Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chapter 30

Sorry, this is a short post since I posted it on the same day as I posted Chapter 29. I promise chapter 31 will be longer, hope you enjoy!;*


S3ood listened and turned towards the door but we both froze once we heard Khalid's voice outside the diwanya.

"Ee, al7een bayee. Bs bakhith el awrag men el diwanya, kent 7a6ah yem el TV." Khalid was talking into his iPhone outside the diwanya. I saw the door knob turn and I heard a click.

Sh*t sh*t SH*T! 

By the time Khalid entered the diwanya, I had grabbed my Mom's 3abaya from the couch (thank god Lisa-Anne forgot to take it back into Mom's room!) and made S3ood wear it. So from the back, S3ood looked like a super tall and bulky woman.

"KHALID! BARA! SHFEEK?! REFEEJTI MIT7AJBA!" I scolded Khalid, covering S3ood's back so Khalid couldn't notice that S3ood was a muscled man under my Mom's 3abaya.

"Walla asif!" Khalid covered his eyes, his cheeks turning red. He turned back around and left the diwanya. I heard S3ood make girly sounds, I nudged his arm from behind me to shut him up.

Once Khalid was out of the diwanya, S3ood and I were laughing uncontrollably. 

"Oh my god, did you see his face?!"

"How can I see his face when my face was in a 3abaya?" S3ood laughed.

I felt my blackberry vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out.

Khalid Al-X *bro calling. 

"Shhh!" I made sure S3ood was quiet before answering the phone call.

"Aloo, Shoug? Abeech ta36eeni el awrag yem el TV. '9roury.. w walla asif! Ma 3areft ena rafeejtich kanet mawjouda.." Khalid sounded sad, I started to feel guilty all over again.

"Uhm, la2 3ade! Al7een ayeeblek el awrag bas rafeejti tabe etrid el bait fa tigder ten6r bil bait?" I tried to sound serious.

"Eeh okay. Ana bakoun bl9ala. By the way.. tara rafeejtich shekilha 7ilwa mashallah, wayid 7lu 6oulha." I heard Khalid gush. I tried to contain my laughter.

"Ah okay, yalla bye." I started to laughing again after hanging up on Khalid.

"Shnu?!" S3ood smiled.

"Khalid yigoul that you make a beautiful girl, he loves your height. Congratulations! I can see you as the future bride of my brother," S3ood's face turned sour as I laughed even harder. S3ood kept examining his arms, checking if his muscles looked girly.

"S3ood, you have to go now before Khalid or even M7md comes back." I got S3ood's attention away from his muscles once I reminded him about Khalid and M7md.

S3ood gave me my Mom's 3abaya back and an adorable dimpled smile before leaving our diwanya.

I made sure Khalid's work papers were delivered to him and S3ood was already long gone when Khalid made his way out of our house.

I logged onto twitter and replied to Jassim's DMs. I still didn't know what to think of seeing him with Loura the other day.

Jassim: Shoug? z3ltay meni?;'s

Shoug: Laish az3al?:p

Jassim: Madri.. it's been a while since we talked.

Shoug: I was busy, sorry. x_x

Jassim: Ah.. okay..

I didn't bother replying to his last message, I couldn't get used to seeing him with Loura. It just felt weird in a way. It wasn't jealousy but imagine seeing your close friend hook up with one of your close friends out of nowhere. It's just strange.

"Shouuuug!" I heard my Mom call out. Wait what, my Mom's back? I hurried back down to the living room, finding Mom holding my Dad's hand, trying to hold him up as he's walking, so he wouldn't fall over or anything.

"Baba!" I wrapped my hands around him to hug him as gently as possible before planting a kiss over both of his cheeks and on top of his forehead. I felt his light stubble against my lips. It reminded me of the old days, when I used to always nag at him to shave his beard so his stubble wouldn't hurt my lips. He'd then shave and ask for a kiss whenever his skin was baby smooth again.  "7mdellah 3la salama!"

"Allah yisalmech 7beebty." Dad smiled, "Bs barou7 al7een anam shway 7booba, okay?" Mom helped Dad to their bedroom while I watched.

Mom emerged from the bedroom after a few minutes and approached me.

"Yalla, shrayech enzour yeditich?" Mom smiled at me, her face looking radiant again.

"Bs shloun obouy yeg3ad brou7a?" I asked, worried.

"La et7ateen, he's better now. El khedam mawjoudeen w Khalid birid b3ad sa3a, biyig3ad m3a obouch." Mom assured me.

"Okay.. if you say so." I didn't argue and decided to go upstairs to change into a gold sequined top with a pair of denim jeans to make the outfit more casual.

I hastily straightened my hair and added eyeliner along with mascara to my chocolate coloured eyes.

"Yalla mama, ana ta7at. La et6awleen!" I heard Mom yell from downstairs. I grabbed my Hermes cross bag and rushed downstairs to leave the house.

"Hussain, rou7 jam3eyat Bayan. Nabe ba8lawa w caka 7ilwa." I heard Mom order Hussain once I was inside the Lexus car.

"Mamati, what's the occasion?"

"Haw, ma tedreen? Youm melad your cousin Shaikha bacher!" Mom said as Hussain was driving.

"NO WAY!" I didn't even bring anything with me, this was embarrassing..

"7bebty, rou7ay eshtireeleha shay men el jam3eya. Ekhtheeleha 3e6r," Mom handed me her credit card once Hussain parked outside the Bayan super market. It was like she was reading my mind.


Mom made her way to the cakes and snacks section while I went upstairs where the shops were. I entered the perfume shop and looked around for an expensive perfume that smelled good.

I tried several perfumes. Dior, Gucci, Chanel, Armani, everything! I couldn't even smell anything else after smelling so many perfumes. I finally decided on buying a Chanel perfume. I stood behind the cashier counter and looked for my Mom's credit card in my wallet.

The man behind the counter kept tapping his foot impatiently, his hair slimy looking and his smile too big for his face.

I was so absorbed into looking for the credit card that I didn't notice someone else was waiting impatiently behind me.


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