Friday, April 20, 2012

Chapter 7

 I managed to buy all of the supplies for school from the bookstore in 15 minutes, I kept my eyes on where I was going this time. 

I was busy paying for the countless colourful pens I had bought before I hear a deep voice behind me.


I grabbed my plastic bag full of school supplies before turning around to face the person. I gulped once my eyes found Ali's. 

I looked around and no one was in the bookshop, it was only us. It was a weekday in the morning, so no one would be staring at us.

I couldn't find any words to say, I blankly stared at him. I never saw him in real life before, all our conversations were on bbm or msn. 

I had only heard his voice once, when we were both truly bored and wanted to play truth or dare on the phone months ago.

His hair was a lot shorter than the Ali I saw in the pictures, his straight nose was perfect and he had a light stubble over his tanned skin. His messy black hair was also perfect. 

Why the hell is he so perfect?

"N-na3am?" My voice became squeaky. 

"You deleted me.." I could see a trace of pain in his eyes before his voice turned cold. The coldness in his voice reminded me of why I had to erase him from my life. Why'd he have to show up when I started to get used to not talking to him anymore...? 

I needed to get away. My blackberry vibrated in my hand, I checked the caller ID.

Lisa-Anne is calling.

I turned my head to the right finding Lisa standing outside the bookstore, she was clueless to the fact that I was right inside. 

"I-I have to go." I turned around and rushed out, I met up with Lisa and he couldn't approach me anymore. 

He had heard the stories I told him how Lisa-Anne once tried hitting a guy's waist in Avenues with a plastic bag when he tried to touch me my nose while passing by. 

I stared off outside the car's window while Hussain as driving us back to the house. Lisa-Anne was sitting right besides me and she looked worriedly at me.

"Shoug... who was dat who talk to you in the mekteba?"

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