Saturday, May 12, 2012

Chapter 37

Thanks so much reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter. :D xx


"Shnu Shoug?!" I heard another voice.

And it wasn't S3ood's voice..

I was shocked to find Dalal, standing in the doorway, wearing her school uniform. Dalal's hair was in a clean ponytail, her face glossy and had a trace of make-up.

What was Dalal doing here at 5 am?! 

"Laish ma etgouleenly ena 3ndech 9a7ib!" Dalal crossed her arms over her school blazer, looking angry about the fact that I didn't tell her about a secret, than the fact that there was a boy in my hospital room, that I just said I love you to.

"Uhm.. it's not like-" I was interrupted by S3ood.

"Because Shoug isn't open about telling people everything and I'm not her boyfriend. I'm going to make sure I become her husband one day." S3ood looked straight into Dalal's eyes, shocking her even more.

Husband?! Now, I was shocked.

"Wait, S3ood, what?" I was dumbfounded. I stared at S3ood, he shifted his eyes towards mine.

"Asif bas I had to say it! Shoug, I'm serious about you. Hatha mu l3ba 3nde, I'm not going to play you then leave you. I'm not the type of guy to get involved with a girl then never actually do anything about it. I'm planning to talk to your parents one day, when I've graduated and when I start working at my father's company. I know this is all wrong.. flirting, but I'm planning to make all of this worth it by marrying you one day. So what do you say.. will you be my future wife one day?"

What.. I'm not even 20 years old yet.. 

"Shoug?" Dalal and S3ood both called my name, trying to get me to speak.

"Goulay eee! Oh my god, this is so romantic." Dalal gushed. "Imagine, a double wedding with you, S3ood, Meshari and I!"

Dalal was living in her fairytale world. If the atmosphere didn't feel so tense, I would have laughed at her.

"Bas S3ood.. we're so young right now. How do you know what will happen in.. what, 6 years?" I was still astonished.

"Adre.. wallah adre.. ma kent abe agoulech al7een, kent ban6ir.. bas when I saw you, sleeping in a hospital bed for so long and then fainting right in front of me ..  I was afraid I wouldn't get another chance to say what I felt. I wanted you to a at least know that I want you in my future, Shoug.."

Dalal was staring at both of us, like we were in a Turkey drama series. Her eyes were wide, attentive and her mouth hung open a bit.

"Dalal, mu 3ndich medrisa b3ad sa3a? Mu a7san tiyeen after school? " I looked at Dalal, na8za to ask her to leave.

"La la 3ade! Ana a9lan arou7 elmedrisa mit2akhr, w kent bashoufech fa gilt, why not visit you now?" I pressed the palm of my hand against my forehead. Hal bint ma tifham.. -.- 

Dalal saw my face palm moment and finally understood.

"OHHH. Okay okay! Yalla bayee after school." Dalal smiled.

Once S3ood looked away from her, Dalal mouthed: "HEY, TELL ME EVERYTHING WHEN HE'S GONE. YOU BETTER TELL ME!"

Dalal took a long time mouthing the words so S3ood looked over at her to see what was going on, and Dalal stopped midway, looking like a kid just caught trying to sneak her hand into a cookie jar.

"Uhm, so see you later Shoug!" Dalal quickly left the room.

"So Shoug.. what do you say?" S3ood gave Dalal a dimpled smile before turning around to look at with his intense beautiful eyes.

A sudden thought came into my head. Was my hair sticking up again?! Seriously, if I look horrible right now then I'm never going to let S3ood see me unless I'm out of this dump. 

"S3ood.. madri. It's a lot to take in. You know I love you," I blushed once I said the words, S3ood enjoyed my tomato face. "I'm serious about you too, I wouldn't get involved like this until I was certain there was a future for us.. so yes, I would want to get married to you one day. If you did it the proper way.."

"Of course I'll do it the proper way. Bas al7een I just need to make sure I'm here for you, as a friend or anything else you need me to be. I'll take care of you Shoug, I promise.." S3ood sounded sincere, his eyes boring deeper into mine.

"Okay S3ood. Okay." I took in a lungful of breath, trying to steady my racing heartbeat.

"Okay? As in.. yes?" S3ood looked shocked, he stared at me, waiting for the 'yes'.

"Yes S3ood, yes!" All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him and hug him, but I willed myself not to. S3ood stood up, appearing to have wanted to hug me too but quickly sat back down, his cheeks flushing a deep crimson.

Was S3ood going to hug me? S3ood's cheeks are so red, I haven't seen them that red before.. 

S3ood laughed awkwardly, his smile looking shy and innocent.

"Uhm.. I... uhm.." S3ood stuttered.

S3ood's shy! 

"Yeah?" A smile played on my lips, it was my turn to tease him. S3ood grabbed the pillow next to me and threw it lightly against my stomach. I laughed and threw the pillow back at him, it ended up hitting his right cheek.

"Oooffh, aa7!" S3ood lied, trying to act like I just hurt him.

"Yal dalouuuu3." I laughed harder.

"I'm your dalou3." S3ood gave me one his famous dimpled smiles. It was now my turn to suddenly become shy.

"Tomato face!" S3ood pinched one of my cheeks, his fingers gentle.

"Aaayy, yal malee8!" I playfully smacked away his hand, giggling.

"Look who's the dalou3a now." S3ood chuckled.

"Bas I'm your dalou3a." I fluttered my eyelashes at him, with wide big puppy eyes.

"A very cute one too." S3ood winked at me playfully.

"Chub." I blushed and looked away.

"Eee asif, I meant beautiful and gorgeous one. Bas then again, those words can't describe you perfectly, you're just that amazing." S3ood continued on flirting, trying to make me blush even more.

"Do friends talk to other friends in that way?" I tried to keep my cheeks from getting any redder.

"Special friends like us do, especially the ones who have a future soon." S3ood's face was radiating with happiness.

S3ood hung around till the clock informed us that it was 6:15 am.

"Offh.. time passed so quickly. Yalla barou7 gabel ma M7md yishoufny.." S3ood stood up and I was guessing that he was going to leave the room.

But instead, S3ood's tall frame leaned over me and I felt his lips brush over my bandaged head. I couldn't feel his lips precisely but I could feel the pressure and I could also feel how hot my cheeks felt.

"S3ood!" I exclaimed.

"Shnu? We always kiss the baby's injury so she'll feel better." S3ood defended himself, he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Bas ana mu baby! Ana mara." I gave him the *talktothehand* look.

"True, bas you're my baby." S3ood looked serious. His seriousness melted away once he saw my cheeks turn as red as possible.

"Do you know how cute you are when you blush?" S3ood chuckled, enjoying my shyness.

"And do you know that M7md is going to be here any second now?" I pouted.

"Y3ne 6arda? Yalla khala9, barou7.."

"La S3ood wait.. you know how much I want you to be he-"

"Yal 9aida!" S3ood's face softened and he began to laugh.

"Arggghhh," I grabbed my pillow again to try to aim it at his head. S3ood quickly ran towards the hospital room door, acting scared.

"Love you!" S3ood laughed and shut the door, causing the pillow I threw to hit the door instead.

I dived back into my hospital bed, feeling all of the fatigue and pain flooding back once S3ood left. S3ood distracted me from the headaches and now, he was gone.

I couldn't believe it. He was actually thinking about marrying me.. I pictured a wedding, a more grown up Shoug and a broader, taller and masculine S3ood, waiting to call me his.

Fffh Shoug, besich. Bage shnu, 6 or 7 years? 

I pushed the fantasies out of my head, I had to live for today and not think too much of what would happen 6/7 years from now.

I shut my eyes tight and heard the door open. I didn't open my eyes, I let them remain shut, acting asleep.

I heard the following male voices talking in a hushed tone, trying not to 'wake me up'.

"Khalid, didn't that guy look like S3ood from behind?"

"Laa M7md, shnu bisawi S3ood 3nd Shoug? A9lan ehya nayma. Shfeek enta w S3ood?" 

"Madri. I just have a feeling about something." 

"You and your feelings. Ekhtik bil mostashfa because of you, so stop thinking about crazy things and think more about her health."

"Fffh, khala9 forget that I even said anything Khalid."



  2. mta the next post???

  3. Awww thank you so much!:* && I don't know yet. ;( As soon as possible enshallah but I need to study, sorry. xo
