Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chapter 14

"Shoug mama, yalla! Bna7der." Mom yelled out, her voice echoed through the whole house.

"Yuma, walla I heard you the first time!" I yelled back from my room, I quickly packed my clothes into my duffel bag. The last few days flew past me so quickly.

I had successfully avoided Nour at all times, I made sure I was hanging around my other cousins who had arrived and with Loura, she had stayed back at her shaleih, not bothering to visit.

S3ood and I had ended up meeting each other every night on the roof to talk or just stare at the sky while listening to music. I know, that sounded corny but to be honest, it was nice not to have to talk and think. It was relaxing.

I had grown a lot closer to him too, I felt a pang of sadness. I wouldn't see him again and if I did, my brothers would be around so they'd keep an eye on me.

My sister was already married and pregnant, I don't see her much and my other sister is in America studying for her PhD. I was the last girl in the whole household with two protective brothers. It wasn't exactly my idea of fun.

I grabbed my duffel bag once I filled it with all of my stuff, I hurried downstairs in my Free City pink sweatpants and a white fitting top, my hair was messy but I kept it down, it was the good kind of messy. (For the first time ever!)

Khalid, my 30 year old brother approached me and hugged me awkwardly. I rarely ever see him, he's always working.

"Shlounich Shoug? Shloun el medrisa?" Khalid asked, he smiled faintly.

"7mdellah kileshay zain. Enta? W el bor9a?" I replied, our conversations were always like this.

"Doum, 7mdellah kilshay zain. Yalla ana barou7 a7i6 aghra'9y foug, rab3y biyoun b3ad sa3tein, okay?" That was his signal for me to leave the Shalaih, we might not be close but he was just as protective as M7md was.

"Okay, bye." I grabbed my duffel bag and made my way outside, I was absorbed into my blackberry, replying to Fajer's squeals of excitement on bbm about seeing me in school again when I felt a hard piece of flesh run into my cheek.

 I rubbed my cheek and winced in pain, I looked up and mentally sighed.

Again? Rabe laish lazim etfashilny jidama? 

S3ood laughed, at least he found it enjoyable. My cheek was in pain, how can a guy's chest be that hard?

"We always have to meet this way, don't we?" He looked down at me, his eyes observing my reaction.

"It's destiny," I said in an exaggerated tone.

His eyes becomes a bit more serious as he whispered softly, "Maybe it is," before walking past me.

Wait, whaaaaat? I froze in my spot and I heard him smirk behind me. What did that mean?!

I groaned in frustration.  


I smiled to myself, feeling a bit giddy. I couldn't erase his words from my mind, I pushed out any thought of Ali and tried to think more of the nights I spent with S3ood talking on the roof of our Shaleih.

"SHOUG!" Lisa-Anne yelled while waving her hands in my face.

"WHAT LISA-ANNE WHAT!" I yelled back, my heart raced. Did something happen?!

"Finally! Yalla yalla, we are home." Lisa-Anne patted my arm before leaving the car. Tena7t!
I didn't even notice that we stopped in front of our house, that was fast..

Ugh wait. Tomorrow's school. Uuuuuuuggggh. I felt my mood die, so very quickly. I dragged myself into the house and forced myself to get my school bag and uniform ready.

But hey, at least it was my last year. And my friends are there. I was becoming more hopeful.

Of course it didn't last long because I received a message saying..

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