Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chapter 39

So the last chapter really got you guys going, I got so much feedback and that was great. :D I wanted to be evil and shock you guys. So here's Chapter 39 and now you'll finally know why Basma acted with cruelty.


"Hi, I'm Shoug's friend. Don't ever call Shoug again. She hates you." Basma hung up on S3ood.

I stared at Basma in horror.

"B-basma! What did you just do?" I spit out the words.

"Basma, entay meynouna?!" Fajer exclaimed angrily.

"Shoug, it's for the best." Basma ignored both of us and gave us her back.

"Basma, ey for the best? I don't hate him, why would you say that!" I stood up from the ground, getting ready to leave the room.

Basma stopped me midway.

"Shoug, wait!"

"You can explain later, I have to stop S3ood from leaving like this." I brushed off Basma and ran as fast as I could down the stairs.

 Once I was standing in the middle of the garden, I was out of breath and S3ood was about to put his car keys into the ignition of his car.

"S3ood, la trou7!" I yelled. S3ood was in his Ferrari, he looked up and found me, standing right in front of his car. S3ood looked hurt, he sighed before getting out of his car to walk up to me.

"Shoug, etha ma kentay t7beeny chan-" S3ood sounded sad.

"S3ood, la2! Rafeejty chathebet 3leik." My eyes tried to meet his but his eyes were on the ground.

"3yal laish wakhertay 3an el dereesha lema giltlech I love you?" S3ood looked embarrassed now, probably regretting doing the whole I love you thing.

"S3ood.. kent mista7ya. I didn't want you to see my tomato face again and then Basma took my phone, she's the girl who told you that I hated you.." I crouched down a bit so I could look at S3ood's eyes. "S3ood, look at me."

S3ood looked up from the ground to look into my eyes.

"I love you. Okay?" I pushed the words out of my mouth, ignoring my shyness. S3ood's mouth widened until it formed a smile.

"Ma sima3t, say that again?" S3ood bit his lip.

"I love you." I repeated.

"Aaaa5. Again again!" S3ood chuckled, his smile as big as the sky.

"S3ood, khala9!" I laughed shyly. "I love you, that's the last time I'm saying it."

"Last time? Ever?" S3ood pouted, acting depressed.

"Laa2, mu ley hal deraja you idiot." I bumped his shoulder with mine playfully.

"Phew, 7amdellah." S3ood ran his fingers into his soft hair, acting relieved.

"Okay, you should go now before the neighbors or anyone else sees us." I pressed my hands against his chest, trying to push him back towards his car.

S3ood suddenly planted his hands over mine, which were on his chest. And I suddenly stopped pushing him and stared at our hands on his chest. What's going on..?

I quickly slid my hands off of him, my eyes lowering down to the ground.

I could still feel the soft callouses of his fingers against mine, but the feeling terrified me. I wanted to touch his hands again but the inner voice in my head told me to step away before we did anything else.  

Shoug, this is wrong. You have limits. Boundaries. Stick to them.

"Asif." S3ood looked a bit hurt.

"Uhm, la 3ade.. bas rou7 gabel ma a7ad yishoufna." I couldn't look into his eyes.

"Shoug." S3ood tipped a finger under my chin so he could lift it up, forcing my eyes to bore into his mahogany ones. "A7ibech."

"Mu kethrii." I whispered. S3ood gave me one last smile before turning around, giving me his back so he could climb into his car and drive off.

I watched his car fade behind the trees as the road swallowed it up. I took a deep breath before entering the house again, I knew the girls saw everything.

As I entered my room, Basma and Fajer were sitting far apart. Fajer was on my bed and Basma tried to act like she was interested in the movie Scream 4.

"Basma. I'm waiting." I stood in front of her with my arms crossed. I wanted an explanation.

"Shoug, he's a player. Kent khayfa 3leich, okay?" Basma didn't make eye contact.

"W shdarach eb hal shay when you don't even know him? I'm the only girl he follows on twitter, how is a guy like that a player?" I asked. Fajer was listening to us, her ears grasping every word.

"Okay ma a3arfa bas a3arif okhouh Wahab, okay?" Basma looked ashamed of herself.

"Basma.. shloun et3rfeen okhouh el kbeer?!" I quickly sat down to the ground so I was facing her properly. Basma finally gave in and looked straight at me.

"Shoug, kent a7eba. Wahab galy ena kan y7bny for a year w ana el ghabeya 9adegta. He turned out to be a player, he hurt me. At first, I didn't think that the S3ood you girls were talking about was the Wahab's brother's S3ood. Shoug, I didn't want to see you get hurt and Wahab is a huge player.. He cheated on me at least 4 times and I, the dumba**, would always forgive him after it... I didn't want the same thing to happen to you Shoug.." Basma's eyes filled with tears as she remembered the gruesome memories of her broken relationship with Wahab.

"Basma, you're wrong. I'm sorry you got hurt, so sorry.. but just because Wahab's a player, it doesn't mean S3ood is too." I grabbed a hold of Basma so I could hug her.

"I'm sorry Shoug. I didn't do it out of cruelty, I just didn't want to see you get hurt. I'm sorry." Basma tucked her head under my neck, hugging me back tighter.

"Basma, laish ma gilteelena ena Wahab did this to you?" I backed away to look at Basma. Fajer had sat next to us now, her arm around Basma.

"It's not something I'm proud of." Basma smiled sadly.

"Basma, I'll fix this. Okay?" I looked into Basma's eyes, to show her how serious I was.

"Fix it? How?" Basma and Fajer both asked.

"3ndech Wahab's twitter account?" I asked.

"He requested to follow me after I blocked him, I didn't accept it or decline it yet. Laish?" Basma urged for an answer.

"I have an idea." I smiled devilishly.


Basma, Fajer and I were in 360. I yanked on a beanie to cover up my bandaged head, it was getting a bit chilly outside and so, it was perfect with my high waist jeans, tucked in white top and light grey cardigan. I also had a grey Balenciaga bag draped over my arm.

"Do you think he'll show up?" Basma hissed, she had over-sized sunglasses on to cover up her identity.

"He better!" Fajer hissed back, she kept looking around, trying to spot anyone who was trying to listen in onto our conversation.

"Banat, this isn't the 007 movie." I rolled my eyes at them, laughing.

"Are you sure I look different?" Basma applied more red lipstick onto her full lips, her hair was straightened and she didn't look like her regular simple self.

"I'm sure. Don't worry, he won't even know that it's you." I assured her. Lisa-Anne put on huge sunglasses on too and was standing not too far away from us. The girls and I sat in Fauchon (the cafe), Lisa-Anne was standing next to the bathroom which was close to Fauchon.

I got KwConfessions to mention Wahab on twitter. (*For people who don't know what's KwConfessions, it's a twitter account that you message, they will mention the person you want and they'll tell them whatever you wanna say to them, but anonymously.)

KwConfessions had mentioned Wahab and said: "To @Wahab***, Someone says: I really love you, you're so sexy. ;) I wanna meet you, 360, in front of M&S baby. ;* Today in 1 hour from now. :$"

But in reality, Wahab is actually meeting up with Lisa-Anne. He thinks he's meeting up with a a beautiful girl who was easy to get.

We spotted a tall tanned guy, wearing Hollister and standing awkwardly next to Marks & Spencers. I dialed Lisa-Anne's number and called her.

"Lisa-Anne, this is your cue. See that tall guy? Wearing a red shirt? I want you to wear your mobile earphones, okay? I will tell you exactly what to say." I said into the phone.

"Oki Shoug, but you promize then we will go shopping fer my husband birzday?" Lisa-Anne asked, we bargained we'd have a shopping day all for Lisa-Anne if she helped us with this prank.

"I promise!" The girls and I giggled nervously, not knowing what will happen.

We watched Lisa-Anne, in a pair of jeans and a low cut shirt, walking up to Wahab.

"Okay Lisa-Anne, that's him. Yes, go straight. Now say exactly what I'm going to say in a few seconds.." I whispered into the phone. I watched Wahab's face expression from far turn to shock as he realizes that he just said yes to a date with a 56 year old Filipino.

"Hi handsome, looking for me? Was I too late baby?" I said into the phone.

"Hi hanzum, lookin' fow meeh? Waz I tew layte, um, babee?" I heard Lisa-Anne try to imitate me, I tried my hardest not to laugh.

"Uhhh.." I heard Wahab mumble.

"What? You no like?" Fajer and Basma giggled uncontrollably as they watched me tell Lisa-Anne what to say to Wahab.

I wasn't an idiot. I didn't tell Basma and Fajer that I negotiated with S3ood and he was going to bring a crowd of Wahab's friends along to make the prank even better.

I noticed S3ood walk towards Wahab with at least 4 other guys, who looked as old as Wahab.

"Wahab! Shlounik?" I heard the guys ask once they approached Wahab.

"OH MY GOD. SHOUG, LOOK! HIS FRIENDS SAW HIM WITH LISA-ANNE!" Basma pointed at the guys who kept looking at Lisa-Anne and Wahab strangely.

"Okay Lisa-Anne, you're doing great. Say this: Oh hi, you friends of my boyfriend?" I held back my laughter and stayed on task.

Lisa-Anne repeated my words and I saw the shocked expressions of Wahab's friends. S3ood tried to compose his serious expression but his dimples kept popping up, he was trying not to laugh.

S3ood only said yes to my plan because he wanted to get back at Wahab since Wahab had pranked him last year. This was revenge for both S3ood and Basma.

"La2! Hathee mu 7abeebty!" Wahab backed away from Lisa-Anne.

"Wahab, don't be shy. Tell your friends. We have been going out for months now, he says he will propose soon." I told Lisa-Anne the words and she repeated them perfectly, she even gave the guys a toothy smile when she said the word "propose".

The guys tried not to laugh in Wahab's face. Wahab looked embarrassed. Basma couldn't stop laughing, her eyes teary from how hard she was laughing. Fajer tried to contain her giggles as other people started to look at us weirdly.

"Um.. we'll leave you and your, uh, girlfriend alone." I heard S3ood say through the phone. S3ood gathered up the guys and walked away from poor Wahab.

No scratch the "poor", he deserved it.

Once Wahab's friends had walked away, Lisa-Anne patted Wahab's arm and said: "Sorry honey, you too old for me." Lisa-Anne walked away and went into the bathroom to hide.

Wahab looked shocked. And very embarrassed. 

I high five-d the girls and went into the bathroom to find Lisa-Anne.

"Great job Lisa-Anne!" We all cheered and gave Lisa-Anne a huge hug.

"Thank you so much, walla you girls are the best." Basma's face was radiating from happiness.

"Shd3wa." I smiled.

The girls, Lisa-Anne and I made our way out of the 360 mall bathroom so we could find Hussain, the driver, to take us back home.

However, we were both stopped by a tall figure when we emerged from the bathroom.

Wahab was standing right outside of the girl's bathroom. His eyes shifted from Fajer, Lisa-Anne, Basma and I, in confusion.

His expression changed once he noticed Basma, she had her sunglasses off and the red lipstick wiped off.

"Basma? Hathee entay?" Wahab asked suspiciously.

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