Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chapter 15

 *this post is for Lulu, 3shan ma et7eneen zyada, kaa, here's your chapter 15. :D

Ugh wait. Tomorrow's school. Uuuuuuuggggh. I felt my mood die, so very quickly. I dragged myself into the house and forced myself to get my school bag and uniform ready.

But hey, at least it was my last year. And my friends are there. I was becoming more hopeful.

Of course it didn't last long because I received a message saying..

Nwaira Al-A:
Guess what?! Ba7awel ley medrisatkom! ;)

Okay seriously, was this girl trying to piss me off? Because it was working.

Oh reallllyyy? Good luck trying to find your new classes alone. ;) 

B*tch. I didn't get another bbm message from her that day.

I was exhausted. I didn't think it would take ages to try on different shirts and see which size was better (for our uniform). And then I had to make sure all my textbooks were in my bag, even though we hadn't gotten our lesson schedule yet, most likely we'd do nothing on the first day.

I set an alarm for 5:30 am and collapsed into bed. The soft sheets under my body had embraced me with open arms, I loved my bed. If I had my choice then I wouldn't ever, ever leave it. I clicked on twitter on my blackberry once I saw the twitter icon and the red light flash, annoying my pupils.

S3ood Al-X has requested to follow you.

I bit my bottom lip, should I accept? He isn't Ali, I don't even need to think about this. I clicked accept once I found his name, I clicked on his picture and it was of him smiling with his arm slung across some other brown haired guy's shoulder. I followed back and tweeted:

Ffhh, #nitm for school tomorrow. ;c

I received a quick DM, I clicked on it.

S3ood: Stop whining, education is good for you. ;p

Me: 3yal enta laish ma ra7 etdawm bacher?-.-

S3ood: L2ana makhith Jan course in GUST. So I start after you, 7arrraaaa. ;p

Me: Stop rubbing it in;c I'm joining you next year.

S3ood: 9ej?! Bitiyeen GUST?;o

Me: Eeh, if I ace my finals, why not?

S3ood: Bitnawreen GUST. :p

Me: Haha thanks.

Was he flirting? Or was he always like this with all the girls? I didn't know what to believe anymore, I still didn't have full trust in him.

The thought of this brought back memories of Ali, I trusted in him so fast, I never thought for a minute that he would believe someone else over me. And the way he spoke to me, in such a cold voice. His words were still ringing through my ears.

"You're not worth it." 

I stuffed my face into my pillow.

Khala9 Shoug. Mu kafi ely sawa feech? Ohwa w Nour? Enseeh! 

I pushed memories of him away, till I found a tweet from Nour. I forgot to unfollow her but then again, it would create suspicion. I would have to tell my friends, one way or another.

@Nwairaa***: @AliAl**** thankyouu.;$ ;***

Ugh, that reminded me that I'd have to face her 5 days a week now, that's the least of it. I didn't even include the times I have to face her at zwaras. I clicked on Ali's username and it directed me to his profile. He had it on public, I looked over his tweets. Just for a second... I found numerous tweets addressed to different girls, his followers were dominated by girls. I scrolled down to the date where we spoke by his Shalaih. He had tweeted:

@AliAl****: 9ej drama queen. #kheera There's another million just like you, no, even better than you. ;)

Those words stung, I quickly exited his profile and logged out of twitter. I had another DM from S3ood but I didn't bother opening it.

There's another million just like you, no, even better than you.

9ej drama queen.

You're not worth it.

His words were lies, how could those words come out of someone who said he loved me? Someone who had been my best friend for so long.

Was I ever worth it? I wasn't worth it with Nour, she betrayed me so easily just to get her hands on Ali. Ali had betrayed me just as easily. Was I that easy to let go of?

I shut my eyes tight, trying to force myself to sleep. I decided to ignore all the open chats on bbm, I put "dnd" on my status on bbm.

Tomorrow I'll feel better. Getting over someone doesn't happen in a matter of hours, it might take days but it'll be worth it. I can't wait till Ali's out of my mind. And slowly, I fell into deep sleep.


"Ahhhhhh.." I groaned out loud into my pillow, I kept hitting my phone with the palm of my hand, trying to silence it. I failed multiple times.

 I had to open my eyes so I could hit the snooze button. The bright rays of sunlight shone through my curtains, burning my eyes and waking them up from their deep slumber.

I buried my head back into my pillow, before I could shut out the ray of sunlights, Lisa had come in and pulled the curtains open.

"Arrrrggghhhh Lisaaa-Anneee!" I groaned even louder.

"Yalla Shoooug, time for school. Kela sleep kela sleep, you act like a zombie." She tsked tsked, she pulled out my ironed uniform.

"I don't want to goooooooo," I hugged my pillow against me, cradling it. Alllaah, ra7aaa.

"No, you have to go. You been absent too much last year, you hafto graduate! Want me to wake up madam?" She took a step towards my door, probably getting ready to head to my parent's bedroom.

I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

"No no! No need!" I yelled back at her before going in to take a hot shower. I already had a bad headache from the little amount of sleep I got, I didn't need a lecture from Mom too.

I was dressed and ready in an hour, my hair was blow dried and left loose and wavy. I grabbed a muffin and got into the white SUV.  I was pretty excited to seeing my friends, I got a chance to see Loura but I never got the chance to see Fajer, Maryam, Dalal, Basma and Lulu. We'd sit in a huge Kuwaiti group with all the girls but those five were the closest to me.

We parked by the school entrance and I quickly slipped out of the car. I hurried to the school gate and plastered a big smile on my face. I was looking for the bobs of brown haired group of girls. I found them by our bench. But next to them, was the most horrid face I was about to directly face.

My smile was now frozen as I stared at her, my friends were surrounding her, chit chatting happily. I stood my ground, one of my friends noticed me and squealed, she ushered me forward but I kept my eyes on one girl.

She swiftly turned and faced me, she had a venomous smile on when she saw me.



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