Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chapter 18

 *a big thanks to a friend for giving me a great idea for this chapter, you know who you are! :D x

Nour kept a low profile those last few days, she must have taken my threat seriously. Dalal had told me she received a message from Mesh3al apologizing at least 400 times. I was happy again, I felt like starting school had fixed most of the problems. Most, but not all. I still couldn't trust Nour and I had a feeling she was about to strike again.

S3ood and I had a routine, the first one to wake up would send a "Gm;p" and we'd talk as much as we could. We grew a lot closer really fast, I still didn't know if I should completely trust him.

I didn't understand why she would try to damage Dalal's reputation, I remember she had never showed any liking to Dalal before. We were in our shaleih in the summer and I had invited Dalal over, me and her would always gush about how Adam Levine (lead singer of Maroon 5) was super hot.

Nour would give us disapproving looks, I always thought that was because she was trying to be mature and show off that she'd never think twice about liking a boy.

Boy, was I wrong.

My blackberry vibrated against my leg as I was deep in thought. It was Thursday, 4:30pm and I had already finished my lunch.

Shouugo, ana w Lulu w Fajer kilena bnrou7 360 at 5:30pm, chithe. Tiyeen?

Shoug Al-X:
Digeega as2al Mamati. :D

I hurried down the stairs and ran up to my Mom.

"Yuma, shway shway!" Mom seemed alerted, she put the volume down on the TV and averted her attention to me.

"Yuma, 3ade arou7 360? Ma ra7 a6awil!" I assured her.

"Bs ma nemtay el 3a9r, w mu ga3da ashoufich tidriseen 7ag el emti7anat!" Mom's eyes became skeptical.

"Bs Mamaaati, my finals are in May. Tw elnas! W mu t3bana, nemt wayed ams," I sweetened my tone and looked at her with big wide puppie eyes.

"Okaaay, bs takhtheen Lisa m3ach, okay? Bs digeega, m3a mnu bitrou7een?" She sighed and gave up. I rolled my eyes at her, I always took Lisa along, she didn't need to remind me.

"Akeeed! W el banat, et3rfeenhom; Fajer, Lulu w Basma." I called out as I ran up the stairs again and heard her yell back: "SHWAY SHWAY!"

I quickly typed a "I'M COMING!" to Basma on bbm before getting into the shower. I could feel my muscles relax under the hot drops of water pounding against my skin.

I blow dried my hair and curled it, making sure the waves were big and loose. I wore a high waist pair of dark blue jeans and tucked in my button down white top.

I pulled on a floral (this kind of floral: vest that reached long enough to cover my bottom before adding some mascara and a pale shade of lipstick over my lips.

I checked the time and it was already 5:55pm. I was already late! Before I got out of the house, Khalid stopped me in my track.

"Wein ray7a? W m3a mnu?" Khalid's eyes looked over my outfit, checking it.

"360 w m3a Basma, Fajer w Lulu," I was already worrying if I was going to be late, I'm always the late one in the outings.

"Lisa m3ach, 9a7?" Khalid asked, Lisa-Anne emerged from the kitchen and pulled me along.

"Yes yes Khalid, I go with her. Don't worry, I kill any boy who look at her!" Lisa pulled me out of the house before he could ask anything else, "You alwayz late, I tell you take shower thiz morning so you not late, you alwayz go out on thurzday. You alwayz lazy! Hmpf."

I laughed at Lisa, "You're a lifesaver Lisa-Anne."

"Yalla Hussein! Shoug go 360 now!" Lisa-Anne yelled at our driver, he tried combing back his hair with his fingers as he hurried to the car.

@360 w'the girls/Basma:

Out'Shoug Al-X:
Walla on my way!:c

@360 w'the girls/Basma:
Yallaaaa, sa3a Shougo! :c Meet us at big fountain.

Out'Shoug Al-X:
7aram akshakh 3shanech?:$  Yalla okayy, kaa I can see 360 now, it's not that far.;p

I walked into 360 with Lisa-Anne trailing behind me, I walk too fast. I slowed down my pace till she caught up, I saw the girls by the fountain and greeted each of them. We rode the escalator and made our way to Marble Slab.

"Shoug ma tabeen?" Lulu asked me while her mouth is filled with vanilla ice cream.

"La la, you know I don't like ice-" I stopped speaking midway when I noticed a very familiar person right behind Lulu.

"Shoug? Shfeech?" Lulu turned around, trying to find out who I was staring at.

Ali was with a bunch of his friends, they were trying to follow this group of girls. Two of the girls were mit7ajbeen and looked annoyed. I shook my head disapprovingly.

"That's Ali." I nodded towards him.

"AY SHAY!" Lulu nearly yelled.

"Wa6aay 9outich! Ma abeeh yishoufny!," I turned and gave Ali my back so all he would see was a random girl's back instead of my face. The girls pulled me along and we walked the opposite direction, away from Ali and his friends.

Didn't he have a girlfriend? Wow, he was even worse than Nour. At least she didn't do whatever she did with those random guys in public.

I clicked on twitter and tweeted:

Wai3. ;s

da-ding! I got two DMs.

Jassim: Heeey, are you okay?

Jassim was a good friend of mine, he was currently in GUST and we would DM time to time, he was a great listener and we began to DM more frequently lately. He had black hair, tan-ish skin and he was always genuinely nice to me.

Shoug: Yeah, don't worry :D I saw someone that I didn't really like. ;p

Jassim: Waai3, I hate that;p I'm here if you want to talk w 7awlay you have some fun, ignore that person. :D

Shoug: Awh thank you :D & I'll try. ;p

I clicked on the second DM.

S3ood: Sh9aar? :o you okay?

Shoug: Yes yess, just saw someone I hate. -.-

S3ood: Mnuu?

Shoug: No one, don't worry. 6aaf.

S3ood: Shouuug, shnu, you don't trust me?

I stared at that question. I don't know S3ood, I don't know. I left the question unanswered and spent the rest of the day with the girls. We watched the movie Mirror Mirror and I had already watched it before so I was DMing Jassim.

Jassim: Why aren't you paying attention to the movie?;p terkay el telephone w shoufay el filim.

Shoug: Shefta men gabil:c w madry, a7s there's a lot on my mind.

Jassim: Like what?

Shoug: I met someone in the summer, we've been friends but I had a fight with my old guy best friend and now I can't seem to trust guys anymore. ;/

Jassim: Does that mean you don't trust me?:( .. jkjk. =)) I get it, al7een this guy, is he a good person?

Shoug: He seems like it bs madre.. we met a few weeks ago. && Jassim, I've known you for months now, that's a different situation. ;p

Jassim: Hahaha =)) okay zain, I don't think you should base a lot of guys on a mistake your old best friend did. Not all guys are like him. It's like saying all girls are sl*ts because my ex cheated on me. (example, mu 9ij 3ad;p)

Shoug: You're right.. okayokay. Thank you so much. :D

Jassim: No problem, I told you I'd always be here for you. :D enjoy your movie.

I DM'ed him a thanks and replied to S3ood's question:

Shoug: I had a bad past with an old guy bestfriend so I'm sorry if I seem like I don't trust you. I think I do though, I trust you S3ood..

S3ood: Sh9ar m3aah? :/ w 7mdellah you trust me. ;*

I sighed, I wasn't sure I wanted to tell him. Lulu looked at me in the dark and whispered, "Shfeech?"

I showed her the conversation, she scrolled up and read ALL of our words. I tried to yank the blackberry away from her but she kept giggling, reading everything.

"Ooooooooooh, Shoug and S3ood sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Lulu sang in a quiet tone, trying not to disturb any of the other people in the cinema.

I laughed and smacked her arm softly. I grabbed my phone but she'd already clicked on me and Jassim's conversation. Lulu's eyes widened.

"Mnuu hatha b3ad?" Lulu asked me, my cheeks felt a bit hot in the cinema, I think I was blushing. 7mdellah the cinema was pitch dark, no one could have seen my cheeks.

"Jassim, he's a good friend." I smiled at her in the dark.

"3balee b3ad, don't turn into a player now." Lulu teased, I giggled. As if.

We left the cinema once the movie was over, I was trying to find my wallet in my Chanel purse and ended up bumping a guy's shoulder by accident.

"Asfa," I muttered and made my way, I looked up and notice someone staring at me. I looked back and saw the figure I bumped into was someone I knew.

It was Ali.


  1. inty bas tmsheen wd3meen flnas=))LOL xx

  2. LOOL EE! x_x

    I'm a clumsy person. x_x

  3. I love the way you write it makes me never want to stop reading
