Monday, May 21, 2012

Chapter 46

This is what you've ALL been waiting for, the reveal!


My hands were shaking as I clicked on Nour's "Call Log", where it would say who called her or who she called.

I couldn't f*cking believe it.

The stranger was..


Wait. What? JABER?

"Shoug, riday 3lay!" Lulu forced my eyes off of Nour's blackberry.

"Lulu.." And then, I told her everything. How Jaber had been calling me, forcing me to speak to him in order to protect S3ood and I's relationship. I told her the details of every conversation we had and every time I had to lie to her or anyone else.

But seriously.. Jaber? How could Jaber do this to me? I had a feeling it would either be Rakan, or maybe even Ali.

But Jaber? My old high school friend, the innocent Jaber that everyone loved so much, hard working, nerdy, funny, Jaber. 

"Oh my god.." Lulu's eyes widened in horror. "Jaber?! Jaber from ***, our high school? He did that to you?!" 

"Yes." I croaked out in disbelief.

"Shoug, you need to read their chats. Did Nour keep a chat with Jaber open?" Lulu grabbed Nour's blackberry out of my stiff hands, doing the work for me.

"Everything's here.." Lulu gaped at Nour's blackberry. Lulu gave me the blackberry back so I could read Nour's and Jaber's bbm conversation. I scrolled up to the start, where the conversation had just started.

Jaber Al-X:
Nour, I'm back in Kuwait. Remember that favor you owe me?

Nwaira @LONDON:
Maku how are you?:$ maku I miss you?:$

Jaber Al-X:
Cut the crap, I sold you the exams for high school. Without me, you wouldn't be in London with those perfect A grades. You owe me a favor, or do you want me to tell your college that you cheated on your finals?

Nwaira @LONDON:
Hey hey.. I was joking around. ;( Ya ok, what favor do you want? -.- I'm not sending you naked pics!

Jaber Al-X:
Min 7alatich -_- abe Shoug, ma abeech entay. :s  I want you to transfer to GUST.

Nwaira @LONDON:
Waaai3, tabe el ga7*a? :) Mabee! I'm in London, why would I want to go back to Kuwait with those b*tches? A9lan I have two boyfriends back in London, yishawgoooun, why would I want to leave them?:$

Jaber Al-X:
LOL, entay with two boyfriends? You're full of bullsh*t. :p So it's you coming back to Kuwait or your English college will kick you out for cheating in your finals.:*

Nwaira @LONDON:
I'll be in Kuwait by tomorrow. -.-

Jaber Al-X:
3afyaa. Al7een abe ra8am Shoug.

Nwaira @LONDON:
********* < there.

Jaber Al-X:
You have her bbm?

Nwaira @LONDON:
Laa, she deleted me el 7m*ra. :s

Jaber Al-X:
 You're going to help me with this.

Nwaira Al-X @LONDON:
Help u with what b3ad?

 Jaber Al-X:
I need you to watch Shoug. I can't follow her everywhere, I'm with S3ood and he's always making sure non of the guys look at her. You have Lulu's twitter, Lulu is ALWAYS with Shoug. It won't be hard to follow her. Oh and by the way, don't tell people you're in Kuwait, or else it will be too obvious. Come to Kuwait tomorrow and then tweet about it after 2 weeks, okay?

Nwaira Al-X @LONDON:
Ok :s

Jaber Al-X:
Shfeech -.- I can get Shoug this way, you can have S3ood. Didn't you always have that crush on him back in high school? He told me he never followed you back, this way you can have him when Shoug is out of the picture

Nwaira Al-X @LONDON:
I like how you think:$ I'll make sure my flight will be tonight, now I really want to help you. ;) Promise I'll get S3ood? You'll tell him how pretty and nice I am, right?

Jaber Al-X:
Only if you help me get Shoug. I've always had a crush on her, she never gave me the time of day back in high school. -_- Kela men S3ood. ;s

Nwaira Al-X @LONDON:
You're gonna have to be an a**hole to get her, don't tell her your name and keep threatening her. OHHH, tell her you'll tell the college and her parents about S3ood. =)) Shoug always cares about her reputation, threaten to ruin it. =)) I swear, that ALWAYS gets her terrified, she's so easy to scare. :p

Jaber Al-X:
I can see now why Shoug never liked you. :p

Nwaira Al-X @LONDON:

What the hell? 

I scrolled down further, reading over their other discussions. I remembered now, I was pretty sure that 2 weeks ago, I didn't bump into Jaber by accident. Jaber made sure he was in front of me, he purposely bumped into me.

And all those times, he was always with S3ood. S3ood would always go to places I was in, he still kept his promise onto protecting me. Jaber was at the Winter Wonderland Carnival. He was watching me.

He was watching me everyday in GUST.

A disgusting feeling crept over me. It was simply too creepy, all of this. Especially knowing that I was being followed by Nour and Jaber most of the time.

"Oh my god." Lulu kept repeating, she dug her fingers into her wavy hair, leaning her back against the wall next to me. "Sweet old Jaber? I'm not surprised Nour was on in this. But JABER? .. I'm sorry for telling you to give her chance, you were right to not trust her. I have to block Nour on twitter, that stalker."

"It's okay. I'm still in shock." I stared at the blackberry conversation between Nour and Jaber, reading it over and over again.

"Shoug, Nour is going to find that you have her phone any second now. We need to make sure we have that conversation saved somewhere." Lulu grabbed her blackberry and I screen captured all of the conversation. I sent it to Lulu through Nour's blackberry, making sure I deleted the screen capture pictures off of Nour's blackberry afterwards.

I deleted the call from Jaber in the "Call Log" and locked Nour's phone afterwards, so she wouldn't think we ever saw the conversations if she took her blackberry back.

"Lulu, your class!" I suddenly remembered that Lulu was supposed to be in class right now, not leaning against the wall next to me.

"Screw class. My sister needs me." Lulu grabbed me by my arm, pulling me in for a hug. "I can't believe you never told me about this. Next time if anything happens, you tell me straight away. Okay?"

"I promise I will." I felt safe and secure again.

"We have to tell S3ood." Lulu let go of me and turned back into serious Lulu.

"He'll kill Jaber if he knew about this." I shook my head.

"And what's wrong with killing Jaber right now? After what he did to you?" Lulu stared back at me in shock.

"Jaber only did that because he had a crush on me, if I would have given him more attention then this would have never happened.."

"Shoug, I can't believe you! You're blaming yourself now? Entay ma saweitay shay ghala6, you did the right thing when you didn't give him any extra attention. You promised yourself to S3ood, you're not going to go around flirting with other guys when you promised to marry another one!" Lulu scolded me. "If you're not going to tell S3ood then I'll tell him myself."

"La2 la2, khala9 okay bagoula." I sighed. I wish I could have just forgotten that this ever happened and go back to living my life as a normal Kuwaiti college student.

Lulu grabbed me by my wrist and forced me to follow her outside, where S3ood sat with his friends around the table.

S3ood was sitting on one of the benches, Jaber was right next to him, Rakan and Saleh accompanied both of them.

"Lulu digeega.. he's there." My heart began to race, out of fear.

"Laish khayfa mena? He can't do anything to you anymore, you can tell the college he sold exams to people if he ever threatens to tell the college or your parents about you and S3ood." Lulu dragged me over to where S3ood sat. S3ood averted his eyes over to us, watching us approach him. S3ood looked a bit confused as he saw how Lulu had to practically force me over to him.

"Shoug, Lulu, shfeekom?" S3ood asked whilst pulling off his cap so he could comb back his hair with the touch of his fingers.

"Hi Shoug." Jaber gave me a meek smile. I couldn't return the smile, Jaber's presence disgusted me.

Rakan's eyes were solely on Lulu and Lulu kept her eyes off of him, trying to ignore his existence entirely.

"Shoug." Lulu glared at me impatiently, giving my shoulder a nudge, sending me a message that said "YALLA, tell him!"

"Fine." I hissed back. "S3ood, bakelmik digeega. It's er, about the tuition thing."

"Um okay." S3ood gave me a confused smile. He excused himself from the guys and joined Lulu and I.

"Shisalfa? Shoug, are you okay?" S3ood lightly touched the back of my elbow once Lulu, him and I were alone.

I simply took out Lulu's blackberry and handed the conversations we screen captured to S3ood. S3ood read over the conversation between Jaber and Nour slowly at first. I could see the emotions change in his facial expression, it went from disbelief to shock and then finally, rage.

"Laish ma gilteely Shoug?!" S3ood shifted his eyes away from the conversation and then back at me, his hands trembling with fury.

"S3ood, had a39abik!" I grabbed his forearm, trying to calm him down. He jerked his arm away from my touch.

"S3ood.." I felt a pang of pain once he jerked away from me. I was hurt.

"Did you ever call him?" He wouldn't look into my eyes, Lulu was in shock of his behavior. S3ood was angry, he had a temper sometimes and he couldn't control it. "Shoug, reday 3lay!"

"I didn't.. he called me, he forced me to talk to him. S3ood I was trying to protect us, why can't you see that?" My eyes filled with tears as I remembered each day of those two unbearable weeks. I was alone and I couldn't tell a soul or else I would have lost everything I loved. And that everything was S3ood.

S3ood noticed my tears and his eyes quickly softened. "Shoug, la tabcheen.." S3ood begged.

Rakan hurried over to us. "Shfeekom?" Rakan must have heard S3ood's yells.

"Rakan, mu waktik. Khala9 rou7!" Lulu yelled at Rakan. Lulu threw all of her anger at Rakan for his flirty behavior with me recently.

"Shd3wa, shsaweit ana?!" Rakan yelled back, taking a step closer to Lulu.

"Shnu ma saweit?!" Lulu pushed Rakan away so she could walk off. Rakan tried to follow her but S3ood stopped him midway.

"Rakan, khalha w rou7." S3ood kept his tone quiet. Rakan heard the seriousness behind S3ood's voice and listened, Rakan quietly walked back to where Jaber and Saleh were sitting.

"Shoug." S3ood said, after we were alone. I kept my eyes down at the ground, the tears were spilling over and I had no control over them. Was I going to lose S3ood now, just because I was trying to protect our relationship?

"Shoug, 6al3eeny." S3ood repeated, he took a step closer but I took a step backwards, putting distance between us. "7beebte, asif. Okay? Asif.. jaad e7tiragt men dakhil lema gareit el conversation, ma gidert ahady a39aby.."

I looked up to meet his eyes and I saw the sincerity behind them.

"Shoug, entay ma tedreen shkither ana aghar w akhaf 3leich.." S3ood took the risk and took another step closer. This time, I didn't back away.

I brushed my fingers over my under eyes, trying to push my tears away, but S3ood held onto my wrists, pushing them back down and away from my face.

I watched him in silence as S3ood brushed the soft skin of his thumb over my cheeks, drying my tears. S3ood gave me a dimpled smile after he dropped his hand down to his sides.

"Dmou3ich ghalya 3lay, ya b3ad galbe entay." S3ood murmured softly. I couldn't utter a word in reply.

Shoug, enshallah ma tig3ideen chithe w ma etrideen 3leih. 

"Shoug?" S3ood chuckled softly.

"3younha?" I replied shyly.

"Fdait 3younha, laish sakta?" S3ood was too close, I couldn't breathe properly. I felt tense.

"Um, no reason." I looked down to the ground again, too shy to look up.

"Tomato face." S3ood leaned in to whisper into my ear. His hot breath tickled my skin. I ended up laughing and my nerves melted away, I smacked his arm playfully.

"Idiot." I smiled.

"Your idiot." He corrected.


"Thi8aa." He chuckled.

"Al7een Shoug.. we need to fix this." The playful mood dissolved as S3ood reminded me of the problem with Jaber and Nour.

Suddenly, a thought came to mind.

"I have an idea." I replied to S3ood with an evil smile.


  1. I loved loved loved loved loved loved the post!!!! Pleaaaseee post another one tonight it would really make my day..
    Love you loads ;**

    P.s pooost soon we want a long long post


  3. Omgg you are definitely the Besttttttt Blog writer everr your story gets interesting by the chapter please don't stop at chapter 50 and continue till 100th chapter

  4. Oh and please post another chapter todayyy thankyouu in advance xxxxxx

  5. Posting the second chapter today, writing it now as we speak.


    Walla you guys make me so happy, thank you!! xo
