Monday, April 23, 2012

Chapter 23

*Follow my twitter for updates or for any questions that you have: @_Kuwaitblog
&& I allowed anonymous comments, for those who have asked me to change my comment settings. x

Team Jassim or Team S3ood?;p  DM me your answer. Hope you guys enjoy it! x


Out/S3ood Al-X: 
 Shoug!!! Who hurt you like that?!?!? REPLY AS SOON AS YOU SEE THIS!

I switched to Twitter and shakily clicked on the message icon.

Jassim: Shoug, sh9ar?! Mnu em3awrech?! :/ Shoug, you can tell me anything. E3tabreeni your bestfriend..

Now what the hell was I supposed to do?

I sighed. I couldn't lie but I could skip out some information. I sent the same message to both Jassim and S3ood, it said:

Shoug: It's no big deal! This random guy tried to touch me, he was too hard on my arm but don't worry, Lisa-Anne took care of it. She hit the guy with her shoe. :D Hahhaha.

I tried to make it lighthearted as much as possible.

Out/S3ood Al-X:
What no big deal!? 7M-R! Zain sawet feeh Lisa-Anne!! Go to the doctor, NOW.

Jassim: Laish ma gilteely? :/ Chan sima3tay kalam okhouch w ri7tay 3nd el doctor..

I promised both of them that I would go get it checked out if the pain had exceeded. I slipped my blackberry back into my pocket and handed out the frozen yogurts to the little kids.

"Thoug! Ana awbee!" Little 7anan called out, she was running over to me and grabbing at my sweats.

"Ekhthay 7beebti," I pulled out the last little frozen yogurt and handed it over to her. She took a spoonful of chocolate frozen yogurt chocolate and gave me a toothy smile. I planted a kiss over her cheek, she was adorable. I stood up to find Jassim standing over me with a small smile on his face.

"You sure love kids, don't you?" He asked casually.

"Of course," I answered, I didn't notice him. If he was back, that meant S3ood was too. I wasn't expecting them to come back so early. These guys popped out of nowhere, I checked around for M7md or S3ood but they weren't there, me and Jassim were left alone in the living room once the kids scurried off to the playroom.

"Shoug.." Jassim's hand rested above my bruised shoulder, he pulled the jacket halfway done to look at the bruise. His eyes were filled with pain.

"Jassim." I heard S3ood's voice behind me, his voice was filled with anger and.. jealousy? I turned around to look at him, stepping away from Jassim. Jassim dropped his hand down to his side, I walked away from Jassim and S3ood. The atmosphere felt intense in there, I had to get out.

"Shoug, yalla mama benrou7." My mother walked up to me, wrapping her e7jab around her salt and peppered hair.

"Wein?" I asked, it was still too early. We usually stayed here till 12:30am, 1 am at the latest. I saw Shaikha's face sadden as she heard us, she must have wanted M7md to stay longer.

"Bitig3deen? Ana barid el bait, t3bt." Mom's face looked worn out, her thick eyeliner was smeared. She only wore eyeliner, always. She had big eyes that me and my sisters inherited, they were always so beautiful to look into.

"3sa ma shar, shfeech?" I asked her, worried.

"Ma feene shay, la etkhafein. Kiberna mama, yalla etha bitig3deen 3yal digay 3la Hussain ow Lisa-Anne 3shan lema bitrideen elbait. La et6awleen." Her lips widened and had formed into a smile.

I heard a load of pings from my pocket, I slipped my blackberry out and clicked on bbm. My mom was busy looking for her purse so I clicked on one of the chats.

Loura:* :
Shouuug?! Weiniiich!




Zwara/Shoug Al-X:
Ma etshoufeen el 'zwara' on my name? -.- Haaa shfeech? ;o

T3alaay 3ndna ;;) ..

Zwara/Shoug Al-X:
3balee 3ndch salfa -.- wein? It's 6pm!

Offh ee, embacher! Beitna, 3yal wein?:p

Zwara/Shoug Al-X:
Lemme ask mom.

"Yumaaa, 3ade arou7 bait Loura?" I scurried over to her, giving her my best puppy eye expression. She was probably getting fed up of my puppy eyes.

"Laa2, yaah tig3deen 3nd bait yeditich ow etrideen el bait m3ay. Tawich rada men pinkberry w ams ri7tay 360. Besiich kela t6l3een!" Mom complained.

"Yumaaa.." I groaned.

"Etha tabe teyee 3yal 7ayah allah bs entay tig3deen mukanich, Hussain yigder yumerha. Beit'hom yem bait yedetich, mu 9a7?"

"YESYESYES!" I jumped up and down, like a child. My mom looked embarrassed.

"Okay okay, ga3da etfashleena!" Mom was holding back a laugh, I squeezed her for a hug and she looked weirded out. She wasn't a hugger but her expression had made me laugh even more.

Zwara/Shoug Al-X:
Shrayech tiyeen 3ndna?:D

Laaa2, fashlaa! :c

Zwara/Shoug Al-X:
Yalla 3aad, shd3wa. :D Sayigna yumerich w ma tabeen etshoufeen Nasser?;p

Let him pick me up in 40 minutes!

I waited impatiently, I tried my best not to bump into S3ood or Jassim. I felt so awkward after that encounter. After an hour, Loura had showed up on my Grandmother's doorstep. Loura had over done it, she straightened her hair down to her shoulders and had worn thick winged eyeliner that shaped her eyes. Her full lips were coated with red lip gloss and she'd worn a black blazer over her colorful top and jeans.

"Woooaah," I said before greeting her with a warm hug.

"3ijebich?" Loura smiled before twirling around, showing off her full outfit.

"Amazing!" I exclaimed, I guided her into the house. She was too shy to see all of my relatives so we decided to go to the abandoned diwanya. The guys had used the second living room today, leaving the diwanya vacant. We passed Nasser on the way there, his eyes followed Loura and she blushed, trying to walk as quickly as possible.

"He's so cute!" Loura gushed as soon as we were in the diwanya.

"Besssiiiich, al7een enta yaya 7agi wla 7aga?" I rolled my eyes at her teasingly.

"Shoug.." Loura placed her hands over mine, her eyes hardened and she looked deep into mine, becoming serious, "I'm sorry.. but we have to break up. I've found someone else. Someone hotter, taller, tanner and six packed-er."

"Six packed-er isn't a word you idiot." I laughed at her, she was a fa9la.

"Ahhhh," Loura let go of me and sighed dreamily as she laid back down on the couch.

"Ley hal deraja in love?" One of my arched eyebrows shot up as I asked her.

"Maybeeeeee," Loura sighed again, in a happy way. "Did you see how I caught his attention? I should dress up more often."

"If he can't accept you the way you are then you shouldn't even like him in the first place." I huffed at her, I wasn't close to Nasser but he seemed like a respectable guy. I still didn't want her getting into a bad situation though. "Loura, deeray balich 3la nafsich, okay?"

"Shd3waa, it's just a crush. You're such a mom Shoug, do I have to remind you that I'm older than you?" Loura smiled at me.

"No you don't but still, just take care of yourself with these things..." I sighed.

"You worry a lot, el 7aya 7ilwa. Loosen up!" Loura sat up and pulled me up from the couch. "Khanrou7 enshoufhom mara thanya."

"Loura, la2.." I really wasn't interested in trying to follow my cousins around, I saw them as my brothers and I couldn't imagine myself liking any of them.

"Yalla 3aaad.. ma ra7 en6awil, pinky promise!" Loura stretched out her pinky and wrapped it around mine.

"Fine," I surrendered and let her pull me along. We ended up joining my cousins in watching a football match, they all were Real Madrid guys and I was a Barca fan.

So I found this torturing, listening to their dull conversations about RM while Loura kept nodding at Nassir, agreeing to everything he said.

S3ood had walked into the TV room and found me sitting on the couch alone, while Loura was on the ground, next to Nasser and Ghaneema.

He pulled out his blackberry and feverishly typed a message, I watched his fingers move easily over the keyboard. My blackberry vibrated against my leg and I knew that the message he was typing was for me.

Out/S3ood Al-X:
I have a little surprise for you. Go back to the diwaneya and look under the orange couch, you'll find it there. ;*

A surprise? I looked up to find that S3ood was gone. Loura's attention was on Nasser so I decided to sneak out of the TV room and hurry outside to the diwanya. I pushed the slide glass door to the side and walked into the diwanya. Phew, no one's here! 

I crouched down to the floor and stretched my arm under the orange couch, my hand found something hidden under it. I grabbed it and pulled it out. I gasped in wonder and excitement once I saw what it was.

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