Friday, April 20, 2012

Chapter 9

Luzluz Al-X:
YES! I miss you! I need to tell you something..

My heart quickened a bit. I hated it when someone said that, it's always bad news (usually anyway).

With seeing Ali today in flesh and then meeting that stranger, I wasn't prepared for any more surprises.


Luzluz Al-X:
You're gonna love this!! :D Your cousin Nour got a shaleih yemna, galetly ma agoulich bs ma gidert an6r! Kanet tabe etgoulich gabl chem youm etsawi surprise bs el'9aher lal7een ma galetlich. 

My stomach felt queasy. After that very awkward conversation, I didn't want to face her.

 I hadn't told any of my friends about what had happened and I didn't want to.

I didn't want to open a subject that I already closed, I wanted it to be gone, like it had never happened. If I told them about it, they'd ask numerous questions and remind me of how hurt I am.

I need to ignore this. Act like nothing happened. Another mask I have to put on, this is becoming tiring.


Umbeeyyy!!! :D 9ij?!??!?!?!?!?!?!

Okay maybe I exaggerated it a bit with the exclamation marks. 

Luzluz Al-X: 
Eeh :D yalla t3alay bsr3a! She's already here.


I took my time with packing my clothes, I'd probably stay over the shaleih for a few days since school is 4 days away. I packed my swimming suit, hollister shirts, shorts and my favourite baths & body works shower gel. 

My blackberry was vibrating on my desk, I picked it up and read the message I received.

 Nwaira Al-X:

Enshallah tiyeen shaleina, w enshallah nensa 3an ely twa 9ar. ;/ sorry.

 Np.  x

 I stared at my message then added a ;* to it. Lets just hope I can lie in person just as good as I can lie on bbm. 

Tala and Fay  had "@Bnaidr" posted on twitter, more people to fake to. Awesome. 

I hadn't checked twitter in ages, whilst waiting for Hussain and Lisa to pick me up, I skimmed through my follow requests. I stopped at one.

"Ali Al-X has requested to follow you."

I left the follow request and didn't accept or decline it. I never followed Ali on twitter so my friends wouldn't think we were that close but he never tried to follow request me either.

So why is he trying to follow me now?

That question was whirring in my head during the long ride to Bnaidr. 

I had my earphones on and felt the beats of Katy Perry's "Part of Me" take over my ear drums. I closed my eyes during the long ride and listened to every word carefully. 

Days like this I want to drive away  
Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade
You chewed me up and spit me out 
Like I was poison in your mouth 
You took my light, you drained me down

Those words struck out the most, I felt so lonely. I thought about all my friends. I didn't have one friend now that I could open up to. Ali was that one friend and now, he's gone. He's with someone else now, I have to accept that. It's so hard to but I have to. If I keep acting this way then Nour will find out why.

She'll find out that I have feelings for him. I stared at the follow request again, if I accept it and try to act normal again, will that make it seem like I don't care about him and Nour? Will it ease my pain if I had him back in my life? I needed that comfort. I needed him.

I clicked on accept.

Ali Al-X is now following you.

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