Friday, May 11, 2012

Chapter 36

You know when your eyes are closed but you could feel the streams of light in the room? You can see the brightness of the room and you feel a sudden jolt, like something is trying to wake you up?

That's what it felt like right now. I felt like my eyes were glued together but I could watch the light change, even with my eyes closed. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't feel anything else. Just the lights.

And then out of nowhere. I felt a hand.

"Shoug.. please, goumay...I'm so sorry."

"M7md khala9, kan mu ghal6itik! Khalha etnam shway, bitig3ad enshallah!"

"S3ood, shnu mu ghal6ity?! I was the cause of this!"

"La2, it was an accident w ehya et7bk! Ma ra7 et3a9b men okhouha!" 

"My Mom and Dad can't even look at me anymore.. why would Shoug forgive me if my parents can't?"

"Cus Shoug isn't like that.."

"W enta sh3arifik eb ekhty!" 

"Y3ne.. um.." 

I forced all of my will and strength onto squeezing M7md's hand back, trying to distract him.

"S3ood! Shouf, ga3da temsik eedy!" 

And finally, I was able to open my eyes. I tried to rub my eyes with my fingers but my arms felt numb.

"Shoug!" I heard S3ood and M7md call out.

"Why do I feel this way?" I groaned, trying to move my arms around but I felt so numb.

"Shoug, shway shway! Hatha el dwa, it's affecting you already." S3ood assured me. M7md gave S3ood an annoyed look that says 'Shtaby eb ekhty?'

"Arrgh, rasii." It was like rocks were being crushed against my head.

"Shoug, 7abebtyy riday namay! S3ood, get the Doctor." M7md shooed S3ood away from me. I had the urge to grab S3ood and pull him back while I watched him leave the hospital room.

"La la, ma feene.. Aaaa7!" I stopped midway when another jolt of pain crushed into my head.

"Shoug walla asif!" M7md's eyes were teary, held onto my hand, his eyes pleading me to forgive him.

"M7md, it was an accident! Kan mu 8a9dik.." I tried to ignore the pains.

Dr. Fish entered the hospital room and M7md got out of the way. Dr. Fish checked the wires that were connected into my body and checked the medicine supply that was in the plastic bag, which was hanging over my head.

"Shoug.. You shouldn't have unconnected those wires, you weren't getting the medicine you needed. You're still in a very fragile state, you'll have to stay in bed for at least 4 weeks, until we're sure you're okay." Dr. Fish looked disappointed. I felt like I was in kinder garden again and I made my teacher angry.

4 weeks though? AT LEAST 4 weeks?! As if 4 weeks weren't enough already..

"Can you make me go into a coma so those 4 weeks pass away quickly?" I joked lamely.

"Hey! La etgouleen chithe!" Both S3ood and M7md exclaimed in anger. M7md glared at S3ood, getting suspicious on why he was caring so much for his friend's little sister.

"Waai entow, atghashmar!" I pouted. I shut my eyes and tried to push away the pain.

"Mohammad, can I speak to you outside please?" Dr. Fish looked at M7md and ushered him outside to the hall, leaving S3ood and I alone.

"Shoug, you have no idea how much I've missed you. This is hell, I thought you were going to die.. I know I shouldn't say that but I was so afraid of losing you, literally!" S3ood hurried to my side, his hand found mine and his words were fast, he was afraid he wouldn't get a chance to say those words again since M7md was right outside our room.

"S3ood.." I whispered, looking at him with sad eyes. I missed looking at S3ood, hearing his voice and just knowing that he was there. He was wearing the same thing I last saw him in before I fainted but his hair was a whole lot messier and he just got a lot more cuter.

"3youna?" S3ood's fingers played with the bracelet around my wrist, the bracelet he gave me more than a month ago.

"I lo-" I was cut off with the sound of the door opening. S3ood quickly yanked his hand away from mine, standing up.

M7md had his face tilted to the other side so he didn't catch S3ood hurrying away from me.

"Yalla S3ood, ma ga9ert g3dt wayid m3ay. Bas a7sanlik etrid elbait w etnam, ome w obouy biyoun al7een." Kanet na8za that said 'stay away from my sister or else I'll kill you.'

S3ood didn't look at me again, he hugged M7md and left the room.

I shut my eyes tight, trying to fall asleep. I wanted time to pass, I wanted to heal and be normal again.

This is what you get for trying to meddle into people's business all the time!

"Shoug?" M7md asked, he sounded worried.

"Can't I get pain killers or something?" I complained.

"La ma y9eer, el doctor gal mu zain."

"If it kills the pain then what's bad about it?" If only the pill could kill the ache inside my chest too, I terribly missed my friends. And most importantly, I missed S3ood.

M7md ignored my bickering and I let my eyes remain shut. And soon enough, I was able to fall back into sleep. Sleep was my only solution, it was the only time that I could make my pains and sorrows vanish.


After 3 long dreadful weeks, all I did was remain in bed and get different visitors during the day. Narjis stayed for 2 weeks but then she had to go back to the USA to continue her studies.

I couldn't use my phone, my Mom was convinced that my phone would cause my injury to worsen because it's an electric object. The TV was an electric object too but I was allowed to use that? -.-

I hadn't seen S3ood in weeks, my friends were limited to only 45 minutes of visiting time. Dr. Fish didn't want me to see many people, he was worried that they would "overwhelm" me.

In all honestly, being isolated in a white room overwhelmed me a lot more.

I had my face stuffed into the white hospital pillow, inhaling the medicine-y smell. All I did was sleep, all I felt was pain and tiredness. The pain got better as more medicine was pumped into me but it was still there, lingering at the back of my head.

"Shoug? Ga3da?" I heard S3ood's whisper. I quickly turned around so I could lay on my back and face S3ood.

"S3ood!" I gasped. I could vaguely see S3ood in the darkness of my room, he was wearing navy Hollister sweat pants and a white shirt that had "GUCCI" written in the middle.

"Waleht 3leich!" S3ood nearly ran to my side, he sat on the chair that was besides my bed and I could feel my cheeks redden. I couldn't believe it, was I hallucinating?! Was he really in front of me?

"S3ood, garib digeega.."

S3ood listened and got closer so his face was inches away from mine. I pressed my finger into his cheek, touching one of his dimples and feeling his stubble against my skin.

"Oh my god.. you're real!" My cheeks got even redder! I looked away and S3ood put some space between us, sitting back onto the chair. All of my family members were back at home but I knew M7md was about to visit me soon.

"S3ood, what are you doing here?! M7md will be here any second!"

"La la.. M7md nayim. Shoufay.." S3ood got his blackberry out, showing me M7md's status. He had the sleeping smiley face and he had "DND! Nayim" written on his status.

I sighed in relief.

"Shoug.. y3wrich?" S3ood stretched an arm out to touch my forehead but he quickly pulled his arm away, too scared to hurt me.

"S3ood, la et6ali3ny chithe.." S3ood's eyes were full of sadness.. and pity.

"Shoug, khayif 3leich! You don't know how hard it is to have to be away from you for so long!" S3ood's voice cracked, was he going to cry?!

"S3ood khala9.. walla I feel so much better w enshallah b3ad esbou3 agder a6la3 from this hell hole" I looked at S3ood, trying to calm him down.

"Akeed Shoug..? Oh Shoug, shnu kntay bitgouleenly? On that day? Gabel ma M7md dash 3lena.."

He still remembered?! 

"Well. Uhm." I suddenly felt shy as hell.

"Shooooooug?" S3ood's tone turned playful.

"Kent bagoulek eni a7ibek S3od.. A7ibek!" I said the words before my shyness got the better off me.

"Shnu Shoug?!" I heard another voice.

And it wasn't S3ood's voice..

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