Monday, May 7, 2012

Chapter 35, Pt.1

*Thanks so much for all the support and thank you for even reading my blog, I hope you enjoy this part of the chapter. :*

This is part 1 of chapter 35, so it's VERY short. Part 2 will be LONGER. 

(Part 2 will be posted tomorrow night enshallah)


Suddenly, I heard a loud bang from upstairs before hearing the following words screamed out:


I climbed the endless-feeling stairs till I reached to M7md's room. His wooden door was open and I found M7md up against a wall, with Khalid's hands holding M7md's shoulders against the wall.

"Y3NI OBOUY YEDAKHIN, THAT MEANS YOU CAN SMOKE TOO?! TABE ETMOUT?!" Khalid's voice was getting louder by the second, his veins on his neck were bulging out.

"Wakhir 3any ya 7m-r!" M7md yelled back, trying to regain back his strength. M7md tried to throw a punch at Khalid's jaw but he failed.

"Kalim 3adl, ana okhouk el kbeer!" Khalid's eyes had a trace of sadness in them, his arms softened and M7md took this chance to push his fist into Khalid's nose. Khalid yelped in pain, the blood in his nose flooding out.

"KHALID! M7MD! Stop it!" I got in between both of the tall brothers, trying to push them off of each other.

"Shoug, this is non of your business!" M7md tried to push me away so he could face Khalid properly, his hand was too rough on my shoulder and I ended up falling down to the ground, face first. My head hit against the wooden floor of M7md's room.

A slice of pain rushed into my head. My eyelids fluttered a few times before I felt them become heavier by the second. And in what felt like milliseconds, everything went black.

I heard one last word before I fully blacked out. It was my name being called out.

Who was that? That question faded away quickly before I could even find an answer.

I've always wondered how it felt to be in deep sleep, the type of sleep that you didn't have control of. The type of sleep that you were forced into after a sudden injury.

I couldn't feel a thing, my memories of everything weren't even there. It was like I didn't have a life anymore. I've never felt this dead before.

"Shoug? 7bebty?"

"Shoug.. mama?" 


"Lazim engoul 7ag Narjis! Ehya eb America, ma et3arf shay 3an ekhet'ha w sh9ar! Yuma, digay 3leha al7een!"

"Shosho! Doctor, shfeeha?!" 
"What happen to her!! WHO HURT HER? I KILL HIM NOW, THE BAST*RD!" 

"Calm down! No fighting, no no! It was an accident!"

These faint noises were absorbed into my ear every few hours, or were they minutes..? Or seconds?

What happened?

What was an accident?

Why can't I open my eyes?

And who's Shoug?

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