Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chapter 45

2 chapters today, hope you like this one. I'm honestly so impatient, I can't wait till I write my posts haha. So sorry but this post might be a BIT short. x_x I'm so evil, I know. :( x


"Shoug! Late to class again?" Jaber called out as he watched me jog to my class.

"Sadly." I called back, laughing.

"Hey digeega." Jaber caught up with me, stopping me midway.

"Yup?" I stopped for a few minutes.

"Can I join your tuition? I suck at Algebra." Jaber pleaded.

"Uhm. Madry, I'll see if I'm not full. I'll also check with Jassim, he might be free." I lied, I gave him a polite smile before entering my class, forcing our conversation to end.

"Shoug, you're late." Professor Lee stated when I hurried into the classroom. Numerous heads turned around to fire their stares at me.

"Sorry." I mumbled and found that Nour, my cousin, took my seat next to Lulu. I was forced to sit on the other end, next to Nour. It's like high school all over again.

Lulu wasn't replying to my calls or bbm messages after yesterday's fight at the Winter Wonderland Carnival at GUST. I had to face her, I had to tell her everything before this stranger ruined my life.

I couldn't let go of Lulu or S3ood. They were two of the most important people in my life, I would be an absolute wreck without them.

"Hi." Nour whispered, giving me a smile. Nour grew a bit taller than the last time I saw her, which was at our high school graduation 2 years ago. Other than that, she still looked the same.

"Hey." I replied whilst opening my textbook, flipping through the pages, trying to look busy.

"So, shlounich?" Nour was trying to start a conversation that I didn't want to be a part of. Lulu ignored the both of us, she kept her head deep in her textbook.

"Zeina 7amdellah. Entay?" I asked, keeping my tone emotionless whilst my eyes stayed on the professor.

"Amazing! London was so beautiful but I missed Kuwait so much. I just had to see my friends again, especially my best friend Shoug." Nour gushed, her eyes lighting up. Nour's tone was as sweet and fake as it used to be 2 years ago.

What the hell? We haven't seen each other in 2 years, after the way you betrayed and back stabbed me, and suddenly. now we're best friends again?

I don't think so. 

"Oh, great." I gave her a fake smile. I was grateful that Fajer was sitting next to me, to the left side, this was the only class I had with her.

"Psst, Shoug. Shfeekom, entay w Lulu?" Fajer nudged my shoulder, interrupting Nour's weird conversation.

"Madri." I sighed sadly, looking back at Lulu but she wouldn't make eye contact. "I'll fix it, I always find a way to fix things and I'll make sure I fix this."

"Are you sure you're going to be able to fix this problem this time?" Fajer looked worried, noticing how Lulu had been ignoring me lately.

"I hope so Fajour."

The hour dragged on slowly, every second was dreadful. I usually enjoyed this class but knowing my best friend was two seats away and was ignoring me, was devastating. My blackberry would vibrate on my desk every 5 minutes, indicating that I got a Whatsapp message from the stranger.

I'd ignore the messages during class, giving excuses like "I'm doing a test, brb." or "I'm pooping, brb." Anything to stop him from messaging me so much.

The suspicions were killing me, I needed to know who this person was fast. 

"Finally, class is over!" Fajer smiled happily, gathering her books into a pile. I did the same, I grabbed the nearest thing to me and didn't bother waiting for any of the girls. I was in a hurry to leave the class room.

Fajer would be walking with Lulu, they had the same class next and Lulu was still ignoring me. I was also happy to escape from Nour's reach, I wasn't ready to talk to her like nothing ever happened between us. I couldn't be that fake, even if I wanted to.

Shoug, why are you so stubborn? Maybe Nour changed.. 

I pushed the tiny voice out of my head, my gut feeling said that Nour was still the same back stabbing b*tch she was 2 years ago. I was going to listen to my gut feeling, I wasn't about to take any more risks with that girl.

I leaned my back against the wall, taking a few minutes to relax. This past few weeks have been hell.

My next class was going to start in 15 minutes and so, I took out my blackberry to check bbm.

Before I could check bbm, I was surprised to find that Lulu was standing right in front of me.

"I was wrong on leaving so fast. You can explain everything. Now." Lulu's eyes were averted away from mine.

"Lulu.." I was gobsmacked.

Shoug, tell her everything. She's right there! 

But is the stranger watching me?

I turned to look around but no one was there. Most of the people were still in their classes so only Lulu and I were in the hall.

 "Shoug, I have class in a few minutes." Lulu said impatiently.

"Lulu, I'm not with Rakan. Why would you think that? I love S3ood and only S3ood.. Walla!" My eyes begged hers to look at me. Lulu finally met my eyes and saw the truth behind mine. "I swear to God Lulu. All those times, Rakan was the one who spoke to me. I never and will never have any feelings for that guy. You know me, I wouldn't do such a thing to you."

"Then who were you talking to on the phone? Why did you lie to me Shoug?" Lulu's tense posture dissolved and she was the girl I'd known for years again.

"I couldn't tell you. I was trying to protect you." I sighed.

"From what Shoug? You can tell me anything, I'm sorry for getting mad. Now just tell me what's been really going on. You can't hide anything from me Shoug.."

"I can't tell you.." I looked around again, to check if anyone was watching us.

"Shoug, what's going on? Ga3da etkhar3eeny.." Lulu looked around too, trying to see who I was looking for.

"Digeega." I needed to check if I got a Whatsapp message from the stranger again. I needed to know that he wasn't watching us so I could finally tell someone. This secret has been weighing me down, I had to tell someone.

I found that my blackberry was open on bbm, I strangely caught something weird.

Huh.. 59 contacts? I could have sworn I had 94 contacts an hour ago? And why isn't S3ood on my bbm list?

I scrolled up to the open chats and found a chat open with people I didn't know. I also noticed that my nickname on bbm was "Nwaira Al-X! @GUST. :D"

Ugh, I grabbed Nour's blackberry by mistake. We had the same blackberrys, she probably has my blackberry.

What if she sees the chats with S3ood and I?

La2 la2 Shoug, you locked your blackberry in class.

Plus, she doesn't know your password. 


"She got a fancy car, she wants to take you far." Nour's ringtone of "Kimbra - Settle Down" rang out.

I accidentally clicked on the green icon when I was about to exit her bbm list. (I wasn't looking when I was trying to click on the red button.)

 I ended up answering the call, I was about to say 'Sorry, Nour took my phone and I'm Shoug' but the voice from the other end of the call cut me off.

Lulu watched me as my face reaction changed from normal to disbelief.

"Nour! You have no idea what just happened haha. Shoug is totally wrapped around my little finger. I sent her the threats about telling the college about S3ood and her. She believed me and now, I think she's going to finally fall for me. You'll have S3ood and I'll have Shoug in no time. Our plan is working! Haha. Oh by the way, did you try being friends with her? I need more secrets, I can't always give her the same threat everyday, it's getting boring that way ffh." The voice resembled the stranger's voice, I was shocked as I heard his words.

"Nour?" The stranger asked.

People would always say Nour resembled my voice whenever she was on the phone. In real life, Nour had a deeper voice than mine but on the phone, her voice would become more feminine because of the mobile changing it.

I deepened my voice a bit. Lulu gave me a weird look as she listened to my voice change and the lie I made up.

"Sorry I'm in class, I'll call you when I'm free." I imitated Nour's voice. I was still in shock. The fear was so obvious in my voice, I couldn't believe that the stranger had bought my lie.

"Oh, asif! Yalla okay, degay 3lay lema etkhal9een." He said before hanging up on me.

Nour was with the stranger on this? She helped him do this to me?

"Shoug, you look pale. What's wrong?" Lulu asked, she peaked into the blackberry I was holding, worry clouding her facial expression.

My hands were shaking as I clicked on Nour's "Call Log", where it would say who called her or who she called.

I couldn't f*cking believe it.

The stranger was..


  1. what's this cliff hangerrr I can't waiitt!!! :'((( plz posttttt fast!! :( btw i lovvvve your blogg, plz dont stop at 50 and continueeee xxx

  2. Laaa please please pOst 66 :(;( was he Ali?????

  3. La mumin9ijich shnu hal cliffhanger!!;( post soon!!

  4. make my day & post another post PLEASE :'(

  5. Awww thank you! I might have to stop at 50;( I'm running out of ideas and my posts are mostly long so if I continue writing the same story, people will get bored. ;(

    Enshallah I'll post ch46 bacher if I have time, I can't post again today. Sorry. :'(

  6. 5ala9 your killing me! If you don't post I'm gonna jump off a cliff! Ps love your blog!!!

  7. Why don't you write a story or part of a story, about a player who loves girls then find the girl he really loves, and she does too but he can't prove that he changed and some more drama lol :p

  8. Plz post chapter 46 very very soon cant wait -.- luv ur posts never stop the story no one would ever get bored mashalla u are a profetional luv ur story post tmrw plz plz!!!! <3<3<3

  9. AAAAAAAAAAH !!! IM SO HAPPY SHE WILL KNW WHO THE STRANGER IS !!! I love lulu walla ya 7lail'ha she a great friend :*

  10. Jad jaad jad your the greatest blogger ever!!!! Don't ever change and keep posting everyday pleaaase walaa you make me so happy cus you post a lot, I'm in love with your story and the way you write is so amazing..

    Pleaase post another one today! I'm hooked I can't stop reading ur amaaaazing story ;**
    Keep up the good work love

  11. I've been a silent reader but i have to comment now to thank you for being the BEST blogger ever seriously!!! I LOVE YOUR STORY 7AAAIIIL ..
    But this cliffhanger is the worst thing ever;( i hope that you post the next chapter ASAP


  12. Awww!! That made my day. :'D Thank you so much! I love you more!:* I'll post asap, don't worry. :*


  13. Pleaser don't stop at chapter 50 post more I just found out about your blog and I spent all night reading it literally !!! Pleaseeeee post chapter 46 soooonn I can't waitttt ! Please please pretty please

  14. I love your blog it one of the most addicting blogs ever spent like 3-4Hours reading from chapter one to 45 LOVE IT <3!

  15. Pleaasee post !!!!!! What's this cliff hangerrr !!!

  16. AWW! Thank you sosososo much :'D
    I'm writing chapter 46 as we speak, sorry for making you guys wait. :*
