Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chapter 44

I couldn't wait any longer, I had to post today haha. ;p Hope you like this post. :D
It's going to be shorter than my other chapters, sorry. :( 
Big thanks to @lulualsallal for helping me out with the Carnival details. xo


I finally got to Hawra'a's booth in the carnival. There were swarms of people around her booth, Hawra'a looked stressed out. I squeezed in between the people, trying to get by.

"Shoug!" Lulu and Hawra'a both exclaimed. They were being frenzied by the crowd.

"Offh, shal za7ma." I looked around the Carnival, taking in the crowded and overwhelming place.

"Adrii." Hawra'a sighed before leaving my side to answer a woman's question about Hawra'as products. Lulu went to the back of the booth to grab more supplies since they were running out of the accessories they were selling.

"Law sima7tay, cham s3r hal khatam?" I heard a familiar male ask. I looked to where the voice was coming from and found S3ood, holding a double gold ring in his hand.

"Uhm. Madri S3ood." I bit my bottom lip, trying to look for Hawra'a but she was busy talking to another woman. I suddenly grew shy around S3ood and a lot of people were watching, waiting for their turn.

"7ilu 3lay?" S3ood asked, trying to squeeze the tiny ring into his manly fingers. S3ood chuckled once he saw my reaction.

"Eee wayed, it brings out the colour of your eyes." I laughed as I watched S3ood goof around. The people behind him looked impatient and annoyed.

"S3ood, there's people behind you waiting." I hissed so no one could hear me. S3ood leaned in closer to listen.

"Ha? Ma sima3t?" S3ood leaned even closer so he could hear me over the noise. "Giltay et7ebeeny? Ah, ana a7bich akthar ya b3ad 3umri entay."

"You wish, idiot." I whispered into his ear, laughing quietly. S3ood wiggled his eyebrows at me to make me laugh even harder.

"Doum hal '9a7ka. I haven't seen you laugh like that in ages." S3ood gave me a dimpled smile before having to walk to another booth, where his friends were. My cheeks reddened and I watched S3ood's firm back as he walked away.

Bzzzz! Bzzzz! Bzzzz! 

The vibrating noises of my blackberry forced my eyes to tear away from S3ood's back.

Incoming call: Unknown.

When my mood was getting better, you had to call and ruin it again, didn't you? 

I walked down to the end of the booth, letting Lulu and Hawra'a talk to the people. I clicked on the green icon and answered the call.

"Hey.. wein ri7tay, ma agder ashoufich." His voice sounded unclear.

"A7san, la etshoufny." I made sure my tone was cold.

"Shd3wa Shougo." I winced when he called me 'Shougo'. I hated that nickname, especially when it came out of his mouth.

"Shtabi? Can't you see that I'm busy?" He couldn't see me, so that must mean that he wasn't directly in front of Hawra'a's booth. I went to the corner so I could look around, I tried to find any guy that was holding a cellphone in his hand.

There were at least 20 guys who had a cellphone and were speaking into it.  

This is what you get when you live in Kuwait.

"Kalmeeny 3adil ow I'll make you break up with S3ood." His tone was furious. "Now, abeech etdal3eeny."

"Go die." I smiled sarcastically through the phone.

"In your arms? Any day my love."

"Where's the answers you told me you'd give me? It's been 2 weeks." My knuckles turned white from how hard I was clutching down onto my blackberry.

"2 more weeks to go and then you'll get the answers." He smirked.

"I won't fall in love with you, jerk." I replied harshly.

"Then I'll tell everyone about you and S3ood. It's your choice baby."

I sneaked out of the booth so I could look around. I looked for any guy with a cellphone in hand who was watching me. What did this guy look like? 

Tall guys, short, bulky ones, chubby ones, muscled ones, all of them surrounded me. I couldn't figure out who this stranger could be.

"Alllaaah, I can see you now." He laughed. "Shitsaween? Looking for me?"

"Min 7alatik?" I quickly went back into the booth, staying at the back of it. I couldn't look for him this way, he wasn't an idiot and he could have easily hidden away from me if he saw me.

"Shoug, we need help." Lulu approached me, looking tired. Her eyes shifted from my phone and then back at me.

"Etkalmeen mnu?" Lulu asked suspiciously.

"Uhm, S3ood." I lied.

"Okay khala9 kalmeeh b3ad shway, yalla 3ad." Lulu grabbed my arm, I was still clutching my blackberry to my ear.

 Once we were at the front of the booth again, Lulu and I caught S3ood standing a few meters away from us. He wasn't holding a phone in hand, he was engrossed into a conversation with his friend Saleh.

Lulu looked from S3ood and then back to me. She finally saw the lie I made up. My heart began to race as my nerves exceeded.

"Shoug, who are you speaking to?" Lulu repeated her question, her tone cold.

"No one." I hung up on the stranger before he could cut me off.

"I can't believe you, you're with Rakan, aren't you?" Lulu's eyes filled with anger and disbelief.

Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzzz!

I swiveled my eyes down to my blackberry, reading the Whatsapp message:

.....: You can't tell anyone about me Shoug. Or else I'll make sure Rakan knows how deep Lulu's love for Rakan is. I'm watching you.

"Oh, did Rakan message you now?" Lulu said sarcastically once she saw me click on Whatsapp.

"What? No!" I exclaimed in surprise, tearing my eyes away from Whatsapp.

"Shoug, I've seen you with Rakan. I've seen how he looks at you, I thought you would back off. I thought you knew how much I liked him. I didn't think I'd have to tell you about something so obvious." Lulu's eyes filled with depressed tears.

"Lulu, no, it's not like that.. I swear, just wait. Lulu!" Lulu turned around to storm off, she wouldn't listen to me or my objections.

Hawra'a looked nervously at Lulu who was leaving Hawra'a alone to deal with the crowd of people.

"Shoug, wein ra7et Lulu?" Hawra'a asked nervously, before having to turn back around to speak to another woman about the prices of the necklaces.

"Anywhere that was far, far away from me." I replied.


  1. If I was in shoug's place I would rather have the stranger tell on me than all that happening lol. Amazing story!

  2. Wallah low ana minha chan misa7t s3oud for a bit didnt talk to the stranger and then yinga9 wayha when he tells my parents ;p
