Friday, April 20, 2012

Chapter 2

"O-okaaay.."I shrugged it off and followed her. We found a table by the counter, Nour had ordered herself a smoothie and I sat waiting. Once she went to get her order, her phone vibrated on the table. 

I signaled her to come over and pick up her phone but she had mouthed; "Entay sheeleeh!" 

I answered her cell, "Aloo?"

"Aloo, Nour?" 


Oh my god, no, no , no.. 

It was Ali... the hell? Why the hell did he have Nour's phone number?!

"Halla walla Ali, ma 3areft enik kent et3arf bent khalte," my tone was venomous, as much as my voice felt sing-songy on the outside, he could hear the anger behind it.

"S-shoug?!" He stuttered nervously.

"Bye Ali," I hung up on him as I saw Nour approaching.

"Mnu dag?" She sipped her smoothie ushering me to stand back up and walk out of the cafe.

"Your boyfriend," I threw the phone at her and she swiftly caught it in her hand, I saw her shocked expression before I turned around and left CR. 

My heart was beating so fast, I could feel it grinding up against my rib cage in a quick pace.

Nour? NOUR? My cousin!? There were thousands of girls in Kuwait, why'd he have to pick her? 

Shoug, calm down... what am I saying? He's like my brother.. right? If he's like my brother then why do I feel so hurt?

I stopped outside one of the 360 entrance doors, I hadn't noticed how fast I was walking until I noticed Nour was out of sight.

 I called up Hussain our driver and Lisa-Anne was standing right beside me, keeping quiet. She knew me best, she wouldn't speak to me when I was in a bad mood. 

Turning to my blackberry, I had 6 missed calls from Nour, I ignored her. Why do I have this feeling that she had known that me and Ali were close? 

I never told her about him, only that we were friends, she hadn't known that we were this close. 

I never shared these kinds of things with anyone, not even with her. 




Bte7greeny al7een?
Riday 3lay Shoug!!
I was going to tell you, walla kent bagoulich Shoug..
Shoug allah yekhaleech, riday 3lay.
Yalla 3ad!!
fffh, you know what?
you're not even worth it.

 I read the last few words over and over again, all through the way back to my house. Even when I was already changed into my pjs and in bed. 

Those words stung. I wasn't worth it? I cherished our friendship the most, I told him everything.

 I trusted him. Do you know the feeling you get once you find out the people you trust have betrayed you? The people you never doubted, even for a second?

I didn't allow any tears to fall, I felt numb. I stared long and hard at his words.

Delete Ali?

[  ] Yes   [   ] No 

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