Monday, April 23, 2012

Chapter 22

 *Made this post longer than the others 3shankom, hope you guys enjoy it! :D x  - @_Kuwaitblog


My blackberry vibrated impatiently in the pockets of my Juicy, I pulled it out with shaky hands and read the following message:

Out/S3ood Al-X:
Hey.. why did my friend just smile at you? Do you two know each other?

I couldn't lie to him, why should I lie? There wasn't anything going on with Jassim and me. I bet he was just being kind to me.

Zwara/Shoug Al-X:
Oh, Jassim? Yes, we're twitter buddies. I never knew he knew you or my brothers so I wasn't expecting to see him.

The little D next to my bbm message turned into an R (indicating that S3ood had already read my message). There wasn't a typing on his status, he didn't reply for seemed like hours. I stared at the time, 8 minutes had passed before he replied.

Out/S3ood Al-X:
You're following him on twitter too?

Zwara/Shoug Al-X:
Uhm yeah, is there a problem? :/

Out/S3ood Al-X:
Can you unfollow him?

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Zwara/Shoug Al-X:
 Laish? :s

Out/S3ood Al-X:

Anger boiled inside me, I hated it when people just expected me to do something.

Zwara/Shoug Al-X:
La2, he's my friend. There's nothing between us.

Another 8 minutes had passed.

Out/S3ood Al-X:
You're upstairs, right? I'm coming.


Zwara/Shoug Al-X:
S3ood la2!! Ekhwanii ta7at!

After a few minutes, I heard two quiet but hear-able knocks on the bathroom door. I stared at the white polished door and at the golden knob.

"It's me," S3ood whispered through the door, he tried turning the knob a few times before whispering again; "Shoug?"

"Y-yes?" I croaked.

"Open the door... unless you're busy uhm, doing your business in there?" S3ood chucked to himself, trying to hold back his laughter. I felt my face redden, I quickly turned the knob and pulled the door open.

I crossed my arms and pouted, "No thank you, I'm not doing any kind of business."

"Ma y9eer atghasmar m3ach?" S3ood laughed again, his dimples were visible and I could feel my insides melt. I couldn't stay mad at him any longer.

"Okay but isn't this kind of, uhm, awkward?" I took a step back so S3ood could walk into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. His hands searched for the knob behind his back, he slid his fingers over the lock and turned it, trapping us in the flower scented bathroom.

"This could be our first date," S3ood smiled and slid his fingers through his hair, combing it back.

"Well, isn't this romantic?" I asked sarcastically, I couldn't help but smile back at him. The anger in me was all lost and forgotten once I caught the sight of him, standing in front of him and his adorable dimples popping out every few seconds.

"I'm sorry, I know your brothers would kill you and me if they saw us together like this, but I needed to talk to you face to face. 7aseit enich 3a9ebtay on bbm.." S3ood looked down, his smile fading and was replaced with a small frown.

"S3ood.. why do you want me to unfollow him? Ohwa shsawa?" I sighed, trying to keep my voice low so no one would hear us outside. I was pretty sure no one was upstairs, everyone was busy with the zwara.

"Khayif eni.." S3ood looked hesitant to continue his sentence, he inhaled a large dose of oxygen before continuing; "Khayif eni bakhserich, adre we're just friends right now. W adre you're not that type of girl, that's why I like you so much. I can see myself with you in the future, you're not one of those sl*ts and I never thought you were, even when I first bumped into you in the Mishref bookstore."

My lips suddenly felt sealed against each other, I couldn't utter a word at his reply.

"S-s3ood... enta et'3ar 3lay?" I immediately regretted it once those words escaped my mouth.
Stupid, stupid Shoug!

"Akeed a'3ar 3lech, abeech Shoug." S3ood lifted his head and his eyes searched for mine. I believed every last word that came out of his mouth, I could see the emotions in his eyes. And one of those emotions stood out most to me.

That emotion was love.

"Shoofay, ensay 3an the unfollowing Jassim thing. Okay? I'll wait for you, I won't be the person that gets you into trouble with your family and I don't want to be the kind of guy that forces you into doing things you don't want to do.." S3ood continued, he saw my speechless expression and I felt grateful that he didn't push me into speaking.

"Okay, thank you S3ood." I whispered shyly, I stared down at the white tiles of the bathroom, as if they were the most interesting thing ever.

"Yalla barou7 al7een, tamreen 3la shay?" S3ood noticed my shyness and his smile grew, he was enjoying this.

"La2," I looked back up at him and smiled back.

"Bye you tomato," S3ood chuckled softly after poking one of my reddened cheeks, he turned to leave the bathroom and closed the door behind him. I turned to look at my own reflection in the mirror in front of me and gasped. Ekhdoudi! Oh my god, that's so embarrassing! 

I pressed the palm of my hands against my cheeks and rubbed them, feeling the heat radiate through my skin. I waited for 10 minutes to pass before I left the bathroom and made my way down the stairs. I couldn't leave right after S3ood had, then people would have become suspicious.

I found Shaikha passing the living room filled with guys, she smiled at me in relief once she saw me. I bet she was super shy with having to pass at least twenty guys. I wasn't alone. Shaikha grabbed me by my hand and ushered me through the house, leading me outside to yard.

"Shrayech enrou7 Pinkberry?" Shaikha winked at me once we were standing next to her illuminating red Porsche Cayenne.

"Bs ome ma ra7 tir'9a," I argued, I mostly just wanted to be as close to S3ood as possible.

"Laa 3ameti Shaha bitir'9a etha ana kalemt'ha," Shaikha snagged her iPhone out of her fuschia Bottega Veneta purse and dialed my mother's mobile number.

"Ahleein 3ameti, bakheth Shougo m3ay, benyeeb barid 7ag el yahal men Pinkberry," Shaikha kept nodding even though she was speaking into the phone.

"La la, ma ra7 en6awl 3ameti, w el yahal gamow y7inoun yaboun barid. Ma y3rfoun el farg bein frozen yogurt w barid. Kaa, yemna. Pinkberry ely eb Jabriya, yem Starbucks. 3arafteeh? Eeh, yalla okay mashkoura 3ameti. M3a el salama." Shaikha worked her wonders and gave me a big toothy smile.

"Mu giltlch biter'9a etha ana kalemt'ha?" Shaikha showed off, I nodded at her in agreement and laughed at her.

"Shaikha, Shoug, wein btrou7oun?" I heard my brother, M7md, ask behind me. I turned around and saw S3ood and another one of their friends stand next to them. S3ood turned his head down and avoided looking into my eyes in front of the others. So cute! 

"Pinkberry, tiyoun m3ana?" Shaikha was very bold, her mother's side of the family were super free and open minded so she was used to having close guy cousins. My family was the opposite. I noticed M7md's eyes were staring down at the floor, he wouldn't look Shaikha in the eyes either. I've never seen him act this way towards a girl before. No way! He looks.. shy

"Eeh, ana w el shabab binakheth sayarti w entow rou7aw eb sayartkom," M7md gave Shaikha a little smile before walking to his car. Shaikha's eyes stared at M7md's back for a few long seconds. I nudged Shaikha's arm, pulling her attention away from my brother. My brother was dark skinned, not too dark but he never needed to tan, he had short hair and a tall build.

 He had an addiction with body building but he had stopped working out to maintain his figure, big muscles were just not attractive (in my opinion). So I guess he was fairly attractive, but come on, he's my brother!

The ride to Pinkberry Jabriya was quick since it was close to my Grandmother's house. There were numerous cars parked outside Pinkberry, people were sitting outside, sipping their Frappochinos and hot Lattes in their hands.

They were probably enjoying the light gusts of wind that indicated the hints of winter. It was still too early for winter but you could still feel that it was nearing closer and closer by the week.

The boys had arrived to Pinkberry before us, I noticed that Jassim was with the M7md, S3oud and the other guy friend. He probably decided to accompany them. We entered Pinkberry and I decided to order multiple flavours in small sizes for the kids. Shaikha and M7md had decided to go to Starbucks instead.

I could feel S3ood's arm softly brush up against mine every few moments while we were standing in front of the counter, looking over the colourful toppings through the glass protecting it.

I listened clearly to his order.

"Can I have one pomegranate, big size, fill it up with bananas, blackberries, granola and strawberries." His voice was deep but not too deep to sound like an old creep. Jassim was right next to S3ood and I tried to put some space between us once M7md walked up to me.

He was holding a chocolate frappacino with whip cream, he placed an hand over my bruised arm in a brotherly way as I was waiting for my order. M7md accidentally squeezed my arm, I winced out in pain.

"Ayyy!" I quickly moved away from M7md, holding back my arm. M7md's eyes were full of panic.

"Walla neseit! Asif Shougo, 3awertich?" M7md took a step closer and pulled my Juicy jacket down, exposing the bruise. It was getting worse, my arm was swollen and I could see the colours violet and indigo surrounding my arm. I felt S3ood's and Jassim's eyes on me, they were gaping at my arm.

Ugh, no! 

I pushed M7md's hand away and covered my arm up.

"Shoug, lazem awadeech el doctor! Gam yizeed," M7md looked worried and scared. I didn't dare look at S3ood or Jassim but their eyes were burning into my skin.

"M7md, ma feene shay! Walla," I smiled weakly at him.

"Ma'am, your order is ready." I heard the Pinkberry worker speak up. I took the plastic bag from her that was filled with small yogurts for the kids back at the zwara. I saw Shaikha aproach us and I pulled her along, forcing her out with me before any of the guys had anything else to say about my bruise.

"Shfeech msta3eela?" Shaikha's eyes kept trying to search for M7md as I was pulling her along, we passed the seats for Starbucks and Pinkberry outside and found our way to her car.

"Ome ma et3arf ena M7md's friends are with us, ma abeeha et3a9ib." It wasn't a lie, my mom wouldn't have liked the idea of me out with M7md's friends. Especially if she knew I was crushing on one of them.

"Okay, okay." Shaikha bought it, she drove us back to the house and I figured the guys decided to hang around in Jabriya Pinkberry. They had more freedom then I could ever have.

da-ling! I saw the little bird signal and the bbm one, I knew who had contacted me on twitter and bbm. I couldn't avoid the questions any longer. I clicked on bbm first, scrolled down multiple chats and stopped over one.

Out/S3ood Al-X: 
 Shoug!!! Who hurt you like that?!?!? REPLY AS SOON AS YOU SEE THIS!

I switched to Twitter and shakily clicked on the message icon.

Jassim: Shoug, sh9ar?! Mnu em3awrech?! :/ Shoug, you can tell me anything. E3tabreeni your bestfriend..

Now what the hell was I supposed to do?

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