Friday, April 20, 2012

Chapter 10

I inhaled a whole lot of oxygen into my lungs before pushing the door of our shaleih open. I was greeted with warm smiles by my uncles, aunts and grandmother.

It was just like a zwara that lasted a few days, it warmed my heart. Made me forget about my troubles.

But of course, I had to be reminded of it when I approached to greet Nour. I stretched out a smile that hurt my cheeks and her arms felt rough against me as she hugged me.

 I missed the love and warmness I'd feel from her hugs, that feeling turned into jealousy and sadness.

Loura greeted me with the same tight hug, she whispered into my ear; "I missed you so much!" I smiled at her as a warm welcome, at least she was honest.

The grown-ups sat in the living room and most of my cousins were in their twenties or thirties too.

Nasser, my 19 year old cousin approached us in our little huddled group by the kitchen.

"Shraykom ensawi barbeque bara? Mala8aa ehnii," Nasser whined. My older brother, Khalid wasn't here and M7md was nowhere to be seen. Loura had a huge crush on Nasser, her ogle-y eyes were so obvious. Her eyes pleaded me to say yes.

"Eeh yalla." I agreed and Loura squeezed my arm in excitement. Ibrahim (15 years old) and Faris (17 years old) accompanied me, Nour and Loura.

The rest of the girl side cousins hadn't arrived yet, the shaleih wasn't as full yet. We took that opportunity to sneak away from our parent's radar and out of the shaleih.

Nasser had gotten the hotdogs and hamburgers along with him and since he was the oldest, he had dibs on cooking the food.

I lazily sprawled my body on the sand, letting the smell of the barbequed hotdogs sneak into my nostrils.

I was disrupted by Nour. She sat next to me while Loura was busy helping Nasser out (more like staring up at his "bayouuuuutiful hazel eyes").

"Shougo..." Nour's voice sounded fearful, I opened my eyes and looked up at her.

"Shfeech?" I worried a bit.

"Ali's shaleih is like 4 shaleihs away, I accidentally told him that we would be here... what if he sees me?" She bit her lip nervously, the sound of his name on her tongue turned my worry into annoyance.

"So?" I closed my eyes again, shutting her out.

"Bi3arif ena ana chathebt, please sa3deeny." She begged.

"Okay." I nodded whilst my eyes were closed, I must've looked funny.

"9ej!?" Nour nearly screeched.

"Eeeh, lebsay barouka souda foug e7jabich w bikini foug ehdoomich. W la tensein el eyeliner 3shan yi9eer sheklich emo mithel el bent ely bil 9oura." I kept my poker face, trying not to laugh.

Nour groaned in frustration and stood up, leaving me laying down on the sand alone.

I opened my eyes so I could check on my twitter, to see if Ali DM'ed or tweeted.


I checked my following list and didn't find him. He unfollowed? Why would he request to follow me then unfollow once I've accepted?

I turned my head and noticed Nour's phone lying on the sand next to me. It was unlocked and my eyes read over the conversation that was opened. (Hey, I didn't do this on purpose. It was right there and the words were so easy to read.)

Ali -N;*:
Nour, kalamtay Shoug?

Nwaira Al-X:
Laish? Shtaby feeha? Men 7lat'ha?

Ali -N;*:
Shfeech.. ehya 7agratny, w sawetly delete. :/

Nwaira Al-X:
So? :s ehya a9lan galetly enik jaikar w ma et7bkk, she's always complaining about you, before she knew about us.

Ali -N;*:

Nwaira Al-X:
Eeh, ma kent bagoulek l2ena 8a9ebetny a7lef. :c

Ali -N* NITFM:
Oh ok.. thanks.

What. The. F-ck?

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