Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chapter 11

 Nwaira Al-X:
So? :s ehya a9lan galetly enik jaikar w ma et7bkk, she's always complaining about you, before she knew about us.

Ali -N;*:

Nwaira Al-X:
Eeh, ma kent bagoulek l2ena 8a9ebetny a7lef. :c

Ali -N* NITFM:
Oh ok.. thanks.

I kept my cool even though I felt myself fuming inside. Calm down Shoug, calm down.

Nour approached my side again once she noticed her phone was out of her reach, she quickly scooped it out of the sand and walked back to the barbecue as if nothing had happened.

I thought I was the liar who kept the act on without showing any trace of how I really felt about Ali. I guess Nour was playing me too and I never even noticed it. She was even better at this than me.

But seriously, Nour? My own cousin? Why would she betray me like that, over a boy she probably met a month ago?

 I tried to keep our friendship even if my annoyance and hatred got the best of me most of the time.

 I put aside my feelings for Ali for her, I bet she never had a thought about doing that for me.

I dug my fingers into the sand, feeling the soft earth fill up the gaps in between my fingers. I closed my eyes for a few minutes again, using all my strength to push away the tears, not letting them flow down my cheeks.

"E7im," a deep cough scared me. A familiar chuckle surrounded my ears, I opened my eyes and saw S3ood standing over me. His funny expression turned into worry.

"Shoug, shfeech?" He quickly sat down besides me. "Khare3tich ley hal deraja? Walla asif."

"S-shnu?" I noticed his gaze on my cheeks, I felt a wet spot and noticed a tear had fallen, I quickly brushed it away. I forced out a laugh; "Looks like it. Bs la2 3adi." I averted my eyes away, trying to hide the pain in them. "Wein M7md?"

"Ra7 yisalim 3la el ahal, ana gilt batmasha shway chan ashoufich ga3da brou7ich. You okay?" His arm brushed against mine, I felt a shiver run through my body.

It was probably the wind. It can get windy in the summer too!

"Eeeh akeed, laish?" I laughed again, as if that idea was so funny. I pulled my arm away as I saw my brother approaching us, I quickly stood up and  half-smiled at S3ood before walking away.

My brother was protective, he would have gotten the wrong idea if he saw us sitting arm next to arm on the sand, all alone. S3ood smiled back at me, his dimples popping out. I half waved as I was walking away, M7md had taken my spot besides S3ood as I walked back into the Shaleih.

Nasser and the others had already stopped barbequing and had went back inside, leaving me alone. I wasn't ready facing other cousins and family members in this state.

I tucked my phone into the back pocket of my shorts and walked towards the opposite direction of our shaleih, I didn't know where I was going but all I knew was I wanted to be far, far away from Nour and her hurtful words. What if she had said other things behind my back? The thought had deepened my pain even more.

 I found a spot behind one of the trees, a vacant Shalaih was facing it but by the looks of it, the lights were switched off so I was guessing that no one was inside. I pressed my back against the trunk of the tree and pulled out my blackberry.

 I clicked on bbm and took a deep breath as I noticed one strange thing.

I had a bbm friend request from Ali.

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