Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chapter 28

*Okay so I felt SO guilty on tweeting that I won't be posting chapter 28 today since I was too tired/busy with studying, soooo, I decided to write it instead after failing to fall asleep. I honestly felt so bad about promising you guys this post then bailing on you. :( I'm sorry I got to post this late, but to make it up to you guys, I tried making the post long. So I hope you enjoy!:*

My twitter: @_KuwaitBlog


I noticed one person that was with the large group of college guys.


And then, I noticed a girl's arm around his.

I couldn't believe my eyes once I saw who the girl was, that was holding onto him so tightly..

Loura. Seriously? Loura was actually holding onto Jassim's arm, hugging it against her as tight as she could.

But.. that didn't shock me as much as seeing S3ood right behind them, looking worried and nervous while this tall, American blonde-looking girl was looking up at him with adoring eyes. Her red manicured nails were on his arm.

So this was why S3ood sent me that message?

I looked back at bbm and stared in disbelief at his message, reading it over and over again.

S3ood Al-X:

Once I looked up again from my blackberry, S3ood's eyes met mine and his worried expression turned into shock once we saw me. He kept shaking his head, looking at me then back at the blonde bimbo who was flirting with him.

I could feel the tears slipping from my eyes, making my cheeks wet as I started to walk backwards, away from this madness. Away from S3ood and Jassim.

"Woah!" A guy called out once I crushed my back into his chest, his Coke spilling all over my dress, making it wet. Great, can this day get any worse? 

"Hey, I'm sorry. You okay? Awh man, don't cry.." The guy looked surprised once he saw my eyeliner smudged eyes, the tears ruining my make-up.

"Y-yeah, I'm f-fine," I sobbed out loud, pushing him away so I could walk towards the back door, leaving the house. I heard S3ood call out my name behind me but I ignored him.

"Shoug! Where you going?!" Lisa-Anne called after me, running after me. I couldn't stop crying, I had no control over my emotions, I'd opened up for S3ood and he'd hurt me. He was even worse than Ali, I even thought that I could have loved him.

"Lisa-Anne, p-please I want to go h-home," I kept sobbing, the tears flooding. Lisa-Anne took me into her arms and held me, patting my back.

"Shh, Shoug. Why you crying? Calm down.." Lisa-Anne kept repeating, she patted my hair and back, trying to comfort me. She noticed my wet dress once she felt it up against her clothes, she pulled out a pair of dry clothes from her bag.

"Here, Shoug. Come, we go to bathroom to help you change, mahal." I couldn't believe it, Lisa-Anne had actually brought extra clothes! (*"Mahal" means 'Love' in Filipino, you call your close friends or maybe lover that, it's just like saying "7ubi")

"Lisa-Anne! You're such a life-saver. Why would you bring extra clothes with you in the first place though?" I asked her, I took the extra summer dress from her and gave her the leggings that she offered back.

"You remember when you were 8? You got cake all over your pretty dress and then you had to stay like dat all day?" I was shocked, she still remembered that?

"But I was 8.." I said, as we made our way to a bathroom that wasn't anywhere near S3ood.

"You are still my little Kuwaiti girl Shoug," Lisa-Anne smiled and patted my cheek, "Now go change and don't cry, oki?"

I changed into the floral summer dress and handed the wet black dress to Lisa-Anne. She had already called Hussain and once he came to Fajer's house, I had my eyeliner fixed and I'd gotten the Coke washed off my arms.

I was numb again, it was even worse than the pain I felt after I found out that Ali was with Nour. It was the same thing all over again, I hadn't realized how strong my feelings were for S3ood until I got hurt.

 I never, in a million years, would have expected this to happen. Especially from S3ood. I ignored his pings and messages, I felt the blackberry vibrate on my lap and it shot a pang of pain into my chest every time I felt another ping on bbm. I knew it was S3ood, trying to reach out.

"Shoug, wajid embacher. Mama mu bait, wein yabe ente rou7?" Hussain asked from the driver's seat.

"Rou7 jam3eyat Bayan," I wasn't a big fan of the actual supermarket but going to the supermarket near our house would mean I'd bump into people I knew. Plus, I didn't know any friend that lived in Bayan. I wanted to see new faces, I wanted to forget S3ood, I wanted to forget love and everything to do with it.

Hussain entered the white SUV into the U-turn and took the road leading to the Bayan parking. I begged Lisa-Anne to stay in the car, I didn't want anyone to be with me, I just needed to be alone. She saw the tears threatening to spill as I begged her and that persuaded her to let me walk around the supermarket alone.

I made my way into the co-op and signed into foursquare. My foursquare account was still new so I didn't have any of my friends on there yet.

I looked around the supermarket, inhaling the Cinnabon creamy smell before going upstairs. There were shops scattered upstairs of the new Bayan supermarket, I looked at the different coloured products outside the store's windows just to pass time. As I was doing this, it didn't keep S3ood off my mind and I still felt the pings he was sending on bbm.

Almost 20 minutes had passed while I was walking around the supermarket, it wasn't big so I had to keep turning to the same stores again and again. I even went inside Claire's and looked at the best friend necklaces that I used to always buy for my friends and I when I was younger.

Someone's fingers had poked my shoulder while I was in Peacock, I turned around quickly and gasped. It was S3ood.

"Shoug.." He said, his eyes full of pain.

I took a step towards the opposite direction, trying to walk away. I could feel the tears threatening to fall all over again.

"Shoug, ne6ray!" S3ood's hand grabbed mine, stopping me from walking away. He had a firm grip of my hand, I couldn't squiggle my hand out of his but he didn't seem to be hurting me either.

"S3ood, let me go." I kept my voice emotionless, not letting any trace of sadness be hear-able.

"Sem3eeny awal! Can't I explain?" He begged, his fingers caressing my palm. I relaxed a bit once I felt his fingers but the anger inside me was still there.

"Explain what? Isn't it obvious already that you were with that girl in that party? Makes sense now why you were trying to stop me from going to Fajer's party!" My voice became louder as I turned to face him.

"Shoug! I wasn't with her, Jassim was begging me to come with him but I swear I didn't know about that girl. Abdullah, this guy with us, was bringing these sl*ts with him! I only found out that it was a mixed party when I entered, and that girl wouldn't leave me alone, I even told her to f*ck off. If you don't believe me, ask Jassim! Walla Shoug! You know that I'm not that kind of guy!" He nearly screamed out his last words.

"3yal laish ma kent tabeeny ayee?!" I shouted back, the store was vacant and non of the workers were around. They were probably on a coffee break but I was thankful that no one was watching us. S3ood looked worried once I asked my question.

"Ha S3ood? I knew it! You liar!" I tried to pull my hand away from his, but he tightened his hands around mine, stopping me.

"Fine, tabeen et3rfeen laish? I'm ashamed to say this but I found out one of my friends were bringing alcohol to the party, I didn't want you to be in a party with alcohol. I was going to warn you and your friend about it.." My eyes widened, I was so shocked that I couldn't even speak.

"It was Mathew, that American guy we go to GUST with.. Walla Shoug, I didn't even know about it! And I swear to you, that blonde sl*t, is nothing compared to you. I love you, not her. Okay? Shoug, I love you. Want me to say it in Arabic too? A7bich mout!" S3ood's grip on my hands became gentle, his eyes deepening in mine.

He wasn't lying, I could see it through his face expressions, he was as genuine as someone can get. I suddenly became very shy, I was still shocked that there was alcohol in the party, I'd never heard of a party with alcohol before but S3ood's words were distracting me.

"And t-the alcohol? My friends are there, shnu bi9eer feehum!" I changed the subject, too shy to reply to his sudden outbursts of love.

"La et7ateen, before I came to see you, I stopped Mathew from putting the alcohol in any of the drinks. Jassim is turning him over to the police. Mathew wanted to get the people in the party drunk and then call the police on them, he's a crazy American." S3ood shook his head disapprovingly.

"7mdellah," I breathed out in relief, "W shdarak ana yeit ehny?"

"Foursquare," He pulled out his blackberry and showed my profile on the app. Stupid Shoug, anyone could have followed me, and I always assumed I had 0 followers since I never told anyone about my foursquare account. Kheera, I wouldn't have known that S3ood was innocent if I'd have blocked him on foursquare. I would have probably deleted him off bbm by the time I was back home.

"Uhm, S3ood?" I looked down at our hands, his hand in mine and my cheeks getting redder by the minute. S3ood's face became red and he quickly let go of my hands.


"It's o-okay." I felt awkward now.

"Shoug?" His eyes met mine again.


"Ma gilteely.."

"Shnu?" I looked down at the floor.

"Ma et7ebeeny?" S3ood's voice became shy, he sounded like a young 13 year old, not the 18 year old man he is now.

"Ee, a7bik S3ood. A7bik." I stuffed my red face into my hands, using my hands as a shield. I heard S3ood laugh, he tried pulling my hands away from my face.

"I'm going to make you mine one day. The right way." S3ood's voice turned serious once he was able to look into my eyes. He kissed his finger and pressed the finger against my cheek.

"Deeray balich 3la nafsich," He said. I couldn't reply, I was speechless. He gave me a smile, showing off his dimples before turning around to walk out of the store. My heart was racing.

Did that really just happen? 

"Wow Shoug! You go in dat supermarket with sad face then you come in the car with big smile, next time if my husband cheat on me, I will go Bayan super market!" Lisa-Anne looked at my lit up face in wonder once I got into the white SUV after leaving the supermarket.  I laughed and didn't bother explaining why I was suddenly so happy.

I peeked at my blackberry chat.

Out/S3ood Al-X:
 I never knew that a girl could make me this happy. <3

I hugged my blackberry against my chest before replying:

Shoug Al-X:
And I never knew that a guy could make me this happy either!:*

Hussain parked the SUV outside our house, I left the car and had my face in my blackberry while entering the house. I didn't even notice Khalid standing right in front of me once I was inside the house.

"Shoug?" Khalid looked at me.

"Oh, Khalid!" Khalid scared me, I quickly put my blackberry into my pocket after deleting S3ood's conversation.

"Laish khasheitay telephonich?" Khalid looked suspicious, he kept looking at my pocket on my dress, where my blackberry was hiding. I suddenly became super nervous, my heart began to race again and this time, it wasn't out of love or happiness. It was out of fear.

"3a6eeni telephonich, al7een!" Khalid ordered.

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