Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Chapter 35, Pt. 2

Sorry for being super evil with the cliffhanger in part 1, but I do love being evil mwahahaha. ;p Hope you enjoy. xo


I tried to push my eyelids up as hard as I could. I felt like I was trying to do this for hours but suddenly, my eyes were wide open.

I could feel light rays radiating from the light bulbs and shooting my eyes from every direction.

I squinted at the sudden brightness, I'd gotten so used to the dark that the light began to blind me.

"Shoug!" I heard a female call. My eyes began to adjust to the room and I found myself in an all-white room. The walls were white. The floor was white. Even my bed was white.

Once my eyes began to adjust, a sharp pain vibrated through my head, causing me to cry out in pain.


"Doctor!" I turned my eyes to the woman who was speaking.

And suddenly.

All the memories began to flood into my brain. Flashbacks of what happened before, with M7md and Khalid's fight. M7md's cigarettes. Dad's alcohol. Shaikha being beat up by Faisal..

Sometimes I wonder if it was a good thing that I remembered those things.

Should they be remembered? Shoug, over thinking again!

I shook my head a bit, trying to push away those bad thoughts.
I was astonished to find that Narjis, my eldest sister that was studying in America was the female who called my name and asked for the doctor.

Narjis wore a dark cotton 7ijab that shaped her high cheekbones and full lips. She had a tall figure just like mine but her skin was way lighter.

Tears began to prickle my eyes as I was staring at my eldest sister. I hadn't seen her in months.

"Doctor! Hurry! I think she's in pain!" Narjis panicked once she saw my teary eyes.

"L-la2," I croaked out. I saw a middle aged man rush into the hospital room, he was wearing a white coat and he had salt and pepper hair.

He lifted my eyelids and shot a flash light into my eyes, checking my pupils. I groaned in annoyance.

"Do you feel any pain?" He asked, I checked for his name tag. It read: Dr. Fish. Haha, funny name.

"Oh, does that smile mean that you're feeling better?" Dr. Fish noticed my accidental smile.  


"It just feels like I have a really bad headache." I tried rubbing my forehead but I found a rough material covering it. Was my head bandaged?

"Do you remember what happened to you Shoug?" Dr. Fish asked, his grey eyes looking skeptical. Narjis left the room quickly and I heard her distant voice, calling my parents and my other family members.

Where was S3ood? How long have I been in this bed? 

"Uhm, my brothers had a fight and I fell?" I asked, confused.

"Phew, looks like you remember. Now don't stress out your brain too much, you had a concussion and you were in a coma for 4 weeks. There was too much damage in your brain but you had a surgery and you're still recovering so please, take it easy. Other than that, you're doing ohhh-kay so far Shoug.." Dr. Fish gave me an easy smile. That 'ohhh-kay' sounded a bit off.. Was he hiding something from me? "But Shoug, you're in a dangerous state so you have to-"

Dad, Mom, Narjis, Reem, Khalid, Lulu, Fajer, Dalal, Nour, Nour's Mom (my aunt) and Lisa-Anne flooded into the room. Interrupting the Doctor's explanation.

 In a few seconds, I forgot what Dr. Fish was about to say or advise me to do. I was overwhelmed with the amount of people in one room.

"Shoug!" All of them said at once. I couldn't help but laugh, I felt another jab of pain but I ignored it.

"Shoug, you remember me, right?" Lulu emerged from the crowd and raced over to the side of the hospital bed. Lulu was dressed in casual jeans and a cute ruffled top with her hair in a ponytail.

"Akeed!" I smiled weakly at her, I felt a bit dizzy. The girls crowded around my bed, Dalal hugged my left arm and Fajer hugged my right arm. Nour looked a bit awkward, standing with my aunt and my Mom.

Auntie gave me a quick kiss when she was able to squeeze in between my friends, saying a few words about visiting tomorrow alone before leaving with awkward Nour.

Did she know about our fight? She seemed to understand about the awkwardness between Nour and I..

My parents put some distance since my friends took most of the space around me.

I kept glancing back at Narjis, I wanted to jump out of bed and give her a huge hug. I still couldn't believe that she took a flight all the way back to Kuwait for me.

After 10 minutes, the Doctor pretty much kicked out anyone who wasn't a relative. The girls had told me all about school and what I missed in the 4 weeks before promising to visit again tomorrow. Lisa-Anne hurried over to give me a rib cracking hug before having to leave too.

"Shoug, just tell me who hurt you and I will kill that a**hole, you no worry!" Lisa-Anne had whispered into my ear before leaving. El'9aher ma galoleha 3an M7md?

Mom was in the corner, her eyes a bit teary and her face lit up with happiness. She hugged me as tight as she could whilst my Dad smacked a big kiss over both of my cheeks.

"7bebty, akeed tithkireeny, 9a7?" Mom asked, worried.

"Shloun ansa ome el 3azeeza?!" I teased before hugging her back.

"Hey, w ana?!" Dad joked. I laughed and felt another shot of pain in my head.

"Shosho, shfeech? Anady el Doctor?" Narjis and Reem both asked, Khalid was sitting on a chair right next to my bed, looking just as worried as my sisters.

"La2 la2, ma feene shay. Bs t3bana shway." I gave them a fake smile.

"Akeed?" Khalid asked.

"Akeedain!" I widened my smile.

"Narjis, tell me about America." I asked sleepily.

"Maybe after you have a long nap, shrayich?" Narjis's English became more Americanized, I stared up at her in wonder.

"Promise? You're not going to the USA today?" I yawned.

"La la, bag3ad m3ach as long as you want me to." Narjis planted a kiss over my bandaged forehead. My eyes began to feel heavy, I forced them open for a while longer.

Reem's baby bump had grown and I couldn't help but smile. They decided to leave me alone in my room so I could rest but Narjis decided to stay in the hospital all day, she had her suitcase in my room and the couch besides me was her bed.

Mom and Dad went back home to get some rest but made sure to shower me with kisses before they left.

Reem went back to her house and promised to check on me tomorrow. I also found countless flowers on the table besides my bed, they were full of lilies and roses with card attached to them.

Probably other relatives.

Wait.. wait..

Where's M7md..?

"Khalid..?" I asked sleepily before Khalid left my hospital room.

"Ha 7bebty?" Khalid rushed to my side.

"Wein M.." The words weren't able to slip out of my mouth because sleep attacked me. I was in deep slumber before M7md's name escaped my lips.


The second time I woke up, the room was dimly lighted and it was harder for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. It seemed like my eyes were losing focus and the dizziness was exceeding.

My eyes found difficulty adjusting to both bright lights and dim ones!

Narjis had her 7jab off, her dark hair pulled into a ponytail and she was sprawled over the couch, deep in sleep.

I looked around the hospital room, it looked so.. boring. It didn't even look as luxurious as my Dad's beige hospital room. I looked under my covers and I found that I was dressed in navy Juicy sweat pants and a black plain shirt.

I wonder who dressed me. Hmm.

I unconnected the wires from my nose and wrist, it was poking at my skin and was incredibly uncomfortable. I stepped out of bed, placing my feet over the cold ceramic floor. I felt a sudden rush of dizziness but I pulled myself together so I could stand up.

I made my way to the bathroom and found a mirror. I gasped once I saw my own reflection.

There was a large ugly looking bandage over my forehead. My usually wavy hair was in a messy ponytail, a few hairs sticking out. My friends saw me like this?!

I tried to carefully comb my hair with my fingers, I ended up finding a bald spot. Did they shave a part of my hair for the operation?

I scolded those thoughts away. Surgeries scared me.

I sneaked out of my hospital room and looked around the white hallways.

I found two familiar guys sitting on the seats right outside my hospital room.

It was S3ood and M7md.

S3ood was laying down on three chairs with a Ferarri red cap over his eyes, he was wearing another pair of shorts and a Hackett shirt. His red crocs were by the chairs and he looked peaceful while he was asleep.

M7md was on the next few chairs, with his arm covering his eyes and he was wearing A&F white sweats with a pair of black LV flip flops. M7md had dark circles under his eyes, it was as if he hadn't slept in days. It made my heart ache.

I pressed a hand against the wall, steadying myself once I felt another wave of dizziness flood into me. I winced in pain a few times as pain started to accompany the dizziness.

S3ood must have heard me because he began to move around on the chairs, rubbing his eyes before opening them and directing them at me.

"Shoug!" S3ood quickly got up and rushed to my side, holding one of my arms. M7md heard S3ood's sudden exclaim, his eyes shot open and in mere seconds, he was next to me too.

M7md held my back while S3ood held my right arm. I could feel my cheeks become hotter because of S3ood's soft touch.

"I'm so sorry Shoug, I'm so sorry." M7md kept repeating in a hushed tone, his eyes full of tears as he tried to hold me up.

M7md started to look fuzzy in my eyes, I couldn't see him properly.

"M7md? S-s3ood?" I whispered, I could feel the heaviness of S3ood's gift bracelet on my arm. It seemed like it was weighing me down, trying to pull me down to the ground.

Was M7md getting blurrier by the second? S3ood's dimples weren't as visible as they used to be, I couldn't see S3ood or M7md anymore.

I was as light as a feather, it was like a flying sensation and I just had to push myself towards that feeling, I couldn't fight off the dizziness anymore. I was so tired..

I felt a hard chest up against my cheek.

I hope that chest is S3ood's.

And that was my last thought before everything went black, again.


  1. Amaaaaaaaaaaazing!!!
    Plz post soooooon :****
    Love u ;*

  2. omgggggg pleasseeee post soonn AMAZINGGGGG post :*****


  3. AW, thank you SO much! & love you more.;*
    I'm writing the next chapter now!:*

  4. Mashallah 3alaich kila yu'3ma 3alaich;p
    Nice story:**

  5. LOOL i really really like your story <33 !!
