Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chapter 19

We left the cinema once the movie was over, I was trying to find my wallet in my Chanel purse and ended up bumping a guy's shoulder by accident.

"Asfa," I muttered and made my way, I looked up and notice someone staring at me. I looked back and saw the figure I bumped into was someone I knew.

It was Ali.

His stare was so intense, I quickly turned away and started to walk away. I felt his eyes burn against my back, I knew he was still staring.

We were walking into the food court and I felt rough fingers wrap around my arm really hard for a few seconds, I looked up and found Ali passing by. What the hell? I winced in pain and rubbed my arm.

Lisa-Anne ran up to Ali, she slid off her shoe and smacked it against Ali's shoulder.

"WHY YOU TOUCH HER?" Lisa-Anne yelled at Ali, the girls looked at me and their lips formed an 'o'.

"Hey, wakhray 3anii yal khadama!" Ali shouted at her, people in the mall turned their heads to look at them.

"I CALL BABA NOW!" Lisa-Anne pointed to Hussain, our driver dressed in a deshdasha, his face was smeared with KFC chicken oil. Hussain looked Kuwaiti, a lot of my friends had mistaked him as my dad at first but I kept assuring them that he was our driver.

Ali's eyes widened and I could see the fear in his face. He believed that Hussain was my dad, Hussain quickly stood up and his Arabic wasn't that good so he glared at Ali. He had a KFC chicken in his hand, to me he looked like a crazy guy holding a piece of chicken.

So I started laughing out loud and Fajer, Lulu and Basma did too. Ali scurried away and motioned his friends to follow them.

Lisa-Anne's face was red with anger. She adjusted her glasses and made her way back to us.

"Shoug, you muzt ztand up for yourzelf!  What if your baba or mama zee you?!" Lisa-Anne started her lecture.

"Lisa, calm down!" I was still laughing. "That's exactly why my parents need you, keep that up and I bet they'll give you a promotion." Lulu, Basma and Fajer laughed harder. Lisa smiled cheekily at me and Hussain hurried over.

"Shoooooq, ween roo7 hada walad?!" Hussain looked ready for a fight but the chicken in his hand was still there, it didn't make him look any tougher for having a chicken as his weapon.

"Hussain, la etgool 7ag mama ow baba 3an el walad. Okay? Rou7 khala9 aklek, lema etkhali9 dig 3lay 3shan enrid el bait," I smiled at him reassuringly, he calmed down and went back to his KFC meal.

The girls and I walked around for a bit, avoiding any stares from the boys. Those stares were quickly gone after the boys in the mall saw Lisa-Anne's death glare. She was still fired up from the incident with Ali, she was ready for a fight for any other guy that dared to take a step towards us.

"Shraykom net3asha eb b+f?" Fajer asked us.

"Ma ra7 nelga 6awla, male khelg an6er sa3a." Basma whined.

"And my mom's picking me up in 20 minutes," Lulu frowned.

We decided to get a snack instead, we walked to CR and each of us ordered a Ferrero Rocher smoothie. I walked over to the bathroom (it's right next to Coffee Republic - for people who don't know). Someone's face caught my eye while I was walking, I couldn't believe it.

Jassim was sitting with S3ood and a bunch of other guys outside Coffee Republic. I looked away but it was too late, Jassim had caught me looking at him and S3ood had caught Jassim looking at me. I hurried to the bathroom and hid inside.

da-ding! da-ding! 

I received two DMs from twitter, I clicked on S3ood first.

S3ood: Heey! I just saw you. :D  You look pretty. ;p

My cheeks turned red, I kept re-reading the words. I looked pretty? Shoug pull yourself together!

Shoug: Eeeh, I saw you too. :D& Awh thank youuu. x

S3ood: You're most welcome.

I switched to Jassim's conversation.

Jassim: Alllaaaaah, shift w7da tishbihech. :D

Shoug: Oooh, 9ej? Akeed 7lwa 3yal! #thi8a. Joking =))

Jassim: Akeed kanet 7lwa. ;p

I felt my cheeks become even hotter.

Shoug: Oh really? She thanks you then.

Jassim: Shfeeech:o you sound, .. madri.

Shoug: Laa mafeene shay. :D

I re-applied my lip gloss and left the bathroom, the girls were waiting for me outside and I took my smoothie from Lulu's hands. I took a huge sip and felt the sweetness of the ferrero rocher chocolate slide down my throat and land into my stomach.

 I shifted my eyes towards where Jassim and S3ood were, both of them were looking at me. I noticed S3ood give a puzzled look to Jassim and Jassim tore his eyes away from mine.

"Yalla?" Lulu nudged my shoulder.

"Yalla." I turned and followed the girls. I walked each of the girls to their cars before leaving the mall. On my way back home, I checked twitter and saw a new DM from S3ood.

S3ood: Taraa ma ra7 adesh Twitter wayed, w it's better for me if we chat on bbm. Add me? Pin: ********

Shoug: What's the magic word? ;p

S3ood: Pretty please? I'll also tell you juicy secret if you add me on bbm. ;p

Shoug: A secret? Adding you!

S3ood accepted me in mere seconds and bbm'd me.

CR/S3ood Al-X:
Wanna know my secret?;p

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