Friday, April 20, 2012

Chapter 3

I met Ali 6 months ago, in a group chat with most of our schools students, just a big bunch of friends in a big chat.

He was the odd one out, he didn't go to our school and I found him interesting.

I didn't pay much attention to the blackberry group, it was full of complaints about school and such, till one day I was bored so I decided to join the chat.

 I noticed Ali was the only one chatting at that time besides this other girl from a year under us, we started joking around about the teachers we had back at my school and then he would tell me about the gossip from his.

It then became our daily routine. The chat became dead and the convos there were mostly me and Ali's. He eventually added me on bbm and I accepted, after that, we spoke everyday for the next 5 months. And that's when he started to become distant...

So many memories had clouded my head, I went back into my photo library to retrieve old convos I'd captured and saved.

Ali *CLASS OF 2011!:
Shoug ;p


Ali *CLASS OF 2011!:
Shoug! :o


Ali *CLASS OF 2011!:


 Ali *CLASS OF 2011!:

Wai3 sakheeeeef-.- al7een I stopped watching the notebook 3shanik, 3bali 3ndek salfa!

 Ali *CLASS OF 2011!:
 A7san =))


I quickly wiped away a tear, I'm pathetic.

 Those days are over.. I logged out of my old back and into my old one on msn just to check if I still had Ali's old email on there.

I wanted to make sure I deleted every trace of him.

Instead, my eyes stopped over a particular status. An online contact. I felt a pang in my chest once I read the status. and the contact's name...

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