Saturday, May 19, 2012

Chapter 42

I slept late and woke up late, but man, it does feel good to sleep A LOT. So I woke up in a fantastic mood, ready to write the next chapter. For once, I've planned out what's going to happen through out all of the chapters and since I'm SO impatient, I can't wait to get on writing so I can show off my evil plans mwahaha. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's dedicated to the 400 followers I got today! :*  *Thankyousomuch!*


"Shoug, hurry hurry!" Hussain called out, I pounced out of the Porsche and held onto my books against my chest as I was jogging/running to the GUST entrance. I was running late today morning, I couldn't sleep last night when my head was filled with thoughts about the unknown message I got.

As I was hurrying down the hallways, I got out my blackberry to look over the messages the unknown person had sent.

....: Shoug, I'll give you one day to think about it. Ok?

Shoug: Enta mnu 3shan etsawi feene chithe! And who said I was with S3ood a9lan?!

....: Haha, don't lie to me Shoug:) I have my sources.

Shoug: Ey sources?!

....: I can't tell you that;) give me a month and you'll know everything. I'll give you a day to think about it, if you don't reply tomorrow at midnight then I'll make sure your parents AND brothers know who you've been being so lovey dovey too for the past 2 years. ;)

I didn't reply to the last message, my eyes were filling up with tears but I urged my emotions to go away. It wasn't time to break down, I was stronger than this.

It's been a difficult 2 years, having to keep S3ood and I a secret.

So many times I've been so close to getting caught, by M7md or Khalid. I couldn't believe it, finally I was caught by some stranger I didn't even know. It was too good to be true, onto hiding a secret for 2 long years and never being caught. It was just too good to be true.

I accidentally bumped into a tall figure and ended up loosing my grip on my books. My books collapsed down to the ground in mere seconds, before I could stop them.

"Ooffh." A deep voice grunted as my head made contact with his forearm with a sheer force.

Shoug, tena7tay mara thanya and now you're going to be even more late to your class. Nice job.

That was weird though. I could have sworn no one was standing in front of me as I was hurrying down the hallways.

Yabeelech na'9arat, ma etshoufeen! 

I quickly leaned down to the ground to pick up my books, the tall figure had dropped down to the ground to help. I didn't get a look at his face yet, I was panicking. My professor hated late students and he was my favourite professor, I didn't want to disappoint him now.

"Asfa." I murmured as I got a hold of my books. He grabbed a few and finally, I looked up to catch a glance at him. His skin was milky white, he had a light stubble and his black hair was spiked. He looked a bit familiar, his eyes were surrounded with dark eyelashes, framing his dark eyes. He was a bit thin but he had broad shoulders and a very tall figure, about 187cm.

"Mashkour." I gave him a slight nod and was about to walk off after he handed me my books but his words stopped me.

"Shoug? Hathee entay?" The guy called out, I quickly turned around to look at him.

"Eee?" My forehead furrowed in confusion. Did I know him?

"You don't remember me?" He let out a deep laugh.

"Sorry, my memory's bad. Remind me?" I half-smiled.

"Digeega." He replied with a toothy smile before grabbing a pair of eyeglasses out of his pockets, placing it over his eyes and he flattened out his hair. I nearly gasped out in surprise.

"Jaber!" I laughed. Jaber went to high school with me, he was always known as the hardest worker in all of the year, even though he didn't get the highest grades, he still worked his butt off for every test, homework and exam.

"Eee, remember me now?" He laughed too. He spiked up his hair again and took off the eyeglasses. He didn't look dorky anymore, he looked like a babe magnet.

"Yeah, I thought you were in the USA though?"

"I stayed there for a gap year (a gap year is a year off school, where you go on holiday) bas now I'm back, I guess I'm a year younger than you in the college life." He chuckled.

"It's okay, you'll graduate only a year late. Sorry, but I'm really late. I'll see you around." I took a step to the opposite direction where my class was but Jaber's hand grabbed my arm lightly.

"Digeega, ma 3ndech bbm?" His eyes looked down to my blackberry, which was lying on top of my books.

"Uhm. Embala bas asfa, I only add guy relatives." I lied. I only had one guy on my bbm list and that was S3ood.

"Aha. Yalla okay, see you." He gave me a smile before he walked off. I hurried off to my class and managed to sneak in when the professor had his back to the students.

I switched on my blackberry during class, I didn't get to speak to S3ood this morning. I checked my bbm chats and stopped on one.

S3ood Al-X:

No kiss? No smiley? No "gm Shougti/beautiful"?

Gm.. u okay?

S3ood read the message and ignored it. I stared at my blackberry screen for an hour, I didn't pay attention to what the professor said. I just wanted class to be over already. You know that feeling when you know something's wrong and you just want to know so badly what happened?

That feeling terrified me. I imagined the worst possibilities.

"Shoug, yalla." Hawra'a poked my back. "Class is over."

I abruptly got out of my chair and practically ran out of the class. S3ood usually was hanging around outside by the table with a couple of his friends and that was the first place that I was going to.

Hawra'a followed me. "Shoug, wein ray7a?!"

"T3alay." I grabbed her wrist and guided her outside.

"Digeega, don't you have to tutor Mariam, Ghena, Rakan w Mneera?" She said as she was trying to keep up with my fast pace.

I was finally outside and I saw the guys by the table. Saleh, Rakan, S3ood and Ya3goub were all sitting around the table, in deep conversation about Messi and Ronaldo.

Rakan saw me standing with Hawra'a and left the group to approach me. S3ood watched Rakan and I.

He didn't take his eyes off of us. S3ood's shoulders grew a lot broader, he also grew a lot taller than 2 years ago, his jaw bones were harder now, showing off his masculinity. His hair was shorter and he had a light stubble over his tanned skin.

"Hey, am I late to tuition?" Rakan gave me a wide smile.

"Uhm, no." I kept looking back at S3ood, S3ood wouldn't look into my eyes.

"Oh." Rakan saw my eyes land on S3ood and I could have sworn that I saw Rakan's nostrils flare a bit with anger.

"Don't you think it's time for tuition now?" Rakan lightly bumped my shoulder with his, making me turn around. 


"Shoug! I did it, isn't the answer to 7B 670,212?" Mneera smacked the table we were sitting at, proud at herself. She had medium length hair, a beautiful smile and almond shaped eyes.

"Mhm?" My mind was elsewhere. I was still thinking about who the whatsapp stranger could be. Was he/she serious? Would he/she possibly destroy my future with S3ood? And why the hell was S3ood so angry with me? What did I do?

"Shoug, hello?" Ghena and Mariam waved their hands in front of my face.

"Ha? Ee that's right." I mumbled.

"Shoug, shfeech?" Rakan's eyes looked worried, he scooted a bit closer to me by the table. Rakan stretched out his arm over the table to grab a pen, his cheek ended up brushing against mine accidentally.

At the same time, I caught S3ood's eyes on us. His eyes were full of anger. S3ood approached our table, his hand was extended to grab the back of Rakan's shirt.

"Rakan, bakelmik." S3ood's tone wasn't playful, Rakan laughed, thinking S3ood was joking around.

"S3ood, I'm in tuition. It can wait." Rakan chuckled, smacking S3ood's hand off of his shirt.

S3ood grabbed Rakan's shirt again, forcing Rakan to stand up from his chair next to me.

"Hey, shfeek!" Rakan's tone was more serious now.

Ghena, Mariam and Mneera looked scared. They were watching the tension fill up the atmosphere as S3ood was holding onto Rakan's shirt.

Shoug, do something!

We were attracting attention, I pushed my chair back and stood up. I got in between S3ood and Rakan, my hand was on S3ood's firm chest, pushing him back off.

"Hey, stop it." I pushed Rakan off to the other side, he was heavy but he backed off. S3ood's eyes shifted down to mine, he was still filled with fury. 

 S3ood wrapped his fingers around my wrist, pulling me along behind him.  He was pulling me away from the table, away from Rakan and the girls.

"Hey, where are we going?" I asked as I was following S3ood. The college wasn't filled with people anymore since it was 4pm, so I didn't have to worry about anyone catching S3ood's hand around my wrist.

S3ood didn't answer, he guided me to the library and pulled me to the corner where no one was able to see us.

"S3ood, shfeek?!" I hissed once he didn't have his back to me.

"Ana shfeeni!? Entay shfeech, kil ma ashoufich algach ga3da m3a Rakan!" S3ood angrily hissed back.

"Shaku?! Rakan's the one who talked to me all those times and he asked for a tuition. Y3ni agoula la2?!" I was suddenly just as angry as S3ood was.

"Eee! Goulay la2, is that too hard to say?" S3ood barked out, his eyes meeting mine.

"Sorry but I'm not rude." I crossed my arms over my chest, looking away. S3ood sighed, he ran his strong fingers through his short hair, trying to calm down.

"Shoug, look at me." His voice wasn't as angry anymore. I was stubborn, I didn't look at him.

"Shoug." S3ood took a step closer, a wall was behind me and so, I couldn't back away. S3ood took a hold of my chin gently to turn my head towards him, forcing me to look at him.

"Aghar 3leich. Okay?" S3ood's eyes softened and I felt my cheeks heat up against his fingers.

My blackberry vibrated inside the pockets of my jeans. S3ood's eyes averted down to my pocket and then back up at me.

"Answer it." He backed away, finally noticing how tense the atmosphere had gotten after how close he was to me.

It was an unknown number. I answered it with a sigh. The following voice sent chills down my spine as I heard it transport from the blackberry and into my ears.

"Stop cuddling with your boyfriend in the library. Plans have changed, answer me now or else I'll make sure the whole college knows about you and your little lover."

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