too, I can stay at home. I'll call a friend to come over and the other housekeepers will be home, don't worry."

"You zure Shoug? I can ztay," Lisa-Anne sat on the side of my bed, looking at me.

"I'm 100% sure, go out and have fun." I heard her close the door behind her and I had the urge to call her back into my room to close the curtains again. You're so lazy Shoug. 

I dragged myself into the shower to rinse my body before bbming S3ood.

Home alone/Shoug Al-X:
Hey, I'm staying home today.

S3ood Al-X:
Ha, laiiiish?! </3 Kent bashoufich elyoum. ;(

Home alone/Shoug Al-X:
Sorry S3ood. ;c

S3ood Al-X:
You're alone, mu 9a7?

Home alone/Shoug Al-X:
Yup, brothers at the hospital with sis and Mama.

S3ood Al-X:
Meet me in your diwanya in 1 hour.

Home alone/Shoug Al-X:

S3ood ignored my messages, I pinged him countless times and he kept ignoring. 3aneed! I pulled open the doors of my wardrobe and looked for something to wear.

I couldn't wear something over the top, I was at home.

Sweat pants? No! Makes my butt look huge. -.-

Jeans? No!  

Oh my god, I have nothing to wear!

I looked down at my Hello Kitty pajamas and back at my wardrobe. I needed to wear something else than these pjs. I found a pair of shorts that reached right above my knees, I usually wore this for the Shaleih. But it looked pretty good for house clothes, right?

But what if he thought the shorts were too skin baring? Ugggh! I closed my eyes and grabbed the first thing that my hand touched, it felt cotton-y and soft in my hand. Once I opened my eyes, I saw that my hand had grabbed a plain summer dress that was in navy blue. Cute. 

I pulled the dress on and put my hair up in a messy bun.

Out/S3ood Al-X:
Weinich? I'm here.

1 hour had already passed while I was looking for something to wear! Gosh, I was so slow. -.- I dabbed some lip gloss onto my lips and left the rest of my face make-up free. I checked every room of the house, making sure no one was in the house before going to the diwanya.

"Hi," S3ood smiled at me once he saw me enter the diwanya. He was wearing a A&F shirt paired with shorts and flip flops. Even though he looked super casual, he still looked majorly hot. How did guys look so good so easily? I had to take a whole hour just to find a cute dress!

"S-s3ood, I told you not to come! Do you want me killed?" I started to stutter, I didn't notice how shy I became after seeing him.

"Of course not," S3ood frowned, "Bs kent bashoufich.. I'll leave after a few minutes, okay? I promise."

"La tiz3al.." I felt bad once I saw his frown, his adorable dimples vanishing after hearing my cruel sounding words.

"Laish az3al when you're here?" S3ood took a few steps closer to sit on the couch next to me, I joined him and sat right next to him. I made sure there was some space between us.

"Awh." I didn't know what else to say. x_x I was an amateur when it came to flirting.

"Shoug, shfeech?" S3ood laughed.

"Ma feene shay!" I stared at the plasma TV in front of us, watching our reflection in it. I looked pretty nervous, I tried to relax. I failed.

"Tisti7een?" S3ood was looking at me, I was trying to avoid his eyes.

"Laish asti7y!?" I pouted.

"Ta3alay 6egeeny b3ad!" S3ood chuckled, bumping my shoulder with his. I couldn't help but laugh along.

"Okay okay, maybe I'm a bit shy. A bit!"

"A bit?!" S3ood laughed even harder.

"Idiot. -.-"  I huffed.

"I love you too beautiful."  My face turned red once I heard him, he laughed even harder when he saw my cheeks.

He kept teasing me, trying to make me laugh. I didn't notice how time flied until I checked my blackberry for the time. 4pm?! 

"S3ood, you have to leave now!" I grabbed S3ood's arm, trying to pull him off of the couch. He was heavy! I felt the muscles of his arm move around in my hand.

"Allaaah, your hands are soft. Ey lotion tistakhdemeen?" S3ood teased. I let go of his arm, blushing again.

"I'm not joking around, Khalid will be here any minute!" That got S3ood to stand.

"Mu giltay ohma bl mostashfa m3a omich?" He asked, confused.

"Eeeeh! Bs Khalid always comes back to the house to get his paper work before going back to the office to do whatever he does. Bs all I know that he has to go to the office for an hour every Friday, you have to leave, now!" I panicked.

S3ood listened and turned towards the door but we both froze once we heard Khalid's voice outside the diwanya.

"Ee, al7een bayee. Bs bakhith el awrag men el diwanya, kent 7a6ah yem el TV." Khalid was talking into his iPhone outside the diwanya.

 I saw the door knob turn and I heard a click.

Sh*t sh*t SH*T!

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