Monday, May 21, 2012

Chapter 47

Sorry for writing this post so late! It won't be so long since I tried to write it as fast as I could. :* Chapter 48 won't be this short.

This is dedicated to all my readers who are awake late on a school night haha. :D

And thank you SO MUCH! I reached 500 tonight. I'm SO happy. :'D THANKYOU! I love all of you, I swear! *May 21 11:46pm*


The evil plan, part 1:

"Okay Shoug, I did it." S3ood hissed through the phone. It was 5pm and I was cramped in my room with Lulu, Fajer and Hawra'a. We were sitting over my bed, listening on the conversation I was having with S3ood.

"Did you make it obvious that we broke up?" Lulu, Fajer and Hawra'a giggled in the background as I spoke to S3ood.

"Yes, Jaber thinks we're broken up. Now you can act like you love him." S3ood smirked but I heard a jealousy behind his tone.

"Okay!" I hung up on S3ood and the girls sat next to me as I texted the following message to Jaber:

Shoug: Hii 7ubi:* I missed you elyoum;(

........: :O!!

Shoug: Shfeek 7beebe?:$

..........: Awal mara etdal3eeny, woii fdait'haaa! :* Akheeran, gimtay etdal3eeny! I've been waiting for this day for ages Shougtii. ;(

I cringed when I read "Shougti", I ignored the feeling and proceeded with the plan.

Shoug: 7beebe, wodii ashoufiik. ;(

..........: Haman ana;( waleht 3leich wayed.. are you free now?

Lulu, Fajer and Hawra'a high five-d each other as they read Jaber's message. He's falling for it!

Shoug: Eeee akeed. :$ I'm always free for you!

.........: Tara I heard you broke up with S3ood..

Shoug: Eee.. um, madry he's so boring:( I like some mystery. :$ and you're full of it!

More like full of bullsh*t. 

........: Eee zain saweitayy, ya b3ad 3umri entay;* shrayich we meet up at Starbucks Jabriya?:$ I'll let you see me, I know I said a month but I really think it's time.. do you love me Shoug?

I stared at his question. No I don't Jaber. I really don't. 

Shoug: Al7een?:$ Eeee a7bek mout!

.......: Mmm.. la la mu al7een. I changed my mind.

Lulu, Fajer and Hawra'a groaned in annoyance once they read his message.

Shoug: Laish baby?:(

........: Bas. La et7eneen.

Shoug: 7beebeee;(?

.........: Shoug, laish faj2a bidaitay et7beeny?

Shoug: I told you.. S3ood is so boring. :(

"Shoug, he's not that stupid.." Lulu read the messages and sighed in defeat.

........: Digaay 3laay, I want to hear you say that you love me.

"Shoug, don't call him." Hawra'a said out of fear.

"It's the only way, the plan won't work if you don't call him Shoug!" Fajer nagged.

I looked at Lulu for advice. Lulu was deep in thought, her cat eye shaped eyes averted away from mine.

"Shoug, imagine he's S3ood and then just say it." Lulu stared into my eyes, trying to fill me with confidence.

"But he's not S3ood.." I sighed sadly. I wish I didn't have to do this, I wish life was simpler.

"Shoug, this is the only way. You can't let him win now." Lulu begged.

"Shoug!" Lisa-Anne yelled from outside my room. Lisa-Anne barged into my room, looking flustered.

"Lisa-Anne, what's wrong?" I sat up straight on the bed, in full alert.

"Shoug, you have some man here. He want to marry you! He is down with Mama Baba, waiting for you, hurry hurry Shoug!" Lisa-Anne looked excited, her eyes teary.

"What?!" Hawra'a, Fajer, Lulu and I all exclaimed in shock.

S3ood finally came? But why now? What's going on? 

"Oh my god, Shoug, it must be S3ood!" Lulu gushed, her face radiating with joy.

"Awww Shoug!" Fajer bounced on my bed, trying to push me off of my bed and onto my feet.

Everything was happening so fast. Fajer forced me to stand up from the bed and then the next second, Lisa-Anne grabbed my arm so she could usher me downstairs. I tried to pat my hair down, fixing it.

My heart was beating uncontrollably in my chest. S3ood is here. S3ood is finally here to claim me, officially.

I saw the two heads of my Dad and Mom, sitting in the living room. My Dad was in his business clothes whereas Mom, was still in her dara3a. She draped a 3abaya over her clothes and clung her 7jab around her face.

I couldn't see S3ood yet, Lisa-Anne was hurrying down the stairs, pulling me behind her.

"Quickly Shoug! Aw, you are all grown up now!" Lisa-Anne kept repeating as we were trying not trip on the stairs.

We finally walked into the living room, the tall male figure was seated in front of my parents.

"7beebty Shoug, akheeran!" Mom turned around to look at me, criticizing what I was wearing with her eyes. My eyes shifted from my Mom to the guy who was sitting in front of my parents, intent on wanting to know why S3ood was here so early.

What happened to our plan? No evil plan? That's it, S3ood was hurrying with our marriage plans?

The guy had a tea cup in hand, his eyes lifted up from his drink and then up to me, his eyes lighting up once he saw me.

I couldn't help but notice one obvious thing about him.

He wasn't S3ood.

He was Jaber.

And at the same time, I looked down at the Whatsapp chat. Jaber had sent me a message a minute ago.

......: You know whats even better? Hearing you say you love me in person. :*


  1. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt :o no way

  2. OMG:o !! 7saaaayytttttt it was hiiiiimmm bs you know what would have been really unexpected? Ali or rakan

  3. Umbaaaiihh!! Shyaabbee!! Can't wait until the next post! Girl I'm sure you won't accept him .. shoug you're for s3oud and s3oud is for you.

  4. La2 because EVERYONE mentioned me and asked if it was Rakan or Ali. Only maybe one person mentioned if it was Jaber. =)) I think that was you:o x

    Awww haha thank you. =))

  5. What will happen?!! :/ and when will the story finish/end???

    I hope it finishes on chapter 50 and you write another story *happy*

    Reply please. *puppyFace*

  6. OMG pleaaaaaaaseeee post chp48 ilyom:(.
    a7b ur blog... 3jeeeeebbb:).

  7. I'll try to post ch48 today. :D The story is ending at chapter 50.

    And my new story is probably going to be 50 chapters too, I'm not sure yet but I won't start it until I'm done with finals (just this week left of exams) :D xo

    Thank you so muuuuch! <3 :D
