Saturday, May 19, 2012

Chapter 43

This is going to be my second chapter today, I couldn't say no to you guys haha. :D Thank you again for all the great feedback, you guys make me happy! I hope you enjoy this post. <3

Chapter 44 will be more intriguing, I promise. x


"Shoug? Shfeech?" S3ood watched me as I was on the phone, he tried to get closer so he could hear the person speaking to me.

"Shoug, if you tell him about me then the deal is off and I'm going to tell everyone about you two, now." The stranger said angrily through the phone.

"Okay FINE. FINE." I heard the stranger smirk once I said yes, I hung up on him before S3ood could hear anything.

"Shfeech Shoug?" S3ood repeated, looking confused.

"Wla shay, it was Lisa-Anne. Kanet ga3da et7in 3lay, etgoul lazem arid el bait gabel ma omi w obouy yizifouny." I lied.

"Oh okay, are you mad at me?" S3ood looked down to the ground.

"No, of course not.. are you?" I fidgeted.

"No, I was mad at Rakan. I can't be mad at my baby." S3ood stated shyly. If I wasn't so bothered by the stranger calling, I would have blushed and giggled.

"Aw." I tried to smile but my head was swirling with thoughts.

What have I done?


It's been two weeks. Two dreadful weeks. I've been lying to S3ood, dodging his questions whenever he asked what was wrong. It's been 14 days where I had to act like I was interested into chatting with this stranger on Whatsapp.

He/She would ask random questions, wanting to know more and more about me. If I didn't reply for 30 minutes, he/she would threaten to tell my parents about S3ood and I.

It felt like I was trapped in this hole and there was no way out. I was being controlled by a person I didn't even know, all of this just so I could make S3ood and I last longer.

"Shoug, you didn't touch your food." M7md nudged my foot with his under the dining table.

"I lost my appetite." I shrugged.

"7ayati, mchbous deyay is your favourite." Mom looked at me with a worried expression.

"Are exams stressing you out?" Dad asked while his mouth was full of chicken and rice.

"Mmm." I mumbled. "Asfa bas walla mu you3ana." I pushed my untouched plate away and stood up from the dining table.

The Whatsapp da-ding! echoed through my room once I pushed the wooden door open.


.....: I miss you;( riday 3lay. -.-

Shoug: 7aram akil?

.....: 7beebty, 3awafi. Sorry. :$

Shoug: K.

......: Shfeech, dal3eena shway!

Shoug: Enta mnu 3shan adal3ik?

......: Hey, need I remind you what I can do?

Shoug: :)

Fury slithered into my veins and angered me deeply. I was sick of this. I was sick of this person. I grabbed my pillow and stuffed my face into it so I could scream without anyone hearing me. I needed to let off the steam, I've been holding my emotions in for 14 long days. I was sick of everything.

......: Shoug I want a favor. :$

Shoug: Shtabi?

.......: Break up with S3ood. ;***

Shoug: Go die:) that wasn't a part of the deal!

.......: Its been 2 weeks and you haven't showed any affection. I can't make you fall in love with me when you have S3ood with you!

Shoug: Fall in love with you!? Are you serious?!

........: Shoug.. nawy..

Shoug: Shnu?

.......: La la wla shay. :$

 I exited the chat. I had 15 minutes where I was allowed not to reply to him. I switched to bbm.

S3ood Al-X:
Hey.. A7s mnzaman ma shiftich, I miss you.

S Al-X:
I miss you too..

S3ood Al-X:
Shoug, these past few weeks you've been acting weird.. what's wrong?;(

S Al-X:
Wla shay. :D

I switched to the next bbm chat.

Shoug, GUST is having a Winter Wonderland. It's today, yalla t3alay m3ay!

S Al-X:
Yalla okay, pick me up at 5?

Ok. :*

I needed a day out. I needed a day that I didn't have to worry about my troubles or worries. I switched off my blackberry and told Lulu to call the house phone when she was outside my house.

I slid on a red chiffon top that hugged my curves and tucked it into my fitted jeans. I wore a black blazer over my top and accompanied my outfit with a pair of knee high black boots.

I wrapped a scarf around my baring neck after I've straightened my hair and let it fall down to my waist. I applied some winged eyeliner, mascara and see through lip gloss.

"Shoug! Lulu is here." I heard Lisa-Anne yell from downstairs. I grabbed my Chanel purse and hurried down to greet Lulu.

Lulu was a year older than me so she already had her own Porsche car and license. I climbed into her car and played with the radio stations as she drove us to the event at GUST.

"Shoug.. Nour is in GUST now." I nearly smacked my forehead against the window when I heard Lulu's words.

"What?" I turned to look at Lulu's chocolate brown eyes that were surrounded with her curved long eyelashes.

"Check twitter." Lulu kept her eyes on the road.

I hadn't checked twitter in ages, I felt like it was dead now. I switched on my blackberry, ignoring the messages and missed calls, going straight to twitter to click on it.

"@Nwaira***: Back in Kuwait! Had fun in London but I miss Kuwait. I'm transferring to GUST. :D"

"Can this day get any worse?" I murmured to myself as I pressed my forehead against the cool window of Lulu's car.

"Shoug, what's wrong? It's been 2 years, you're still mad at her? I don't blame you, I don't like her either but seriously.. it's been 2 years!" Lulu repeated.

"I guess you're right.." I groaned. I couldn't avoid Nour forever, I'd have to make an effort to forget our gruesome past.

Lulu parked in the parking area outside of GUST. The parking area was filled with numerous colourful cars, Lexus, Porsches, a few Ferraris, Range Rovers and etc.

Lulu nudged my shoulder once we were on foot and hissed: "Look to your right."

I turned my head to the right and found S3ood standing by a few booths with Saleh and Jaber. S3ood caught my eye and smiled from far when no one was looking. S3ood was wearing a blue sleeveless puffy vest, a white shirt and grey Hollister sweat pants.

Bzzzzz! Bzzzzz! Bzzzzz!

Incoming call: Unknown. 

"Shoug, who is that?" Lulu peaked at my blackberry screen.

Fffh, mu wakta.

"Madri. Hey, I'll answer the call. Go to Hawra'a's booth, I'll be right there. I won't be long." I gave Lulu a reassuring smile so she would walk off.

"What now?" I hissed through the phone once I've answered it.

"Eee 7amdellah zein, thanks for asking 7ubi. Entay shlounich?" The stranger smirked.

"Shtabi?" I tried to hide somewhere where no one could see me.

"Waleht 3la 9outich, akkhheeh, you sound just as beautiful as you did the first time I called you." The stranger's tone was flirtatious.   

"I'm busy. Bye." I was about to hang up but he cut me off.

"I'm staring at your behind right now. I like the view." The stranger chuckled.

My heart began to race. I quickly turned around to find the stranger but no one was behind me. There were a couple of guys far away from me who were giving me weird looks for staring at them.

I quickly turned back around and sighed in relief.  Shoug, he's messing with your head.

"I'll see you at the carnival beautiful." And just like that, he hung up on me.

He knew I was at the carnival. How did he know? 

He's here. He was messing with me but he can see me. He's here.. 

My blood ran cold and cold beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I was terrified. I could feel it, someone was watching me.

"Halla bil zain." I heard a guy call out behind me. I turned around and found that there were about 3 guys approaching me, with smirks on their faces.

"Shitsaween brou7ich ehny?" Another guy called out. I turned to walk off and ignore them. One of the guys grabbed my arm from behind, pulling me against their chest.

"Wein ray7a?" The guy's breath reeked with cigarettes.

"Let me go." I tried to free my arm away from his grip.

"3ishhtaw, English school girl." The other guy called out, he had a beard and he wouldn't stop laughing.  The guy who was holding onto me, had long greasy hair and his eyes looked dangerous.

These guys weren't from GUST..

The greasy haired guy's fingers tightened around my arm, causing me to wince out in pain.

I did the only thing that I knew how to do. I got closer to the long haired guy so I could sneak my leg in between his legs. While he wasn't looking, I lifted my leg and my knee made contact with his crotch. I made sure I dug my knee into his crotch with a hard force so I'd cause as much pain as I could. A**hole.

"Aaaa7!" He yelled out, he let go of my arm and grabbed his crotch, his face full of pain. I took this chance to run off to the opposite direction, towards the carnival.

I ran as fast as I could. My chest was heaving and my heart wouldn't stop racing.

I finally arrived to one of the closest booths and once I turned around, I found that the dangerous guys were gone.

"Shoug? Shfeech?" Rakan was standing in front of me, looking at me with worried eyes. He was probably in control of that booth.

"N-nothing." I lied. I was out of breath.

I walked off before any more questions were asked.

Absolutely everything was wrong.



  2. I love you story it's amazing!!!! We would be EXTREMELY happy if you posted a third chapter today xxxxx Pleaseee ;$

  3. Please make our day and post a third chapter today :D

  4. Sorry guys:( I can't post anymore for today. :(
    & Thankk you 3anoodi! :D

  5. I Bet The Guy Whos Been calling Shoug Is Rakan.
    I Feel So Sorry For Shoug its Like PPL.
    Other than that POST SOOOON!!!!


  6. Laaaaaaa2 :'( please post soon!! I'm hooked!! <3

  7. I'll try my hardest to post today if I have time bas I have exams tomorrow. :( I'll try!

    I won't spoil anything. haha. :D

    Thank you for reading!:*

  8. Amazingggg!! xx you have got talentt I swear:D dont stop writinggg:')

  9. She has to tell s3ood he would help her, but that would put their relationship in danger!! But she has to tell someone!!

  10. Aww thank you so muchh! :') That touched my heart. <3

    && Ikr;( Shoug yal ghabeyaa tell someone, haha. ;p

    *y3ni mu chena ana ely katba el 8e9a. x_x*

    Haha. ;p

  11. great storyyy
    ur fan from saudi
