Sunday, May 6, 2012

Chapter 34

:* Hope you enjoy!

"Miss Al-X, can I speak to you outside for a bit?" The doctor looked at me then back at my mother, indicating that she didn't want to say whatever she needed to say in front of me. I was fuming, I had a right to know what other things were wrong with my father too! My mom took Reem with her since she was her translator as I stayed in the room alone with my father.

My mind flashed back to the day where I was visiting Dad back at the hospital. The doctor had asked to see Reem and Mom alone, did that mean she was telling them about his ingestion of alcohol?

"Shoug? Aloo?" S3ood's voice brought me back to reality.

"Tene7t. Asfa." I said through the phone, I hurried out of my parent's bedroom. I didn't want to see that paper again, I wish I never found out about this. I wish my little bubble of happiness wasn't crushed.

You had to face reality one day Shoug. Not everyone is as innocent as they seem. Not even that sweet old looking man. 

"Are you okay?" S3ood asked.

"Mhm. Thanks so much for asking Wahab. I have to go now, gabl ma M7md ow Khalid yig3doun." We said our goodbyes and I hung up on S3ood.

I didn't bother checking twitter or bbm for any other messages I've forgotten to reply to. While I was passing M7md's room, I caught a whiff of smoke. I began to panic.

Was there a fire?! 

I pushed M7md's wooden bedroom door open and didn't even bother knocking. I ended up inhaling a load of smoke into my lungs, I tried waving the smoke away to look for M7md.

"Shoug, shfeech?!" M7md asked angrily, he had a cigarette in his hand and he quickly slid his window to the side, so the smoke would leave his room.

"M7md? Men meta bidait etdakhin?!" I asked, shocked. M7md pressed the butt of the cigarette down on the ashtray, killing the toxins of the smoke coming out of it.

"Bas fffh khala9! La etgouleen 7ag omi w obouy, sima3teeny?!" M7md had a pained expression on his face, he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm down.

How many secrets did this house have? 

"Shfeech et6al3eeny chithe? Shd3wa.." M7md stared back at me. I shook my head, still shocked. I simply left his room without another word.

Could I even trust my own family members? 

I don't know anymore. 

Shoug Al-X:
Did you know that M7md smoked?

It took S3ood 10 minutes to reply.

S3ood Al-X:
Um.. ;s

Shoug Al-X:
Well? Did you or not S3ood?

S3ood Al-X:
I did.. Walla asif bs it wasn't my business to tell you, it was his..

I felt like throwing my blackberry against a wall. What the f*ck? 

Shoug Al-X:
I understand.

Screw it. Khalid, you're next. 

I made my way downstairs to Khalid's room. I knocked a few times but no one answered. I noticed his car wasn't parked outside so I guessed that he had left the house early.

I sneaked into his room and ignored his messy clothes sprawled on the ground. His bed was a dark shade of brown and the decor was simple.

I started opening drawers, anything that I could open or look into.

God, I'm worse than my own mother.

I dug my fingers under his things, pushing them aside to look for anything. Guys weren't as good as girls when it came to hiding their secrets.

"Shoug, shetsaween eb dari?" I heard Khalid ask behind me. I jolted straight up, nearly falling backwards onto the floor. He scared the sh*t out of me!

"Uhm. Ga3da adawr.. uhm, my original ID." I lied. Original ID in your brother's room? Seriously? Shoug, can you get any lame-er? 

"Ooh. 3nd omii, khatheta meni gabel chem esbou3." Khalid smiled.  

Huh? Why did he even have my ID in the first place? 

Shoug, chub! The lie worked!

"Ohh, okay mshkour." I passed his side, trying to run away before he could question me any further.

"Oh Shoug?" Khalid called out before I could successfully escape.

"Halla?" I tilted my head to the side to look at him.

"Etshimeen ree7at dkhan?" Khalid sniffed the air, trying to find the source of smell.

 Why was I always put in a position where I could tell the truth or have to lie to cover up someone else's problem? 


"Akeed obouy kan emdakhn gabl ma 6ila3 m3a omii." I lied. Another lie to add to my list of lies.

"Oh.. he's not supposed to smoke. Mhm.. yalla, okay." Khalid went upstairs, leaving me alone downstairs.

"Shoug, want breakfeest?" Lisa-Anne approached me, from out of the kitchen.

"No thanks. Where'd Mom and Dad go?" Lisa-Anne was the eyes of the house, she saw everything but she never said anything.

  Lisa-Anne used to clean my parent's bedroom before the other housekeeper joined our house, did she see the alcohol? Did she see M7md's cigarettes? 

"Don't know. Call me if you change yer mind." Lisa-Anne kept her face emotionless before leaving my side.

Suddenly, I heard a loud bang from upstairs before hearing the following words screamed out:


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