Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chapter 38

"Shoug, yalla 7abebty. Ma neseitay shay?" Mom asked. Today was the day of my release from the hospital. Finally! 

"La2, ma neseit shay." I assured Mom. The headaches were nearly gone, they'd come and go but they weren't as painful as before. I grabbed my duffel bag, filled with my clothes and followed Mom.

Mom guided me to the outside of the hospital where Basma and Fajer were standing. They were both next to our SUV and were holding little gift bags. Lulu was studying for her test that day, she couldn't visit and so Basma took her place.

"7mdellah 3la salama Shoug!" Fajer and Basma cheered. They showered me with hugs and kisses, I couldn't help but laugh and embrace their love.

"Allah yisalimkom, shitsawoun ehny?" My smile was stretched out across my face.

"Haw, e7na refejatich. Laish ma niyee?" Basma acted offended.

"La2, you're my sisters." I corrected Basma, she smiled in reply and Fajer gave me a second hug.

"Yalla banat." Mom nagged. Basma, Fajer and I sat in the backseat. Mom was in her separate Porsche car.

"Khani6la3!" Fajer exclaimed.

"W e7na shnu al7een? Mu 6al3een?" Basma replied, trying to act lame.

"Malee8a. I meant enrou7 Avenues to get some shopping done." Fajer huffed.

"Al7een?" I asked weakly.

"Ee, w laish la2?" Fajer asked. I pointed to the huge bandage around my head.

"Okay shnu y3ne? 3ade, there's lots of people with bandages. A9lan 9aret habba ena you get injured." Fajer stated.

"You're such a blonde Fajer." Basma looked at Fajer in shock, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Blondes are pretty, so thank you for the compliment." Fajer smiled meekly.

"Entow mu 9ej." I laughed.

"Hey, ana shaku!" Basma laughed along.

Hussain parked outside our house with Mom parked right behind us. We got out of the car and made our way into the house.

"Shraykom we watch The Lucky One?" Basma asked as we climbed the stairs to my room.

"Laaa, shefta. Ma 3ijebny." Fajer pouted.

"Entay ma yi3jibich shay. Okay, how about we watch The Avengers? My friend Basma told me it was great." Basma said.

"Another Basma?" I asked.

"Ma et3arfeenha. She goes to ***. 7arrraa, I have a twin." Basma teased.

"I have a better idea. How about I lay in bed w entow sawow ely tabouna?" The dizziness rushed into my head, making me feel nauseated.

"Laish? Shfeech Shougo?" Basma and Fajer asked in a worried tone.

"Laa ma feene shay, bas t3bana shway. La t7ateen, the Doctor said it was normal." I lied.

"Okay.." Fajer looked unconvinced. I landed onto my heavenly bed and the girls decided to put on Scream 4 on my TV.

The girls kept screeching and hiding their faces into the pillows every time the masked villain showed up. My mom had finally given my blackberry back so I was busy scrolling through the endless messages of "Weinich!" and "OMG, salamat!:*"

I was interested onto finding one person in particular.


I was astonished to find that S3ood had sent me a message everyday for the past 4 weeks. Most of them were "I miss you" and "I can't wait till you're finally back".

"Shoug, ekhdoudich... You're blushing!" Fajer teased me.

"Shnu? La2 I'm not, it's probably the medicine." I tried to cover my face up with the blankets.

"Stop lying, who are you texting?" Fajer pounced onto my bed, Basma right behind her.

"No one." I sighed mentally.

"Embala, 3a6eeny!" Fajer grabbed my blackberry out of my hands.

"Fajer, give it back!" I tried to yank my blackberry out of her hands but Fajer was too fast. Basma started to look a bit worried.

Fajer gasped once she saw the messages.

"Awwwwwwwwww." Fajer smiled and showed Basma the chat. I wanted to jump out of my window. I was that embarrassed.

"Laish ma giltay shay!" Fajer exclaimed.

"Shagoul?" I frowned. "I don't know what we are, we don't act like friends bas we don't call each other boyfriend and girlfriend.."

"That's confusing." Basma stated.

"Adrii." I mumbled as I pressed my cheek against my fluffy pillow.

"Oh my god.." Fajer gasped again.

"Shnu al7een?" I asked. Did she read our older conversations too? -.-

"Shoug, S3ood bara!" Basma peeked at the conversation and nearly yelled out the words.

"What?! Uuush, tara ma a3rf etha ekhwany mawjoudeen wla la2!" I jumped out of bed to check my reflection in the mirror. Fajer ran to my window to peak outside, she gasped yet again.

"Oh my god. Oh my god! He's SO cute. Oh my god.. I can't believe this. He's right there Shoug!" Fajer kept pointing towards our garden.

I was too busy changing out of my sweat pants into a pair of fitted jeans. I grabbed a hoodie and pulled it over my sleeveless shirt.

"Hatha mu 9a7y, what if my parents see him?" I kept telling myself.

"Shoug, tara ekhwanich mu mawjoudeen. And your parents left." Basma stated. "Shift'hom gabel lema ri7t el 7amam."

I sighed in relief.

Da-la-la-ling! Da-la-la-ling!

"Shoug, mnu Sara?" Fajer stared at my phone, which was ringing.

"That's him." I grabbed my blackberry out of her hands and my hands were shaking.

"Aloo?" I nervously said into the phone. I was too shy to peak out of my window to look at him.

"You have no idea how much I've missed your voice." S3ood sighed into the phone sadly.

"7i6ay speaker!" Fajer tried to listen in onto the conversation. Basma looked like she disapproved the whole thing.

"Ohh, fee a7ad yemich? Eee agder ashouf wa7da, sh3rha eg9eer.. Asif, ma 3areft ena you had people over. Walla asif Shoug.." S3ood sounded sincere.

"Uhm, l-la2 3ade.. I missed you too." I whispered the last few words so Fajer and Basma wouldn't hear.

"Akheeeh, shgiltay? Please say it again." S3ood's voice turned from depressed to happy.

"S3ood!" I pouted, whilst giggling.

"S3ood!" Fajer tried to imitate my girly voice. I mouthed "Chub" to her.

"Shoug, ma agder ashoufich. Bas bashoufech digeega w barou7, I promise.." S3ood pleaded.

"S3ood.. la shekly khayis, twne 6al3a men el mustashfa."

"Tabeeny az3al? Ma ar'9a etgouleen chithy 3an nafsich! Entay 7ilwa, inside and out." S3ood sounded angry.

"Okay la et3a9ib.. khala9 okay okay." I bit my lip, I was nervous. The girls were watching me, their eyes never landing on anything else but me.

I stood in front of the window and my eyes found S3ood. S3ood was standing in the middle of our garden, he was wearing a Polo shirt and a pair of loose sweatpants. His hair was messy and I could see his dimples from afar.

"Alllaaah. I think I just saw an angel." S3ood smiled, his eyes boring into mine from far.

"Are you sure about that?" My insecurities got the best of me.

"I'm one hundred percent sure. You know who you look like?" S3ood never took his eyes off of mine and I felt like I was alone in the room, with only S3ood and I.

"Mnu?" I asked eagerly. I was jealous, I hoped he didn't say that I looked like his ex or some other girl who was way prettier.

"You look a lot like my future wife."

My cheeks began to redden and my smile widened.

"Do I?" I teased.

"Yes you do, you look a lot like her." S3ood's smile expanded as well. "Shoug.. gabel ma arou7.."

"Eee?" I waited. I watched S3ood as he planted his blackberry down onto the grass. S3ood pressed a finger against his right eye and mouthed the word "I".

S3ood then pressed his hand against his chest, where his heart lied. He mouthed the word "Love."

And lastly, S3ood pointed at me before mouthing "You".

I grew so shy to the extent that I backed away from the window and sat down to the ground so S3ood couldn't see me.

Fajer and Basma saw the whole thing, their mouths were hanging open.

"Shoug, please tell me he has a twin brother." Fajer pleaded. Basma saw my phone and grabbed it, I didn't hang up on S3ood yet.

"Hi, I'm Shoug's friend. Don't ever call Shoug again. She hates you." Basma hung up on S3ood.

I stared at Basma in horror.


  1. Wtf? Why did Basma do this? Does she love him or something? She's so mean!!

    Great work girl! Good luck xx

  2. Thank you! You'll find out why in the next chapter. :D I won't spoil anything. :*

  3. Umbaaayh shtabeeeeyyy??? Please post as soon ae possable !

  4. Please post asra3 pleaseeee pleaseeee :(:(:(
