Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chapter 16

My smile was now frozen as I stared at her, my friends were surrounding her, chit chatting happily. I stood my ground, one of my friends noticed me and squealed, she ushered me forward but I kept my eyes on one girl.

She swiftly turned and faced me, she had a venomous smile on when she saw me.



I kept my smile plastered on but inside I was fuming with anger. Why the hell is she hanging out with my friends? Did she spread rumours about me already, on her first day? No, she wouldn't dare.

I approached the group, all of the girls turned around and each gave me a tight warm hug. Nour was last, she wrapped her skinny arms around me, her bones jabbing into my ribs.

 I winced in pain. I kept my smile and I directed it at her, my incisors were now exposed. She could see the anger through my smile and I bet she loved it, she loved every second of it.

Fajer and Lulu exchanged glances and ushered me to the side, away from the group

"Shfeekom?!' Fajer and Lulu exclaimed at the same time.

"Shnu shfeena?" I looked at them, working my best confused expression.

"Shoug, e7na mu aghbeya! Embayin 3leech em3a9ba, feech shay? W mu gharebaa Nour gamat telzag feena?" Lulu asked in wonder, she had never liked Nour and I used to hate that about her, now I loved it.

"Agoulekom el salfa in Maths, we don't have time now." I told both of them before we parted our ways, hurrying to homeroom.

Nour was assigned to the same homeroom as me, I wasn't surprised. I was waiting for the next surprise that day, did she also get herself into every class I was in?

"Shoug, I hope you'll show your cousin around. There's no one better to guide her around the school and I understand her English may be a bit weak but I'm sure she'll adjust just fine. I hope you enjoy your stay in *** Nour." Principal Jefferson smiled at me and Nour before leaving us alone.

Homeroom lasted 30 minutes and so I had no way in getting out of giving her the "grand tour".

I didn't speak to her, I simply walked towards the bathroom and she followed.

I pointed to the bathroom, "That's the girls bathroom." I pointed to the one to the other side of the hallway. "That's the boy's bathroom, there, that's the grande tour." I gave Nour a fake smile and walked away, not bothering to look back at her.

She could find her own way here. I felt icey fingers wrap around my wrist form behind, I turned around and I saw Nour.

"You better act nice or a lot of people in school will find out about your little crush on Ali." Nour tightened her fingers around my wrist, not letting go of it. Her eyes dug deep into mine, challenging me to reply. I stared back blanky. She wasn't serious, right?

I started laughing out loud, "A crush on your stupid boyfriend? I'm not the one going around dating boys I just met a month ago. I think it would be best if you kept your mouth shut too before you ruined your reputation on your first day." Nour's fingers quickly let go of my wrist. I wasn't scared of talking back, she should have known that since she was the closest person I had.

She looked a bit like a cartoon character, I could imagine the smoke being released from her ears. She was that angry, I left her and heard the bell ring. I went to my first class; Literature.

 I knew Nour wouldn't put herself in this class, that's why I was looking forward to that class.

We went over the Shakespearean play in class for an hour before I had to go to my next class, the day passed really slowly. I didn't have maths till 12:55pm and it's currently 9:30am.

I sighed, I wouldn't find Lulu and Fay during the break times since they had tuition lessons with their teachers, they already started preparing themselves for the finals.

I had to wait. And waiting was not what I did best.

"Shouuuuuuuugooooooo." A sing-songy voice called me from behind. I rubbed my forehead with the tips of my fingers in frustration.

Nour, why can't you just leave me alone? 

Nour's arm slide under mine and she held onto me as we walked down the hallway, I tried to look for any of the girls but they weren't in this part of the building, I was trapped.

"Shougooo, elyoum 7ada wanasa. El 9bayaan yishawgoun, they're so nice!" Nour gushed, her cheeks flushing.

"Okay, good for you but word of advice, you don't talk like that when you're in a relationship. And oh, did you still show him your real picture?" I looked at her sideways, weirded out.

"Oh, look, Loura's there!" Nour changed the subject and let go of my arm (success!),  I should bring up the subject more often if it gets her to leave me alone.

I hurried away from Nour's sight, since most of the girls weren't in break, I decided to go to the bathroom and take out my phone. I never replied to S3ood. I clicked on the DM and waited for it to load.

S3ood: Shitsaween ga3da?;p
S3ood: Shoug?
S3ood: Aw.. Akeed nemtay.. yalla gn.(:

I felt awful, I had ignored his messages because of stupid Ali. He sounded genuinely sad that our conversation got cut off.

Shoug: So sorry, kan moodi 7ail khayis ams w I fell asleep. Twni acheyik my twitter, I'm @ school. ;c

I was about to slide my phone back into the pocket of my blazer once I heard it vibrate. That was fast.

S3ood: Gm! Oh, are you okay now? Wanna talk about it?
Shoug: La la, don't worry. I'm fine. I have to go, I'll talk to you when I leave school, see you. x
S3ood: Okay, take care w la yichikounich m3a telephonich! =))

I smiled at his text, I slid my blackberry into the pocket of my blazer once I set it on All Alarms Off, I pushed the cubicle door open and mentally groaned when I noticed who was standing right in front of me.

"What now Nour?" I brushed past her, nudging her shoulder by accident since she didn't move to make space for me.

"Who's this S3ood guy? He's so cute!" Nour exclaimed, pointing to her phone showing me S3ood's twitter profile.

"W entay shtabeen mena b3ad? Mu et7been Ali?" I suddenly felt protective of S3ood, he seemed like a genuinely good friend. I won't let her mess this up for me too.

"Shd3waa, el 7aya 7ilwa!" She grinned and clicked on the follow button for S3ood. I wouldn't let her get a reaction from me, I kept a straight face on.

"Enjoy then, you're acting more and more like a sl*t everyday. Congratulations." I clapped for her in sarcasm before leaving the bathroom.

I typed as quickly as I could whilst hiding behind the school's hallway entrance door, I clicked on S3ood and started typing my DM.

Shoug: S3ood, don't follow back Nwaira Al-X. I'll promise to explain once I'm back home, just don't follow her!

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