Friday, April 20, 2012

Chapter 8

I stared off outside the car's window while Hussain was driving us back to the house. 

Lisa was sitting right besides me and she looked worriedly at me.

"Shoug... who was dat who talk to you in the mekteba?" 

"Lisa-Anne, don't worry. I don't have a boyfriend. He was just asking where he could find the folders." I turned back to the window, staring at the cars passing by to signal that I was closing the subject.

I hurried into the house to avoid any more questions from Lisa-Anne, I checked my messages on bbm.

Nwaira Al-X:

Nwaira Al-X sent you a picture.

I accepted and waited for it to load, I clicked on the picture. It looked like a conversation captured by Nour. My eyes widened once I found Ali's bbm name and Nour's... It was a convo with Nour and Ali.

Ali. -N;* :
3ade ashoufech?

Nwaira Al-X:
Etshoufny? Shloun..

Ali. -N;*:
Abe ashouf 9oortech.. bashouf the love of my life's face.

Nwaira Al-X:

Nwaira Al-X sent you a picture.

Ali. -N;*:
Wow. Mashallah.. wayed 7lwa.

My eyes squinted at the picture he accepted, I could vaguely see the girl in it. She had wavy long black hair and pale skin, she looked a bit emo but still gorgeous. She was so gorgeous that I knew that it wasn't Nour. 

Nour.. wtf? Dazeiteela fake pic?!

Nwaira Al-X:
Shoug, please help me! x_x Now he's asking to go out!

It's not my problem, why the hell did you send him a picture of a model? Elmoshkela el ghabi 9adag!

Nwaira Al-X:
Hey! Ohwa mu ghabe, a7eba! Fa kalmey 3adel 3an 7bebi.

LOL shnu? 7bebich? Then go take care of your own "boyfriend" problems yourself. Bye, I'm busy.

I deleted the chat and bumped into a hard chest. I rubbed my forehead in annoyance.

"Arghh!" I glared at the figure, my glare softened once my eyes landed back onto a familiar pair of light brown eyes.

"We have a strange way of meeting." He chuckled, I could now see his dark brown hair, he was a lot taller than me, at least 6'1 and he had golden tan skin with a pair of dimples.

"W-we do." I stuttered again. "A-asfa, again..." I shifted my eyes down to my toms, avoiding his eyes.
M7md hurried down the stairs and approached the stranger, he patted him on the back and smiled at him in a quirky way.

"Yalla S3ood. Oh Shougo, benrou7 el shaleih tara. Ana w rafeejy S3ood benrou7 gabelkom, Ome w obuy biyakhthounich, okay?"

"W-what?" I looked at S3ood then back at my brother M7md. They're friends? S3ood looked about 18, wasn't he too young for my brother's kind of crowd? 

"Oh, tara M7md okhou Wahab, you know, Wahab ely yishti'3l 3nd business obouy? That's why he looks so familiar." S3ood misunderstood my stare, I just nodded up at him, acting like he read my mind. "Hathee ekhty, Shougo, a9'3ar wa7da." He teased.

S3ood looked at me and smiled at me again, I felt a twinge inside my stomach but I ignored it. I kept silent till they moved past me and outside the house.

I was still shocked. I rubbed the frown lines forming on my forehead, trying to ease my headache. 

This was too much for one day, I checked back on my blackberry and Nour hadn't replied to my last message. Good riddance. 

Louraaa, are you still in Bnaidr?

Luzluz Al-X:
 Eeeeeh;;) laish?

Shrayich we meet up? Bakoun in bnaidr in a few hrs;p

Luzluz Al-X:
YES! I miss you! I need to tell you something..

My heart quickened a bit. I hated it when someone said that, it's always bad news (usually anyway).

With seeing Ali today in flesh and then meeting that stranger, I wasn't prepared for any more surprises.

1 comment:

  1. Ur story is great so far! I love it♥ im just a little messed up about the maids name? Is she y3ne two maids? Wala wa7da esmha che esmen?
