Friday, April 20, 2012

Chapter 5

I typed feverishly on my blackberry, if I took any longer on replying, she would have gotten her answer before I could even know what I truly felt.

I replied:


LOOOOOOOOL. =)) Entay mu men 9ijech! Akeed ma7baa, waiii3. He's like my brother!

I was building up more lies, every word I typed up sent another pang into my chest. 
Nwaira Al-X:

Raye7teeni, pheww.. bs 3yal laish 3a9ebtay 3lay chithe? .. ;/


Y3nii when you find out your cousin has a secret boyfriend and she never told you wouldn't piss you off? And finding out that it was someone you knew and that person didn't even tell you either wouldn't anger you even more?

Nwaira Al-X:

Walla I'm so sorry Shoug.. Kheft enich bit3a9been and you'd judge me for talking to a guy.. 


La 3adi. :D Bs lets just forget that it happened? W ma ra7 akalim Ali men elyoum, bs khala9 I don't trust him anymore. 

Nwaira Al-X:

Laish? Shsawa? :o


Nothing, bs forget about. Okay? Banam, yalla gn. ;*

Nwaira Al-X:

Ok ok :s bs 7mdellah we're okay now! :D gnnnnn;*

 I switched off my phone, ignoring other messages from my friends. It's funny how easy you can lie through texts, just add a smiley and ta-da! The message doesn't look cold at all. 

I  mentally erased Nour as one of my trusted friends in my head and Ali's name still remained deep in my head, not daring to leave.

I hated him so much... but at the same time, my heart longed for him. Why did it have to be this way? Why did my feelings have to be so oblivious to me at first? 

Why did I have to find out I had these feelings for him after I find out he's hung up over some other girl? I was fuming inside, I needed to throw something, just to ruin an object!

My eyes roamed my room, looking for something breakable. I read somewhere it would calm you down if you threw something when you were angry. 

I found a miniature vase besides my bed, the one I bought in the City Centre for 100fils a few years ago.

I bought it with Nour, we were young and we didn't want some best friend necklace. We wanted something weird but cool. The anger grew inside me once I pictured Ali's arms embracing Nour.

I took the vase in my hands and threw it up against the wall, shattering it into pieces.

I looked at the little sharp pieces on the wooden floor of my bedroom. It resembled something.

Oh right. It resembled me and Ali's friendship.


  1. found this blog in 2019 :) hehe, love it thoo :*

  2. And I found it in 2020����

  3. Found this blog in 2022 🙈

  4. Found this in 2023
